Published Research Format 2
Published Research Format 2
Published Research Format 2
Express the research gap and support it with RRL. Use indirect quotation
How does the stated problem affect the people globally and locally?
Justify through RRL. (Use Author-Year Format if you refer to the entire
article; use Author-Year-Page Format if you want to point out the
specific source.
State your thesis by highlighting what your study can contribute to solve
the aforementioned global and local problems.
1 INTRODUCTION: 13f; all caps;
bold; align left; 1 s/s between
that and the first indented
paragraph (0.25-inch indented).
4 paragraphs will do.
1.1 Statement of the Purpose: 1 s/s between this and
the last paragraph of the Introduction; font size 12;
bold; align left; 1 s/s before the start of the not-
indented paragraph (10 font size).