Mouni Final Seminar-1

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Seminar on


Seminar by:
Civil - IV Year
Laknepally, Narsampet, Warangal.

Department of Civil Engineering

• What is Surveying?
• Purpose of Surveying
• Purpose of Surveying
• Fundamental Principles of Surveying
• Classifications of Surveying
• Levelling
• Purpose of Levelling
• Types of Levelling Instruments04 Important points to be
maintained in drawings

• Temporary Adjustments
Types of permissions

• Principles of Levelling
• Errors in Levelling
• Precautions in Levelling
What is Surveying?
Surveying is the art of determining the relative
positions of points on, above or beneath the surface of the
earth, by taking linear and angular measurements.
Generally surveying is considered as a process of
determining positions of points on horizontal plane


Basic Concept of surveying is to collect

data about points on the surface of the earth, prepare
plans and maps, calculate areas and volumes, and
transfer points from plans to the ground.

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The main purpose of surveying is to prepare a plan or
map with the help of field measurements. Surveying
may be done for the following purposes
To prepare a map of a country or state showing the
detailed location of cities, towns, villages, major roads,
boundaries of areas etc.

• To prepare a topographical map which

shows the hills, valleys, rivers, forests etc.
of a country
• To prepare an engineering detailed plans
and sections of various engineering works
such as Roads, Railways. Bridges, Dams,
Irrigation Canals etc

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The fundamental principles based on the various methods of plane surveying


1. To work form whole to the part, and

2. To locate a new station by at least two measurements (Linear or
Angular) from fixed Reference points.

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Surveys may be classified in four different ways; they are discussed as

1. Classification Based on Instruments Used:

a. Chain Survey
b. Compass Survey
c. Theodolite Survey
d. Levelling etc..
2. Classification Based on Methods Employed
a. Triangulation Surveying
b. Traverse Surveying
3. Classification Based on Object of Survey
a. Geological Survey
b. Mine Survey
4. Classification Based on the Nature of the Field
a. Marine Surveying
b. Land Surveying
The art of determining the relative heights of different points on
or below the surface of the earth is known levelling. Thus, levelling
deals with measurements taken in the vertical plane.

The objects of the levelling is:
(a) To Find the elevation of given points with respect given or assumed
(b) To Establish points at a given elevation or at d elevations with
respect to a given or assumed datum.

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Levelling is Performed for the Following Purposes:
1. To prepare a contour map used for various engineering
(i) To fix the site for Reservoirs, Dams, Barrages etc
(ii) To fix the alignment of Roads, Railways, Irrigation
canals etc
2. To prepare a layout map for water supply, sanitary drainage
3. To fix benchmarks at prominent places.
4. To set the depths of excavation in foundations
5. To transfer the benchmark to the work site.

1. Dumpy Level

2. Tilting Level

3. Automatic Level

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• It is simple compact and stable.
• The telescope is rigidly fixed to its support
therefore cannot be rotated about its
longitudinal axis.
• A long bubble tube is attached to the top of
• Dumpy literally means short and thick.

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It consists of a telescope attached with a level
tube which can be tilted within few degrees in vertical
plane by a tilting screw.

The main peculiarity of this level is that the

vertical axis need not be truly vertical, since the line of
collimation is not perpendicular to it. The line of
collimation, is, however, made horizontal for each
pointing of telescope by means of tilting screw. It is
mainly designed for precise levelling work.

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It is also termed as self aligning level. The fundamental difference between automatic
and the classic spirit level is that in the former the line of sight is no longer levelled manually
using a tubular spirit level, but is levelled automatically within a certain tilt range. This is
achieved by compensator in the telescope.

Advantage of automatic level

i) Much simpler to use
ii) High precision
iii) iii) High speed
• Two types adjustments are carried out for the
level Instrument. They are Temporary and
• Temporary adjustments are the adjustments
which are done at every instrument setting,
before the observations are taken with the
• Permanent adjustments are done
when the desired relationship
between the fundamental lines of a
instrument is disturbed.
• Once these adjustments are made
they last for a long time.
There are two types of adjustments. They are as
i) Temporarily Adjustments - adjustments which
are made for every setting of a level.
ii) Permanent adjustments- required if some
error is there in instrument.

Temporary Adjustments: includes

a) setting up the level
b) levelling up
c) elimination of parallax

 a) Setting up the level: This operation includes fixing the

instrument on the tripod and also approximate levelling by leg
 b) Levelling up: Accurate levelling is done with the help of foot screws
and by using plate levels. The object of levelling up the instrument is to
make its vertical axis truly vertical.
 c) Elimination of parallax: If the image formed by the objective does not lie
in the plane of the cross hairs, there will be a shift in the image due to shift of
the eye. Such displacement of image is termed as parallax.
 Parallax is removed in two stages.
 1) Focusing the eye for distinct vision of cross hairs.
 2) Focusing the objective.
Principles of levelling

a) Simple levelling:
The operation of levelling
for determining the difference in elevation,
if not too great between two points visible
from single position of the level is known as
simple levelling.

Following steps are involved:

1.Level the instrument correctly.
2. Direct the telescope towards the staff held
3. Take the reading of Central, horizontal hair of the
diaphragm, where it appears to cut the staff
ensuring that the bubble is central.
4. Send the staff to next point
5. Direct the telescope towards C and focus it again
6. Check up the bubble if central, if not bring it to the
Central position by the foot screw nearest to the
7. Take the reading of Central Horizontal cross hair.
Differential levelling or fly levelling:

This method is used in order to find the difference in elevation

between two points.
i) If they are too far apart
ii) if the difference in elevation between them is too great.
iii) If there are obstacles intervening.

In such case it is necessary to set up the level in

several positions and to work in series of stages.
The difference of level of the points A&B is equal
to the algebraic sum of these difference between the
sum of back sights and sum of the fore sights
i.e. Σ BS - FS

The errors in levelling can be grouped as follows:

i. Instrumental Errors
ii. Personal Errors and
iii. Natural Errors.
I. Instrumental Errors
i. The internal arrangement of the focusing tube is not perfect.
ii. The bolts and metal shoes of the tripod may be loose.
iii. Error due to sluggish bubble.
II. Personal Errors
i. The instrument may not be levelled properly.
ii. Not holding the staff vertically.
iii. Incorrect reading to staff.
III. Natural Errors
i. Effect of sun and wind.
ii. Variation in temperature.
iii. Settlement of the tripod.
PRECAUTIONS IN LEVELLING The following precautions should be taken while levelling:

 The staff should be held vertical when the reading is

 When taking readings, always make sure that the bubble
of the level tube is central
 When using a folding staff, always check that each
section of the staff is drawn out to its full extent when
extended and the spring clips are secured
 4. If the diaphragm has two vertical hairs, bring the
image of the staff between the two vertical hairs and
check the vertically of the staff
 5. The instrument man should not rest his hands on the
tripod while taking readings.
Thank You

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