Cemetn Testing

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Cement Testing

Concrete Laboratory - Kalamboli

Standard Consistency, Test
 The basic aim is to find out the water content
required to produce a cement paste of standard
consistency as specified by the IS: 4031 (Part 4)
- 1988.
 The principle is that standard consistency of
cement is that consistency at which the Vicat
plunger penetrates to a point 5-7mm from the
bottom of Vicat mould.

 Apparatus - Vicat apparatus conforming to IS:

5513 - 1976, Balance, whose permissible
variation at a load of 1000g should be +1.0g,
Gauging trowel conforming to IS: 10086 - 1982.

Vicat Apparatus

Vicat Apparatus

Vicat Needles

Consistency needle IST needle FST needle

Vicat apparatus
 The total mass of the moving unit, when in use,
complete with all attachments, that is, the cap
and rod together with either needles (setting
time) or plunger (for consistency) shall be 300
±1 g.
 Needles or plunger shall each weigh 9 ± 0.5 g.

 The Vicat mould shall be of truncated conical

form with an internal diameter of 70 ± 5 mm at
the top, 80 ± 5 mm at he bottom and a height
40 ± 0.2 mm. and wall thickness of 4 mm.

Standard Consistency, Test
 Procedure to determine consistency of cement

 Weigh 400g of cement and mix it with a weighed quantity of

water. The time of gauging should be between 3 to 5 minutes.
 Fill the Vicat mould with paste and level it with a trowel.
Lower the plunger gently till it touches the cement surface.
Release the plunger allowing it to sink into the paste.
 Note the reading on the gauge.
 Repeat the above procedure taking fresh samples of cement
and different quantities of water until the reading on the gauge
is 5 to 7mm.

 Reporting of Results
Express the amount of water as a percentage of the weight of dry
cement to the first place of decimal.

Initial and final setting time of cement

Prepare a cement paste by gauging the cement
with 0.85 times the water required to give a
paste of standard consistency.

 Start a stop-watch, the moment water is added

to the cement.
Fill the Vicat mould completely with the cement
paste gauged as above, the mould resting on a
non-porous plate and smooth off the surface of
the paste making it level with the top of the
mould. The cement block thus prepared in the
mould is the test block


 Place the test block under the rod bearing the needle.
 Lower the needle gently in order to make contact with
the surface of the cement paste and release quickly,
allowing it to penetrate the test block.
 Repeat the procedure till the needle fails to pierce the
test block below 5.0 ± 0.5mm measured from the
bottom of the mould.
 The time period elapsing between the time, water is
added to the cement and the time, the needle fails to
pierce the test block below 5.0 ± 0.5mm measured
from the bottom of the mould, is the initial setting

 Replace the above needle by the one with an
annular attachment. (Needle for final setting
 The cement should be considered as finally set
when, upon applying the needle gently to the
surface of the test block, the needle makes an
impression therein, while the attachment fails to
do so. The period elapsed between the time,
water is added to the cement and the time, the
needle makes an impression on the surface of
the test block, while the attachment fails to do
so, is the final setting time.


Le-Chatelier Test

 Soundness of cement is determined by Le-Chatelier

method as per IS: 4031 (Part 3) - 1988.
Apparatus - The apparatus for conducting the Le-Chatelier
test should conform to IS: 5514 - 1969
Balance, whose permissible variation at a load of 1000g
should be ± 1.0g and Water bath.

Le-Chatelier Test -Procedure
 Place the mould on a glass sheet and fill it with the cement paste formed
by gauging cement with 0.78 times the water required to give a paste of
standard consistency.

 Cover the mould with another piece of glass sheet, place a small weight
on this covering glass sheet and immediately submerge the whole
assembly in water at a temperature of 27 ± 2 oC and keep it there for

 Measure the distance separating the indicator points to the nearest

0.5mm - L1
 Submerge the mould again in water at the temperature prescribed above.
Bring the water to boiling point in 25 to 30 minutes and keep it boiling for

 Remove the mould from the water, allow it to cool and measure the
distance between the indicator points - L2
 Expansion of cement = (L2 – L1 ) mm
 Max permissible - 10 mm


Autoclave expansion - Equipment
 Autoclave Pressure 2.2 MPa

 Moulds of 25 × 25 mm size and 282 mm internal

 Length comparator.


Autoclave and length comparator


 Set the moulds by applying mineral oil and fixing knurled
reference inserts at both end.
 Prepare cement paste (500g) with water required for
normal consistency.
 Fill the moulds and cure in moist room for 24 hrs.
 Demould and measure the initial length L1 of specimen
using the length comparator
 Place the mould in autoclave and bring pressure to 2.1
MPa in 75 min and maintain for 3 hrs.
 Stop heating and on cooling remove and measure the final
length L2.
 Calculate percentage change in length.
 Max permissible limit - 0.8%


Compressive strength
 Vibration Machine 12 000 ± 400 vibration per
 Cube Mould —
 Mould of 70.7 mm size
 Gauging Trowel

 Compressive testing machine


Compressive strength
 The material for each cube shall be mixed
separately and the quantity of cement, standard
sand and water shall be as follows
Cement 200 g
Standard Sand 600 g
percent of combined mass of cement and
sand, where P is the percentage of water
required to produce a paste of standard


Compressive strength
 Dry mix sand and cement for one minute.
 Add water and mix for 3 -4 minutes
 Place the the mould with base plate on the vibrating
machine and fill in 2 layers tamping 20 times each
 Vibrate for 2 minute
 Remove the mould from the machine, finish top
 Cure in moist condition at 27 ± 2oC
 The cubes shall be tested on their sides without any
packing between the cube and the steel platens of
the testing machine. at a rate of 35 N/mm2/min.


Blain’s apparatus


Blain’s apparatus



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