Lexile Levels

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Lexile Levels

Aaron Cohn Middle School

• By the end of the 2016 – 2017 school year, 90%
of students will move into their grade level
Lexile band or beyond as measured by the
Georgia Milestones ELA EOG.
Where We Started
• 6th graders: 62%
• 7th graders: 73%
• 8th graders: 71%
What is a Lexile? – Short Answer
• It's
a measure - how hard or easy a book may be to read
for an individual. There are assessments a student takes
to determine their Lexile measure.

• From the score students are given a range - it's basically

saying books in this range aren't too easy or too hard.
The Lexile Scale

• Lexilestypically range from 200 for beginning readers

to 1700 for advanced readers.
• Lexiletext below 200L represents beginning-reading
material, and a student’s Lexile score may have a
number in the 100s or the code of BR. BR is a code that
stands for Beginning Reading.
Managing Comprehension
• Readers can experience frustration when…
 Text readability is more than 50L above their Lexile
• Readers can experience too much ease when…
 Text readability is more than 100L below their Lexile
• Readers can experience growth when…
 Text readability is within their Lexile range
Growth Range

Targeted text range of

100L below to 50L above
the student’s Lexile level.

Note: This range may vary based on text type, reading context and purpose,
reading strategies and support, and reader motivation.
Lexile is a Guide
• It's
a measure of how complex a text is - not how good
the story is. Harry Potter is 880. Percy Jackson is 740.
Students with a much higher Lexile level may love these
• It is okay to allow them to read these books for pleasure.
• The
same is true for a student with a lower Lexile level
wanting to read a higher Lexile level book.
What Lexiles don’t address
The Decline of Reading
• Onein four secondary students are unable to read and
understand textbook content.
• Today fewer than a third of America’s adolescents meet grade-
level expectations for reading. Among low-income students, the
number is closer to one in seven.
• Lessthan one out of three college graduates reads at a proficient
high school level.
• Halfof American adults don’t read themselves or to their
• noun,the systematic killing of the love of reading, often
exacerbated by the inane, mind-numbing practices.

• On a post-it note (the top color) answer this question:

What are we doing to make kids HATE reading?

Lexile Bands
1 190L to 530L
2 420L to 650L
3 520L to 820L
4 740L to 940L
5 830L to 1010L
6 925L to 1070L
7 970L to 1120L
8 1010L to 1190L
9 1050L to 1260L
10 1080L to 1340L
11/12 1180L to 1390L
Where We Started
• 6th graders: 62% at 925L or above
• 7th graders: 73% at 970L or above
• 8th graders: 71% at 1010 or above

• Note: CCRPI looks at percent of students in 8 th grade achieving

a Lexile measure equal to or greater than 1050L on the Georgia
Milestones English Language Arts EOG assessment.
How to Raise Lexile Levels
 There is no MAGIC Program.
 Reading is not the dominion of English classrooms.
 ALL teachers are teachers of reading. Reading Achievement
has to be schoolwide effort.
 Incentivize reading for ALL students.
 Give students choice in reading selections.
 Employ Close Reading in all classrooms.
 ReadWorks
 Newsela
What is Close Reading?
• Closereading is thoughtful, critical analysis of a text that
focuses on significant details or patterns in order to develop a
deep, precise understanding of the text’s form, craft,
meanings, etc.
• It
is a key requirement of the Common Core State Standards
and directs the reader’s attention to the text itself.
Close Reading
• Close reading includes:
 Using short passages and excerpts
 Diving right into the text with limited pre-reading activities
 Focusing on the text itself
 Rereading deliberately
 Reading with a pencil
 Noticing things that are confusing
 Discussing the text with others
 Think-Pair Share or Turn and Talk frequently
 Small groups and whole class
 Responding to text-dependent questions
• http://nieonline.com/tbtimes/downloads/CCSS_reading.pdf
The Close Reading Process
Typical Lexile Growth
Using Lexiles to Promote Reading
• Improve students’ reading fluency and increase enjoyment of reading.
• Students who spend a minimum of 3 hrs/week reading at their own level
for their own purposes develop reading fluency which leads to improved
• It is recommended that readers choose texts within their Lexile range.
 A Lexile range is 50L above and 100L below a student’s reported Lexile
• Use Lexiles to set goals.
• Practice with a variety of texts.
• Challenge the BEST readers.
• Success breeds enjoyment.
Increase Reading

• On a post-it note answer this question:

What can we do to make kids LOVE reading?


• www.lexile.com/

• www.lexile.com/analyzer/

• www.newsela.com/

• www.readworks.org/
ILT Lexile Levels
• 700L – 900L (below 700L was included)
• 900L – 1100L
• 1100L – 1300L
• 1300L – 1500L (above 1500L was included)
ILT Lexile Folders
 Add student’s name on the tab
 Last name, first name

 Staple tracking sheet (STAR graph) on LEFT side of the folder

 Add student’s name and grade
 Add 2016 GMAS Lexile Score (use STAR if GMAS is not

 Staple ReadWorks article list on the RIGHT side of the folder

 NOTE: Make sure you are using the article list appropriate for that
Complete the EXIT TICKET

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