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Making Decisions

if/else if
nested if
If the expression inside the parentheses is true, the
statements inside the braces are executed. Otherwise, they
are skipped.
The following figure shows the general format of the if

… the if statement
Ifthe block of statements to be conditionally executed
contains only one statement, the braces can be
Example of if statement:
if (x == 100)
cout << "x is 100";
the cout statement will only be executed only if x is equal
If we want more than a single instruction to be
executed in case that condition is true we can specify a
block of instructions using curly braces { }:
if (x == 100)
cout << "x is ";
cout << x;
… the if statement
// This program shows an if-statement
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
int score1, score2, score3;
double average;
cout << "Enter 3 test scores and I will average them: ";
cin >> score1 >> score2 >> score3;
average = (score1 + score2 + score3) / 3.0;
cout << "Your average is " << average << endl;
if (average == 100)
cout << "Congratulations! ";
cout << "That's a perfect score!\n";
Output Enter 3 test scores and I will average them: 100 100 100[Enter]
Your average is 100.0 5
Congratulations! That's a perfect score!
Class work
1. Write an if statement that assigns 0 to x
when y is equal to 20.
2. Write an if statement that multiplies
payRate by 1.5 when hours is greater than


 The if/else statement is an expansion of the if statement.
 The if/else statement will execute one set of statements when the if
expression is true, and another set when the expression is false.
 The following figure shows the general format of this statement and
a flowchart visually depicting how it works.

… the if/else Statement
 The if/else statement causes program
execution to follow one of two exclusive
 If you don’t use braces the else part
controls a single statement.
 To execute more than one statements with
the else part, place these statements
inside a set of braces.
… the if/else Statement
//Example Program 1
/*This program uses the modulus operator to determine if a number is odd or
even. */
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int number;
cout << "Enter an integer and I will tell you if it\n";
cout << "is odd or even. ";
cin >> number;
if (number % 2 == 0) // If the number is evenly divisible by 2, it
cout << number << " is even.\n";
cout << number << " is odd.\n";
return 0;
Enter an integer and I will tell you if it
is odd or even. 17[Enter] 10
17 is odd.
… the if/else Statement
// Example Program 2
/*This program makes sure that the divisor is not equal to
0 before it performs a divide operation.*/
#include <iostream.h>
int main() Output
Enter a number: 10[Enter]
Enter another number: 0[Enter]
double num1, num2, quotient;
Division by zero is not possible.
cout << "Enter a number: ";
Please run the program again and enter a
cin >> num1;
number other than zero.
cout << "Enter another number: ";
cin >> num2;
if (num2 == 0)
cout << "Division by zero is not possible.\n";
cout << "Please run the program again and enter ";
cout << "a number other than zero.\n";
quotient = num1 / num2;
cout << "The quotient of " << num1 << " divided by ";
cout << num2 << " is " << quotient << ".\n";
return 0; 11
Class work 2
1. Write a C++ program by using if/else
statement that prints the message “The
number is not valid.” if the variable hours is
outside the range 0 through 80.

THE if/else if STATEMENT

THE if/else if STATEMENT
 The if/else if statement is a chain of if statements.
 They perform their tests, one after the other, until one of them is found to
be true.
 The following figure shows its format and a flowchart visually depicting
how it works.

… the if/else if Statement
 Each if statement in the structure depends on all
the if statements before it being false.
 The statements following a particular else if are
executed when the conditional expression
following the else if is true and all previous
conditional expressions are false.
 A trailing else, placed at the end of an if/else if
statement, provides a default set of actions
when none of the if expressions are true.

… the if/else if Statement
/* Example Program :This program uses an if/else if statement to assign a letter grade (A,
B, C, D, or F) to a numeric test score.*/
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
int testScore;
char grade;
cout << "Enter your numeric test score: ";
cin >> testScore;
if (testScore < 60)
grade = 'F';
else if (testScore < 70)
grade = 'D';
else if (testScore < 80)
grade = 'C';
else if (testScore < 90)
grade = 'B';
else if (testScore <= 100)
grade = 'A';
cout << "\nThe test score is an invalid score.\n";
cout << "Please enter a score that is between 0 and 100.\n";
cout << "\nYour grade is " << grade << ".\n";
} 16
Class work 3
1. Write a compiled a c++ program that tells
whether you pass or fail on an exam(note
the pass mark is >=50 out of 100 )& the
program prompt the user to insert the mark
b/n 0-100 only

Nested if

Nested if Statements
A nested if statement is an if statement in
the conditionally executed code of another
if statement.
 Anytime an if statement appears inside
another if statement, it is considered
 Nested if statement is good for narrowing
choices down and categorizing data.
… Nested if Statements
/* Example Program: This program demonstrates a nested if statement.*/
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
char employed, recentGrad;
cout << "Answer the following questions with either Y for Yes or N for No.\n";
cout << "Are you employed? ";
cin >> employed;
cout << "Have you graduated from college in the past two years? ";
cin >> recentGrad;
if (employed == 'Y')
{ // Nested if
if (recentGrad == 'Y') // Employed and a recent graduate
cout << "You qualify for the special interest rate.\n";
else // Employed but not a recent graduate
cout << "You must have graduated from college in the past two years to qualify.\
else // Not employed
cout << "You must be employed to qualify.\n";
return 0; 20

//program checks the enrollment status
using namespace std;
int main()
string tc,l4;
cout<<"write either yes or no for the question below \n";
cout<<"are you 12 complete ? \n";
cout<<"do you have level 4 coc ? \n";
cout<<"ok congratulation \n";
cout<<" you go for enrollment \n";
cout<<"sorry \n";
cout<<"not satisfy the requirement \n";
} 21

Class work 4
1. Write a complied c++ program that
checks enrollment criteria & give decision
based on the rules.(the rule says:- the
student enroll on the course when they
are grade 12 complete & level 4 coc
certificate). By using nested if


switch Statement
 The switch statement lets the value of a variable
or expression determine where the program will
branch to.
 The if/else if statement allows your program to
branch into one of several possible paths.
 Itperforms a series of tests (usually relational) and
branches when one of these tests is true.
 The switch statement tests the value of an
integer expression and then uses that value to
determine which set of statements to branch to.
…switch Statement
 Here is the format of the switch statement:
switch (integer expression)
case constant expression:
// Place one or more statements here.
case constant expression:
// Place one or more statements here.
// Case statements may be repeated as many times as necessary.
case constant expression:
// Place one or more statements here.
// Place one or more statements here.

…switch Statement
 An integer expression can be either of the
A variable of any of the integer data types (including
 An expression whose value is of any of the integer
data types
 On the next line is the beginning of a block
containing several case statements.
 Each case statement is formatted in the
following manner:
case constant expression:
// Place one or more statements here.
…switch Statement
 After the word case is a constant expression
 The constant expression can be either an integer literal
or an integer named constant.
 The constant expression
 cannot be a variable and
 it cannot be a Boolean expression such as x < 22 or n == 25.
 The case statement marks the beginning of a section of
 case statements are branched to if the value of the
switch expression matches that of the case expression.
 The expressions of each case statement in the block
must be unique.
…switch Statement
 Anoptional default section comes after all
the case statements.
 This section is branched to if none of the case
expressions match the switch expression.
 Thus it functions like a trailing else in an
if/else if statement.

Example(This program demonstrates the use of a
switch statement)
char choice; Program Output
cout << "Enter A, B, or C: "; Enter A, B, or C: B [Enter]
cin >> choice; You entered B.
switch (choice) Program Output
{ Enter A, B, or C: F [Enter]
case 'A': You did not enter A, B, or C!
cout << "You entered A.\n";
case 'B':
cout << "You entered B.\n";
case 'C':
cout << "You entered C.\n";
cout << "You did not enter A, B, or C!\n";
} 29
…switch Statement
A break statement is needed whenever you want
to “break out of” a switch statement.
 The case statements show the program where
to start executing in the block and the break
statements show the program where to stop.
 Without the break statements, the program
would execute all of the lines from the matching
case statement to the end of the block.
 the program “falls through” all of the statements below
the one with the matching case expression.
 The default section (or the last case section, if
there is no default) does not need a break
statement. Put there anyway, for consistency. 30
Example (This program demonstrates how a switch
statement works if there are no break statements)
Program Output:
{ Enter A, B, or C: A[Enter]
char choice; You entered A.
You entered B.
cout << "Enter A, B, or C: "; You entered C.
cin >> choice; You did not enter A, B, or C!
switch (choice) Program Output
{ Enter A, B, or C: C[Enter]
You entered C.
case 'A':
You did not enter A, B, or C!
cout << "You entered A.\n";
case 'B':
cout << "You entered B.\n";
case 'C':
cout << "You entered C.\n";
default :
cout << "You did not enter A, B, or C!\n";
Example (The switch statement in this program uses the "fall
through" feature to catch both uppercase and lowercase letters
entered by the user)
char feedGrade;
cout << "Our dog food is available in three grades:\n";
cout << "A, B, and C. Which do you want pricing for? ";
cin >> feedGrade;
case 'a': Program Output
case 'A': Our dog food is available in three grades:
cout << "30 cents per pound.\n"; A, B, and C. Which do you want pricing for?
break; b[Enter]
case 'b': 20 cents per pound.
case 'B': Program Output
cout << "20 cents per pound.\n"; Our dog food is available in three grades:
break; A, B, and C. Which do you want pricing for?
case 'c': B[Enter]
case 'C': 20 cents per pound.
cout << "15 cents per pound.\n";
default :
cout << "That is an invalid choice.\n";
return 0;
using namespace std;
int main()
{ //two arithmetic operation on two operands
char ch;
int i,j;
cout<<"enter any two operand";
cout<<"enter a for addtion & m for multiplication of two operand";
case 'a':
cout<<"addition of the number is"<<i+j;
case 'm':
cout<<"multiplication of the number is"<<i*j;
cout<<" select ethier a or m only"; 33

The Conditional Operator
 You can use the conditional operator to
create short expressions that work like
if/else statements.
 The operator consists of the question-
mark (?) and the colon(:).
 Its format is

Condition ? expression : expression;

… the Conditional Operator
 Here is an example of a statement using the conditional
x < 0 ? y = 10 : z = 20;
 This statement is called a conditional expression and
consists of three sub-expressions separated by the ? and :
 The expressions are x < 0, y = 10, and z = 20.
 Note: Since it takes three operands, the conditional
operator is considered a ternary operator.
 The conditional expression above performs the same
operation as the following if/else statement:
if (x < 0)
y = 10;
z = 20;
… the Conditional Operator
 The part that comes before the question mark is the
expression to be tested.
 It’s like the expression in the parentheses of an if statement.
 If the expression is true, the part of the statement
between the ? and the : is executed.
 Otherwise, the part after the : is executed.
 E.g. (x < 0) ? (y = 10) : (z = 20);

… the Conditional Operator
 If the first sub-expression is true, the value of the conditional
expression is the value of the second sub-expression. Otherwise it
is the value of the third sub-expression.
 Here is an example of an assignment statement using the value of a
conditional expression:
a = x > 100 ? 0 : 1;
 The value assigned to a will be either 0 or 1, depending upon
whether x is greater than 100.
 This statement could be expressed as the following if/else
if (x > 100)
a = 0;
a = 1;

… the Conditional Operator
 Here is the statement with the conditional
hours = hours < 5 ? 5 : hours;
 If the value in hours is less than 5, then 5
is stored in hours.
 Otherwise hours is assigned the value it
already has.

… the Conditional Operator
 For instance, consider the following statement:
cout << "Your grade is: " << (score < 60 ? "Fail." : "Pass.");
 If you were to use an if/else statement, this
statement would be written as follows:
if (score < 60)
cout << "Your grade is: Fail.";
cout << "Your grade is: Pass.";
 The parentheses are placed around the conditional
expression because the << operator has higher
precedence than the ?: operator.
 Without the parentheses, just the value of the
expression score < 60 would be sent to cout.

Class work 5
1. Convert the following conditional
expression into an if/else statement.
q = x < y ? a + b : x * 2;
2. Assume the variables x = 5, y = 6, and z =
8. Indicate if each of the following conditions
is true or false:
A) x == 5 || y > 3
B) 7 <= x && z > 4
C) 2 != y && z == 3
3. Write a C++ statement that prints the
message “The number is valid.” if the
variable grade is within the range 0 through

Assignment 2 (max mark 10 %)

4. Write a compiled C++ program that
performs 4 arithmetic operation on three
operands using
a)else if else statement &
b) switch statement.


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