Project Steps- Unit 1

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Phases/ Lifecycle

of a Project
a. Project Initiation
b. Project Planning
c. Project execution
d. Project monitoring
e. Project Closure
Project Initiation
• Defining the goal
• Stakeholders
• Who will Fund
• Resources
• Objectives
• Team
• Conduct a feasibility Study (Problem Identification)
• Create a business case and define the project at a high level-
Summary of advantages, costs, risk
• A project charter (documents) that outlines the vision,
Objectives and goals of the project
• Identify the high level scope of the product/ define the
product/ service to be delivered
• Identify key stakeholders
• Last, assemble the project teams and establish a project office
Project planning
• After getting green signal
• Creating a project roadmap
• Using Gantt chart software
• Answers: how, when, what
• Team leadership- collective goal
• Create tasks- what to do, criteria for each task
• Task briefing- explaining to team
• Client management- ensuring client management
• Communications- informing/ updating the right
people, at the right time through the right channel
• Create a Project management plan (WBS)
Project Execution Phase
• Execution of Project plan
• Resource onboard
• Grouping
• Meeting/ reviews/ project tracking
• Managing team
• Create a financial plan
• Create a resource plan
• Create a quality plan (quality targets and measures)
• Create a risk plan (possible risks, assumptions, issues,
mitigation plans
• Create a acceptance plan (difference between done and
• Create a communication plan
• Create a procurement plan (finding third party suppliers)
Project Monitoring and Controlling Phase
• Collecting and Analyzing data from timesheets
• Track and compare progress
• Budget usage
• Time allocation
• Cost and time management
• Quality management
• Risk management
• Acceptance management
• Change management
Project Closure Phase
• Post project review meeting
• Strength and weakness of the project
• Did expectation match reality?
• Project performance analysis- estimation match,
accuracy, management
• Team analysis- team performance analysis
• Project closure- document to end this official
contract, closing supplier agreement, signing off
• Post- implementation review- formal analysis of
successes and failure, learned lesson.

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