Transcription and Translation and the Genetic Code
Transcription and Translation and the Genetic Code
Transcription and Translation and the Genetic Code
DNA to Protein 2.41
Professor Dave Explains 6.26m
Learning Objective:
1. Specifics of transcription and translation.
2. Explain the properties of the Genetic Code
Success Criteria
3. Define transcription and translation.
4. Describe how the triplet code and be transferred to a protein using at least four given terms.
5. Explain the properties of the genetic code.
English Google Russian
Transcription транскрипция
Translation Перевод
Codon - triplet Кодон - триплет
Anticodon – anti-triplet Антикодон - антитриплет
Genetic code, codon chart Генетический код, кодонная диаграмма
Messenger RNA (mRNA) Мессина РНК (мРНК)
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Рибосомная РНК (рРНК)
Transfer RNA (tRNA) Передача РНК (тРНК)
Nuclear pore Ядерная пора
Template (antisense) Шаблон (антисмысловой)
5’ to 3’Sense, coding, non-template 5 'to 3'Sense, кодирование, не шаблон
3’ to 5’ Antisense, non-coding, template 3 'to 5' Антисмысловое, некодирующее,
Degenerate, Degenerative – Redundant шаблонное
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Вырожденный, дегенеративный -
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) избыточный
RNA polymerase Дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота (ДНК)
Рибонуклеиновая кислота (РНК)
DNA Replication DNA DNA
Replication Key
What is the purpose
transcription and translation?
Transcription and translation take the information in DNA
and use it to produce proteins. Transcription uses a
strand of DNA as a template to build a molecule called
RNA. The RNA molecule is the link between DNA and the
production of proteins.
Transcription Translation
Purpose The purpose of transcription is to The purpose of translation is to
make RNA copies of individual synthesize proteins, which are
genes that the cell can use in the used for millions of cellular
biochemistry. functions.
DNA to Protein 2.41
TransLation – mRNA to Protein
The mRNA molecule is now in the cytoplasm. Transfer RNA (tRNA)
(anticodon) carries a specific, amino acid complementary to the mRNA
(codon) at the ribosome (rRNA). At the ribosome amino acids are
synthesized by dehydration reaction to form a polypeptide (protein).
Remember amino acids have a peptide bond.
1. An mRNA strand has 76 codons. How many amino acids will be in the polypeptide? ______
2. A polypeptide contains 103 amino acids. What is the length of the gene (unit = base pairs)? ______
Compare TransCription with TransLation
Product is a
Occurs on
Product is mRNA polypeptide /
Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine
Occurs in the Occurs in the
Uracil nucleus cytoplasm
Sense Strand 5’ 3’
1. Is also called the coding strand or non-template strand.
2. Is the same as mRNA except that thymine in DNA is replaced by Uracil in RNA.
3. The sense strand contains the information for codons via mRNA.
Antisense 3’ 5’
1. Is also called the non-coding strand or template strand.
2. Is a template for the synthesis of mRNA – antisense is complementary to sense strand.
3. Antisense contains the code for anticodons – except T in DNA is U in RNA
Compare eukaryote to prokaryote
Remember all living things use the same process of
transcription and translation.