2.3 Human Digestive System: Prepared by

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3 Human Digestive System

Prepared by :
Suheily Sukeri


Digestion is a process of breaking down complex food to simple molecules for absorption into the blood circulatory systems

Digestion takes place in two stages Physical digestion : big pieces of food are broken down into smaller by teeth Chemical digestion : enzyme break up complex food molecules into food molecules

Enzymes are protein that speed up the process of digestion There are three main kinds of enzyme in our gut
amylase : breaks carbohydrate Protease : protein molecules Lipases : fat molecules

a)Food is chewed into smaller pieces and mixed with saliva b)The salivary amylase breaking down starch into maltose

Oesophagus Digested food is shaped into a bolos and moves down the oesophagus in a wave like action called peristalsis.

Stomach wall produces gastric juice contain proteases and hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid
Stop the action salivary amylase Kills the bacteria Provide acidic medium for action of protease Changes inactive proteases to its active form

Protease breakdown protein into polypeptides or peptones Mucus protects the stomach walls from being digested.

The first part of the small intestines It receives bile from gall bladder and pancreatic juice from the pancreas Bile produced by liver and is stored in gall bladder.

Bile emulsifies fats into oil droplets for lipase to act. Pancreatic juice contains amylase, protease and lipase.


Starch into maltose


Protein into polypeptides

Fat into fatty acid and glycerol

Lower part of small intestines

Secretes intestinal juice which contains maltase, protease, lipase


Maltose into glucose

Polypeptides into amino acids Fat into fatty acids and glycerol


The ends products of digestion Glucose from carbohydrates Amino acid from proteins Fatty acids and glycerol from fats Cellulose is not digested because we do not have the enzyme cellulase.

2.4 Absorption of the products of digestion

Absorption is the process when the end products of digestion enter the bloodstream through the small intestinal walls.

The efficiency of absorption of digested food at the small intestines can be increased by :
More villi to increase surface area Villus very thin walls

2.5 Reabsorption of water and defaecation

The function of large intestines is to reabsorb water. The substances that enter the large intestines consist of water and undigested food substances like cellulose.

Undigested food in the large intestines is expelled as faeces through the process of defaecation. The faeces accumulate in the rectum. When the faeces is full, the rectum undergo peristalsis will push the faeces through the anus.

2.6 Healthy Eating Habits Healthy eating habits will help to maintain a healthy body. Unhealthy eating habits can lead to various health problems.

Food pyramid

A food pyramids shows the food groups that serve as a guide to a healthy and balanced diet. Food that form the base of the food pyramid should be eaten more every day.

Food at the top of the pyramid are required in lesser amount in our daily diet. A diet based on the food pyramid will give the required nutrients and energy to maintain a healthy body.

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