Semester - Iv ZOO CC409 UNIT-1
Semester - Iv ZOO CC409 UNIT-1
Semester - Iv ZOO CC409 UNIT-1
• The gastrointestinal tract is basically a muscular tube that contains and processes food as it moves from the
mouth to the anus.
• The food material is complex and composed of carbohydrate, proteins, fats and other substances. These
complex materials are hydrolysed into simpler materials, with the help of enzymes for absorption by the
intestinal wall. Overall, the digestive system performs six basic processes:
• Ingestion: This process involves taking foods and liquids into the mouth (eating).
• Secretion: Each day, cells within the walls of the GI tract and accessory digestive organs secrete a total of
about 7 liters of water, acid, buffers, and enzymes into the lumen (interior space) of the tract.
• Motility: Alternating contractions and relaxations of smooth muscle in the walls of the GI tract mix food and
secretions and move them toward the anus. This capability of the GI tract to mix and move material along its
length is called motility.
• Digestion: Digestion is the process of breaking down ingested food into small molecules that can be used by
body cells.
• Absorption: The movement of the products of digestion from the lumen of the GI tract into blood or lymph
is called absorption.
• Defecation: Wastes, indigestible substances, bacteria, cells sloughed from the lining of the GI tract, and
digested materials that were not absorbed in their journey through the digestive tract leave the body
through the anus in a process called defecation.
The digestive system performs six basic processes: ingestion, secretion, motility, digestion,
absorption, and defecation.
Physiology of Digestion
• Digestion is the process of breaking down ingested food into small molecules that can be used by
body cells. Digestion of food occurs in three phases and all these phases takes place in
coordination with each other. Three components of physiology of digestion are:
• Mechanical digestion
• Chemical digestion
• Hormonal control of digestive activities
• In mechanical digestion the teeth cut and grind food before it is swallowed, and then smooth
muscles of the stomach and small intestine churn the food to further assist the process. As a
result, food molecules become dissolved and thoroughly mixed with digestive enzymes.
• In chemical digestion the large carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and nucleic acid molecules in food are
split into smaller molecules by hydrolysis. Digestive enzymes produced by the salivary glands,
tongue, stomach, pancreas, and small intestine catalyse these catabolic reactions.
• Physiology of digestion is under strict action of hormones and different enzymes.
• Chemical digestion breaks down food as it moves through the digestive tract.
• Using enzymes and other digestive chemicals, the process reduces food particles into nutrient
molecules that can be absorbed.
Digestive chemicals - Types
• Most chemical digestion is done by the actions of digestive enzymes.
• Other important digestive chemicals are needed to maintain a proper environment for enzymatic
reactions, as well as other functions.
• These chemicals are: water, Bile , Gastric acid, Bicarbonate.
• Digestive chemicals - Enzymes
• The reactions in chemical digestion are enzyme mediated hydrolysis reactions.
• Water and enzymes break down the substrate into products.
• Most enzymes are identified by the substrate that they break down.
• For example, the enzyme dipeptidase breaks down dipepetide.
Digestive chemicals
• Water is most abundant molecule in ingested fluids.
• Water plays a primary role in the hydrolytic digestive reactions.
• Help liquefy and transport digestive foodstuffs down the tract.
• Transport secretions from accessory digestive organs to GI
• Aids in the absorption of nutrients.
Gastric acid
• The stomach mucosa produces hydrochloric acid, a strong
• Gastric acid breaks hydrogen bonds and alters the globular
shape of proteins to promote the :
• Production of pepsin , the gastric enzyme
• Destruction of microbial proteins.
• Enzymes more easily break down the resulting polypeptide into
smaller peptides.
• Bile is produced by the liver.
• Bile consists mostly of bile salts (produced from
cholesterol) and water.
• Primary functions of bile is emulsification of fatty globules.
• Emulsification facilitates efficient breakdown of fat molecule
by lipase enzymes.
• Bicarbonate is secreted into the intestine to:
• Buffer the acidic chyme from the stomach and protect
intestinal mucosa.
• Promote an alkaline pH level in the small intestine to create
a proper environment for intestinal enzymes to function
Carbohydrate digestion
• Digestion of complex carbohydrates (starches and
glycogen) involves:
• Amylases produced by the salivary glands and
• Brush-border enzymes in small intestine.
• Facilitated diffusion:
• Transport fructose from lumen into epithelial
cells of intestinal villi.
• Transport monosaccharides out of epithelial
cells into the interstitial fluid.
• The monosaccharide eventually diffuses into the
blood stream without using ATP in the process.
Glucose and Galactose
• Secondary active transport :
• Transport glucose and galactose into
epithelial cells of intestinal villi.
• Couples transport of glucose or
galactose with that of sodium ions.
• Transports materials in the same
direction, down the concentration
gradient for at least one substance.
• Glucose and Galactose are then
transported from epithelial cells to the
interstitial fluid and eventually into the
blood via facilitated diffusion
Protein Digestion
• Protein digestion occurs in the stomach and
small intestine.
• The stomach enzyme pepsin initiates the
• Pancreatic and intestinal brush border enzymes
complete the digestive process.
• Bile salts from micelles which ferry fatty acids and monoglycerides to epithelial cells.
• Free fatty acids, monoglycerides and some phospholipids and cholesterol molecules , diffuses freely
into epithelial cells.
• Micelles diffuse back into the chyme and continue transporting end products.
• Monoglycerides are commonly digested further by lipases, producing glycerol and fatty acids.
• Glycerol and fatty acids then recombine to form triglycerides.
• Triglycerides then aggregate with phospholipids and cholesterol to form chylomicrons.
• Chylomicrons are the coated with proteins and leave the epithelial cell via exocytosis.
• Chylomicrons are too bulky to enter blood capillaries directly.
• They enter lacteals, travel through lymphatic vessels and enter the bloodstream at the left
subclavian vein.
• Chylomicrons are quickly removed from the blood and broken down by lipoprotein lipases in
capillary endothelial cells in the liver and adipose tissue.
Lipid Absorption
Nucleic Acid Digestion
• Nucleic acid digestion, which takes place in the
small intestine, involves:
• Pancreatic nuclease,
• Brush border enzymes in the small intestine.