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Embracing Change! December 8, 2010 Presented by: Paul Segreto franchisEssentials
How is technology changing the way people live, work & buy? Convenience Comfort  Confidence Communications
If you think these changes don’t apply to you and your business… Years to reach 50 million users! Radio – 38 years Television – 13 years Internet – 4 years Ipod – 3 years Facebook added 100 million users in 9 mos! Ipod apps hit 1 billion in 9 mos!
If Facebook were a country… China India Facebook  (500+ million) United States Indonesia Brazil Pakistan
Fastest growing segments… Females 55-65 Females 45-55 Females 35-45
Funny names for sure! 80% of Twitter usage is on a mobile device Imagine what that does for bad customer service! Can you say Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places & Yelp?
How important is Google, Yahoo and Bing? Then, consider this… YouTube is the 2 nd  largest search engine! Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the United States! Groupon turned down $6B from Google?
Bloggers… today’s journalists! There are over 200,000,000 blogs today 54% of Bloggers post (or tweet) daily! 34% post about products or brands!
I’ll just continue to advertise… 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations  Only 14% trust advertisements!
So, what’s next? In the very near future, consumers will not wait for products and services to be advertised in what we’ve known as the traditional sense… Instead, they will  find  them via social media!
So, what is Social Media? Well, it is not a fad! It is a fundamental shift (change) in the way people communicate!
Embrace change… Willingness to self-evaluate and assess… honestly! Spend productive time building on change… not fighting it!
Adapting to change takes time! Not experienced in one fell swoop Trigger mechanism that reverberates through the entire organization Tests each organizational piece, part or component… small or large… forcing change at every aspect
Today’s consumer is… More educated More sophisticated More technologically advanced More diligent More cautious More anxious than ever before!
Adapting to change… Business management Personnel management Sales management Marketing management Customer service management Purchasing & Inventory management
What is management? “ Management” (from Old French ménagement “the art of conducting, directing”, from Latin manu agere “to lead by the hand”)  characterizes the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business, through  the deployment and manipulation of resources  (human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible). …
If what you’re doing is… not working, then embrace change to improve what you’re doing. working, then embrace change to improve what you’re doing. WAIT! Isn’t that the same thing?
We’ve heard it before… Lead, follow or get left behind!
But, I don’t know how to _____! Do you know what a CPA knows? Do you know what an attorney knows? Do you know what a doctor knows? Do you know what a chef knows? Do you know what a mechanic knows?
Three options! Learn it to do it by yourself. Learn it to do it with assistance. Pay for it to be done on your behalf.
Well, one more option… Do nothing…  but before making the decision to do nothing, consider the business owners that didn’t adapt to radio, television, fax, cell phone, computer, internet…
Assistance is just a call or click away… Paul Segreto franchisEssentials 832.838.4822 [email_address]

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Lviv Startup Club
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Embracing Change - Presentation

  • 1. Embracing Change! December 8, 2010 Presented by: Paul Segreto franchisEssentials
  • 2. How is technology changing the way people live, work & buy? Convenience Comfort Confidence Communications
  • 3. If you think these changes don’t apply to you and your business… Years to reach 50 million users! Radio – 38 years Television – 13 years Internet – 4 years Ipod – 3 years Facebook added 100 million users in 9 mos! Ipod apps hit 1 billion in 9 mos!
  • 4. If Facebook were a country… China India Facebook (500+ million) United States Indonesia Brazil Pakistan
  • 5. Fastest growing segments… Females 55-65 Females 45-55 Females 35-45
  • 6. Funny names for sure! 80% of Twitter usage is on a mobile device Imagine what that does for bad customer service! Can you say Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places & Yelp?
  • 7. How important is Google, Yahoo and Bing? Then, consider this… YouTube is the 2 nd largest search engine! Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the United States! Groupon turned down $6B from Google?
  • 8. Bloggers… today’s journalists! There are over 200,000,000 blogs today 54% of Bloggers post (or tweet) daily! 34% post about products or brands!
  • 9. I’ll just continue to advertise… 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations Only 14% trust advertisements!
  • 10. So, what’s next? In the very near future, consumers will not wait for products and services to be advertised in what we’ve known as the traditional sense… Instead, they will find them via social media!
  • 11. So, what is Social Media? Well, it is not a fad! It is a fundamental shift (change) in the way people communicate!
  • 12. Embrace change… Willingness to self-evaluate and assess… honestly! Spend productive time building on change… not fighting it!
  • 13. Adapting to change takes time! Not experienced in one fell swoop Trigger mechanism that reverberates through the entire organization Tests each organizational piece, part or component… small or large… forcing change at every aspect
  • 14. Today’s consumer is… More educated More sophisticated More technologically advanced More diligent More cautious More anxious than ever before!
  • 15. Adapting to change… Business management Personnel management Sales management Marketing management Customer service management Purchasing & Inventory management
  • 16. What is management? “ Management” (from Old French ménagement “the art of conducting, directing”, from Latin manu agere “to lead by the hand”) characterizes the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business, through the deployment and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible). …
  • 17. If what you’re doing is… not working, then embrace change to improve what you’re doing. working, then embrace change to improve what you’re doing. WAIT! Isn’t that the same thing?
  • 18. We’ve heard it before… Lead, follow or get left behind!
  • 19. But, I don’t know how to _____! Do you know what a CPA knows? Do you know what an attorney knows? Do you know what a doctor knows? Do you know what a chef knows? Do you know what a mechanic knows?
  • 20. Three options! Learn it to do it by yourself. Learn it to do it with assistance. Pay for it to be done on your behalf.
  • 21. Well, one more option… Do nothing… but before making the decision to do nothing, consider the business owners that didn’t adapt to radio, television, fax, cell phone, computer, internet…
  • 22. Assistance is just a call or click away… Paul Segreto franchisEssentials 832.838.4822 [email_address]