@detectivehole / detectivehole.tumblr.com

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OMG!!!!! This is why EVERYONE needs to show up for EVERY election. Keep up the pressure! Keep calling your representatives, keep voting in every election federal state and local no matter where you live, keep boycotting, and keep protesting! We the people have the power and we will WIN!



australia's trade minister trying to communicate with the american public: imagine a burger... Now imagine... Burger expensive? 🥺 trump big mac tarrif unaffordable. Beef market share australia. Jealousy trump.



Calling scam victims stupid, much like cult members, serves to do nothing but make you feel superior, blame victims for the wrongs done to them, and in turn actually makes you more vulnerable to scams (and cults, and so on). "Look at these people! Morons! I could never be one of them because I am smart, unlike these people who fell for them because they are stupid. It is not about vulnerability and luck, both of which are factors that could affect me, it is all simply a matter of in-born intelligence, which is why I, a better human, don't have to worry about falling for them."

And boom, you have already let your guard down - you would never fall for a scam (or cult, etc.) so you can safely click on that link or read that pamphlet because if it was a scam you'd have identified it as such immediately, because you are smart. You don't need to stop and question. You're too smart. And, really, if they didn't want to get scammed they shouldn't have gone out dressed like that.

We're all potential victims. Every single one of us has been at one point or another been at vulnerable to a scammer, or a pickpocket, or any other number of external force trying to harm you for their own benefit. Blaming the victims feels good but it doesn't help shit in the long run.

Being Cautious makes life really hard...everybody wants me to scan a QR code for some shit or click a link or sign in using an account or put information into a google form etc etc etc just for basic stuff and being like "I don't trust it" makes you seem weird

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