@transjackfairy / transjackfairy.tumblr.com


fuck it. top surgery funding campaign.

happy trans day of visibility 👍 i'm having a hysterectomy and (hopefully) top surgery in 6 months and i need help offsetring the cost, especially since i'll be out of work for 2 months during recovery

ive seen this ad more times than ive seen my father this month. what the fuck are they even trying to sell me

if i were a high school teacher and found out one of my students was vaping weed in the back of the class on the regular i'd make a group chat with every other student there and message them "at 1:15pm everyone turn around in your seat and stare at chris while i say a prayer in latin then walk out of the room in a single file line crying" and i'd be teacher of the year

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