Nul points for EU's stress-test comedy, but French property slump rings true
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: April 29th, 2014
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: April 29th, 2014
Be careful if you are planning to buy a house in France. The EU stress test for banks released this morning expects French property to fall 1.6pc this year and another 1pc in 2015 even if things go well.
The "adverse scenario" is a cumulative drop of 31pc by the end of 2016. This reflects the worries of French regulators who fed the data to the European Banking Authority. Romania competes for horror.
Italians deem their country less volatile. Property prices fall 3.4pc this year and 0.7pc next if all goes well, but only drop 16pc in a rout by 2016.
Spain falls 4.3pc this year, then starts to recover. The worst case is a 10.4pc drop over the next two years with rebound by 2016 even in a crisis. The Spanish regulators are delightfully optimistic as usual, seemingly living in a parallel universe.
So, if the EBA's global shock were to occur – with a surge in 10-year US yields by 250 basis points this year, a further "tantrum" (the EBA's word) in emerging markets that culminates in a "sudden stop", and a fall in world trade – we are told that Spain could dodge the bullet deftly. This stretches credulity. Madrid consultants RR de Acuna say there is still an overhang of around 2m homes in Spain if you include the properties in foreclosure, on the books of banks, or yet to be finished.
マドリッドのコンサルティング会社、RR de Acuña & Asociadosによれば、差し押さえ物件を入れれば、スペインには相も変わらず200万戸もの売れ残り物件が銀行の帳簿に載ってたり未だ処分されてなかったりするらしいじゃないですか。
The EBA says Brits could see a 20pc drop by 2016. I fail to see how this could happen when there is a chronic housing shortage and when the central and all-consuming mission of the British government in the early 21st century is to prop up nominal house prices come what may, an objective that can always be met by a sovereign central bank, a printing press, and floating currency.
The silent conspiracy of the British property owning and voting classes is to pull up the ladder behind them, and protect incumbency. It would be wonderful if there were a 20pc fall in prices to correct the biggest social divide in the country – best achieved by building houses – but sadly we can only dream on.
So is the EBA stress test credible this time after the previous comedies, overtaken each time by a bond crisis that washed away all assumptions? No it is not.
The adverse scenario for inflation is 1pc this year, by which they mean that it will not fall lower even in a global crisis. If that is their extreme scenario, they may well get it with interest.
European Central Bank data released today shows that M3 money is slowing again, contracting €26bn in March month-on-month. The annual growth rate has fallen to 1.1pc. Private credit is still shrinking at a 2.2pc rate.
As the IMF keeps reminding us, the inflation rate is crucial for the debt dynamics of Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Ireland, and Greece (and even for the Netherlands). "Lowflation" of around 0.5 for these countries – and most are below that already – slowly suffocates them through the denominator effect, ie a rising debt interest cost on flat or falling nominal GDP.
The EBA table shows that Spain's inflation will be 0.3pc this year and 0.4pc next year in the worst case. For goodness sake, it is already below that. CPI was minus 0.1pc in March, HICP was minus 0.2pc, and the government is already using a minus 0.4pc deflator to calculate GDP (which is convenient for alleged headline growth).
The test assumes that 10-year bonds in Italy will rise to 5.5pc in Spain and 5.6pc in Spain in the worst case scenario of a full-blown global crisis. No doubt they are banking on the ECB's "Draghi" put, the do-whatever-it-takes pledge to backstop the two countries.
Yet the German constitutional court has issued a preliminary ruling that states in blistering language that this "put" is a breach of EU treaty law, and probably "Ultra Vires" (Yes, I know the European Court has yet to rule, but does the EBA know in advance how it will rule, and in any case the Bundesfassungsgericht is the superior sovereign court and does view itself as bound by the ECJ).
So the worst-case scenario ignores the elephant that is already standing the middle of the room. Verdict: nul points.