


2013-11-30 13:11:32 | Telegraph (UK)
China-Japan rearmament is Keynesian stimulus, if it doesn't go horribly wrong
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: November 26th, 2013
Asia is on the cusp of a full-blown arms race. The escalating clash between China and almost all its neighbours in the Pacific has reached a threshold. All other economic issues at this point are becoming secondary.


Beijing's implicit threat to shoot down any aircraft that fails to adhere to its new air control zone in the East China Sea is a watershed moment for the world. The issue cannot easily be finessed. Other countries either comply, or they don't comply. Somebody has to back down.


The gravity of the latest dispute should by now be obvious even to those who don't pay attention the Pacific Rim, the most dangerous geostrategic fault line in the world.


Japan's foreign minister, Fumio Kishida, accused China of "profoundly dangerous acts that unilaterally change the status quo".


The US defence secretary Chuck Hagel called it "a destabilising attempt to alter the status quo in the region" and warned that the US would defy the order. The Pentagon has since stated that US pilots will not switch on their transponders to comply, and will defend themselves if attacked. Think about this for a moment.


Mr Hagel asserted categorically that Washington will stand behind its alliance with Japan, the anchor of American security in Asia. "The United States reaffirms its long-standing policy that Article V of the US Japan Mutual Defense Treaty applies to the Senkaku Islands," he said.


Whether China fully believes this another matter, of course. The Senkaku islands offer a perfect opportunity for Beijing to test the resolve of the Obama Administration since it is far from clear to the war-weary American people why they should risk conflict in Asia over these uninhabited rocks near Taiwan, and since it also far from clear whether President Obama's Asian Pivot is much more than a rhetorical flourish.


Besides, Beijing has just watched the US throw its long-time ally Saudi Arabia under a bus over Iran. It has watched Moscow score an alleged victory over Washington in Syria. You and I may think it is an error to infer too much US weakness from these incidents, but that is irrelevant. Beijing seems to be drawing its own conclusions.


Even if the immediate crisis can be defused, we are clearly sliding into a new Cold War. While it is dangerous, it could have paradoxical and powerful side effects. Rearmament lifted the world economy out of slump in the late 1930s, working as a form of concerted Keynesian fiscal stimulus. It could do so again.


The parallels are not exact. They never are. But an Asian arms race would almost certainly tackle some of the underlying causes of the long malaise in the Western economies. It would soak up much of the Asian "savings glut" and the excess industrial capacity in China, and would help to narrow the perennial East-West trade gap.


This would be an answer of sorts to the West's "secular stagnation" – to use the term of former US treasury secretary Larry Summers – or the liquidity trap as others call it. But be careful what you wish for.


I don't wish to become entangled in debate over whether other states impose such ADIZ identification zones beyond their territorial waters, as asserted by Beijing. It is political infantilism to see and judge such disputes through a moral prism, as if our Hobbesian world conforms to codes of right and wrong. What we are dealing with is a great power collision of epochal proportions.


The Asian arms race is young, but clearly under way already. China has launched its first stealth drone, known as Sharp Sword. It developing indigenous aircraft carriers. Its "Two-Ocean-Strategy" implies a fleet of five or six carrier battle groups.


Japan is already rearming. It is building a de facto marine force. It has launched its largest warship since WW2, an 800-foot long DDH-class helicopter carrier, an aircraft carrier in all but name. Tokyo is developing its own version of the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency. Spending on warships and aircraft will jump by 23pc this year.


When I visited the spanking new buildings of the Japanese defence ministry in Tokyo in March, it already seemed like another world from the run-down digs of the old Self-Defence Force that I had visited six years earlier.


You could feel the emergence of a new military power, pacifist still in name only. The message that came through loud and clear from talking to officials is that Japan is ready for a fight if necessary, and is convinced that it can sink or shoot down any force sent by China into Japan's waters and airspace – whether to close in on the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, or to ratchet up pressure against Okinawa.


I was shown detailed maps tracing movements of Chinese DDG warships and Yuan-class submarines that left me deeply alarmed over where this is going. Japanese officials said Chinese naval officers on patrol were not responding to normal signals.


"What we don't know is whether Chinese officers follow any international code of conduct? Do they understand what is banned and not banned? Does the Communist Party control their own military?" said one defence planner.


"Two thousand years ago under the Han Dynasty, the emperor put his right hand on the wheel of his chariot and told his general that everything inside the borders was the domain of the emperor, and everything outside was left to the commander. That has plagued China throughout its history, and it is the delicate issue we now face," he said.


There is no red telephone between Tokyo and Beijing to defuse a crisis if it erupts, nothing comparable to the Washington-Moscow "hotline" during the Cold War.


While the US and China were able to calm the waters after an American military jet collided with a Chinese fighter in 2002 – killing the Chinese pilot – it is unlikely that any such mishap between China and Japan could be contained at this stage.


Today's escalating spat has echoes of the Agadir crisis in 1911, the stand-off between Wilhelmine Germany and the Franco-British Entente in the final years before the First World War.


In case you have forgotten, Kaiser Wilhelm sent the warship Panther to Morocco in 1911 to prevent French annexation. The Kaiser picked his moment well. The French were violating earlier accords.


Yet his real purpose was to probe and weaken Britain's entente with France (not a formal alliance) by picking on an issue where London had little natural sympathy for French actions.


The Agadir Crisis backfired against the Kaiser. The Entente did not break. But that is hardly a reassuring episode. The chain of events that followed were catastrophic.


France felt emboldened by British backing, with ripple effects through the Franco-Russian alliance. Russia then felt more able to push its luck when the Serbian crisis hit in 1914. Agadir fed an overwhelming sense of fury in Germany, a feeling that Britain had become an enemy.


America is now having to walk the same sort of tightrope that Britain had to walk – and walked badly – from Agadir to Sarajevo. One misjudgement by either side in the East China Sea could change our world entirely. If you are not concerned, perhaps you should be.



2013-11-30 13:11:01 | Telegraph (UK)
Dust to Dust: a man-made Malthusian crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 11:52PM GMT 27 Nov 2013
We must wake up to the global land crisis or face a very real threat of famine


American scientists have made an unsettling discovery. Crop farming across the Prairies since the late 19th Century has caused a collapse of the soil microbia that holds the ecosystem together.


They do not know exactly what role is played by the bacteria. It is a new research field. Nor do they know where the tipping point lies, or how easily this can be reversed. Nobody yet knows whether this is happening in other parts of the world.


A team at the University of Colorado under Noah Fierer used DNA gene technology to test the 'verrucomicrobia' in Prairie soil, contrasting tilled land with the rare pockets of ancient tallgrass found in cemeteries and reservations. The paper published in the US journal Science found that crop agriculture has "drastically altered" the biology of the land. "The soils currently found throughout the region bear little resemblance to their pre-agricultural state," it concluded.


You might say we already knew this. In fact we did not. There has never before been a metagenomic analysis of this kind and on this scale. Professor Fierer said mankind needs to watch its step. "We really know very little about one of the most productive soils on the planet, but we do know that soil microbes play a key role and we can't just keep adding fertilizers," he said.


The Colorado study has caused a stir in the soil world. It was accompanied by a sobering analysis in Science by academics from South Africa's Witwatersrand University. They fear that we are repeating the mistakes of past civilisations, over-exploiting the land until it goes beyond the point of no return, and leads to a vicious circle of famine, and then social disintegration.


Entitled "Dust to Dust", the paper argues that the erosion of soil fertility has been masked by a "soup of nutrients" poured over crop lands, giving us a false sense of security. It said 1pc of global land is being degraded each year, defined as a 70pc loss of the top soil.


Once the top soil crosses a crucial threshold, the recovery rate plunges. Chemicals can keep crop yields high for a while but the complex ecology beneath is being abused further. Yields have already fallen 8pc across Africa as a whole. The paper calls for a complete change of course as the "only viable route to feeding the world and keeping it habitable."


This degradation is courting fate given that the world's population will grow by over a quarter to nine billion before peaking in the middle of the century. It comes as China and emerging Asia switch to an animal protein diet, replicating the pattern seen in Japan and Korea as they became rich. As a rule of thumb it takes 4kg-8kg of grains in animal feed to produce 1kg of meat.


Professor Robert Scholes, one of the authors, said there comes a point when terrified governments make a Faustian pact, sacrificing their future to stop their people starving today. "We're seeing a massive arc of deforestation in Africa," he said.


Cautionary stories abound. The East side of Magdascar has been destroyed by slash and burn deforestation, perhaps irreversbily in any human time horizon. Iceland's Norse settlers turned their green and partly forested island into a Nordic desert in the 10th Century. They have yet to restore the fragile soil a thousand years later, despite careful husbandry.


"We're running out of new agricultural frontiers and we don't have the freedom to make errors any more. We are using up our nutrient capital and face a looming food crisis over the next 30 to 40 years. There is a risk that we are going to paint ourselves into a corner. Famine is a very real possiblity," he said.


The Sumerian civilisation that first pioneered cereal farming in the Tigris and Euphrates was almost certainly destroyed by soil erosion and over-cultivation. The Gilgamesh epic describes tracts of cedar forest in Iraq before it was cut down for the timber trade around 2,600 BC.


The story is usually the same, whether for the lowland Maya central America, or the Khmer Empire of Angkor, or Easter Island, recounted by Jared Diamond in "Collapse". Once the hillside trees are cut down, water flows are disturbed. It then becomes harder to feed saturated settlements. Societies take short-cuts to survive, leaving less land fallow . The spiral accelerates. It seems that a climate shock is the often the coup de grace, pushing them over the edge.


The UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) says the world food demand will 50pc by 2030, requiring up to 170m- 220m hectares of fresh land. Yet it also expects land degradation to cut output by 12pc over the next 25 years.


The UNCCD is aiming for a global deal to achieve "zero net land degradation" from 2015, mostly by replanting forests. The body's environment chief Veerle Vanderweerde says it is not going well. "We know what to do to restore degraded land. It's not impossible but it takes time, money, dedication, and political will, and there is not a lot political will."

Veerle Vanderweerde部長は、難航していると述べました。

There have been heart-warming episodes. Yacouba Sawadogo, "the man who stopped the desert", began to revive the ancient zai technique thirty years to stop soil erosion on his little farm in Burkina Faso. It involved digging smal holes and filling them with compost and tree seeds to catch the seasonal rains, recreating a woodland of 20 hectares in the arid Sahel. Sadly, local officials then expropriated the land.

「砂漠を止めた男」、Yacouba Sawadogo氏はブルキナファソにある自分の小さな農場での土地の劣化を阻止するために、30年前、古代から伝わる手法ZAIの復活を試みました。

Mrs Vanderveerde said global agro-industrial companies are moving into new frontiers, stripping and degrading land for quick profit, more akin to mining than farm stewardship. "They can't just come in, take the resources, and then walk away. The big companies need to change their behaviour and they won't do it unless they are made to," she said.


A new Land Matrix Global Obervatory put together by five research centres says the world land rush by investors is not quite as bad as feared. An Agri-SA investment in the Congo proved to be just 80,000 hectares, not 10m as alleged.


The observatory has tracked deals equal to 48m hectares -- completed or in the pipeline -- an area the size of Spain. This may understate the figure since foreign firms have learned to tread carefully after a populist backlash in Africa and Latin America. They work through local ventures.


The registry found that the top investors came from the US, followed by Malaysia, the Arab Emirates, and the UK (mostly global funds in London). China was lower, though this may change after it struck a deal in September to lease 5pc of Ukraine's land surface for fifty years, on paper a 3m hectare prize as large as Belgium.


The top target is Papua New Guinea, home to one of the last great rain forests, now a third owned by foreign firms. It is followed closely by Indonesia, Sudan, the Congo, and Mozambique. Nobody is really policing this.


Famine worries have abated since the Malthusian scare of 2008 when corn and wheat prices tripled in three years and then stayed high, triggering the food riots that led to the Arab Spring. The UN says bumper crops in the US, Canada, and Ukraine have boosted world cereal output by 8pc this year: consumption has risen 3.5pc.


Global grain stocks have jumped 13pc to a slightly safer level, yet still cover just 69 days of global comsumption. Stocks averaged 107 days in the 1980s and 1990s. We are operating on a very thin margin. Nor have food prices returned to earlier levels. The UN's food price index is up by 105pc over the last decade.


We are becoming complacent again. The blunt truth is that the world cannot afford to lose one hectare of land a year, let alone 12m hectares. The added discovery that we doing even more damage than feared to the soil microbia should bring us to our senses. We argue too much about global warming, which may or may not be caused by man's actions, and may or may catch us this century.


The global land crisis is almost entirely our own doing. It is closing in on us right now. It can be reversed if world leaders choose to reverse it.



2013-11-30 13:09:05 | Telegraph (UK)
Iran sanctions deal to unleash oil supply but Saudi wild card looms
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:00PM GMT 24 Nov 2013
The nuclear deal with Iran could lower oil prices but also trigger a Saudi backlash


A global deal to lift sanctions against Iran could unleash a flood of oil onto world markets by next year just as crude output pick ups in Libya, Iraq, and North America, triggering a slide in prices and a major shake-up of the energy landscape.


The prospect of cheaper oil is a welcome relief for the West, but poses a major threat to Russia and string of countries that depend on oil revenues to finance their budgets.


The weekend deal in Geneva between Iran and key world powers opens the way for a gradual end to sanctions, provided the new government of Hassan Rohani delivers on pledges to curb its nuclear programme.


The accord should unlock 800,000 barrels a day (b/d) of global supply by next year in a market of 89m, rising over time as foreign firms return and the country's ruined oil industry comes back to life. Export curbs will stay in place for another six months but a planned escalation of curbs will not occur.


Citigroup said the Geneva deal should cut global oil prices by $13 over time, enough to depress Brent crude below $100 and US crude below $85.


The bank said falling energy prices could mark the death of the commodity supercycle, already struggling as China shifts to a new phase of "smart urbanisation".


Alastair Newton from Nomura said the "geopolitical risk" premium in the oil price should fall but there will be no immediate softening of the oil embargo, adding that talks could still break down over Iran's heavy water reactor at Arak.


America's rapprochement with Tehran is a dramatic upset in the region's alliance system at a time when Shia Muslims led by Iran are locked in an epic struggle for Mid-East dominance with a Saudi-led bloc of Sunni regimes.


Chris Skrebowski, editor of Petroleum Review, said the great unknown is how Saudi Arabia will react to a move deemed treachery in Riyadh, already exposed in a WikiLeaks diplomatic cable exhorting the US to "cut off the head of the snake" in Iran.


Tehran's diplomatic triumph may embolden Saudi Arabia's aggrieved Shia minority to press demands, perhaps even threatening the main Saudi oilfields in the Eastern province where they dominate. "The Saudis are very angry. The great question is whether they can live with this deal, or whether it is intolerable," he said.


Mr Skrebowski said the Middle East is a tinder box, in the grip of a Sunni-Shia civil war comparable in ideological ferocity to the clash between Catholics and Protestants in early 17th Century Europe. Saudi Arabia has already shown how far it will go to protect its interests, helping to overthrow Egypt's Musilm Brotherhood.


The US energy department said North America will add 1.5m b/d of oil supply this year, mostly from shale, and 1.1m b/d next year. This new supply is coming just as Iraqi Kurdistan opens a new pipeline to Turkey. Iraq's output crashed to 2m b/d over the summer as al-Qaeda attacks reached a crescendo, but Baghdad claims output is poised to recover. The International Energy Agency expects Iraq to triple supply to 6m by 2020.


Goldman Sachs and Bank of America have both warned over recent days that crude prices will slide in 2014, much to the alarm of states that depend on oil to make ends meet. The "fiscal break-even point" needed to balance budgets is near $120 for Bahrain, Nigeria and Algeria, and $110 for Venezuela, and Iraq.


Oil duties furnish half the budget in Russia where the break-even price reached $117 last year. Moscow is tightening its belt but Fitch warns that it may downgrade the country if there is a prolonged fall in crude prices.


Even Saudi Arabia is feeling the pinch. It boosted spending by $130bn in 2011 to avert social protest, and its break-even cost has jumped to $98, though it still has $700bn of foreign reserves to be used in extremis. The implicit threat to dump US dollars is unusable at a time when monetary tightening by Washington is likely to drive up the dollar.


Mr Skrebowski said Riyadh may try to "rap America's knuckles" by flooding markets with enough oil to puncture the US shale oil revolution. Production costs at the US Bakken shale field are around $80.


It is unclear whether the Saudis still have the spare capacity to pull off such a feat, or whether other Gulf OPEC producers would join forces in a replay of the Arab oil embargo of 1973. The Saudis have played a responsible role over recent decades as the swing force in global markets ensuring stability.


An open rift with Washington might be suicidal at a time when OPEC control over global oil supply is in any case greatly reduced, and the cartel is itself deeply divided. Even the Emirates have cautiously welcomed the Geneva deal, distancing themselves from the Saudis.


Yet anything can happen once emotions are at fever pitch in a region already torn apart by war.



2013-11-30 13:08:29 | Telegraph (UK)
Historic defeat for EU as Ukraine returns to Kremlin control
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:58PM GMT 22 Nov 2013
Ukraine bowing to pressure from Russia is the first major defeat for the EU in its eastward march since the fall of Communism


Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine is slipping back under Kremlin control. Ukraine's shock decision to opt for Vladimir Putin's Russia and pull out of EU talks on the eve of an historic deal is a dramatic upset to the European balance of power.


It is the first major defeat for the EU in its eastward march since the fall of Communism. While the region's geo-politics remain fluid, the upset may prove as fateful as the move by the Kossack chief Bohdan Khmelnytsky to turn his back on the West and accept Tsarist suzerainty in the 1640s.


"Ukraine's government suddenly bowed deeply to the Kremlin. The politics of brutal pressure evidently work," said Sweden's foreign minister Karl Bildt.


Ukraine's prime minister, Mykola Azarov, told Ukraine's parliament that the country has been forced to cancel its trade and pre-accession deal with the EU because Russian sanctions are strangling the economy, "pushing Ukraine to the brink of a huge social crisis."


The accord was due to be signed at the EU's Vilnius summit next week. The volte-face stunned EU officials, torn between fury over Ukraine's conduct and deep alarm over what has happened. Kiev said it acted in the "national security interest". It has emerged that President Viktor Yanukovych flew secretly to Moscow two weeks ago to see Mr Putin.


The pro-Kremlin outlet Russia Today said Ukraine had wisely stepped back from the EU "horror show" and accepted the real worth of Russian ties rather than hot air from Brussels. Ukraine had dodged a "death spiral" by protecting its eastern trade flows.


Mr Putin has been tightening the screws for months, blocking shipments of goods and targeting heavy industry in the eastern region that depends on the Russian market.


A freeze on imports of railway carriages has hit 80pc of Ukraine's carriage output. Another victim is Roshen chocolate, owned by Petro Poroshenko, a champion of the EU cause in Ukraine's parliament. Roshen sales in Russia have been banned for "toxic impurities".


The guerrilla warfare tactics have pushed Ukraine to the brink of financial collapse. Foreign reserves have fallen by 30pc this year to $20.6bn (£12.7bn).


This is just 2.3 months of imports, far below the "safe" cover level of six months. The economy contracted 1.5pc in the third quarter, pushing bad loans in the banking system have to 30pc. Total foreign debt has reached 77pc of GDP.


The country has to roll over or repay $10.8bn in foreign debt by the end of 2014, an almost impossible task given that capital markets are effectively closed.


The government has been trying to play off Russia against the EU and International Monetary Fund, but the strategy has blown up in their faces. The IMF suspended a $15bn stand-by credit in 2011 for non-compliance, and has continued to demand radical reforms before any more money is released.


Mr Azarov said the "straw that broke the camel's back" on the EU deal was a fresh list of harsh demands by the IMF this week, including a 40pc rise in gas bills, a salary freeze, big budget cuts, and lower energy subsidies. "All they were willing to lend us is enough to pay them back again," he said.


An IMF spokesman said Ukraine needs "deep-reaching structural reforms" and exchange rate flexibility, IMF code for a devaluation.


Liza Ermolenko from Capital Economics said the rupture with the EU is a grave blow to Ukraine's long-term hopes, but averts an immediate crisis. "It might have been dangerous for them to sign the deal because Russia would have retaliated. That threat has been lifted," she said.


Ukraine's bizarre predicament was captured by Moody's when it cut the country's debt rating to C grade in September because of the forthcoming EU deal. "While Moody's views this agreement as credit positive in the medium-term, given that it will support Ukraine's institutions, the short-term impact of a negative reaction by Russia outweighs these benefits," it said.


Russia's Mr Putin has offered a three-way dialogue with the EU and Ukraine, hoping to repeat the diplomatic feat he pulled of with the West over Syria's chemical weapons. "We are ready to participate in such talks. This is the test of how serious our European partners are," he said.


Mats Persson from Open Europe said the collapse of talks is a major defeat for EU strategy. "The lesson is that EU's soft-power diplomacy has hit its limits. Playing carrot and stick doesn't work when you come up against a real hard power like Russia. This is a highly significant moment," he said.


The problem is intractable because Ukraine has reneged on countless promises. The EU has accused the government of "selective justice" against opposition leaders, including former premier Yulia Tymoshenko, who is still languishing in prison after a hunger strike last year.


Germany has demanded her release as condition for any EU deal, but she is still viewed as a major political threat by President Viktor Yanukovych.


The EU says the door is "still open" for Ukraine but opinion is split. One official told the EU Observer that Mr Yanukovych should be left to stew in his own juice.


"We should make clear that Ukraine is not welcome. There should be no more phone calls. No more offers. Six months down the line, when left alone to deal with Russian pressure, he will come to us on his knees," he said.


Yet for all the fury with Ukraine in Brussels, there is no disguising the damage done to EU prestige and power. It is an astonishing that this pivotal nation of 46m people should be returning to Russia's orbit 22 years after breaking free from the Kremlin.


European statesman Jacques Delors once likened the EU to a bicycle that must keep rolling forward to stay upright. It has just toppled over.



2013-11-30 13:07:59 | Telegraph (UK)
Boris Johnson: some people are too stupid to get on in life
By Peter Dominiczak, and James Kirkup
Telegraph: 11:53PM GMT 27 Nov 2013
Natural differences between human beings will always mean that some will succeed and others will fail, the Mayor of London says in a speech


Economic equality will never be possible because some people are too stupid to get ahead, Boris Johnson said on Wednesday night.


Natural differences between human beings will always mean that some will succeed and others will fail, the Mayor of London said in a speech.


Despite calling for more to be done to help talented people from poor backgrounds to advance ― including state-funded places at private schools ― Mr Johnson said some people would always find it easier to get ahead than others. "Whatever you may think of the value of IQ tests, it is surely relevant to a conversation about equality that as many as 16 per cent of our species have an IQ below 85, while about 2 per cent have an IQ above 130," he said.


Addressing the Centre for Policy Studies in London, Mr Johnson suggested that economic inequality was useful because it encouraged people to work harder.


He said: "I don't believe that economic equality is possible; indeed, some measure of inequality is essential for the spirit of envy and keeping up with the Joneses and so on that it is a valuable spur to economic activity."


He added that free markets involved competition between "human beings who are far from equal in raw ability".


Mr Johnson also repeated warnings against persecuting the rich, saying that wealth and success should be celebrated. He also recounted how after making that argument in a recent Telegraph column, he said he was subject to "frenzied and hate-filled" criticism.


None the less, he suggested that the gap between rich and poor had grown too wide and more must be done to ensure that talented people from less wealthy backgrounds can "rise to the top".


Poor children should get state-funded places at private schools ― a scheme abolished by Labour in 1997 ― and competition between pupils should be restored, he said. His call for academic selection once again put him at odds with David Cameron, who has rejected Tory calls for the return of grammar schools.


Mr Johnson is the latest senior Tory to express fears that social mobility has declined. Sir John Major warned recently that public life had become dominated by the privately-educated and the wealthy middle classes. In his lecture devoted to the memory of Margaret Thatcher, Mr Johnson said: "I worry that there are too many cornflakes who aren't being given a good enough chance to rustle and hustle their way to the top.


"We gave the packet a good shake in the 1960s, and Mrs Thatcher gave it another good shake in the 1980s with the sale of the council houses. Since then there has been a lot of evidence of a decline in social mobility."


He also said it was time to end the "madness" of the immigration system.
