2016年10月15日(土) 開場 17:00 開演 18:00 会場:南青山マンダラ(地図) 出演:Robyn Hitchcock (Vo, G)、Emma Swift (Vo, G) チケット:¥5,000(1ドリンクオーダー下さい/代金別) 公演終了。ありがとうございました。 *当ホームページで購入されるのが一番入場整理番号が良いです。 *本公演は自由席/整理番号順入場の公演です。ご来場になった方がすべて着席できるよう椅子を出します。 ソフト・ボーイズのデビューから数えるとすでに40年のキャリアを持つ、ポストパンクの時代にデビューした自称「60年代最後の偉大なアーティスト」。 そのシュールでサイケデリックな世界はR.E.M.、ヨ・ラ・テンゴ、ソニック・ユース、ポウジーズを始め、多くのアーティストに強い影響を与えてきた。アメリカのカレッジ・チャートを中心にカルト的な人気を誇り、ジョン
"When you do things in a different way, it makes you have to think differently about the way you present it. So 'ISAM Live' ended up as a mixture of cinema, live performance and projection art." — watch 30 minutes of Amon Tobin's 'Isam' live show from Graz, Austria, available in 1080p full HD video. Find more live videos here: http://www.youtube.com/ElectronicBeatsVideo Read our festival review h
http://www.soundhog.co.uk - Track pulled from Soundcloud by Universal Music Group, mp3 file now available (at the moment) from http://is.gd/6V7BVK 'Thanks for the nice words' to everyone who left them. And now, some *excellent* reviews: "Another mashup trainwreck. Why do people do this?" - jwandhistools (YT user) "That's awful " - @JackMendel4 (twitter, reply to NME posting) "terrible" - @Mr_J
BBC Prog Rock Britannia an Observation in Three Movements. Feature-length documentary about progressive music and the generation of bands that made it. Follows it's birth, its rise in the UK and US and its decline. Covers Yes, Genesis, ELP - Emerson Lake & Palmer, Soft Machine, EGG, King Crimson, Procol Harum, Caravan and interviews with Rick Wakeman, Steve Howe, Bill Bruford, Carl Parmer, Mont C
This project has been retired All our audio is still available via SoundCloud. We hope to come back with a new project soon. Source-code is available at github. Archived content follows: DarwinTunes 2.0 at Imperial Festival and beyond... Join our unique experiment, and be the first to hear music as it evolves, right between your ears! The organic world – animals, plants, viruses – is the product o