おしゃれなWebサイトなどのとっぷぺーじで見かけるぼやけたグラデーションの画像の作成方法 簡単編 GIMPチュートリアル
おしゃれなWebサイトなどのとっぷぺーじで見かけるぼやけたグラデーションの画像の作成方法 簡単編 GIMPチュートリアル
サービス終了のお知らせ NAVERまとめは2020年9月30日をもちましてサービス終了いたしました。 約11年間、NAVERまとめをご利用・ご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございました。
Photoshop is the most popular graphics editing program. Produced by Adobe, the latest version is CS3. With hundreds of plugins, brushes and gradient packs, Photoshop is increasing in utility every day. Though weighing in at a hefty price (over $600), Photoshop is powerful even in a vanilla install. However, as in any other application, its true essence lies in installing useful addons to enhance t
GIMP is an open-source image editing program, one of the most popular image-editing programs. It is supported by a huge open-source community that is open in every aspect – development, source, sharing and participation. As is common to open-source applications, GIMP too has a huge repository of plugins, scripts, brushes and gradients (we’ve already covered Top 40 GIMP plugins). The open-source en
GIMP, the free and open-source image editor, is often blamed for its lack of polish in its interface. However, with sufficient addons (particularly plugins), you can achieve a lot of functionality found in other editors. Our previous GIMP plugins post looked at best plugins for web design, photography etc. In this second roundup, we will take a look at plugins that bring Photoshop’s features to GI
GIMP is the undisputed king of image editing in Linux platforms, and is next only to Photoshop in popularity in Windows and Mac platforms. With a large community of developers and an even larger pool of users, it is no surprise that GIMP is very popular. Much like Firefox, GIMP’s strength lies in its plugins, which are developed by the open-source toting community. Since the users themselves devel
GIMPHELP.ORG a tribute and my humble contribution of brushes, scripts and information for the GNU Image Manipulation Program Scripts that work in GIMP-2.6+ As the GIMP advances its codebase, many scripts become deprecated and/or no longer work. They pop up errors or do not run at all -- their code needs to be updated to keep up with the GIMP. Since I "need" the plug-ins, I often update the script
フリーの画像編集ソフト『GIMP』のまとめ。 GIMPは高機能でありながらフリーのオープンソース画像編集ソフトです。 フォトショップは高価なもので、自宅の趣味での画像編集にまで使えないという人もいるだろう。 そんなときはGIMPを使ってみるといいかもしれませんね。 本体ファイルのダウンロード ・Windows版 ・Mac OS X ・Linux版 インストールした後に GTK+ Runtime Environment → Select languageで日本語にしておけば日本語もいけます。 インターフェイス使いやすく すこしでも使い慣れたフォトショップインターフェイスにしたいという人は、以前も紹介した日本語ローカライズを導入するといいだろう。 Photoshopユーザーのための日本語ローカライズ これを導入することで、フォトショップに似たインターフェイスで作業を行うことが可能となる。 また
GIMPの他にはないチュートリアル30という記事を元に、 GIMPチュートリアルについて、まとめました。 上記サイトに紹介されているものをいくつか抜粋して、それと関連ある日本語サイトも載せています!
Yesterday i got email from Softpedia... "Gimphoto has been tested in the Softpedia labs using several industry-leading security solutions and found to be completely clean of adware/spyware components. We are impressed with the quality of your product and encourage you to keep these high standards in the future. To assure our visitors that Gimphoto is clean, we have granted it with the "100% FREE"
The registry is dead! Long live the registry! Yes, for years users could download content to extend GIMP in various ways (plugins, scripts, brushes, etc.) from registry.gimp.org. The problem is that the entire site was hosted on a very old installation of Drupal and there was nobody who was willing to step up and take ownership (including upgrading and maintaining the site long term). This was not
The Free & Open Source Image Editor This is the official website of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with so
Browse free open source Graphic Design software and projects below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source Graphic Design software by OS, license, language, programming language, and project status. Simplify Your Managed File Transfers with JSCAPE JSCAPE is a Flexible, Scalable MFT Solution That Supports Any Protocol, Any Platform, Any Deployment Platform Independent Managed File Transf