We all like to spice our Ubuntu desktops up now and again, and the easiest way to do it is by changing the icon theme. Nitrux is a new squared icon set for Linux that sports clean lines, smooth gradients, and simple icon logos. Although familiar to the popular Faenza icon set in that both are squarish, Nitrux shuns the faux-3D look for a flatter, more minimal style. Nitux can be downloaded directl
I’m fan of automation, as well as simplicity and as much as I tend to complicate my own life I generally enjoy making life easier for others. I’m of a belief that if you’re a Android developer who’s new to Linux and is using it as his development platform, you’ll have pretty hard time installing and setting up all the necessary tools. Some people use Linux to make their life easier, not because th
When it comes to Twitter applications for Linux it’s fair to say that we are spoilt for choice. There’s Ubuntu’s default app Gwibber; the webkit loving Hotot; Choqok or Qwit if KDE is your sort of thing; the unstable but awesome Polly… The list goes on. So does gFeedline, a relatively new Twitter app for Linux, bring anything new to the table? gFeedline is the successor to the minimal, and once pr