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Work LifeThe 5 key software metrics top leaders can no longer ignore
Tweet Nowadays Python is probably the programming language of choice (besides R) for data scientists for prototyping, visualization, and running data analyses on small and medium sized data sets. And rightly so, I think, given the large number of available tools (just look at the list at the top of this article). However, it wasn’t always like this. In fact, when I started working on my Ph.D. back
Tuning Spark Data Serialization Memory Tuning Memory Management Overview Determining Memory Consumption Tuning Data Structures Serialized RDD Storage Garbage Collection Tuning Other Considerations Level of Parallelism Parallel Listing on Input Paths Memory Usage of Reduce Tasks Broadcasting Large Variables Data Locality Summary Because of the in-memory nature of most Spark computations, Spark prog
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Click Here for the previous version of the benchmark Introduction Several analytic frameworks have been announced in the last year. Among them are inexpensive data-warehousing solutions based on traditional Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) architectures (Redshift), systems which impose MPP-like execution engines on top of Hadoop (Impala, HAWQ), and systems which optimize MapReduce to improve per