Preliminaries What Is xargs? It's an adapter between text streams and argv arrays, two essential concepts in shell. You pass it flags that specify how to split stdin. Then it generates arguments and invokes processes. Example: $ echo 'alice bob' | xargs -n 1 -- echo hi hi alice hi bob What's happening here? xargs splits the input stream on whitespace, producing 2 arguments, alice and bob. We passe
The PAM Duress is a module designed to allow users to generate 'duress' passwords that when used in place of their normal password will execute arbitrary scripts. This functionality could be used to allow someone pressed to give a password under coercion to provide a password that grants access but in the background runs scripts to clean up sensitive data, close connections to other networks to li
Try the jc web demo! Do One Thing Well The Unix philosophy of using compact expert tools that do one thing well and pipelining them together to manipulate data is a great idea and has worked well for the past few decades. This philosophy was outlined in the 1978 Foreward to the Bell System Technical Journal describing the UNIX Time-Sharing System: Items i and ii are oft repeated, and for good reas
Large Rust Workspaces Aug 22, 2021 In this article, I’ll share my experience with organizing large Rust projects. This is in no way authoritative — just some tips I’ve discovered through trial and error. Cargo, Rust’s build system, follows convention over configuration principle. It provides a set of good defaults for small projects, and it is especially well-tailored for public librarie
Rust + Docker + GitHub Actions = めちゃ遅い 以前、GitHub Actions 上の Rust ビルドを高速化する記事を書いたけど、 今回は Kubernetes 環境にスムーズに移行できるよう Docker イメージ化するという要件も加わったことで、改めて試行錯誤する必要が出てきた。 それぞれに対するビルド速度の最適化は存在しているものの、3つ (Rust, Docker, GitHub Actions) すべてを満たすとなるとコピペで終わるほど情報がまとまってないし、見つけた Tips もちょっと古かったり、これというものは見つけられなかった。 公式ドキュメントを見ると正当進化していて新しいオプションが生えていたりしたので、賞味期限は短そうだけど、自分の試行錯誤の結果を残しておこうと思う。 成果としては 12 分 22 秒かかっていた Rust アプリ
数日前にTwitterで, JavaScriptのオブジェクトに対する===の挙動が初心者には難しいみたいな話を見かけた. 発端や周辺の議論をちゃんと追いかけてないからとくに出典は貼らない. たぶん元々の話は「へぇ, こういう挙動なんだ, 簡単ではないね」くらいの話だったのかもしれない. 自分のタイムラインの観測範囲では「そうだそうだ, (参照の同一性ではなく)同値性にしとけばいいのに」と思っている人もそれなりにいそうに見えた. 個人的にも同値性が簡単に確認できるとよい気はするものの, 「なんでそうしないんだ, オブジェクトの中身を確認していくだけだろ!」みたいな簡単な話ではないことも知っているため, 以下のようなツイートをしたのだった. JavaScriptのオブジェクトの同値性、再帰的な構造とか作るとぜんぜん自明じゃないんだよなぁ。リンクの構造は違うけどプロパティを辿ったときのパスはど
The default formatting style resembles IRC clients, with each message being prefixed by the username (which enables powerful Emacs features, like using Occur to show all messages from or mentioning a user). Alternative, built-in styles include an Element-like one with usernames above groups of messages, as well as a classic, no-margins IRC style. Messages may be optionally displayed with unique co
nom 7.0 release: fast parser combinators, now without macros! And the new nom-bufreader! I'm happy to announce the release of nom 7.0! This is mostly a cleanup release: the BitSlice input type was moved to the nom-bitvec crate, and regex parsers to the nom-regex crate. This will fix build issues that have crept up this past months. Macro combinators, that were used since the beginning of nom, are
We propose a categorical semantics of gradient-based machine learning algorithms in terms of lenses, parametrised maps, and reverse derivative categories. This foundation provides a powerful explanatory and unifying framework: it encompasses a variety of gradient descent algorithms such as ADAM, AdaGrad, and Nesterov momentum, as well as a variety of loss functions such as as MSE and Softmax cross
The reason my acrylic square can form an image is because I've distributed just the right amount of concavity and convexity into the surface so that the refracted light forms a caustic image. To gain some intuition for how it is done, consider a traditional convex lens: This lens forms the simplest possible caustic. If all the incoming light is from a single, very distant light source like the Sun
Nelua Programming Language Minimal, simple, efficient, statically typed, compiled, metaprogrammable, safe, and extensible systems programming language with a Lua flavor. Overview Download What is Nelua? Nelua is a systems programming language for performance sensitive applications, like real-time applications and game engines. Its syntax and semantics are similar to Lua, but its garbage collection