User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-s

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-s {suffix} :: Forms ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers, or ordinal pronouns
-s {particle} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar] :: When appended to a second-person singular or plural imperative, gives the command or request slightly rude or impatient tone—often with different verbs and different independent particles adjacent, the tone is different
-s {particle} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar] :: When appended to the particle -pa/-pä that is appended to a second-person imperative, gives the command or request a slightly more persuasive or inspiring tone
-s {particle} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar] :: Mainly in informal contexts: a particle appended to an interrogative suffix -ko/-kö of the verb conjugated (also - with the negation verb) in order to bring the conversation partner or a person outside the conversation, talked about, emotionally closer to the speaker, or to create familiarity into the conversation; also to express that closeness or familiarity—sometimes very difficult to translate well into English, in some cases corresponds the tag questions
-s {particle} [somewhat, colloquial or familiar, colloquial] :: appended to the shortened impersonal indicative present form (-n omitted) to soften the command or request or to make it more persuasive
-s {suffix} [case suffix, colloquial or dialectal] :: alternative form of -ssa
s {letter} :: letter: äs, es
S {letter} :: letter: äs, es
š {letter} :: letter: hattu-s, suhu-s
Š {letter} :: letter: hattu-s, suhu-s
sa {pron} [personal, archaic, poetic] :: you (singular; in archaic English: thou)
{pron} [personal, colloquial] :: you, ya (second person singular personal pronoun)
sää {n} :: weather
sää {pron} [Häme dialect ~Tampere and Turku] :: you (addressing one person; in archaic English: thou)
sää {n} [obsolete] :: fiber, thread, strand
sääasema {n} :: weather station
Saab {n} :: Saab [brand, car of that brand]
saada {vt} :: to get, receive
saada {vt} :: saada tietää: to learn, find out, come to know
saada {vt} :: to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result)
saada {vt} [+ infinitive; in indicative or conditional mood] :: to deserve
saada {vt} [+ infinitive] :: may, to be allowed, to be permitted
saada {vt} [+ direct object in accusative + 3rd infinitive in illative] :: to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb)
saada {vt} [+ direct object in accusative + past participle in translative] :: to get, make something done
saada {v} [colloquial] :: to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to "from"))
saada aikaan {vt} [idiomatic] :: To accomplish, work out, achieve, get something done
saada aikaan {vt} [idiomatic] :: To cause, generate, set off, do, bring about, arouse, provoke
saada aikaiseksi {v} :: Synonym of saada aikaan
saada alkunsa {v} [idiomatic] :: to come into being (to form; to start to exist)
saada anteeksi {vi} :: To be forgiven
saada kenkää {vi} [idiomatic] :: To get the boot
säädännäinen {adj} :: prescribed or decreed by law
säädäntä {n} :: enactment
säädäntä {n} :: adjustment
saada päätökseen {vt} [+ accusative] :: To complete
saada sätky {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to throw a fit, to freak out, to blow a fuse
saada sätky {v} [colloquial] :: to jump, to be scared (react to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body)
saada selkäänsä {vi} :: to be battered, get thrashed
saada selville {vt} [idiomatic, + genitive-accusative] :: to find out, get to know, learn, unearth, uncover
saada surmansa {v} :: to get killed, die
säädättää {vt} :: to have (something) adjusted or tuned
saada turpaansa {vi} :: to be battered, get thrashed
saada turpiinsa {v} :: alternative form of saada turpaansa
saada vihiä {idiom} :: to get wind, get inkling, get scent
sääde {n} :: regulating substance
säädellä {vt} :: to regulate
säädettävä {adj} :: adjustable
säädin {n} :: controller
säädin {n} :: remote control
säädös {n} [law] :: statute (legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law)
säädöskokoelma {n} [law] :: collection of statutes, statute book (all the statutes and laws of a given jurisdiction)
säädösoikeus {n} :: statute law
säädyllinen {adj} :: decent (acting decently)
säädyllisesti {adv} :: decently (in the manner of having a suitable conformity to basic moral standards)
säädytön {adj} :: dirty, indecent, lewd
säädyttömästi {adv} :: indecently, immodestly
sääennustaja {n} :: weather forecaster
sääennuste {n} :: weather forecast
sääennustus {n} :: weather forecast
sääennustus {n} :: weather forecasting
saaga {n} :: saga
saago {n} :: sago
saagopalmu {n} :: sago palm (Metroxylon sagu)
säähavainto {n} :: weather observation
säähavaintoalus {n} :: weather ship
säähavaintoasema {n} :: weather station
säähavaintopallo {n} :: weather balloon, sounding balloon
šaahi {n} :: A shah
šaahitar {n} :: The wife of a shah, usually called empress in English. The English transliteration of the Persian title used by the last empress of Iran would be shahbanu, which means empress in Persian
sääilmiö {n} :: meteorological phenomenon, weather event
saaja {n} :: receiver (person who gets or receives)
saaja {n} [finance] :: payee (of a bill of exchange or cheque)
sääkansi {n} [nautical] :: A weather deck
sääkartta {n} [meteorology] :: weather map
saakeli {interj} :: damn!
saakka {postp} :: (distance) up to, all the way to
saakka {postp} :: (temporally) until
saakka {postp} :: (distance) all the way from
saakka {postp} :: (temporally) since
sääksi {n} :: osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
saakuri {interj} :: Synonym of saakeli
säälaiva {n} [nautical] :: weather ship
saali {n} :: alternative spelling of šaali
sääli {n} :: pity
sääli {n} :: mercy (compassion, especially toward those less fortunate)
sääli {interj} :: what a pity
šaali {n} :: shawl
sääliä {vt} :: to pity
saaliinhimo {n} :: rapacity, voracity
saaliinhimoinen {adj} :: voracious, rapacious
säälimätön {adj} :: merciless
säälimättömästi {adv} :: mercilessly
säälimättömyys {n} :: mercilessness
saalinki {n} [nautical] :: A spreader
saalis {n} :: prey, catch
saalis {n} :: kill (result of killing; that which has been killed)
saalis {n} :: loot, plunder, booty
saaliseläin {n} :: prey, quarry (animal which is hunted)
saalistaa {vt} [esp. of an animal] :: to prey, hunt
saalistaja {n} :: predator
saalistus {n} :: preying
saalistushinnoittelu {n} [economics] :: predatory pricing
säälitellä {v} :: to express pity, often with plentiful wording
säälittää {vt} :: to make feel pity
säälittää {vi} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to feel pity
säälittävä {adj} :: pitiful
säälittävä {adj} :: pathetic
säälittävästi {adv} :: pitifully
säälittömästi {adv} :: mercilessly
säälivä {adj} :: compassionate
säällisesti {adv} :: properly, decently, respectably
sääluotain {n} :: weather probe
saamari {interj} :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat (a mild curse)
saamarin {adv} :: (this) damn, darn
saamaton {adj} :: inefficient, incapable
saamattomampi {adj} :: comparative of saamaton
saamattomuus {n} :: inefficiency
saame {n} :: Sami (any of the languages of the Sami)
saamelainen {n} :: Sami (member of nomadic people of Lapland)
saamelainen {adj} :: Sami
saamelaiskäräjät {n} :: Sami Parliaments
saamelaiskieli {n} :: Sami (any of the languages of the Sami)
saamelaiskota {n} :: A tipi-like traditional Sami dwelling, known in some English texts by its Sami name lavvu
saamelaiskulttuuri {n} :: Sami culture
saamelaismies {n} :: Sami man
saamelaisnainen {n} :: Sami woman
saamelaispuku {n} :: synonym of saamenpuku
saamelaisuus {n} :: Saminess (quality of being Sami)
saamenkielinen {adj} :: Sami, Sami language (written or expressed in Sami)
saamenkielinen {adj} :: Azeri speaking (using Sami as a means of daily communication)
saamenpuku {n} :: Sami coat, Sami dress (any of several models of embroidered clothing traditionally worn by Sami men and women)
saaminen {n} :: getting, acquiring
säämiskä {n} :: chamois (leather)
Saana {prop} :: A fell in Finnish Lapland
Saana {prop} :: given name of modern usage, transferred from the place name
säänkestävä {adj} :: weatherproof
säänlukutaito {n} [nautical] :: weather eye (ability to predict weather over a short term by interpreting various signs in one's environment)
säänmuutos {n} :: weather modification
saanne {n} :: accept
säännellä {v} :: to regulate
säännöllinen {adj} :: regular
säännöllinen lauseke {n} [computing] :: regular expression
säännöllisempi {adj} :: comparative of säännöllinen
säännöllisesti {adv} :: regularly
säännöllisin {adj} :: superlative of säännöllinen
säännöllistää {vt} :: to regularize
säännöllistyä {vi} :: to be regularized
säännöllisyys {n} :: regularity
säännönmukainen {adj} :: conformant
säännönmukainen {adj} :: regular (having a constant pattern)
säännönmukainen {adj} :: regular (demonstrating consistent set of rules)
säännönmukaisuus {n} :: conformity
säännönmukaisuus {n} :: regularity
säännös {n} [law] :: provision (clause in a statute determining what is obligatory, allowed or prohibited; a specific rule that arises from the lexical content of a statute)
säännöskokoelma {n} :: code (body of law)
säännöstää {vt} :: to regulate
säännöstellä {v} :: to ration
säännöstellä {v} :: to regulate
säännöstely {n} :: rationing (strictly controlled distribution of scarce resources, usually based on personal quotas)
säännöstely {n} :: regulation (more loose control of resources; e.g. by setting limits to quantity purchased at one time or requiring preapproval for large purchases)
säännöstelykortti {n} :: ration card
säännöstelylaki {n} :: rationing act
säännöstelylaki {n} :: sumptuary act (a law that attempts to regulate permitted consumption)
säännöstelypato {n} :: weir (adjustable dam placed across a river to regulate the flow of water downstream)
säännötellä {v} :: synonym of säännöttää
säännötön {adj} :: irregular
säännöttää {vt} :: to regulate
säännöttömästi {adv} :: irregularly
säännöttömyys {n} :: irregularity
säännöttömyys {n} :: anomaly (inconsistency)
sääntelijä {n} :: regulator
sääntely {n} :: regulation
saanti {n} :: supply, yield
saanti {n} [information retrieval] :: recall
sääntö {n} :: rule
sääntö {n} :: regulation
sääntö {n} [in plural] :: laws, rules, bylaws, code (constitution of an association)
sääntömääräinen {adj} :: statutory (as stipulated by the by-laws of an association)
sääntömuutos {n} :: rule change
sääntöperintötila {n} [legal, obsolete] :: fee tail, fideicommissum (estate in land which may not be sold or pledged and must be passed undivided to the next generation in the family, usually to the eldest son)
säänvaihtelu {n} :: rapid and constant changing of weather
sääolosuhteet {n} :: meteorological or weather conditions
sääolot {n} :: weather conditions
sääoppi {n} :: meteorology
sääpallo {n} :: A weather balloon
sääpalvelu {n} :: weather service
saapas {n} :: boot (shoe)
saapashousut {n} :: breeches
saapasjalkainen {adj} :: that is wearing boots (shoes)
saapasmaa {n} :: alternative case form of Saapasmaa
Saapasmaa {prop} [figuratively, jocular] :: Italy
saapasnahka {n} :: boot leather, leather for boots
saapaspari {n} :: A pair of boots
saapasrasva {n} :: boot cream, boot grease
saapasrenki {n} :: bootjack
saapastella {vi} :: To walk around while wearing boots
saapastella {vi} :: To strut
saapasvarsi {n} :: shaft of a boot
saapikas {n} :: ankle boot
saappaanheitto {n} :: welly whanging
saappaankanta {n} :: low heel of a boot
saappaankorko {n} :: high heel of a boot
saappaannuolija {n} :: bootlicker
saappaanvarsi {n} :: shaft of a boot
sääprofeetta {n} :: weather prophet
saapua {vi} :: To arrive
sääpuhe {n} :: weather speak
saapuminen {n} :: arrival
saapumisaika {n} :: time of arrival
saapumiserä {n} :: batch of arrival
saapumiserä {n} [military] :: class (a group of people subject to be conscripted in the same military draft)
saapumisjärjestys {n} :: arriving order
saapumisviisumi {n} :: visa-on-arrival
saapuneet-kansio {n} :: in-box, inbox (computer file)
saapuneet-laatikko {n} :: in-box, inbox (physical box or a computer file)
saapuva {adj} :: arriving
saapuva {adj} :: incoming; used e.g. of mail
Saara {prop} :: Sarah [biblical character]
Saara {prop} :: given name
saarekas {adj} [of a body of water] :: Having of many islands
saareke {n} :: An island (entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from it)
saareke {n} :: A small island, especially an artificial one and/or one that is close to a larger land mass, an islet
saarekesolusyöpä {n} :: islet cell cancer
Saarela {prop} :: surname
Saarela {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
saarelainen {n} :: islander (someone living on an island)
Saarelainen {prop} :: surname
Saarenmaa {prop} :: Saaremaa
säärevä {adj} [dialectal, northern dialects] :: long-legged
saari {n} :: island
Saari {prop} :: surname
Saari {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
sääri {n} [anatomy] :: shank, shin (lower part of the leg)
sääri {n} :: cannon (shank of a horse in both forelimbs and hind limbs)
sääri {n} [in the plural] :: used to refer to legs from an aesthetic point of view
säärihaava {n} :: leg ulcer
saariharmaakettu {n} :: island fox, Urocyon littoralis
Saarijärvi {prop} :: A town in the region of Central Finland
Saarijärvi {prop} :: Any of the several lakes with that name
Saarijärvi {prop} :: surname
saarikaari {n} [vulcanology, geology] :: island arc
Saarikangas {prop} :: surname
säärikarvat {n} :: leg hair
saarikettu {n} :: island fox, Urocyon littoralis
sääriluu {n} [skeleton] :: The tibia or shinbone
saarinen {adj} :: Synonym of saarekas
Saarinen {prop} :: surname
Saarinen {prop} :: Any of a number of lakes and small places in Finland
säärintama {n} [meteorology] :: weather front
saaririkas {adj} :: rich in islands
saariryhmä {n} :: island group
saaristo {n} :: archipelago (esp. off the coast of a larger landmass)
saaristoalus {n} :: ship used or designed for use in an archipelago
saaristolainen {n} :: islander (person who lives on an island)
saaristolaislammas {n} :: Åland sheep
saaristolaisleipä {n} :: A type of slightly sweet rye bread baked with cultured milk, malt, bran, rye flour and syrup
saaristolaiva {n} :: archipelago boat
saaristoliikenne {n} :: traffic in an archipelago
Saaristomeri {n} :: Archipelago Sea (part of the Baltic Sea)
saaristopuhelin {n} :: archipelago payphone
saaristoristeily {n} :: archipelago cruise
saaristovaltio {n} :: archipelagic state
saarivaltio {n} :: island state
säärivarsi {n} [anatomy] :: The part of a human leg, which is between the knee and the ankle. In normal usage shortened to sääri
saarna {n} :: sermon
saarnaaja {n} :: preacher
Saarnaaja {prop} :: Ecclesiastes (book of the Old Testament)
Saarnaajan kirja {prop} :: Ecclesiastes (book of the Old Testament)
saarnaajaveli {n} :: pilgrim, friar preacher
saarnaaminen {n} :: preaching
saarnalupa {n} :: license or permission to sermon
saarnamatka {n} :: preaching trip, preaching tour
saarnamies {n} :: (male) preacher
saarnanuotti {n} :: a manneristic way of speech associated with those who give a sermon
saarnapönttö {n} [colloquial] :: pulpit
saarnastuoli {n} :: A pulpit, ambo
saarnata {v} :: To preach
saarnateksti {n} [Christianity] :: text for a sermon
saarnateltta {n} :: tabernacle (tent)
saarnatuoli {n} :: pulpit (raised platform in church)
saarnavirsi {n} :: hymn of preparation before a sermon
saarni {n} :: European ash, Fraxinus excelsior
saarrostaa {vt} [military] :: to attack in order to surround
saartaa {vt} :: to surround, enclose, encircle (in order not to let the object escape)
saarto {n} :: blockade
säärys {n} :: alternative form of säärystin
säärystin {n} :: gaiter (covering of cloth or leather for the whole leg from the knee to the instep, fitting down upon the shoe)
sääsatelliitti {n} :: weather satellite
sääski {n} :: mosquito
sääski {n} :: midge
sääski {n} [dialectal] :: osprey
sääskiparvi {n} :: A swarm of mosquitos
sääskisavu {n} [colloquial] :: mosquito coil
sääskiverkko {n} :: mosquito net
saasta {n} :: filth
säästää {vt} :: To save (some resource, e.g. money, electricity)
saastainen {adj} :: foul, dirty
säästäjä {n} :: saver (one who saves something, usually money)
säästäminen {n} :: saving
säästämistili {n} :: synonym of säästötili
Saastamoinen {prop} :: surname
säästäntä {n} :: saving (e.g. of money)
saastata {v} :: Alternative term for saastuttaa
säästäväinen {adj} :: prudent, frugal, thrifty (characterized by economy and good management of property)
säästäväisempi {adj} :: comparative of säästäväinen
säästäväisesti {adv} :: prudently, frugally, thriftily, economically
säästäväisin {adj} :: superlative of säästäväinen
säästäväisyys {n} :: thrift (property of being economical)
saaste {n} [usually in the plural] :: pollution
saaste {n} :: pollutant
saastealue {n} :: polluted area
säästeliäästi {adv} :: prudently, frugally, thriftily
säästeliäs {adj} :: prudent, frugal, thrifty
säästellä {v} :: to save, especially one's efforts
säästellä {v} :: to skimp (to be parsimonious or stingy)
saastepilvi {n} :: pollution cloud
säästiö {n} :: A small natural preserve
säästö {n} :: saving (reduction in expenditure)
säästö {n} :: in plural (säästöt), savings (that which has been put aside for future needs)
säästö {n} :: as modifier in compound terms, savings
säästö {n} :: as modifier in compound terms, economy, budget (cheap)
säästöbetoni {n} :: concrete changed in some way to reduce cost, such as adding stone or rock
säästökirja {n} [banking, colloquial, dated] :: A passbook, bankbook
säästöpankki {n} :: mutual savings bank, savings bank
säästöpankkiryhmä {n} :: savings bank group
säästöpossu {n} :: piggy bank
säästöraha {n} :: money that one has saved
säästötalkoot {n} :: a common effort of all people to start saving their money
säästötili {n} [banking] :: savings account
saastua {vi} :: To become polluted
saastuke {n} :: pollutant
saastuminen {n} :: pollution
saastuminen {n} :: contamination
saastunein {adj} :: superlative of saastunut
saastunta {n} :: synonym of saastuminen
saastunut {adj} :: polluted, contaminated
saastute {n} :: alternative form of saastuke
saastuttaa {v} :: To pollute
saastuttaa {v} :: To contaminate
saastuttaja {n} :: A polluter
säästyä {vi} :: to be spared, saved from
säätää {vt} [mechanics] :: to adjust, regulate, tune
säätää {vt} [legal] :: to enact; prescribe, ordain, decree
säätää laki {v} [law] :: to legislate, pass a law
saatana {n} :: devil, satan
Saatana {prop} :: Satan (the Devil)
saatanallinen {adj} :: Satanic
saatananpalvoja {n} :: theistic satanist
saatananpalvonta {n} :: theistic satanism
saatanasti {adv} [vulgar] :: An intensifier
saatava {n} :: short for myyntisaatava (receivable)
saatavuus {n} :: availability
saate {n} :: covering note
saatekirje {n} :: cover letter
säätekokuu {n} :: synonym of sääsatelliitti
säätelijä {n} :: regulator
saatella {v} :: To escort
säätely {n} :: regulation
saatesanat {n} :: preamble, foreword
saati {adv} :: let alone, not to mention
säätiede {n} :: meteorology
säätiedot {n} :: weather information, meteorological information
säätiedote {n} :: weather report
säätiedottaja {n} :: weather forecaster, weatherman, weatherperson
säätiedotus {n} :: weather report
säätila {n} :: weather conditions, weather
säätiö {n} :: foundation, institution
säätiöidä {vt} :: to make into or put (money) in a trust or foundation
säätö {n} :: adjustment, control, regulation
säätö {n} [colloquial] :: tuning, messing around (any indeterminate action, possibly belittlingly)
säätö {n} [colloquial] :: a fling, a short and garbled relationship with someone (may or may not be sexual)
saatossa {adv} :: over the course
säätöteoria {n} [engineering, math] :: control theory
säätövoima {n} :: regulating power, load-following power
saattaa {v} :: to escort, usher, see, accompany, walk
saattaa {v} :: ~ ulos: to see off (to accompany someone to a point of departure)
saattaa {v} :: to bring, drive (into a situation)
saattaa {v} [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: may (do, probably do); (in the conditional mood) might (do, probably do)
saattaa {v} [auxiliary, + infinitive; in simple past tense] :: to have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), be able to (do)
saattaja-alus {n} :: escort vessel
saatto {n} :: escort
saattohoito {n} :: hospice (provision of palliative care for terminally ill patients)
saattojoukko {n} :: escort
saattokoti {n} :: hospice (facility for the terminally ill)
saattoväki {n} :: escorting crowd (people who have gathered to wish a good journey for someone or something who leaves)
saattoväki {n} :: mourners (the people taking part in a funeral ceremony as a group)
saattue {n} :: A convoy
saattuelentotukialus {n} :: escort aircraft carrier
saattuetukialus {n} :: escort carrier
säätutka {n} :: weather radar
sääty {n} [historical] :: estate (major social class regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights)
sääty {n} [archaic] :: class (social grouping based on wealth, education etc.)
sääty {n} :: (archaic) rank (level of one's position in a class-based society)
sääty {n} :: (archaic) quality (high social position)
säätyä {vi} :: to be adjusted
säätyä {vi} [law] :: to be enacted or ordained
säätyerioikeus {n} :: A privilege of an estate, such as the right of the nobility to occupy highest public offices
säätyläinen {n} [historical] :: person of quality (member of upper class or high society)
säätyläinen {n} [in plural, historical] :: the quality (the people of upper classes collectively)
säätyläistö {n} [archaic] :: the quality (the upper class, the high society, the gentry; the people of quality)
säätyraja {n} :: social class distinction
säätyvaltiopäivät {n} :: diet of estates (type of diet in which the representation is based on estates)
sääty-yhteiskunta {n} [chiefly historical] :: A society in which an indivual's rights and duties are determined by his/her estate
saavi {n} :: tub (broad, open, flat-bottomed vessel)
saavillinen {n} :: A tub or tubful (contents or capacity of a tub)
saavuttaa {vt} :: To reach
saavuttaa {vt} :: To obtain
saavuttaa {vt} :: To achieve, accomplish
saavuttaa {vt} :: To gain, attain
saavuttaa {vt} :: To bring about
saavuttamaton {adj} :: unreachable, unattainable, unobtainable, inaccessible, unachievable (impossible to attain or reach, unable to accomplish, beyond limit)
saavuttaminen {n} :: attainment, accomplishment, satisfaction
saavutus {n} :: achievement, accomplishment, feat, attainment
säbä {n} [slang] :: floorball
sabatti {n} :: alternative form of sapatti
sabayon {n} [food] :: zabaglione
sabloni {n} [old-fashioned] :: template (model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object)
sabloni {n} :: (old-fashioned) stencil (utensil for drawing)
sabluuna {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of sapluuna
sabotaasi {n} :: sabotage
sabotoida {vt} :: To sabotage
sabotoida {vt} :: To undermine
sabotoija {n} :: saboteur
sabotointi {n} :: sabotage
sabotööri {n} :: saboteur
sabra {n} :: sabra
sacherkakku {n} :: Sachertorte, Sacher torte (type of chocolate cake originating from Vienna)
sadan metrin juoksu {n} [athletics] :: 100 metres, 100-metre dash [UK], 100 meters [US] (athletics event)
sadannes {n} :: hundredth, one-hundredth (one of a hundred equal parts of a whole)
sadanpäämies {n} :: centurion
sadanta {n} :: (amount of) precipitation
sadas {adj} [ordinal] :: hundredth
sadasosa {n} :: one-hundredth
sadasosasekunti {n} :: One hundredth of a second
sadasti {adv} :: a hundred times
sadatella {vi} :: To swear, curse, damn
saddukeus {n} [biblical] :: Sadducee (member of an ancient Jewish sect)
sade {n} :: (meteorology) any precipitation from the sky (e.g. rain, snow, sleet, hailstones)
sade {n} :: (by extension) a rain (any matter moving or falling, usually through air)
säde {n} :: radius
säde {n} :: beam of light
säde {n} :: ray of radiation
Säde {prop} :: given name
sadeaika {n} :: rainy season
sadealue {n} :: rainfall area, watershed area
sädeannos {n} [dated] :: Same as säteilyannos (radiation dose)
sadeasu {n} :: rainwear
säde-eläin {n} :: radiolarian
sade-ennätys {n} :: rain record
sädehoito {n} [medicine] :: radiation therapy
sadehousut {n} :: rain trousers
sädehtiä {v} :: to radiate
sadeilma {n} :: rainy weather, rain
sadeilma {n} [rare] :: the air during the rain
sädekaisla {n} :: papyrus sedge, flatsedge, nutsedge, umbrella sedge (plant of the genus Cyperus)
sadekausi {n} :: wet season, rainy season, monsoon (tropical rainy season)
sädekehä {n} :: halo, nimbus, aureole (luminous disc around or over the heads of saints)
sädekehä {n} :: halo (metaphorical aura of glory)
sädekehävaikutus {n} [psychology] :: halo effect
sadekuuro {n} :: shower (fall of light rain)
sädelihas {n} [anatomy] :: ciliary muscle
sadella {v} :: To rain [intermittently]
sademäärä {n} :: rainfall
sademetsä {n} :: rainforest
sademittari {n} :: rain gauge
sädeoptiikka {n} :: geometric optics
sadepäivä {n} :: rainy day (day when it rains)
sadepilvi {n} :: rain cloud
sadepilvien kylväminen {n} :: cloud seeding
sadepisara {n} :: raindrop
sadesää {n} :: rainy weather
sädesieni {n} :: actinomycete (any of various filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria, of the order Actinomycetales)
sädesienitauti {n} [pathology] :: actinomycosis
sädesiipisimppu {n} :: clearfin lionfish, Pterois radiata
sadetakki {n} :: A raincoat, mackintosh [British]
sadetakki {n} :: A mackintosh (type of raincoat made of rubberized cloth)
sadetanssi {n} :: rain dance
sadetin {n} :: sprinkler
sädetin {n} :: synonym of sadetin
sädetin {n} :: ray gun (fictional weapon)
sadettaa {v} :: To irrigate or to water by means of a sprinkler
sädettää {vt} :: to radiate
sadetutka {n} :: a (usually animated) map showing precipitation within an area
sadevesi {n} :: rainwater
sadevesikaivo {n} :: rainwater gully, storm gully
sadevesikouru {n} :: rain gutter, eaves trough, gutter (trough that collects rainwater running from a roof and leads it to a downspout)
sadevesisäiliö {n} :: rainwater tank; rain barrel [US], water butt [UK] (vessel used for holding rainwater for e.g. firefighting or watering)
sadeviitta {n} :: cagoule
sadin {n} :: A trap for grouses and hares
sadismi {n} :: sadism
sadisti {n} :: sadist
sadistinen {adj} :: sadistic
sadistisesti {adv} :: sadistically
sadistisuus {n} :: sadism (the property of being sadistic)
sadoittain {adv} :: hundreds of, by the hundred
sadomasokismi {n} :: sadomasochism
sadomasokisti {n} :: sadomasochist
sadomasokistinen {adj} :: sadomasochistic
sadonkorjuu {n} :: harvest, harvesting (action of gathering of crops)
sadonkorjuuaika {n} :: harvest time
sadonkorjuujuhla {n} :: harvest festival (festival to celebrate the harvest)
sadonkorjuutyö {n} :: harvesting work
sadunomaisesti {adv} :: like in a fairytale
säe {n} [poetry] :: line, verse
säen {n} :: alternative form of säkene
säestää {vit} [music] :: to accompany (to perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition)
säestäminen {n} [music] :: accompaniment
säestys {n} [music] :: accompaniment
saeta {vi} [usually, of snowfall] :: To thicken, become/get thick(er)
safari {n} :: safari
safarituoli {n} :: Safari chair
safiiri {n} [mineral] :: sapphire
safka {n} [slang] :: food
safkata {v} [slang] :: to eat
saflori {n} :: safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
saga {n} :: alternative spelling of saaga
sagittaalinen {adj} [anatomy] :: sagittal (in the direction from dorsal to ventral)
sagittaalitaso {n} [anatomy] :: sagittal plane
sagriini {n} :: shagreen
saha {n} :: saw (tool)
saha {n} :: sawmill (plant, production facility)
saha {n} [musical instruments] :: musical saw (musical instrument)
saha-aalto {n} :: synonym of sahalaita-aalto
sahaaja {n} :: sawer, sawyer
sahaaminen {n} :: sawing
sahaava {adj} :: intermittent (stopping and starting at intervals)
sahaava {adj} :: back and forth (going from one position to another and back again in a manner that resembles sawing)
sähähtää {v} :: to sizzle (once and/or suddenly)
sahajauho {n} :: sawdust
sähäkästi {adv} :: jazzily, flashily
sähäkkä {adj} :: saucy (mildly sexy, mainly said of a woman)
sähäkkä {adj} :: jazzy, flashy, showy
sahakuvio {n} :: sawtooth pattern
sahalaita {n} :: sawtooth
sahalaita-aalto {n} :: sawtooth wave
sahalaitainen {adj} :: saw-toothed, serrated
sahalihas {n} [anatomy] :: serratus
sahamainen {adj} :: sawlike, serrate
sahanpuru {n} :: sawdust
sahapistiäinen {n} :: sawfly (insect of the suborder Symphyta)
sahapukki {n} :: sawbuck, buck, sawhorse (frame on which firewood is sawed)
saharangaselli {n} :: sand gazelle, slender-horned gazelle, Gazella leptoceros (gazelle with slender horns adapted to desert life)
sahata {vt} :: To saw
sahatavara {n} :: sawn goods, sawn timber in general
sahateollisuus {n} :: sawmill industry
sahaus {n} :: sawing
sahauskuoppa {n} :: saw pit, sawpit
sahauttaa {v} :: To let saw, have sawn (by someone else)
sahautua {vi} :: to be sawed
säheltää {vi} :: synonym of sählätä
sähinä {n} :: hiss
sähistä {vi} :: To hiss
sähke {n} :: telegram
sähkeuutiset {n} :: short news consisting of summaries
sähkö {n} :: electricity
sähköaisti {n} :: electroreception
sähköaita {n} :: electric fence
sähköaivo {n} [obsolete] :: computer, "electronic brain"
sähköajanotto {n} :: electronic timing, electronic race timing
sähköakkumulaattori {n} [dated] :: accumulator, rechargeable battery
sähköala {n} :: electrical sector, electrical industry
sähköallergia {n} :: electrohypersensitivity
sähköankerias {n} :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
sähköasennus {n} :: electrical installation
sähköasentaja {n} :: electrician
sähköauto {n} :: electric car
sähköbasso {n} :: electric bass
sähködipoli {n} [physics] :: electric dipole
sähködynaaminen {adj} :: electrodynamic
sähködynamiikka {n} :: electrodynamics
sähköelementti {n} :: electric element
sähköelin {n} [anatomy] :: electric organ
sähköenergia {n} :: electrical energy
sähköenergiamittari {n} :: electricity meter
sähköenergiatalous {n} :: electric power economy
sähköeriste {n} :: electric insulator
sähköeristys {n} :: electric insulation
sähköfortuna {n} [rare] :: pinball
sähköfysiologia {n} :: electrophysiology
sähkögeneraattori {n} :: electrical generator
sähkögrilli {n} :: electric grill, electric barbecue
sähköhammasharja {n} :: electric toothbrush
sähköheikko {adj} [physics] :: electroweak
sähköhella {n} :: electric kitchen stove
sähköhoito {n} :: electroconvulsive therapy
sähköhöylä {n} :: power planer, electric planer
sähköhuopa {n} :: electric blanket
sähköinen {adj} :: electrical
sähköinen {adj} :: e-, digital
sähköinen media {n} :: electronic media
sähköinen potentiaali {n} [physics] :: electric potential
sähköinsinööri {n} :: electrical engineer
sähköisesti {adv} [not comparable] :: electronically, electrically, digitally
sähköisesti {adv} :: electrically, electrifyingly
sähköisku {n} :: electric shock
sähköistää {vt} :: to electrify
sähköistäminen {n} :: electrification (act)
sähköistyä {vi} :: to electrify
sähköistys {n} :: electrification
sähköistysurakka {n} :: contract work to electrify something
sähköjännite {n} :: electric voltage
sähköjohde {n} :: electrical conductor
sähköjohdin {n} :: electrical wire
sähköjohto {n} :: electric wire
sähköjuna {n} :: electric train (train powered by electricity)
sähkökaappi {n} :: electrical cabinet, electrical enclosure (cabinet for electrical or electronic equipment to protect the public from electrical shock and to protect the contents from the environment)
sähkökatko {n} :: blackout, power outage, power failure
sähkökatkos {n} [electricity] :: blackout (break in power supply)
sähkökattila {n} :: electric boiler, electric kettle
sähkökäynnisteinen {adj} :: that which is started with electrical power
sähkökäyttöinen {adj} :: electric-powered, electrically powered
sähkökeitin {n} :: electric cooker
sähkökello {n} :: electric clock
sähkökemia {n} :: electrochemistry
sähkökemiallinen {adj} :: electrochemical
sähkökenttä {n} [electricity, physics] :: electric field
sähkökeskus {n} :: switchboard (device used to facilitate safe distribution of electricity to the individual points of consumption, usually equipped with fuses to cut off eventual faulty circuits)
sähkökirja {n} :: e-book
sähkökirjoituskone {n} :: electric typewriter (as opposed to mechanical)
sähkökitara {n} :: An electric guitar
sähkökitaristi {n} :: electric guitarist
sähkökiuas {n} :: electric sauna stove
sähkökone {n} :: electrical machine
sähkökuolema {n} :: electrocution (accidental death or suicide by electric shock)
sähkölaite {n} :: electronic device, electrical apparatus
sähkölaitos {n} :: electric utility (company that engages in distribution and often also in generation and transmission of electricity)
sähkölaitosasentaja {n} :: power plant mechanic
sähkölaitostekniikka {n} :: power plant engineering
sähkölamautin {n} :: electric stun gun, electric taser
sähkölämmitin {n} :: electrical heater
sähkölämmitteinen {adj} :: electrically heated
sähkölämmitys {n} :: electrical heating
sähkölamppu {n} :: electric lamp
sähkölasku {n} :: electricity bill, electric bill, power bill (bill for electricity consumed)
sähköliesi {n} :: electrical kitchen stove
sähkölinja-auto {n} :: electric bus
sähkömäärä {n} :: electric charge
sähkömagneetti {n} :: electromagnet
sähkömagneettinen {adj} :: electromagnetic
sähkömagneettinen aalto {n} [physics] :: electromagnetic wave (electromagnetic radiation)
sähkömagneettinen säteily {n} :: electromagnetic radiation
sähkömagneettinen vuorovaikutus {n} [physics] :: electromagnetic interaction
sähkömagnetismi {n} :: electromagnetism
sähkömarkkinat {n} :: electricity market
sähkömekaaninen {adj} :: electromechanical
sähkömekaniikka {n} :: electromechanics
sähkömiehenmakkara {n} :: synonym of ohmimakkara
sähkömies {n} :: electrician
sähkömittari {n} :: electricity meter
sähkömittaustekniikka {n} :: alternative form of sähkönmittaustekniikka
sähkömonni {n} :: electric catfish
sähkömoottori {n} :: electric motor
sähkömoottorijuna {n} [rail transport] :: electric multiple unit
sähkömotorinen {adj} :: electromotive
sähkömotorinen voima {n} [physics] :: electromotive force
sähköneriste {n} :: electrical insulator
sähköneristin {n} :: electrical insulator
sähköneristys {n} :: electrical insulation
sähkönjakelu {n} :: electric power distribution
sähkönjakeluverkko {n} :: electrical distribution network
sähkönjohde {n} :: alternative form of sähköjohde
sähkönjohdin {n} :: alternative form of sähköjohdin
sähkönjohtavuus {n} [physics] :: conductance, electric conductivity
sähkönjohtokyky {n} :: sähkönjohtavuus (conductivity)
sähkönkäyttö {n} :: use of electricity
sähkönkulutus {n} :: electricity consumption
sähkönlähde {n} :: source of electricity
sähkönmittaustekniikka {n} :: electricity measurement technology (methods, devices and calculations used to measure electrical quantities)
sähkönpurkaus {n} :: electrical discharge, electrical surge
sähkönsiirto {n} :: electric power transmission
sähkönsininen {adj} :: electric blue (colour)
sähköntuotanto {n} :: electricity generation
sähkönvaraamiskyky {n} :: electric capacitance
sähköoppi {n} :: A branch of physics dealing with electricity and electric and electronic phenomena
sähköpääkeskus {n} :: The main switchboard by which the electricity supply of a building or other similar entity is controlled
sähköpaimen {n} :: electric fence, specifically a non-lethal one used to control cattle
sähköpaistinpannu {n} :: electric skillet
sähköpari {n} :: electrochemical cell
sähköparisto {n} :: battery (device that produces electricity by a chemical reaction between two substances)
sähköparranajokone {n} :: electric razor
sähköpatteri {n} :: electric radiator (heating device)
sähköpiano {n} [musical instruments] :: electric piano
sähköpiiska {n} :: prod (electric handheld device for controlling cattle)
sähköpora {n} :: electric drill
sähköposti {n} :: e-mail, electronic mail (system for transferring messages from one computer to another)
sähköposti {n} :: e-mail (message)
sähköpostilaatikko {n} :: electronic mailbox
sähköpostilista {n} :: mailing list
sähköpostiosoite {n} :: e-mail address
sähköpostitse {adv} :: by e-mail (as a medium)
sähköpostiviesti {n} :: An email message
sähköpyörä {n} :: electric bike
sähkörausku {n} :: electric ray, torpedo (fish of the order Torpediniformes)
sähkösaha {n} :: power saw
sähkösanoma {n} [dated] :: telegram
sähkösavuke {n} :: electronic cigarette (battery-powered device that provides doses of nicotine for inhalation by way of a vaporized solution)
sähköshokki {n} :: alternative spelling of sähköšokki
sähköshokkihoito {n} :: alternative spelling of sähköšokkihoito
sähkösilitysrauta {n} :: electric clothes iron
sähköskitta {n} [slang] :: electric guitar
sähkösokki {n} :: alternative spelling of sähköšokki
sähköšokki {n} :: An electric shock, especially one used as medical treatment
sähkösokkihoito {n} :: alternative spelling of sähköšokkihoito
sähköšokkihoito {n} :: electroconvulsive therapy
sähköstaattinen {adj} :: electrostatic
sähköstatiikka {n} [physics] :: electrostatics
sähkötariffi {n} :: electricity tariff
sähkötarkastus {n} :: electric inspection (inspection of electric installations in order to ensure their safety and compliance with regulation)
sähköteippi {n} :: insulating tape, electrical tape ‎(poorly conductive plastic tape used to insulate electrical wires)
sähkötekniikka {n} :: electrical engineering (branch of engineering)
sähköteknikko {n} :: electrotechnician
sähkötekninen {n} :: electrotechnical
sähköteloitus {n} :: electrocution (execution by electric shock)
sähkötoiminen {adj} :: electrically operated
sähköttää {v} :: to wire, telegraph (send a message using a telegraph)
sähköttäjä {n} :: telegrapher
sähkötuoli {n} :: electric chair
sähkötuuletin {n} :: blower (ducted fan)
sähkötuuletin {n} :: electric fan
sähkötyökalu {n} :: power tool
sähkötyöväline {n} :: synonym of sähkötyökalu
sähkötys {n} :: telegraphing
sähköurut {n} [musical instruments] :: electronic organ
sähköuuni {n} :: electric oven
sähkövakio {n} [physics] :: The electric constant
sähkövalaistus {n} :: electric lighting
sähkövalo {n} :: electric light
sähkövarasto {n} :: grid energy storage, electrical storage
sähkövaraus {n} :: electric charge
sähkövastus {n} :: electrical resistance
sähkövatkain {n} :: electric mixer (kitchen appliance)
sähköverkko {n} :: power grid, electrical grid
sähkövero {n} :: electricity tax (tax charged on the basis of electricity consumption)
sähköveturi {n} :: electric locomotive
sähkövika {n} :: electrical fault
sähkövirta {n} :: electric current
sähköviulu {n} [musical instruments] :: electric violin
sähkövoima {n} :: electrical power
sähkövuo {n} [physics] :: electric flux
sähköyhtiö {n} :: electricity company
sähköyliherkkyys {n} :: electrohypersensitivity
sählätä {vt} :: to fumble, mess up, bungle, botch up, screw up, fuck up
sähläys {n} :: flub, blunder, blooper
sähliä {v} [colloquial] :: To screw up, mess up
sähly {n} [colloquial] :: floorball
sahra {n} [archaic] :: A type of plough/plow
sahrami {n} :: saffron (spice)
sahrami {n} :: crocus (perennial flowering plant of the genus Crocus)
sahraminkeltainen {adj} :: saffron, saffron yellow (colour)
sahraminkeltainen {n} :: saffron, saffron yellow (colour)
sahramiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius sommerfeltii
sahti {n} [uncountable] :: A traditional home-brewed strong beer made of malts and traditionally spiced with juniper; nowadays also with hops
sahti {n} [countable] :: A serving of that drink
sahuri {n} :: sawyer, lumberman
sahuu {n} :: sawing
sahuuttaa {v} :: alternative form of sahauttaa
saidasti {adv} :: stingily
säie {n} :: thread, strand, fibre, filament
säie {n} [computing] :: thread
säie {n} [physics] :: string
säieteoria {n} [physics] :: string theory
saiga-antilooppi {n} :: saiga (Saiga tatarica)
säihke {n} :: eclat (brilliant or successful effect; brilliance of success or effort; splendor; brilliant show; striking effect)
säihkyä {vi} :: to radiate, to coruscate, to glitter
Saija {prop} :: given name
säikähdyttää {v} :: synonym of säikäyttää
säikähtää {vi} :: To be startled/frightened/scared, take fright
säikähtyä {v} :: synonym of säikähtää
säikäytellä {vt} :: to scare repeatedly
säikäyttää {vt} [causative] :: To scare
säikeistää {vt} [computing] :: to thread, to multithread
saikka {n} [dialectal] :: tea
saikku {n} [colloquial] :: sick leave (a type of leave from work)
säikky {adj} :: timid, fickle, skittish (easily scared)
säikkyä {vi} :: To startle, jump, spook (in a continuous/usual manner)
säikytellä {vt} :: to scare or spook repeatedly
säikyttää {vt} :: to scare, frighten, spook
Saila {prop} :: given name
säilä {n} :: sabre
säile {n} :: preservative
säiliö {n} :: vessel, container, tank, cistern
säiliöalus {n} :: tank ship
säiliöauto {n} :: tank truck [US], road tanker [UK], tanker (truck equipped with a tank for transporting liquids or sometimes powders)
säiliöauto {n} :: fuel tanker, petrol tanker, road tanker [UK, tanker for liquid fuels]
säiliöauto {n} :: bowser (tank truck, especially one designed for airplane fuel transport in airports or one designed for water distribution)
säiliöidä {vt} :: to store
säiliökontti {n} [transport] :: tank container
säiliölaiva {n} :: tanker (vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid)
säiliövaunu {n} [rail transport] :: tank car
säilö {n} :: Place of safekeeping (e.g. store, storage jar, store cupboard, warehouse)
säilö {n} :: Prison (place for keeping dangerous people away from others)
säilöä {vt} :: To preserve (food), can
säilömuisti {n} :: long-term memory
säilöntä {n} :: preservation (of food)
säilöntäaine {n} :: preservative, food preservative
säilöntäaineeton {adj} :: preservative-free
säilörehu {n} :: silage
säilöte {n} [deprecated] :: alternative form of säilyte
säilyä {vi} :: To remain
säilyä {vi} :: To abide
säilyä {vi} :: To be preserved
säilyke {n} :: canned food
säilykepurkki {n} :: tin (airtight container used to preserve food)
säilyketölkki {n} :: can (tin-plate canister for preserved foods)
säilyminen {n} :: preservation
säilymislaki {n} [physics] :: law of conservation
säilyte {n} :: preservative
säilyttää {vt} :: To preserve
säilyttää {vt} :: To retain
säilyttäjä {n} :: preserver
säilyttäminen {n} :: preservation
säilyttäminen {n} :: retention
säilyttävä {adj} :: preservative (tending to preserve)
säilytys {n} :: preservation
säilytys {n} :: conservation
säilytysaika {n} :: storage period or time, retention period or time
säilytysastia {n} :: storage vessel
säilytyslämpötila {n} :: storage temperature
säilytysohje {n} :: storage instruction
säilytysyhteisö {n} :: depositary
Saima {prop} :: given name
Saimaa {prop} :: The largest lake of Finland, and fourth in Europe
saimaanhylje {n} :: Saimaa ringed seal, Phoca hispida saimensis
saimaannorppa {n} :: A Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis), subspecies of the ringed seal, lives only in the lake Saimaa in Finland
Saimi {prop} :: given name
Saini {prop} :: given name
SA Int {prop} :: abbreviation of Suomen armeijan intendentuuri (later intendenttiosasto), the department of the Finnish Defence Forces in charge of acquiring food and equipment, nowadays called the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command. This abbreviation used to be printed, stamped or otherwise permanently marked on practically every object that belonged to the Finnish military
Saint Kitts ja Nevis {prop} :: Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia {prop} :: Saint Lucia
saintpaulia {n} :: saintpaulia
Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon {prop} :: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit {prop} :: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
saippo {n} [botany] :: candytuft (plant of the genus Iberis)
saippua {n} :: soap
saippua-astia {n} :: soap tray
saippuahiutale {n} :: soap flake
saippuainen {adj} :: soapy
saippuajuuri {n} :: soaproot (Gypsophila struthium)
saippuakauppias {n} :: soap vendor
saippuakivi {n} :: soapstone
saippuakivikauppias {n} :: soapstone vendor
saippuakotelo {n} :: soap case, soap dish, soap box
saippuakupla {n} :: soap bubble
saippualiuos {n} :: soft soap, soap solution, soapy solution
saippuamainen {adj} :: soaplike, saponaceous
saippuamarja {n} :: soapberry, soapnut (any plant of the genus Sapindus)
saippuamarja {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Sapindus
saippuamarjakasvi {n} :: any plant of the family Sapindaceae
saippuamarjakasvi {n} [in the plural] :: the family Sapindaceae
saippuankeitto {n} :: soapmaking
saippuanpala {n} :: alternative form of saippuapala
saippuaooppera {n} :: soap opera
saippuapala {n} :: piece of soap
saippuapallo {n} [rare] :: synonym of saippuakupla
saippuapesu {n} :: soap wash, washing with soap
saippuapitoinen {adj} :: containing soap, saponaceous
saippuapohjainen {adj} :: soap-based
saippuapuu {n} [archaic] :: soapbark, soap bark tree, Quillaja saponaria (tropical tree)
saippuarasia {n} :: soap case, soap box
saippuasarja {n} :: soap opera
saippuasprii {n} :: spirit of soap (spiritus saponis)
saippuatanko {n} :: loaf of soap (solid block of soap, from which standard bars are cut)
saippuavaahto {n} :: soap foam
saippuavati {n} :: soap dish
saippuavesi {n} :: soapy water
saippuoida {v} :: to soap (to apply soap to, to treat with soap)
saippuoittaa {vt} [chemistry] :: to saponify
saippuoitua {v} :: to get soaped
saira {n} :: saury, or more specifically Pacific saury; Cololabis saira
sairaala {n} :: A hospital
sairaalabakteeri {n} :: hospital-acquired infection
sairaalafarmaseutti {n} :: hospital pharmacist
sairaalafyysikko {n} :: medical physicist
sairaalahartaus {n} :: devotional or devotion in a hospital
sairaalahenkilökunta {n} :: hospital staff, hospital personnel
sairaalahenkilöstö {n} :: hospital staff, hospital personnel
sairaalahoito {n} :: hospitalization, hospital care
sairaalainfektio {n} :: hospital-acquired infection
sairaalajäte {n} :: medical waste, hospital waste
sairaalakemisti {n} :: clinical chemist
sairaalalääkäri {n} :: hospital doctor
sairaalamaksu {n} :: hospital bill
sairaalapaikka {n} :: room or place in a hospital
sairaalapappi {n} :: hospital chaplain
sairaalapiiri {n} :: hospital district
sairaalapöpö {n} [childish] :: hospital infection
sairaalapotilas {n} :: impatient, hospital patient
sairaalarakennus {n} :: hospital building
sairaalaruoka {n} :: hospital food
sairaalasielunhoitaja {n} :: hospital spiritual counsellor
sairaalasielunhoito {n} :: hospital spiritual counseling
sairaalateologi {n} :: hospital theologian
sairaalloinen {adj} :: sickly, valetudinarian
sairaalloinen {adj} :: morbid
sairaalloisen {adv} [attributive] :: morbidly
sairaalloisesti {adv} :: morbidly
sairaalloisuus {n} :: morbidness
sairaampi {adj} :: comparative of sairas
sairaanhoitaja {n} :: nurse (person trained to provide care for the sick)
sairaanhoitajatar {n} :: female nurse
sairaanhoito {n} :: health care (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses)
sairaanhoito {n} :: nursing (process of caring for patients as a nurse)
sairaanhoitopiiri {n} :: health care district
sairaankuljetusauto {n} :: An ambulance
sairaan voitelu {n} [Catholicism] :: Anointing of the Sick (sacrament of the Catholic Church)
sairaasti {adv} :: in a sick or ill way
sairaasti {adv} [colloquial, not comparable] :: a load of
sairaiden voitelu {n} :: alternative form of sairaan voitelu (sacrament of the Catholic Church)
Sairanen {prop} :: surname
sairas {adj} :: ill, sick
sairas {n} :: A sick person
sairasauto {n} :: ambulance
sairaseläke {n} :: sick pension
sairaskohtaus {n} :: synonym of sairauskohtaus
sairasloma {n} :: sick leave
sairaspäivä {n} :: sick day
sairastaa {vt} :: To have (a disease), be sick (in bed) with
sairastaa {vi} :: To ail (because of a disease)
sairastapaus {n} :: synonym of sairaustapaus
sairastavuus {n} :: morbidity, prevalence, incidence (of a disease)
sairastella {v} :: To be sick [repeatedly]
sairastua {vi} [_, + illative] :: To get sick, come down with, catch (a disease)
sairastupa {n} :: infirmary, sickhouse
sairastuttaa {vt} :: to make somebody ill
sairaudentunnoton {n} :: anosognosic
sairaudentuntoinen {adj} :: nosognosic
sairaus {n} :: sickness, illness, malady, disease, ailment
sairausaika {n} :: period of illness
sairauseläke {n} :: disability pension
sairauskertomus {n} :: medical record, case history
sairauskohtaus {n} :: a sudden attack of a disease, especially of a severe disease such as a stroke
sairauskulut {n} :: medical expenses
sairauskustannukset {n} :: costs caused by an illness or sickness
sairausloma {n} :: sick leave (a type of leave from work)
sairauspäivä {n} :: day of illness
sairauspäiväraha {n} :: sick pay, sick leave benefit
sairauspoissaolo {n} :: sick leave
sairaustapaus {n} :: An acute case of illness
sairaustila {n} :: pathological condition
sairausvakuutus {n} :: health insurance, sickness insurance
sairausvakuutuskortti {n} :: A medical insurance card issued by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, KELA. The official translation printed on the card is sickness insurance card
sairausvakuutuskortti {n} :: Similar card issued by relevant authorities in other countries
saisinko laskun {phrase} :: may I have the bill, please?, can I have the bill, please?, the bill, please
saita {adj} :: stingy, niggardly
saituri {n} :: miser, cheapskate
saivar {n} :: alternative form of saivare
saivare {n} :: nit (egg of a louse)
saivarrella {v} :: To nitpick
saivartaja {n} :: botfly
saivartelija {n} :: pedant
saivartelu {n} :: pedantry (excessive attention to details or rules, instance of such behavior)
saju {n} [dialectal] :: tea
SAK {prop} :: Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö, in English "Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions", abbreviated also in English as "SAK" - a central organization of trade unions representing blue-collar employees in both public and private sector
säkä {n} :: The withers (part of the back of a draft animal or horse that is the highest)
säkä {n} [colloquial] :: luck
sakaali {n} :: jackal
sakaali {n} :: golden jackal (Canis aureus)
šakaali {n} :: alternative spelling of sakaali
säkäkorkeus {n} :: height of an animal as measured at the withers
sakara {n} :: point of a star
sakara {n} [architecture] :: aisle in a church (wing in a church)
sakara {n} [architecture, military] :: merlon (any of the projections between the embrasures of a battlement)
Sakari {prop} :: given name, quite popular since the 19th century
Sakari {prop} :: The letter "S" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Sakarias {prop} [biblical character] :: Zacharias
Sakarias {prop} :: given name, popular in the form Sakari
sakariini {n} :: saccharin
sakarisormi {n} [anatomy, archaic] :: little finger
sakaristo {n} :: sacristy, vestry
Sakarja {prop} [biblical character] :: Zachariah; Zechariah
sakata {v} [card games] :: to slough, renounce, discard (to play a card of other than the requested colour, usually because the player has run out of cards of this colour)
sakata {v} [nautical, aviation] :: to stall, drop, fall astern
sakata {v} [chess] :: alternative spelling of shakata
šakata {v} [chess] :: to check
säkättää {vi} :: to repeatedly make a sharp cutting sound
säkättää {vi} :: to henpeck
sake {n} :: sake (Japanese rice wine)
sakea {adj} :: thick (having a viscous consistency)
sakeampi {adj} :: comparative of sakea
sakein {adj} :: superlative of sakea
säkeistö {n} [music, poetry] :: stanza, strophe, staff, stave
sakemanni {n} [mildly, pejorative] :: Kraut (German person)
sakemanni {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of saksanpaimenkoira
säkene {n} :: spark
säkenöidä {vi} :: To sparkle
sakerdootti {n} [archaic] :: priest; a member of clergy
saketti {n} :: morning dress (kind of men's formal dress)
šaketti {n} :: alternative spelling of saketti
sakeute {n} :: thickening agent, thickener
sakeuttaa {v} :: to thicken (to make more viscous)
sakeuttamisaine {n} :: synonym of sakeutusaine
sakeutua {vi} :: to become thick or thicker (of liquid)
sakeutus {n} :: thickening (of liquid)
sakeutusaine {n} :: thickening agent (food additive)
säkiä {n} :: wels catfish [Silurus glanis]
säkillinen {n} :: A sack (the amount that can be put in a sack); sackful
šakinpelaaja {n} :: chess player
säkittää {v} :: to sack (to fill in sacks)
sakka {n} :: dregs
sakka {n} :: lees (in wine and other beverages)
sakka {n} :: settlings
sakkaantua {v} :: synonym of sakkautua
sakkadi {n} :: saccade (quick movement of the eye)
säkkärä {adj} :: [of hair] very curly, kinky
sakkaraasi {n} [chemistry] :: sucrase
sakkaridi {n} :: saccharide
sakkariini {n} :: saccharin
sakkaroosi {n} [carbohydrate] :: sucrose
sakkaus {n} [aeronautics] :: A stall (loss of lift due to an airfoil's critical angle of attack being exceeded)
šakkaus {n} [chess] :: checking
sakkauttaa {v} :: to settle (to clear of dregs and impurities by causing them to sink)
sakkautua {vi} :: To sediment
sakkeli {n} :: shackle, clevis fastener
sakki {n} :: gang, crowd
sakki {n} :: alternative spelling of šakki
säkki {n} :: sack (large bag for storage and handling)
säkki {n} :: gunny sack (coarse sack)
säkki {n} [figuratively] :: sackcloth (garments worn as an act of penance)
šakki {n} :: chess
šakki {n} [chess] :: check
säkkikangas {n} :: sackcloth, burlap, hessian (fabric)
šakkikello {n} :: chess clock
šakkikerho {n} :: chess club
sakkilauta {n} :: alternative spelling of šakkilauta
šakkilauta {n} [chess] :: chessboard (square board used in the game of chess)
šakkimatti {n} [chess] :: checkmate
sakkinappula {n} :: alternative spelling of šakkinappula
šakkinappula {n} :: chess piece, chessman
säkkipaperi {n} :: sack kraft paper
šakkipeli {n} :: chess match, chess game
säkkipilli {n} :: bagpipes
säkkipillinsoittaja {n} :: bagpiper
säkkipimeä {n} :: pitch-dark
šakkiruutuinen {adj} :: checkered, that which has a checkerboard pattern
šakkitehtävä {n} :: chess puzzle
säkkituoli {n} :: beanbag, beanbag chair
sakko {n} :: fine, penalty
sakkoliha {n} [slang] :: A jailbait (a person below the age of consent for sexual activity)
sakkomaksu {n} :: penalty fee
sakkorangaistus {n} :: fine, financial penalty
sakkoyksikkö {n} [rare] :: penalty unit (sum of money used as a basis for penalty fines, the actual penalties being defined as multiples of the penalty unit; often decided annually by the relevant government)
SAK:lainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to SAK (Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions)
sakokaivo {n} :: septic tank (underground septic tank)
sakottaa {v} :: To fine, to ticket (to issue a fine as punishment)
sakoutua {v} [rare] :: synonym of saostua
sakramentti {n} :: sacrament
sakramenttikaappi {n} :: tabernacle (small ornamented cupboard or box used for the sacrament of the Eucharist in a Roman Catholic church)
saksa {n} :: The German language
Saksa {prop} :: Germany
saksalainen {n} :: German (person)
saksalainen {adj} :: German, of or relating to Germany
saksalainen {adj} :: German, relating to the German language:
saksalainen {adj} :: Germano-, in the form saksalais-
saksalaismies {n} :: German man
saksalaisnainen {n} :: German woman
saksalaistaa {vt} :: To Germanize, make German
saksalaistua {vi} :: to become German
saksalaisuus {n} :: Germanness
Saksan demokraattinen tasavalta {prop} :: German Democratic Republic
saksanhirvi {n} :: A red deer, Cervus elaphus
saksanhirvi {n} :: A hart (male of red deer, especially one over five years old)
saksanhirvi {n} :: A hind (female red deer, especially one over three years old)
saksan kieli {n} :: German, a Germanic language spoken by over 90 million people as a first language and one of the official languages in six European countries and the European Union
saksankielinen {adj} :: German, German language, German speaking (written or expressed in German)
saksankumina {n} :: Fennel (plant Foeniculum vulgare)
Saksan liittotasavalta {prop} :: The Federal Republic of Germany (official name of Germany)
saksanmarkka {n} :: A common term for the former German currency (until 2002), the German mark or Deutschmark; see Saksan markka
Saksan markka {n} :: The official term for the former German currency (until 2002), the German mark or Deutschmark
saksannos {n} :: German translation
saksanpähkinä {n} :: Juglans regia
saksanpähkinä {n} :: walnut
saksanpaimenkoira {n} :: German Shepherd (breed of dog)
saksantaa {vt} :: To translate into German
saksata {v} :: to scissor (to move something like a pair of scissors, especially the legs)
säksättää {v} :: to repeatedly make a sharp sound; to make a sharp flapping noise
säksättää {v} :: to nag
sakset {n} :: scissors; shears (large)
sakset {n} [gymnastics] :: scissors
sakset {n} :: pincers, claws (front claws of crustaceans such as lobsters)
saksi {n} :: A claw of a crab
saksi {n} :: A Saxon
Saksi {prop} :: Saxony
saksia {v} :: to scissor, clip
Saksi-Anhalt {prop} :: Saxony-Anhalt
saksija {n} :: one who scissors
saksilava {n} :: scissor lift
saksinokka {n} :: skimmer (bird of the genus Rynchops in the family Laridae of gulls and terns)
saksinosturi {n} :: scissor hoist
saksipotku {n} [soccer, swimming] :: bicycle kick
saksitunkki {n} :: scissor jack
saksofoni {n} :: saxophone
saksofonisti {n} :: saxophonist
saku {n} [slang] :: German, Kraut (German person)
saku {n} :: guan (South American bird)
Saku {prop} :: given name
Säkylä {prop} :: A municipality in Satakunta, Finland
sala- {prefix} :: A prefix signifying secret, clandestine, concealed
sala {n} [dated] :: A secret; currently used mostly idiomatically and as modifier in compound terms
sälä {n} :: stuff of little value; junk
sälä {n} [colloquial] :: miscellany (miscellaneous items)
salaa {adv} :: In secret, secretly
salaaja {n} :: scrambler (device)
salaaja {n} [cryptography] :: cipher
sala-ammattilainen {n} :: a sportsperson who hides them being a professional in order to take part in competitions or other events that would not normally allow professionals to take part
sala-ammattilaisuus {n} :: the state of a sportsperson of hiding one being a professional
sala-ampuja {n} :: sniper
salaatinkastike {n} :: salad dressing
salaatti {n} :: salad (food and vegetable)
salaatti {n} :: lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
salaatti {n} :: any plant of the genus Lactuca
salaatti {n} [in plural] :: the genus Lactuca
salaattikastike {n} :: alternative form of salaatinkastike
salaattilinko {n} :: salad spinner
salaattisikuri {n} :: leaf chicory, Italian chicory (variant of common chicory or chicory cultivated for its leaves, which may be used in salads and as forage; Cichorium intybus var. foliosum)
salaattisipuli {n} :: scallion, spring onion (Allium fistulosum)
salahanke {n} :: conspiracy, plot
salahauta {n} :: pitfall (type of trap consisting of a concealed hole in the ground)
sälähtää {vi} :: to clang sharply (as of shattering glass)
salahuone {n} :: secret room
salahyökkäys {n} :: sneak attack
salailla {vt} :: to keep secret, cover up, hide
salainen {adj} :: secret, clandestine (done or kept hidden)
salainen {adj} [mysterious] :: arcane
salainen pahe {n} [idiomatic] :: guilty pleasure (something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo, unadvisable or lowbrow)
salainen poliisi {n} :: secret police (police operating secretively outside boundaries of normal law)
salaisempi {adj} :: comparative of salainen
salaisesti {adv} :: secretly, in secret, covertly
salaismenot {n} :: synonym of salamenot
salaisuus {n} :: secret
salaiva {n} :: indirect mockery, sarcasm
salajärjestö {n} :: secret organization, shadow organization
salajuoni {n} :: plot, stratagem
salajuoppo {n} :: secret drinker
salajuoppous {n} :: the state of being a secret drinker
salakaato {n} :: poaching, an instance of illicitly hunting and killing an animal
salakähmäinen {adj} :: underhand
salakähmäisesti {adv} :: underhand
salakähmäisyys {n} :: concealment, stealthiness, secrecy
salakalastaja {n} :: poacher, illegal fisher
salakalastus {n} :: poaching, illegal fishing
salakammio {n} :: secret chamber
salakapakka {n} :: A speakeasy
salakapakointi {n} :: the activity of having or maintaining a speakeasy
salakari {n} [figuratively] :: pitfall (potential problem, hazard, or danger)
salakätkö {n} :: secret stash, cache
salakatselu {n} :: overlooking
salakatsoja {n} :: viewer or spectator without a ticket, license or other necessary permission
salakauna {n} [rare] :: hidden grudge
salakauppa {n} :: trafficking, smuggling
salakauppias {n} :: A bootlegger
salakavala {adj} :: insidious, treacherous
salakavalasti {adv} :: insidiously, treacherously
salakäytävä {n} :: secret passage
salaki {n} :: salak
salakieli {n} :: code language, cipher, argot
salakihlaus {n} :: secret engagement
salakirjoittaa {v} :: To encipher, to encrypt
salakirjoittaja {n} :: cryptographer
salakirjoitus {n} :: cipher (method)
salakirjoitus {n} :: ciphering (process)
salakirjoitus {n} :: ciphertext, cipher (text)
salakirjoitusavain {n} :: (cryptography) key (piece of information used to encode or decode)
salakirjoitusavain {n} [cryptography] :: codebook (book, table, database, or other object that stores the mapping between plaintext words or phrases and their equivalents in a code)
salakirjoitusjärjestelmä {n} :: cipher (method)
salakirjoitustaito {n} :: cryptography (art and practice of writing and decoding secret messages)
salakirjoitustekniikka {n} :: synonym of kryptografia
salakirjoitusviesti {n} :: ciphertext, cipher (text)
salakivi {n} :: a hidden underwater rock
salakka {n} :: bleak, Alburnus alburnus
salakomero {n} :: secret closet
salakuljettaa {vt} :: To smuggle (to transport goods illicitly over a border without paying the applicable duties; to transport illegal substances secretly over a border)
salakuljettaa {vt} :: To bring (any goods) secretly (into a place or event where they are forbidden, e.g. a bottle of alcohol into a sports event)
salakuljettaja {n} :: smuggler
salakuljetus {n} :: The act of smuggling (illegal import or export)
salakuoppa {n} :: pitfall (type of trap)
salakuoppa {n} [figuratively] :: pitfall
salakuunnella {v} :: to eavesdrop, listen in (to listen to a conversation one is not intended to hear)
salakuunnella {v} :: to tap, wiretap (to place a listening or recording device on a telephone or wired connection)
salakuuntelija {n} :: eavesdropper
salakuuntelu {n} :: eavesdropping
salakuuntelulaite {n} :: wiretap (concealed device that allows a third party to listen or record conversations)
salakuva {n} :: candid, a photograph taken in secret
salakuvata {vt} :: to photograph, film or record in secret
salakyttä {n} [colloquial] :: secret cop
salalaatikko {n} :: secret box, secret drawer
salalause {n} [computing] :: passphrase
salaliitto {n} :: A conspiracy, collusion
salaliittolainen {n} :: conspirator
salaliittoteoria {n} :: A conspiracy theory
salalokero {n} :: secret compartment
salalukko {n} :: secret lock
salaluoto {n} [rare] :: hidden underwater rock
salaluukku {n} :: trapdoor, secret hatch
salama {n} :: lightning, bolt
salama {n} [photography] :: flash
Salama {prop} :: surname
salama ei iske kahta kertaa samaan paikkaan {proverb} :: lightning never strikes twice in the same place
salamahyökkäys {n} :: blitz
salamalaukaisin {n} [photography] :: flashgun
salamanisku {n} :: lightning strike
salaman laukaisin {n} [photography] :: flashgun
salamannopea {adj} :: fast as lightning
salamannopeasti {adv} :: quick as a flash, quick as a lightning
salamanpaikannin {n} :: lightning detector
salamanteri {n} :: salamander (mythical creature)
salamanteri {n} :: salamander (amphibian)
salamapallo {n} [sports] :: a certain sport somewhat resembling rugby (no established English translation)
salamatkustaja {n} :: stowaway
salamatutka {n} :: a (usually animated) map showing lightning strikes within an area
salameno {n} :: secret rite
salamenot {n} :: secret or mysterious ceremony
salamerkki {n} :: secret sign
salametsästäjä {n} :: A poacher
salametsästys {n} :: poaching
salami {n} :: salami
salamoida {vi} [impersonal] :: To lighten, flash
salamoida {vi} [figuratively, e.g. of eyes] :: To blaze, flash (fire)
salamurha {n} :: assassination
salamurhaaja {n} :: assassin
salamurhata {v} :: To assassinate
salamyhkäinen {adj} :: secretive
salamyhkäisesti {adv} :: secretively
salamyhkäisyys {n} :: secretiveness
salaneuvos {n} :: privy councillor
salanimi {n} :: A pseudonym, nom de guerre, code name
salaoja {n} :: An underground drain
salaojaverkko {n} :: A drainage, subsurface system of drains
salaojittaa {v} :: To build a system of underground drainage
salaojitus {n} [agriculture, construction] :: A system of underground drains
salaojitus {n} :: The act of installing either of the above
salaoppi {n} :: secret doctrine
salaovi {n} :: secret door
salaperäinen {adj} :: secretive, mysterious
salaperäisesti {adv} :: secretively, mysteriously
salapoliisi {n} [colloquial] :: A detective
salapoliisiromaani {n} :: detective novel
salapoltto {n} :: moonshining (illicit liquor production)
salarakas {n} :: secret lover
salasana {n} :: password (secret word used to gain admittance)
salasanoma {n} :: secret message, encrypted message
salaseura {n} :: secret society
salaseura {n} :: cabal
salasoppi {n} :: secret lair
salassa {adv} :: under wraps (in hiding)
salassapito {n} :: confidentiality, secrecy, concealment
salassapitoaika {n} :: period of confidentiality, confidentiality period (period of time during which a document or information must be kept confidential)
salassapitovelvollisuus {n} :: duty of confidentiality, confidentiality obligation, confidentiality privilege (obligation to maintain confidentiality on a specific issue or relationship)
salasuhde {n} :: secret relationship, secret affair
salasurma {n} [rare] :: synonym of salamurha
salat {n} :: secrets
salata {vt} :: to conceal, keep secret, cover up, hide
salata {vt} [cryptography] :: to encrypt, encipher
salatajunta {n} :: synonym of alitajunta
salateksti {n} [cryptography] :: ciphertext (encrypted text)
salatiede {n} :: occultism
salattu {adj} :: hidden
salaus {n} [cryptography] :: encryption
salausmenetelmä {n} [cryptography] :: encryption method
salaustapa {n} :: method of encryption, cipher
salava {n} :: crack willow (Salix fragilis)
salavaarna {n} [rare] :: concealed tenon
salavaimo {n} :: secret wife
salavehje {n} :: secret contraption
salavehkeilijä {n} :: plotter, conspirer
salavehkeily {n} :: plotting, conspiring
salavihkaa {adv} :: secretly, furtively, stealthily
salavihkainen {adj} :: furtive, stealthy
salavihkaisesti {adv} :: synonym of salavihkaa
salaviisas {adj} :: that hides or conceals one's (true) wisdom
salaviisaus {n} :: the state of hiding one's wisdom
salavoima {n} :: secret power
salavuode {n} [dated] :: secret bed (used in former legal terms of being in bed or in a sexual relationship in secret, especially if extramaritally)
salavuoteus {n} [law, historical] :: adultery, extramarital sex
saldo {n} :: balance of an account
saldo {n} [figuratively] :: result, score (in-some-way numeric result of an endeavor)
säle {n} :: splinter
säle {n} :: lath
säle {n} :: slat
säleaita {n} :: slat fence
säleikkö {n} :: trellis (gardening: frame to support vines or other plants)
säleikkö {n} :: grill (on a vehicle, a slotted cover to protect and hide the radiator); also jäähdyttäjän säleikkö
sälekaihdin {n} :: Venetian blind
saletti {adj} [colloquial] :: certain, sure, guaranteed
sali {n} :: hall (principal room of a secular medieval building)
sali {n} :: A large room, often one in which dinners are served, visitors are received or banquets held
sali {n} [colloquial] :: short for kuntosali
salibandy {n} :: floorball
salijalkapallo {n} :: futsal
salisyylihappo {n} :: salicylic acid
salitanssi {n} :: ballroom dance (type of elegant dance)
salkku {n} :: briefcase, portfolio
salkku {n} :: short for arvopaperisalkku
salko {n} :: pole (long and slender piece of metal or especially wood, used for various construction or support purposes)
salko {n} :: flagpole, flagstaff
salkopallo {n} :: tetherball
salkunkantaja {n} [colloquial] :: sidekick (assistant)
salkuton {adj} :: without a briefcase
salkuton {adj} [politics] :: without portfolio
Salla {prop} [uncountable] :: Salla (municipality)
Salla {prop} :: given name transferred from the place name
Salli {prop} :: given name
sälli {n} [slang] :: guy, dude, bloke
sälli {n} [dialectal, very informal] :: attendant, apprentice
sallia {vt} :: to allow, permit
sallia {v} :: to countenance
sallimus {n} :: Fate, destiny
sallimus {n} [religion] :: Providence (of God; manifestation of divine direction)
Sallinen {prop} :: surname
sallittu {adj} :: permissible
salliva {adj} :: permissible
sallivasti {adv} :: permissively, permissibly
Salme {prop} :: given name
salmeke {n} :: A small strait
Salmela {prop} :: surname
Salmela {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
salmi {n} :: relatively narrow passage of water: strait, sound, narrows, inlet
Salmi {prop} :: surname
Salmi {prop} :: A town in Russian Karelia
Salmi {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
salmiakki {n} :: salty liquorice
salmiakki {n} [mineral, chemistry, archaic] :: sal ammoniac
salmiakkimakeinen {n} :: salty liquorice candy
Salminen {prop} :: surname
salmonella {n} :: salmonella
salmonelloosi {n} [disease] :: salmonellosis
salo {n} :: a deep forest, wilderness
salo {n} [archaic] :: a forested island
salo {n} :: salo (non-rendered underskin pig fat)
Salo {prop} :: surname
Salo {prop} :: A town and a municipality on the SW coast of Finland
Salo {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
salokylä {n} :: village on a forested island
salolimaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius stillatitius
salomaa {n} :: deep forest, wilderness
Salomo {prop} :: Solomon (Biblical figure)
Salomo {prop} :: given name
Salomon {prop} [archaic] :: Solomon (Biblical figure)
Salomon {prop} :: given name
Salomonsaaret {prop} :: The Solomon Islands
Salomon Saarnaaja {prop} :: synonym of Saarnaajan kirja (book of the Old Testament)
Salonen {prop} :: surname
salonki {n} :: parlor, salon (large room)
salonkikelpoisesti {adv} :: presentably
saloseutu {n} :: island region
salottisipuli {n} :: shallot (kind of onion)
salpa {n} :: bolt (sliding pin or bar in a lock)
salpa {n} :: bar (horizontal pole used to lock a door or a gate)
salpa {n} :: hasp, clasp (metal strap fastened by a padlock or a pin)
salpa {n} :: salp
sälpä {n} [mineral] :: spar
salpaaja {n} :: blocker
salpaantua {v} :: synonym of salpautua
salpahaka {n} :: catch, clasp
salparauta {n} :: small metal piece with holes in it
salpautua {vi} :: to become barred or blocked
salpietari {n} [chemistry] :: saltpetre, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate
salsa {n} :: salsa (sauce)
salsa {n} [music] :: salsa
salsa {n} [dance] :: salsa
salsa verde {n} :: salsa verde
salskea {adj} :: handsome
salskea {adj} :: tall, lean, spare
salskea {adj} :: upstanding, respectable
saltaatio {n} :: saltation
Saltvik {prop} :: A municipality in Åland, Finland
saluuna {n} :: saloon
salva {n} :: salve, ointment
salvaa {v} :: To notch (to join by means of notches, especially the logs in the corners of a log house)
salvaa {v} [dialectal] :: to castrate, geld
salvain {n} :: A notch (a joint cut to fit and lock the logs into each other in the corners of a log house)
salvata {vt} :: to bolt, bar, latch, hasp
salvata {v} [medicine] :: to block
salvia {n} :: sage (herb)
salvio {n} :: gelding (castrated male horse)
salvoa {v} :: To notch (to join by means of notches, especially the logs in the corners of a log house)
salvoin {n} :: A notch (a joint cut to fit and lock the logs into each other in the corners of a log house)
salvos {n} :: the result of notching or joining by means of notches, especially of logs in the corners of a loghouse
salvostaa {v} [rare] :: alternative form of salvoa
salvukukko {n} :: capon
salvumies {n} [archaic] :: carpenter who constructs log houses by hand
salvupässi {n} :: wether
salvuporsas {n} :: castrated male pig
säly {n} :: alternative term for sälä
sälyttää {v} [+ allative] :: to place a burden or load on, to lump onto
sama {pron} :: same
sama {adj} :: same
samaa mieltä {adv} :: at one, of same opinion (olla yhtä mieltä = to be of same opinion = to agree)
samaan aikaan {adv} :: at the same time, even as (simultaneously)
samaani {n} :: alternative spelling of šamaani
šamaani {n} :: shaman
samainen {adj} :: same
samaistaa {vt} :: to identify with, equate (to hold two or more things as the same or expressions of the same underlying factor)
samaistua {v} :: alternative form of samastua
samalla {adv} :: at the same time, simultaneously
samalla aaltopituudella {adv} [idiomatic] :: on the same wavelength (same meaning)
samalla mitalla {adv} :: in kind (by the same means)
samalla tavalla {adv} :: Same as samalla tavoin
samalla tavoin {phrase} :: in the same way
samanaikainen {adj} :: simultaneous
samanaikainen {adj} :: coincidental
samanaikainen {adj} :: contemporaneous
samanaikaisesti {adv} :: at the same time, simultaneously, together
samanaikaisuus {n} :: simultaneity, simultaneousness
samanaikaisuus {n} [computer science] :: concurrency
samanarvoinen {adj} :: equivalent
samanarvoisuus {n} :: equivalence
samanhenkinen {adj} :: congenial, like-minded
samanhenkinen {adj} :: in the same spirit (as)
samanhintainen {adj} :: of or having the same price
samanismi {n} :: alternative form of šamanismi
šamanismi {n} :: shamanism
šamanisti {n} :: shamanist
šamanistinen {adj} :: Alternative spelling of shamanistinen
samankaltainen {adj} :: similar
samankaltainen {adj} :: homologous
samankaltaisempi {adj} :: comparative of samankaltainen
samankaltaisesti {adv} :: similarly, in the same manner
samankaltaistaa {vt} :: to make similar, to homogenise
samankaltaistua {vi} :: to become (more) similar, to become homogenised
samankaltaisuus {n} :: similarity, resemblance
samankantainen {adj} :: with the same base, with equal bases
samankeskinen {adj} :: concentric
samankeskisesti {adv} :: concentrically
samankeskisyys {n} :: concentricity
samankohtainen {adj} [geometry, of an angle] :: corresponding
samankokoinen {adj} :: of the same size
samankorkuinen {adj} :: of or having the same height
samanlainen {adj} :: similar, of a kind
samanlainen {adj} :: equivalent, identical
samanlaisempi {adj} :: comparative of samanlainen
samanlaistaa {vt} :: to make similar, to homogenize, to equalize
samanlaistua {vi} :: to become similar, to be homogenized or equalized
samanlaisuus {n} :: similarity
samanlevyinen {adj} :: of or having the same width
samanmakuinen {adj} :: having the same taste
samanmerkkinen {adj} :: with the same manufacturer, make or brand
samanmerkkinen {adj} [mathematics] :: with the same sign
samanmielinen {adj} :: like-minded
samanmuotoinen {adj} :: with a similar shape
samanmuotoinen {adj} [algebra, of a term] :: like
samannäköinen {adj} :: alike, looking alike; also lookalike [noun]
samanniminen {adj} :: of the same name
samanniminen {adj} [arithmetic] :: having the same denominator
samanniminen {adj} :: eponymous (relating to the person after which something is named, specifically when the name is the exact same as the name of that person)
samanoida {v} :: alternative form of šamanoida
šamanoida {v} :: To act as an shaman
samanpaksuinen {adj} :: of or having the same thickness
samanpituinen {adj} :: of or having the same length
samanpituinen {adj} [of a person or people] :: of or having the same height
samansäteinen {adj} :: with the same radius
samansävyinen {adj} :: of or having the same hue or tone
samansisältöinen {adj} :: having the same content or contents
samansuuntainen {adj} :: parallel, having the same direction
samansuuntainen {adj} [math] :: codirectional
samansuuntaisesti {adv} :: parallelly, having the same direction
samansuuntaisesti {adv} :: codirectionally
samansuuntaistaa {vt} :: to make parallel, to orient in the same or a similar direction
samansuuntaistua {vi} :: to become parallel, to be oriented in the same or a similar direction
samansuuntaisuus {n} :: parallelism (state of being parallel)
samansuuntaisuus {n} :: codirectionality
samansuuruinen {adj} :: of or having the same amount, order or magnitude
samansuuruinen {adj} :: equal, having equal values
samansyvyinen {adj} :: of or having the same depth
samantapainen {adj} :: similar, suchlike
samantein {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative spelling of saman tien
samantekevä {adj} :: insignificant
saman tien {adv} :: as well (in addition; also)
saman tien {adv} :: by the same token
saman tien {adv} :: on the spot, right away, in a jiffy (very quickly; without delay)
samantyyppinen {adj} :: of the same type (similar, but not quite)
samanvärinen {adj} :: of or having the same color
samanveroinen {adj} :: equal, equivalent, comparable, tantamount
saman verran {adv} :: same amount, as much
samarialainen {adj} :: Samaritan
samarialainen {n} :: Samaritan
samarium {n} :: samarium
samassa veneessä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: in the same boat (in the same situation or predicament; having common problems)
samastaa {v} :: synonym of samaistaa
samastua {vi} :: To identify with someone or something
samasukupuolinen {adj} :: same-sex
sama täällä {phrase} :: me too (that applies to me as well)
samba {n} :: samba
sambata {vi} :: to samba
Sambia {prop} :: Zambia (country in Southern Africa)
sambialainen {adj} :: Zambian
sambialainen {n} :: A Zambian person
samea {adj} :: murky, turbid
samea {adj} :: fuzzy
sameampi {adj} :: comparative of samea
samekh {n} :: samekh (fifteenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
samentaa {vt} :: to roil, to muddle
samentua {v} :: To cloud (to become foggy or gloomy, to become obscured from sight)
samepiste {n} :: cloud point (temperature at which organic liquid gets cloudy)
sameta {vi} :: to become turbid
sametinpehmeä {adj} :: velvety
sametti {n} :: velvet
samettifarkut {n} [colloquial, pluralonly] :: velvet jeans
samettifarmarit {n} [pluralonly] :: velvet jeans
samettihousut {n} :: velvet pants or trousers, corduroys
samettikukka {n} :: marigold (any flower in the genus Tagetes)
samettinen {adj} :: velvety
sameuttaa {vt} :: to muddle, to make turbid
sameutua {vi} :: alternative form of samentua
Sami {prop} :: given name
samisen {n} [musical instruments] :: alternative spelling of shamisen
sammahtaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to go to sleep, to sack out
sammahtaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to pass out (due to alcohol)
sammakko {n} :: frog
sammakko {n} :: common frog (Rana temporaria)
sammakkoeläin {n} [zoology] :: amphibian
sammakkomies {n} :: frogman (diver)
sammakkoperspektiivi {n} :: frog perspective
sammakonkoipi {n} :: a leg of a frog
sammakonkoipi {n} :: in plural frog legs (hind legs of frog used as food)
sammakonkoivet {n} :: frog legs (hind legs of frog used as food)
sammakonkutu {n} :: frogspawn
sammakonpoikanen {n} :: tadpole
sammakonreisi {n} :: a thigh of a frog
sammakonreisi {n} :: in plural, frog legs (hind legs of a frog used as food)
sammakontoukka {n} :: Larval frog; tadpole
sammal {n} :: bryophyte (botany term covering mosses, liverworts and hornworts)
sammal {n} :: moss
sammaleinen {adj} :: mossy
sammaleläin {n} :: bryozoan, bryozoon
sammalikko {n} :: area covered by moss
sammalinen {adj} :: alternative form of sammaleinen
sammaloitua {vi} :: To moss
sammaloituminen {n} :: mossing
sammalpeite {n} :: moss cover (dense growth of moss on the ground)
sammaltaa {vt} :: To slur
sammaltiede {n} [botany] :: bryology
sammaltua {v} :: synonym of sammaloitua
sammarit {n} [colloquial] :: velvet pants or trousers, corduroys
sammas {n} [Finnish mythology] :: cosmic pillar that supported the sky
sammas {n} [pathology] :: oral candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush
sammi {n} [dialectal, rare] :: vat
sammio {n} :: vat (large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning)
sammota {v} [rare] :: to churn out, especially money
sammua {v} [of light] :: to go out, off
sammua {v} [of fire] :: to go out, die (down), flame out
sammua {v} [of thirst] :: to be quenched
sammua {v} [of feelings, emotions] :: to die, fade/melt away, diminish
sammua {v} [colloquial] :: to crash, conk out (to fall asleep)
sammua {v} [colloquial] :: to pass out (due to heavy consumption of alcohol)
sammua {v} [of a language] :: to die, to go extinct
sammuke {n} :: extinguishant (extinguishing medium)
sammuksiin {adv} :: turned off (to the state of being turned off, used e.g. of lights or a machine)
sammuksiin {adv} :: extinguished, put out, out, blown out (to the state of being out)
sammuksissa {adv} :: turned off (of e.g. lights or a machine)
sammuksissa {adv} :: extinguished, put out (of fire)
sammuksissa {adv} :: passed out (unconscious)
sammunut {adj} :: extinguished, put out, quenched, dead (of a fire, cigarette etc.)
sammunut {adj} :: dead (of an emotion)
sammunut {adj} [colloquial] :: passed out (having lost conscience due to alcohol or drugs)
sammunut {adj} :: extinct (of a volcano)
sammunut {adj} :: extinct (of a family)
sammunut {adj} :: quenched (of thirst)
sammute {n} :: extinguishant (extinguishing medium)
sammutettu kalkki {n} :: slaked lime, calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2
sammutin {n} :: fire extinguisher
sammuttaa {v} :: to put out, extinguish [fire]
sammuttaa {v} :: to quench, extinguish [thirst]
sammuttaa {v} :: to shut down, turn off
sammuttaa {v} [metallurgy] :: to quench, chill
sammuttamaton kalkki {n} :: quicklime, burnt lime, calcium oxide, CaO
sammuttaminen {n} :: Action noun of the verb sammuttaa (to extinguish), extinguishing
sammutus {n} :: fire fighting
sammutusjauhe {n} :: extinguishing powder
sammutuslentokone {n} :: firefighting airplane
sammutustyö {n} :: firefighting, fire suppression, fire control
samoa {n} :: Samoan (language)
Samoa {prop} :: Samoa
samoalainen {n} :: Samoan (person)
samoalainen {adj} :: Samoan
samoanlentäväkoira {n} :: Samoa flying-fox (Pteropus samoensis)
samoihin aikoihin {adv} :: at about the same time (almost simultaneously)
samoilla {vi} :: To wander (usually in nature and without any specific destination)
samoilu {n} :: wandering, hiking
samoin {adv} :: ditto
samoin {adv} :: likewise
samoin kuin {conj} :: as well as
samojedi {n} :: Samoyed
samojedikieli {n} :: A Samoyed language
samojedinkoira {n} :: Samoyed (dog)
samota {vi} :: To wander; hike
samovaari {n} :: A samovar (metal urn for boiling water)
šampanja {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of samppanja
samperi {interj} :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat (a mild curse)
sampi {n} :: sturgeon (any fish of the family Acipenseridae)
sampi {n} :: European sea sturgeon, common sturgeon, Acipenser sturio (type species of that family)
sampikala {n} :: a fish in the order Acipenseriformes
sampinjoni {n} [mushroom] :: champignon, Agaricus bisporus
sampioni {n} :: champion
samplata {v} [music] :: to sample
sämplätä {v} [music] :: to sample
samplaus {n} [music] :: sampling
sämpläys {n} [music] :: sampling
sampleri {n} [musical instruments] :: sampler
sampo {n} [Finnish mythology] :: In the Kalevala, a magical artifact that provided wealth to its owner
Sampo {prop} :: given name
sampoo {n} :: alternative spelling of shampoo
šampoo {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of sampoo
samppakalja {n} [colloquial] :: champagne
samppanja {n} :: champagne (sparkling wine produced in Champagne)
samppanja {n} :: champagne (glass of champagne)
samppanja {n} [colloquial, increasingly rare] :: champagne (sparkling wine)
šamppanja {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of samppanja
samppanjalasi {n} :: champagne glass, champagne flute, flute
samppanjapullo {n} :: champagne bottle
samppanjavispilä {n} :: champagne whisk
samppis {n} [colloquial] :: champagne
Sampsa {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: A god of fields and growth
Sampsa {prop} :: given name
sämpylä {n} :: roll (type of bread)
sämpylä {n} :: sub, submarine sandwich; often with a modifier that specifies the main fillings (type of sandwich made on this type of bread)
sämpylä {n} [military slang, in plural] :: formal shoes, especially those distributed to conscripts to be used with the military uniform in festive occasions or when on leave
sämpyläjauho {n} :: a flour mix consisting of wheat flour, dark wheat flour, wheat groats, wheat bran and rye flour
Samu {prop} :: given name, short for Samuel and Samuli
Samuel {prop} :: Samuel (biblical figure)
Samuel {prop} :: given name
Samuli {prop} :: given name
samum {n} :: simoom
samurai {n} :: samurai
samuus {n} :: sameness
san. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of sanoittaja
sana {n} :: word
sana {n} [religion, with capital initial letter] :: Word, Scripture
sana {n} :: lesson (section of the Bible or other religious text read as part of a divine service)
sanahakemisto {n} :: keyword index
sanaharkka {n} :: A quarrel
sanahelinä {n} :: grandiloquence, verbiage (overabundant, often pompous use of words)
sanahirviö {n} :: monstrous word
sanailla {v} :: To speak or write; to use words
sanailla {v} :: To exchange words; to discuss
sanailla {v} :: To argue (to have an argument)
sanailu {n} :: repartee (skill in replying swiftly and wittily)
sanailu {n} :: wording
sanainen {adj} [as headword in compound terms] :: worded
sanainen {adj} [idomatic usage] :: verbal
-sanaisesti {suffix} :: forms adverbs describing how something is worded
-sanaisuus {suffix} :: forms nouns describing how something is worded
sanajärjestys {n} [grammar] :: word order
sanajumalanpalvelus {n} [Christianity] :: A mass without Eucharist
sanakäänne {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: idiom, phrase
sanakirja {n} :: dictionary
sanakirjantekijä {n} :: lexicographer
sanakirjantoimittaja {n} :: dictionary editor, lexicographer
sanakirjatyö {n} :: lexicography
sanakirjoitus {n} :: logographic writing system
sanalaatikko {n} :: word search (popular word game)
sanaleikki {n} :: wordplay, pun
sanaliitto {n} [grammar] :: open compound
sanalippu {n} [lexicology] :: A sheet containing standardized set of information about a word obtained through field work; the collection of these sheets may be used as database e.g. when compiling a dictionary of dialects
sanalla sanottuna {phrase} :: in a word (briefly, concisely)
sanalleen {adv} :: word-for-word
sanallinen {adj} :: verbal
sanallisesti {adv} :: verbally
sanallistaa {vt} :: to make verbal
sanaluettelo {n} :: wordlist, lexicon, glossary
sanaluokka {n} [grammar] :: part of speech (the function a word or phrase performs)
sanamäärä {n} :: word count (number of words in a passage of text)
sanamerkki {n} :: word mark, logogram
sanamuoto {n} :: wording, phrasing
sananalkuinen {adj} [phonetics] :: initial (beginning a word)
sananen {n} :: diminutive of sana
sananen {n} :: word
sananheitto {n} [linguistics, rhetoric] :: ellipsis (omission of a grammatically required word or phrase that can be inferred)
sananiekka {n} :: wordsmith
sananjulistaja {n} :: preacher, sermonizer
sananjulistus {n} :: preaching (act of delivering a sermon)
sanankäyttäjä {n} :: user of words (usually preceded by an adjective)
sanankäyttö {n} :: use of words, mastery of words
sanankuulija {n} :: hearer (one who listens to a sermon)
sananlasku {n} :: proverb
sananloppu {n} :: end of a word
sananloppuinen {adj} [linguistics] :: wordfinal
sananmukainen {adj} :: literal
sananmukaisesti {adv} :: literally
sananmuodostus {n} [linguistics] :: word formation
sananmuoto {n} :: wordform
sananmuunnos {n} :: spoonerism
sananparsi {n} :: adage, proverb
sananraja {n} :: alternative form of sanaraja
sanansaattaja {n} :: courier, messenger, emissary
sananselittäjä {n} :: word explainer
sananselittäjä {n} :: explainer of scripture, speaker of spiritual subjects
sananselitys {n} :: explaining words
sananselitys {n} :: explaining or analyzing scripture
sananvaihto {n} :: short discussion
sananvaihto {n} :: synonym of sanaharkka
sananväli {n} :: space (gap in text between words)
sananvalinta {n} :: diction
sananvalta {n} :: voice, say (power of utterance; authority or weight of an opinion or view)
sananvapaus {n} :: freedom of speech
sananvastuu {n} :: responsibility for what one says
sananvuoro {n} :: synonym of puheenvuoro (floor, say)
sanaoppi {n} [dated, linguistics] :: logology (scientific study of words)
sanapaino {n} :: word stress
sanapesye {n} :: a small group of (linguistically) related words
sanaraja {n} [linguistics] :: word boundary
sanaristikko {n} :: crossword
sanaryöppy {n} :: a torrent of words
sanasanainen {adj} :: word-for-word, word by word (such as a translation)
sanaseppä {n} :: wordsmith (one who coins words or uses them skillfully)
sanaseppo {n} :: wordsmith
sanaseppoilu {n} :: recreational linguistics, logology, wordplay (study of words for recreation)
sanaseppoilu {n} :: wordsmithery
sanasilla {adv} :: in a squabble, in a quarrel, in a debate
sanasille {adv} :: (to/into a state of being) in a squabble, in a quarrel, in a debate
sanasokeus {n} [dated] :: word blindness, alexia
sanasota {n} :: war of words
sanastaa {v} :: to excerpt terms (record terms with usage context from material)
sanasta sanaan {phrase} :: word for word [adverbial usage], word-for-word [adjectival usage]
sanasto {n} :: vocabulary, glossary (collection of words alphabetized and explained)
sanasto {n} :: vocabulary, language (collection of words used in a particular field)
sanasto {n} :: vocabulary (words of a language collectively)
sanastollinen {adj} :: lexical
sanastontutkimus {n} :: lexicology
sanasto-oppi {n} :: lexicology
sanastus {n} :: term excerption (recording terms with usage context from material)
sanasutkaus {n} :: quip (smart, sarcastic turn)
sanatabu {n} :: word taboo (restricted use of words due to social constraints)
sanataide {n} :: any art form concerning words, such as literary art and oratory
sanataituri {n} :: wordsmith (one who uses words skillfully)
sanataituruus {n} :: the quality of being a wordsmith
sanatarkasti {adv} :: verbatim
sanatarkka {adj} :: word-for-word, exact, verbatim
sanaton {adj} :: unspoken, wordless
sanaton {adj} :: non-verbal, nonverbal
sanaton {adj} :: speechless
sanatorio {n} :: sanatorium
sanattomasti {adv} :: wordlessly
sanattomasti {adv} :: speechlessly
sanattomuus {n} :: wordlessness
sanattomuus {n} :: speechlessness
sanatulva {n} :: logorrhea, flood of words
sanaväli {n} :: space (gap in text between words)
sanavalinta {n} :: diction, choice of words
sanavälistys {n} [typography] :: word spacing
sanavalmis {n} :: witty, quick-witted (fast to come up with a response)
sanavalmius {n} :: quickwittedness (the quality of being able to quickly come up with a response)
sanavarasto {n} :: vocabulary (collection of words one knows and uses)
sanavarat {n} :: lexicon, words used in or by a language or work collectively
sanavartalo {n} [linguistics] :: root
sanavuolaus {n} :: abundance of words, volubility of words
sandaali {n} :: A sandal
sandinisti {n} :: Sandinista
sanduri {n} [geology] :: sandur
sane {n} [linguistics] :: vocable (word or utterance, especially with reference to its form rather than its meaning)
sane {n} :: word token
saneerata {v} :: To renovate (to make extensive repairs to a building, often adding modern technology)
saneerata {v} :: To redevelop (to convert a neighbourhood by new construction, reconstruction and/or renovation of existing buildings)
saneerata {v} :: To rehabilitate (to restore or repair, to make habitable again)
saneeraus {n} [construction] :: A renovation
saneeraus {n} :: A complete reorganization of a company or other organization, typically involving redundancies, outsourcing and sales of businesses and non-essential assets
saneerausehdotus {n} :: synonym of saneerausohjelmaehdotus
saneerausohjelma {n} :: short for yrityssaneerausohjelma
saneerausohjelmaehdotus {n} [business, law] :: a draft or proposal for a business restructuring program
sanelin {n} :: A dictation machine, dictaphone
sanelin {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: A mouth, especially in connection with eating
sanella {vt} :: To dictate (to order, command, control)
sanella {vt} :: To dictate (to speak in order for someone to write down the words)
Sanelma {prop} :: given name
sanelu {n} :: dictation
sanelukone {n} :: dictation machine, dictaphone
sanforoida {vt} :: To treat wool so that it does not shrink when washed
sangen {adv} :: very
sangi {n} [card games] :: no-trump (hand that is to be played without a trump suit)
sangoittain {adv} :: By the bucket
sangollinen {n} :: bucketful (amount held in a bucket)
sangria {n} :: sangria (alcoholic drink)
sangviininen {adj} :: sanguine
saniainen {n} [botany] :: A fern
sanidiini {n} [mineral] :: sanidine
saniteettikalusteet {n} :: sanitary ware
sanka {n} :: temple, arm of spectacles
sanka {n} :: any handle made of metal wire or other relatively thin and stiff material
sankalasit {n} :: glasses or spectacles with arms
sankaluuri {n} :: handsfree earpiece (mobile phone device that sits in or on the ear with earphone and microphone)
sankari {n} :: hero, heroine
sankari {n} :: great capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo)
sankarihauta {n} :: war grave, soldier's grave
sankarikoira {n} :: hero dog
sankarillinen {adj} :: heroic
sankarillisesti {adv} :: heroically
sankaritar {n} :: heroine
sankarius {n} :: alternative form of sankaruus (heroism)
sankaruus {n} :: heroism, heroization
sankasti {adv} :: densely
sankeri {n} :: (expletive) purity
sankeri {n} :: (common) chancre
sanketa {vi} :: to densify (become dense)
sänki {n} :: stubble (hair)
sänki {n} :: stubble (short stalks)
sänkipelto {n} :: stubble field
sankka {adj} :: dense (such as of smoke or fog or a group of people)
sankkeri {n} [pathology] :: chancre (skin lesion associated with certain contagious diseases, particularly STD's)
sankkireikä {n} :: touch hole
sanko {n} :: bucket, pail
sankoin joukoin {adv} :: en masse
sanktio {n} :: sanction
sanktioida {vt} :: To sanction
sänky {n} :: bed
sänkykohtaus {n} [film, drama] :: bed scene
sänkyvaatteet {n} :: bed clothes
San Marino {prop} :: San Marino (country)
San Marino {prop} :: San Marino (city)
sanmarinolainen {adj} :: Sammarinese
Sanna {prop} :: given name
sännätä {v} :: To dart (to start and run fast)
Sanni {prop} :: given name
sannikas {n} :: sandal
sannoittaa {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of hiekoittaa
sanoa {vti} :: to say, tell (transitive+ partitive or accusative "something", intransitive+ elative, "about something")
sanoin kuvaamaton {adj} :: indescribable
sanoin kuvaamaton {adj} :: unspeakable
sanoinkuvaamaton {adj} :: alternative form of sanoin kuvaamaton
sanoittaa {v} :: to write lyrics to a song
sanoittaja {n} :: lyricist, songwriter (one who writes the lyrics of songs)
sanoitus {n} :: lyrics (words of a song)
sanoja {n} :: A sayer; one who says
sanokaa minun sanoneen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: mark my words
sanoma {n} :: A message, communication (figuratively)
Sanoma {prop} :: A Finnish media group
sanomakellot {n} :: knell, toll (particularly one signalling a death)
sanomalehti {n} :: A newspaper (publication)
sanomalehtipaperi {n} :: newsprint
sanomalehtisali {n} :: a part of a library dedicated to newspapers
sanomaton {adj} :: unspoken, unsaid
sanomaton {adj} :: unspeakable
sanomattomasti {adv} :: unspeakably, without saying anything
sano muikku {phrase} :: say cheese (literally: say vendace)
sanonta {n} :: saying, apothegm, adage
sanontatapa {n} :: locution, figure of speech, way of speaking
sanopa muuta {phrase} [idiomatic] :: you can say that again (in response to another person: that is very true)
sanottavasti {adv} [usually, with negative] :: noticeably, remarkably, that much
sanoutua {v} :: Used only in the verb phrase sanoutua irti and in the compound verb irtisanoutua
sanoutua irti {v} :: ~ + elative; to dissociate oneself from, to repudiate, deny (to reject the truth or validity of something)
sanoutua irti {v} :: to repudiate, disown (to refuse to have anything to do with)
sanoutua irti {v} :: synonym of irtisanoutua
Sansibar {prop} :: Zanzibar
sanskriitti {n} :: Sanskrit (language)
sanskrit {n} :: The Sanskrit language
sanskritisti {n} :: Sanskritist
santa {n} :: sand (usually meaning slightly wet sand)
säntäillä {vi} :: to squirrel around, to skitter about, to move or search erratically, especially as if hurried or confused
santapaperi {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of hiomapaperi
santarmi {n} :: gendarmerie
santarmi {n} :: gendarme
santelipuu {n} :: sandalwood
Santeri {prop} :: given name
säntillinen {adj} :: meticulous, punctual
säntillisesti {adv} :: meticulously, punctually
santsata {v} [colloquial] :: to go back for seconds, to go back for more
Santtu {prop} :: given name
šantung {n} :: shantung
sanue {n} [linguistics] :: The set of a word and words etymologically related to it
saos {n} [chemistry] :: precipitate
saostaa {v} [chemistry] :: to precipitate (to separate a substance out of a liquid solution into solid form.)
saoste {n} [chemistry] :: precipitating agent (substance which, when added to a solution, causes precipitation of another substance from the solution)
saostin {n} :: precipitant
saostua {v} [chemistry] :: to precipitate (to come out of a liquid solution into solid form)
saostuma {n} :: precipitate
saostuma {n} :: coagulate
saostusaine {n} :: thickener, thickening agent
saostuskaivo {n} :: septic tank (underground septic tank)
saostussäiliö {n} :: septic tank (underground or above ground septic tank)
saota {vi} :: To thicken (more viscous)
São Tomé ja Príncipe {prop} :: São Tomé and Príncipe
sapa {n} [dialectal] :: tail of an animal (more specifically the solid part of a tail)
säpäle {n} :: splinter
saparo {n} :: The tail of a pig
saparo {n} :: bunches, pigtail (hairstyle)
saparomakaki {n} :: pigtail macaque
sapatti {n} :: Sabbath
sapatti {n} :: sabbatical
sapattivapaa {n} :: A sabbatical (extended period of leave of any length, taken by an employee in order to carry out his/her own projects)
sapattivuosi {n} :: A sabbatical year
sapattivuosi {n} :: A sabbatical (about a year long period of leave, taken by an employee in order to carry out his/her own projects)
sapekas {adj} :: bilious
sapekas {adj} :: vitriolic
sapekkaasti {adv} :: biliously, vitriolically
sapeli {n} :: sabre, saber
sapelibeisa {n} :: scimitar-horned oryx, Oryx dammah
sapelihammas {n} :: sabertooth, sabretooth
sapelihammastiikeri {n} [mammals] :: A sabre-toothed tiger
sapelinkalistelija {n} :: sabre-rattler
sapelinkalistelu {n} :: sabre-rattling
sapenjohdin {n} [anatomy] :: common bile duct, ductus choledochus (bile duct that discharges bile into the duodenum)
sapettaa {v} :: to gall, to trouble, to bother
sapfolainen {adj} :: Sapphic (relating to the Greek poet Sappho or her poetry)
sapfolainen {adj} :: Sapphic (relating to lesbianism; lesbian)
sapfolainen {n} :: sapphist (lesbian)
säpinä {n} :: bustle, stir (excited activity)
säpinä {n} :: pizzazz, flair, vigor, zest
säpistä {vi} [colloquial] :: To bustle
sapluuna {n} [colloquial] :: A template (model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object)
sapluuna {n} [colloquial] :: A stencil (utensil for drawing)
saponiini {n} [ogranic chemistry, biochemistry] :: saponin
sappi {n} :: bile, gall (bodily fluid)
sappi {n} :: gallbladder (short of sappirakko)
sappi {n} :: centaury (any plant of the genus Centaurium)
sappi {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Centaurium
sappi {n} [dated, idiomatic] :: bile, spleen, spitefulness (bad mood, bitterness of temper)
säppi {n} :: latch
sappihapero {n} :: geranium brittlegill or geranium-scented russula, Russula fellea
sappihappo {n} :: bile acid
sappihiussuoni {n} [anatomy] :: bile canaliculus, bile capillary, canaliculus biliferus (thin tube that collects bile secreted by the hepatocytes)
säppikala {n} :: leatherjacket, triggerfish (any of several brightly coloured tropical fishes, of the family Balistidae)
sappikivi {n} :: gallstone
sappikivitauti {n} [pathology] :: cholelithiasis
sappipitoinen {adj} :: bilious
sappirakko {n} [anatomy] :: A gallbladder
sappirakkosyöpä {n} :: gallbladder cancer
sappirakon tiehyt {n} [anatomy] :: cystic duct, ductus cysticus (short duct that joins the gallbladder to the common bile duct)
sappirakontulehdus {n} [pathology] :: cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)
sappiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius infractus
sappitie {n} [anatomy] :: bile duct
sappitiehyt {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of sappitie
sappitiesyöpä {n} [pathology] :: cholangiocarcinoma (cancer of the bile duct)
saprofyytti {n} [botany] :: saprophyte
saprotrofi {n} :: A scientific usage term for a saprotroph
säpsähdellä {v} [frequentative] :: to flinch, to keep flinching
säpsähdys {n} :: flinch (reflexive jerking away)
säpsähdyttää {vt} :: to faze
säpsähtää {vi} :: To flinch, cringe
säpsäyttää {v} :: alternative form of säpsähdyttää
sapuska {n} [colloquial] :: food, grub
sara {n} :: sedge
Sara {prop} :: given name
särähdellä {vi} :: to rattle or creak repeatedly (make a sharp buzzing sound)
särähtää {vi} :: to rattle or creak once (make a sharp buzzing sound)
sarakasvi {n} :: sedge (any plant of the family Cyperaceae)
sarakasvi {n} [in plural] :: the family Cyperaceae
sarake {n} :: column (as opposed to row)
sarakevektori {n} [linear algebra] :: column vector
sarana {n} :: A hinge (pivoting point)
sarana {n} :: A gudgeon
sarananivel {n} [anatomy] :: hinge joint
saranatappi {n} :: A pintle (pin or bolt that acts as a pivot for a hinge)
saranoida {v} :: to hinge (to attach by or equip with a hinge)
saranoitu {adj} :: hinged (equipped with hinge or hinges)
sarastaa {vi} [with the subject aamu] :: To dawn
sarastaa {vi} [figuratively] :: To dawn
sarastus {n} :: dawning (first beginnings of something)
sarastus {n} :: dawn, daybreak
sarda {n} :: Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda)
sardelli {n} :: anchovy (any fish of the family Engraulidae)
sardi {n} :: The Sardinian language
sardi {n} [mineral] :: sard
sardiini {n} :: sardine
Sardinia {prop} :: Sardinia
sardinialainen {adj} :: Sardinian
sardinialainen {n} :: A Sardinian
sareptansinappi {n} :: mustard greens, Brassica juncea
Sargassomeri {prop} :: The Sargasso Sea
sari {n} :: sari (Indian piece of clothing)
Sari {prop} :: given name
sariini {n} :: sarin
särinä {n} :: crackle (of an electrical device)
Sariola {prop} :: surname
säristä {vi} :: to rattle, to creak
säristä {vi} :: to crackle (TV, radio or computer screen, static)
Sarita {prop} :: given name
sarja {n} :: series
sarja {n} [mathematics, business, chemistry, television] :: series
sarja {n} :: chain, sequence, succession, train (of events)
sarja {n} :: set (e.g. of tools or items to be collected)
sarja {n} :: (comic) strip
sarja {n} [sports] :: division, series, league
sarja {n} [music] :: suite
sarja {n} [botany] :: umbella
sarja {n} :: As a modifier in a compound signifies e.g. serial, automatic
sarjaan {adv} [electronics] :: in series, serial
sarjaankytkentä {n} [electronics] :: serial connection
sarjakausi {n} :: season of a series (of sports)
sarjakeltano {n} [botany] :: A narrowleaf hawkweed, Hieracium umbellatum
sarjakuva {n} [comics] :: comics, artistic medium
sarjakuva {n} [comics] :: comic strip
sarjakuva-albumi {n} [comics] :: comics, comic book
sarjakuvakirja {n} [comics] :: comics, comic book
sarjakuvalehti {n} :: comic book [magazine]
sarjakuvapiirtäjä {n} :: cartoonist (person who draws cartoons)
sarjakuvastrippi {n} :: comic strip
sarjakuvaus {n} :: burst photography, continuous photography
sarjaliitäntä {n} [computing, electronics] :: serial interface
sarjaliitin {n} [computing, electronics] :: serial port, serial connector (the port itself)
sarjallisuus {n} [music] :: serialism
sarjamurha {n} :: serial murder
sarjamurhaaja {n} :: serial killer
sarjataulukko {n} :: league table
sarjatuli {n} [military] :: sustained fire, continuous fire
sarjatuliase {n} :: automatic firearm, automatic weapon
sarjatyö {n} :: series manufacturing, series work
sarjavalmisteinen {adj} :: series-produced, mass-produced
sarjis {n} :: Alternative term for sarjakuva
sarjoa {v} [textiles] :: to grade
sarjoittaa {vt} :: to divide into series, to serialize
sarka {n} :: patch, strip (of field)
sarka {n} :: frieze (cloth)
sarka {n} :: field, area, branch
sarkahousut {n} :: frieze pants
sarkain {n} :: A tabulator (mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders)
sarkainmerkki {n} :: tab (a space character that extends to the next column)
sarkajako {n} [historical] :: open-field system (agricultural system)
sarkasmi {n} :: sarcasm
sarkastinen {adj} :: sarcastic
sarkastisesti {adv} :: sarcastically
sarkatakki {n} :: frieze jacket
särkeä {vt} :: to break
särkeä {vti} [monopersonal] :: transitive -> partitive + 3rd-pers. singular or intransitive -> illative + 3rd-pers. singular = to be sore, ache
särki {n} :: roach (Rutilus rutilus)
särkijä {n} :: breaker, cracker
särkijä {n} [music] :: Distortion effect pedal (overdrive) used with electric guitar (and bass guitar)
särkikala {n} :: cyprinid (any fish of the family Cyprinidae)
särkikala {n} [in the plural] :: the family Cyprinidae (taxonomic order containing carps and minnows)
särkiparvi {n} :: A school of roaches
särkkä {n} [nautical] :: bank, sandbank (underwater formation of loose sand or gravel, often a shifting one)
sarkofagi {n} :: sarcophagus
sarkoidoosi {n} :: sarcoidosis
sarkooma {n} [pathology] :: sarcoma (type of malignant tumor)
särky {n} :: ache
särkyä {v} :: to break (to separate into pieces, to fracture or crack)
särkyä {v} :: to break down (to fail or cease to function)
särkylääke {n} :: analgesic, painkiller
särkylääkepäänsärky {n} :: medication overuse headache
särkynyt {adj} :: broken
särkynyt sydän {n} :: broken heart (feeling of grief or loss, especially of love), in some cases also brokenhearted or brokenheartedly
särkynyt sydän {n} :: bleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis (flowering plant in the poppy family, native to Siberia)
särkynytsydän {n} :: Asian bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis)
särmä {n} [geometry] :: edge
särmäkartio {n} [geometry] :: pyramid (cone with a polygonal base)
särmätä {vt} :: to chamfer
särmäys {n} [metalworking] :: bending
särmäys {n} [metalworking] :: stamping in general
särmäyspuristin {n} :: brake, bending machine (machine for bending sheet metal)
särmikäs {adj} :: jagged
särmikkäästi {adv} :: jaggedly, edgily
särmiö {n} [geometry] :: prism
särmiö {n} [botany] :: any plant of the genus Barleria
särmiö {n} [botany, in plural] :: the genus Barleria
šarmööri {n} [rare] :: synonym of hurmuri
särö {n} :: crack
särö {n} :: infraction
särö {n} [signal processing] :: distortion
säröillä {vi} :: to crack, to get cracks
säröytyä {vi} :: to become cracked
särpiä {v} :: synonym of ryystää
sarpio {n} [plant] :: water plantain, a plant in the genus Alisma, family Alismataceae
SARS {n} :: SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome
sarvas {n} :: stag, especially a reindeer
sarveinen {adj} [archaic] :: keratinous (consisting of keratine)
sarveisaine {n} :: keratin
sarveisaineinen {n} :: keratinous
sarveiskalvo {n} [anatomy] :: cornea
sarveiskalvonsiirto {n} [surgery] :: corneal transplant, corneal transplantation
sarveiskalvotulehdus {n} [pathology] :: keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
sarveistua {vi} :: to keratinize
sarvekas {adj} :: horned
sarveke {n} [rare] :: a horn-like protrusion
sarvellinen {adj} :: horned
sarvena {n} [anatomy] :: point of hip, coxal tuber (protuberance visible on either side of the hip of an animal, caused by the upper part of the hip bone)
sarvennoinen {n} [anatomy] :: trochanter (end of the femur near the hip joint)
sarveton {adj} :: hornless
sarvi {n} :: horn (growth of keratin that protrudes from the head of certain animals)
sarvi {n} :: horn (any similar real or imaginary growth or projection)
sarvi {n} :: horn (substance)
sarvi {n} :: horn (hornlike object)
sarvi {n} [usually in plural] :: antler
sarvi {n} :: (chiefly in the plural) handlebar
sarviapila {n} :: fenugreek
sarvihopea {n} [mineral] :: horn silver, chlorargyrite
sarvihöylä {n} :: a scrub plane with a horn
sarvijaakko {n} :: timberman beetle (Acanthocinus aedilis)
sarvijäärä {n} :: longhorn beetle (any beetle from the Cerambycidae family)
sarvijänis {n} :: jackalope
sarvikala {n} :: Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus)
sarvikalkkarokäärme {n} :: sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes)
sarvikampa {n} :: horn comb
sarvikarja {n} :: horned livestock
sarvikiuru {n} :: Temminck's lark (Eremophila bilopha)
sarvikko {n} [regional, Karelia, Savonia] :: a stilt of an ard
sarvikruunu {n} :: antler (complete antler with both halves intact, as trophy or on the head of a living animal)
sarvikumi {n} [rare] :: ebonite
sarvikuono {n} :: Rhinoceros
sarvikuonokas {n} :: European rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes nasicornis)
sarvikuonokyy {n} :: rhinoceros viper (Bitis nasicornis)
sarvikuonoleguaani {n} :: rhinoceros iguana (Cyclura cornuta)
sarvikuonolintu {n} :: any bird in genus Buceros
sarvikuonolintu {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Buceros
sarvikyy {n} :: Saharan horned viper (Cerastes cerastes)
sarvilastu {n} :: horn meal (used as fertilizer)
sarvilevy {n} :: a small plate made out of horn used as a decoration on a kuksa
sarviliima {n} [rare] :: horn glue (type of animal glue)
sarviliitti {n} [dated] :: Galalith
sarvilintu {n} :: hornbill
sarvimainen {adj} :: hornlike
sarvimiina {n} :: a naval mine with Hertz horns
särvin {n} [colloquial] :: food
-sarvinen {suffix} :: forms adjectives or nouns describing the quality of the horns of something
sarviniekka {n} [somewhat jocular] :: can be used to refer to any animal with horns or antlers
sarvinokka {n} :: hornbill (any bird of family Bucerotidae)
sarvinokka {n} [in the plural] :: the family Bucerotidae
sarvio {n} :: any plant of the genus Caralluma
sarvio {n} [in plural] :: the genus Caralluma
sarvioksa {n} :: splay knot (in wood)
sarviöljy {n} [rare] :: oleum animale
sarviorvokki {n} :: horned violet (Viola cornuta)
sarvipää {n} :: can be used to refer to any animal with horns or antlers
sarvipäinen {adj} :: horned
sarvipöllö {n} :: A long-eared owl, Asio otus
sarvirauta {n} :: U-shaped horn of a axlebox
sarviruoste {n} [dated] :: synonym of rengasruoste
sarvisammal {n} [plant] ::  hornwort (any of hundreds of species of bryophytes belonging to Anthocerotophyta)
sarvisankainen {adj} :: horn-rimmed
sarvitraktori {n} :: two-wheel tractor, walking tractor
sarvityö {n} :: any handicraft involving horns
sarvivalas {n} :: narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
sarvivälke {n} [mineral] :: hornblende
sashimi {n} :: sashimi
Sasi {prop} :: surname
Saskatchewan {prop} :: Saskatchewan (province of Canada)
sassafras {n} :: sassafras (tree of the genus Sassafras; its bark)
sassiin {adv} [colloquial] :: immediately
Sastamala {prop} :: Sastamala (municipality)
Sasu {prop} :: given name
sata {num} :: A/one hundred
sataa {v} [~ vettä] :: to rain
sataa {v} [~ lunta] :: to snow
sataa {v} [~ rakeita] :: to hail
sataa {v} [meteorology] :: to precipitate (to have water in the air fall to the ground, for example as rain, snow, sleet, or hail)
sataa {v} [figuratively] :: variation of idiom equivalent to "it's raining cats and dogs"
sataa äkäisiä ämmiä äkeet selässä {v} [simile] :: rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
sataa kaatamalla {v} [idiomatic] :: To rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
sataa kuin saavista kaataen {v} [simile] :: To rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
sataa tihkua {v} :: To drizzle (to rain lightly)
satakaksikymmentä {num} [cardinal] :: hundred and twenty
satakerta {n} [anatomy] :: omasum
satakertainen {adj} :: hundredfold
satakertaisesti {adv} :: hundredfold, a hundred times
satakielet {n} :: The bird genus Luscinia
satakieli {n} :: Any of the birds in genus Luscinia, in Finnish satakielet. Individual species are called robin, rubythroat, nightingale and bluethroat in English
satakieli {n} :: The thrush nightingale (sprosser), Luscinia luscinia
satakieli {n} :: A commonly, and erroneously, used name of etelänsatakieli, the common nightingale, nightingale or rufous nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos
satakunta {n} :: Around a hundred
Satakunta {prop} :: A region and a historical province in the western Finland
satakuntalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Satakunta
satakuntalainen {n} :: A person from Satakunta
satama {n} :: harbour, port, haven
satama {n} :: port authority (public authority which operates a port)
satama-allas {n} :: dock (body of water between two piers or wharves)
satama-alue {n} :: port area
satamakaupunki {n} :: port city
satamalaituri {n} :: wharf
satamatyömies {n} :: (male) dockworker
satamatyöntekijä {n} :: dockworker
satanen {n} :: A hundred (digit or figure 100)
satanismi {n} :: satanism
satanisti {n} :: satanist
satanistinen {adj} :: Pertaining to satanism
satapäinen {adj} :: hundred-headed
satatuhatta {num} [cardinal] :: hundred thousand
satavuotias {adj} :: centenarian, a hundred years old
satavuotias {n} :: centenarian
satavuotinen {adj} :: centenarian (of or pertaining to a centenarian)
satavuotinen {adj} :: hundred years'
satayksi {num} [cardinal] :: one hundred and one
sateenharmaa {adj} :: gray as rain (somewhat light shade of gray)
säteenjäljitys {n} [computer graphics] :: ray tracing
sateenkaareva {adj} [slang] :: queer (person of atypical sexuality or sexual identity)
sateenkaari {n} :: rainbow
sateenkaarikala {n} :: rainbowfish
sateenkaarikardinaali {n} :: painted bunting, Passerina ciris
sateenkaarilippu {n} :: rainbow flag (symbol of the LGBT community)
sateenkaariluri {n} :: lorikeet (bird of several genera in the parrot family)
sateenkaarirautu {n} [dated] :: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
säteenseuranta {n} [computer graphics] :: ray tracing
säteensuuntaus {n} [computer graphics] :: ray casting
sateenteko {n} :: rainmaking
sateenvarjo {n} :: umbrella (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain)
sateenvarjo {n} :: umbrella (anything that provides protection)
sateenvarjorattaat {n} :: umbrella stroller
sateeton {adj} :: rainless
sateettomasti {adv} :: rainlessly
säteilevä {adj} :: radiating
säteilevyys {n} :: radiance
säteilijä {n} :: A radiator (something that radiates, especially electromagnetic waves)
säteilin {n} [rare] :: alternative form of säteilijä
säteillä {vt} :: to radiate
säteily {n} [physics] :: radiation
säteilyannos {n} :: radiation dose
säteilyenergia {n} [physics] :: radiant energy
säteilyfysiikka {n} [physics] :: radiophysics, radiation physics
säteilykuvio {n} [electronic communication] :: radiation pattern (a parameter in antenna design)
säteilylähde {n} :: radiation source; radiant, radiator
säteilylämmitin {n} :: radiator heater, heat radiator, radiator
säteilymittari {n} :: radiometer
säteilynpaine {n} :: radiation pressure
säteilypaine {n} :: synonym of säteilynpaine
säteilypakote {n} :: radiative forcing
säteilysairaus {n} :: radiation sickness
säteilysuojaus {n} :: radioprotection (protection against ionizing radiation)
säteilytiheys {n} [physics] :: radiance (the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source)
säteilytin {n} :: radiator (device that emits rays)
säteilyttää {vt} :: to radiate
säteilytys {n} :: irradiation
säteilytysvoimakkuus {n} [physics, radiometry] :: irradiance
säteilyvaara {n} :: radiation risk
sateinen {adj} :: Rainy
säteissaha {n} :: radial saw
säteittäinen {adj} :: radial
säteittäinen {adj} :: hub-and-spoke
säteittäisesti {adv} :: radially
säteittäissymmetrinen {adj} :: radially symmetric
satelliitti {n} :: satellite (especially artificial)
satelliittiantenni {n} :: satellite antenna
satelliittikanava {n} :: satellite channel
satelliittikaupunki {n} :: satellite city, satellite town
satelliittikuva {n} :: satellite photograph
satelliittikuvaus {n} :: satellite photography
satelliittinavigaattori {n} :: satellite navigator
satelliittinavigointi {n} :: satellite navigation
satelliittipaikannus {n} :: satellite navigation
satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmä {n} :: global positioning system, global navigation satellite system
satelliittipuhelin {n} :: satellite phone
satelliittitelevisio {n} :: satellite television
satelliittiviestintä {n} :: satellite communication
säteri {n} [textiles] :: rayon silk
säteri {n} [history] :: manor whose holder is exempt from tax
säteri {n} [architecture] :: Roof form of a hip roof with a vertical section containing windows.
Valsta säteri, a sateri roof form
sati {conj} [dialectal] :: synonym of jos
sati {adv} [dialectal] :: synonym of saati
satiainen {n} :: pubic louse, crab louse (Phthirus pubis)
satiainen {n} [pathology, plural] :: pubic lice, crab lice, crabs (informal), pediculosis pubis, phthiriasis
satiaistauti {n} [pathology] :: phthiriasis; crabs
satiini {n} :: satin, sateen (cloth)
satiiri {n} :: satire
satiirikko {n} :: satirist
satiirinen {adj} :: satiric, satirical
sätkä {n} :: rollup, rollie (cigarette rolled by hand)
sätkäkone {n} [colloquial] :: cigarette roller (small machine)
sätkäpaperi {n} :: rolling paper (sheet of cigarette paper for rolling one's own cigarettes)
sätkättää {vi} :: to make a sharp noise
sätkiä {vi} :: to fidget, wiggle, twitch (to move around nervously)
sätkin {n} :: Any species in Ranunculus subg. Batrachium
sätkin {n} :: Short of järvisätkin, or pond water-crowfoot, Ranunculus peltatus
satku {n} [colloquial] :: A banknote of one hundred euros or other currency
satku {n} [colloquial] :: One hundred units of currency
sätky {n} :: jump, flirt, twitch (sudden involuntary jerking movement)
sätkynukke {n} :: puppet
sätkynukke {n} [figuratively] :: puppet
sätkytellä {vi} :: to fidget, to wriggle
sätkyttää {vi} :: to fidget
sato {n} :: harvest, crop (natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants)
satoisa {adj} :: high-yielding
satoisampi {adj} :: comparative of satoisa
satoi tai paistoi {adv} :: rain or shine (literally: rained or shined)
satokausi {n} :: harvest season
satovuosi {n} :: crop year
satraappi {n} :: satrap
satraappi {n} :: mother-of-pearl (butterfly of the genus Salamis)
satraappikunta {n} :: satrapy
satsata {vi} [colloquial] :: [_, + illative] to invest in
satsi {n} [colloquial] :: batch, ration, round, hit
satsuma {n} :: satsuma (seedless cultivar of tangerine, Citrus unshiu)
sättä {n} [dialectal] :: fishing bait, especially an angleworm
sättiä {v} :: to reprimand, scold
sattua {vi} :: to happen, to be (with "there"), occur, come about, come up
sattua {vi} :: to happen (to do = active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään; in conditional mood in a jos clause with or without vaikka) should
sattua {vi} [+ illative] :: to hit, strike
sattua {vi} [+ illative] :: to touch (to come involuntarily into contact with)
sattua {vi} :: (monopersonally; 3rd-pers. sg.) to hurt (with the subject it; where = illative; physically or mentally), be sore
sattua omaan nilkkaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to cut off one's nose to spite one's face (to harm oneself as a result of attempting to harm an adversary)
sattuma {n} :: chance, coincidence, happenstance
sattumalta {adv} :: accidentally, by chance
sattumalta {adv} :: fortuitously
sattumalta {adv} :: as it happens, by coincidence
sattumanvarainen {adj} :: random
sattumanvarainen {adj} :: coincidental
sattumanvaraisesti {adv} :: randomly (in a random way)
sattumoisin {adv} :: by chance
sattumus {n} :: incident (relatively minor and unexpected but not extraordinary event or occurrence)
sattuneesta syystä {adv} :: For obvious reasons
sattuvasti {adv} :: opportunely, pertinently
satu {n} :: fairy tale, tale, fable
satu {n} :: A fictitious story, especially one read for children
Satu {prop} :: given name
satuilija {n} :: fabulist (liar)
satuilla {v} :: to fabulate (to tell invented stories)
satukirja {n} :: storybook
satula {n} :: saddle
satulakatto {n} [architecture] :: gable roof
satulalaukku {n} :: saddlebag (covered pouch)
satulanenä {n} [pathology] :: saddle nose
satulanivel {n} [anatomy] :: saddle joint
satulantekijä {n} :: saddlemaker, saddler
satulapinta {n} [geometry] :: saddle surface (often hyperbolic paraboloid)
satulapiste {n} [geometry, game theory] :: A saddle point
satulapoimu {n} [geology] :: anticline
satulaseppä {n} :: saddler, saddlemaker
satulavyö {n} :: girth (band that holds a saddle in place)
satuloida {v} :: To saddle (to put a saddle on an animal)
satulointi {n} :: saddling
satumaa {n} :: fairyland
satumaailma {n} :: fairy tale world
satumaailma {n} :: fantasy world
satumainen {adj} :: fabulous
satunnainen {adj} :: random
satunnainen {adj} :: coincidental
satunnainen {adj} [accounting] :: extraordinary
satunnaisesti {adv} :: randomly
satunnaiskulku {n} [mathematics] :: random walk
satunnaisluku {n} :: random number
satunnaislukugeneraattori {n} :: random number generator
satunnaismuuttuja {n} [statistics] :: A random variable
satunnaisotanta {n} [statistics] :: random sample
satunnaisotos {n} [statistics] :: random sample
satunnaissiemen {n} [computing] :: random seed
satunnaistaa {vt} :: to randomise
satunnaisuus {n} :: randomness
satunnaisuus {n} [math] :: stochasticity
satunnaisvirhe {n} :: random error
saturaatio {n} :: saturation
saturainen {n} [colloquial] :: one hundred markka or euro bill
Saturnus {prop} [Roman god] :: The Roman god Saturn
Saturnus {prop} :: Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun in our solar system
saturoida {vt} :: To saturate
saturointi {n} :: saturation
satuttaa {vt} :: To hurt (physically or mentally)
satyriaasi {n} [sexuality] :: satyriasis
satyyri {n} [Greek mythology] :: satyr
saudi {n} :: A Saudi
Saudi-Arabia {prop} :: Saudi Arabia
saudiarabialainen {adj} :: Saudi Arabian
saudiarabialainen {n} :: A Saudi Arabian person
sauhu {n} :: smoke
sauhuta {vi} :: To give off smoke
sauhutella {v} :: to smoke repeatedly (inhale and exhale the smoke from a burning cigarette etc.; give off smoke)
sauhuttaa {v} :: to smoke (to inhale and exhale the smoke from a burning cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc.)
sauhuttaa {v} :: to smoke (to give off smoke)
saukko {n} :: European otter, Lutra lutra
saukko {n} :: otter (carnivorous mammal of the subfamily Lutrinae (13 species))
saukko {n} :: Old World river otter (otter of the genus Lutra (3 species))
Sauli {prop} :: given name
sauma {n} :: seam
sauma {n} [colloquial] :: chance, window of opportunity
saumain {n} :: seaming machine
saumanvara {n} :: seam allowance
saumari {n} :: synonym of saumuri
saumata {v} :: to seam (to put together with a seam)
saumaton {adj} :: seamless
saumattomasti {adv} :: seamlessly
saumauskone {n} :: seaming machine
saumauskone {n} :: jointer machine
saumautua {vi} :: to be seamed, to be put together with a seam
saumavara {n} :: synonym of saumanvara
saumoittaa {v} :: synonym of saumata
saumuri {n} :: overlocker, overlock sewing machine
sauna {n} :: sauna
sauna {n} :: Any bath where sweating is part of the bathing process
saunaharja {n} :: sauna brush
saunakukka {n} :: synonym of peltosaunio
saunamaija {n} [colloquial] :: woodlouse, rolly polly, sowbug
saunamakkara {n} :: sausage eaten in a sauna, possibly cooked on a sauna stove
saunapata {n} :: A water heater consisting of a large pot with integrated stove, used for heating water for a sauna
saunapirtti {n} :: sauna cabin
saunapolku {n} :: path up to a sauna
saunapuut {n} :: firewood used to heat up a sauna
saunaranta {n} :: a beach with a sauna
saunasieni {n} :: sponge for use in a sauna
saunatakki {n} :: sauna robe
saunatie {n} :: way or road to a or the sauna
saunatonttu {n} [folklore] :: An elf said to inhabit the sauna and punish those who misbehave in it
saunavasta {n} :: Same as vasta (kind of whisk used in the sauna to enhance the effect of heat by gently beating oneself with it)
saundi {n} [slang] :: The sound of a musical instrument etc
saunio {n} :: Certain aster flowers in the genera Tripleurospermum and Matricaria
saunoa {vi} :: To bath in a sauna, to have a sauna
saunoja {n} :: One who bathes in a sauna
saunominen {n} :: sauna (act of having sauna)
saunotella {v} :: to visit a sauna repeatedly
saunottaa {vt} :: to make have or visit a sauna
sauramo {n} :: camomile (plant of the genus Anthemis)
saurikki {n} :: any plant of the genus Galinsoga
saurikki {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Galinsoga
sauro {n} :: Tanned goat hide
sauropodi {n} :: sauropod
sauva {n} :: wand, staff, stick, rod
sauva {n} :: ski pole (short for hiihtosauva or suksisauva)
sauva {n} :: rod cell (short for sauvasolu)
sauvabakteeri {n} :: rod-shaped bacterium, bacillus
sauvakävely {n} :: Nordic walking
sauvakirkko {n} [architecture] :: stave church (type of wooden church)
sauvamagneetti {n} :: bar magnet
sauvaohjain {n} :: joystick
sauvasekoitin {n} :: immersion blender, hand blender, stick blender, wand blender
sauvasirkka {n} :: stick insect
sauvasolu {n} [anatomy] :: rod cell
Sauvo {prop} :: A municipality in Southwest Finland
sauvoa {v} :: to pole (to propel by pushing with poles, to push with a pole)
sauvoin {n} :: pole used to pole a boat
sauvonta {n} :: poling (pushing with a pole)
säv. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of säveltäjä
sävähdyttää {vt} :: to stir, to thrill, to startle
sävähtää {vi} :: to shake, to vibrate
sävähtää {vi} :: to startle
savakko {n} :: A member of one of the two groups of Ingrian Finns
savakkomurteet {n} :: one of the two dialect groups of Finnish dialects in Ingria, distinguished from the other by long a being oa or ua
savanni {n} :: savannah
savannikoira {n} :: African hunting dog, African wild dog, Lycaon pictus
savanninorsu {n} :: African bush elephant, Loxodonta africana
säväyttää {v} :: to startle
sävel {n} :: melody, tune
sävel {n} :: note
sävel {n} :: tone
Savela {prop} :: surname
Savela {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
sävelaihe {n} [music] :: motif
sävelala {n} [music] :: range of a scale of notes
sävelasteikko {n} [music] :: scale
sävelkorkeus {n} :: pitch (perceived frequency of a sound or note)
sävelkorva {n} [music] :: ear for music (ability to recognize and/or reproduce tunes and melodies)
sävelkulku {n} [music] :: melodic pattern
sävelkulku {n} [linguistics] :: intonation
sävellaji {n} [music] :: key
sävellys {n} [music] :: composition
sävelmä {n} :: melody, tune
sävelnimi {n} :: note name (name of a musical note)
sävelrauta {n} :: synonym of äänirauta
säveltää {vt} :: to compose (music)
säveltää {v} :: to set to music (to adapt a literary work by adding music)
säveltäjä {n} :: composer
säveltäminen {n} [music] :: composing
savenharmaa {adj} :: slate grey
savenruskea seitikki {n} [mushroom] :: Cortinarius decolorans
savenvalaja {n} :: potter (one who makes pots and other ceramic wares)
savenvalanta {n} :: pottering (act of one who potters)
savenvalu {n} :: pottering (act of one who potters)
saveta {v} :: to clay (to spread clay onto)
saveta {v} :: to smear with clay
savettaa {v} :: synonym of saveta
savettaa {v} [computing, slang] :: to save
savettua {vi} :: alternative form of saveutua
saveutua {vi} :: To be soiled or covered by clay
savi {n} :: clay
saviastia {n} :: earthen vessel (vessel made out of clay)
saviesine {n} :: earthen object, earthenware (object made out of clay)
saviharkko {n} :: clay block
saviheinä {n} :: synonym of jauhosavikka
savihoito {n} :: clay treatment
savijalka {n} [usually in the plural] :: feet of clay
savikakku {n} :: mass of clay shaped in the form of a pie, similar to mud pie
savikerros {n} :: layer of clay
savikerrostuma {n} :: clay stratum
savikiekko {n} [sport, shooting] :: clay pigeon
savikiekko {n} [informally] :: gramophone record, phonograph record (audio disc playable with a needle record player)
savikiekkoammunta {n} :: clay pigeon shooting (kind of sport shooting)
savikimpale {n} :: lump of clay, piece of clay
savikivi {n} [geology] :: claystone
savikivi {n} [geology] :: shale
savikka {n} :: goosefoot
savikko {n} :: clay ground
savikokkare {n} :: clod of clay, lump of clay
savikukko {n} :: a ceramic sculpture depicting a cock or a rooster
savikuppi {n} :: clay cup, earthen cup, ceramic cup
savikylpy {n} :: clay bath
savilieju {n} :: a mud-like mix of clay and organic matter
saviliuske {n} [geology] :: slate
savimaa {n} :: soil rich in clay, such as loam
savimineraali {n} [geology] :: clay mineral
savinen {adj} :: clayey (containing clay)
savipaakku {n} :: A clump of clay
saviperäinen {adj} :: clay-based, clayey
savipitoinen {adj} :: clayey, rich in clay
savipohja {n} :: clay bottom of a body of water
savipuoli {n} [pathology] :: tinea versicolor
savipuumuura {n} :: plain-winged antshrike
saviruukku {n} :: crock
Savitaipale {prop} :: Savitaipale
savitavara {n} :: earthenware (ceramic item made out of clay)
saviteollisuus {n} :: clay industry
savitiili {n} :: adobe (unburnt brick)
savituote {n} :: pottery, earthenware, clay product, ceramic product
savityö {n} :: pottery (practise or craft of making pottery)
savivelli {n} [colloquial] :: mud-like substance mostly consisting of clay
savo {n} [colloquial] :: Savo Finnish, Savonian (dialect of Finnish spoken in Savo)
Savo {prop} :: Savonia
Savoiji {prop} :: Savoy (region)
savolainen {adj} :: Savonian
savolainen {n} :: A Savonian person
Savolainen {prop} :: surname
savolaismallinen {adj} :: Made according to a model customary in the province of Savo; used especially of a type of rowing boat
savolaismallinen {n} :: A rowing boat made according to the traditional model used in the province of Savo
savolaismurre {n} :: Savonian dialect
Savonlinna {prop} :: A town in the region of Southern Savonia, Finland
savotoida {v} [rare] :: to work on a logging site
savotta {n} :: logging site
savotta {n} [by extension, dialectal] :: worksite (site where work occurs; especially construction)
savu {n} :: smoke
savu {n} [historical] :: a residential building with a chimney, a unit for taxation
savuaine {n} :: fumigation substance
savuaminen {n} :: smoking (action of giving off smoke)
savuamispiste {n} [cooking] :: smoke point
savuankerias {n} :: smoked eel
savuava {adj} :: smoking (giving off smoke)
savuhälytin {n} :: A smoke alarm
savuhapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula adusta
savuhormi {n} :: stovepipe, chimney, flue
savuinen {adj} :: smoky
savuisuus {n} :: smokiness
savukaasu {n} :: flue gas (gaseous combustion product that comes out of a stove or a furnace)
savukaasuräjähdys {n} :: smoke explosion
savukala {n} :: smoked fish
savukalasalaatti {n} :: smoked fish salad
savukanava {n} :: A flue, funnel (pipe or duct that carries gaseous combustion products)
savuke {n} :: A cigarette
savukeaski {n} :: pack of cigarettes
savukekartonki {n} :: cigarette carton
savukekotelo {n} :: cigarette case
savukemerkki {n} :: brand of cigarettes
savukepakkaus {n} :: cigarette packet
savukepaperi {n} :: cigarette paper
savukerasia {n} :: cigarette case
savukinkku {n} :: smoked ham
savukkeenpätkä {n} :: cigarette butt
savukkeensytytin {n} :: A cigarette lighter
savukone {n} :: fog machine
Savukoski {prop} :: Savukoski (municipality)
savukvartsi {n} [mineral] :: smoky quartz
savuliha {n} :: smoked meat (any smoked meat)
savuliha {n} [pejorative, slang] :: Gypsy
savulohi {n} :: smoked salmon
savuluukku {n} :: smoke vent
savumerkki {n} :: smoke signal
savunharmaa {adj} :: smoke (of the colour of smoke)
savunharmaa {n} :: smoke (the colour of smoke)
savunilmaisin {n} :: A smoke detector
savunmakuinen {adj} :: smoky (having flavour like smoke)
savuolut {n} :: smoked beer (beer made of smoked malt)
savupekoni {n} :: smoked bacon
savupelti {n} :: smoke damper
savupiippu {n} :: smokestack, chimney (pipe leading smoke away from the fire and the structure surrounding the pipe)
savupiippu {n} :: flue, funnel (pipe or channel leading smoke away from the fire)
savupiippu {n} :: chimney (UK, in a steam locomotive)
savupiippu {n} :: smokestack (in a factory, power plant etc.)
savupiippu {n} :: funnel (on a steamer)
savupiippukaulus {n} :: vertical collar
savupiipputeollisuus {n} :: smokestack industry
savupilvi {n} :: cloud of smoke, plume of smoke
savupirtti {n} [historical] :: a log house with a stone oven for heating, without having a chimney
savupommi {n} :: smoke bomb
savuporo {n} :: smoked reindeer
savurengas {n} [smoking] :: smoke ring
savurousku {n} :: sooty milk-cap, Lactarius fuliginosus
savusauna {n} :: smoke sauna (traditional type of Finnish sauna which lacks a chimney and becomes filled by smoke during warming)
savuseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius decoloratus
savusilakka {n} :: smoked Baltic herring
savusilli {n} :: smoked herring, buckling; red herring; kipper (herring cured with smoke)
savusivu {n} :: smoked pork flank
savustaa {vt} :: To smoke (to preserve by treating with smoke)
savustaa ulos {v} [figuratively] :: to make walk the plank (to force to resign from a position in an organization)
savustamo {n} :: A smokery, smokehouse (facility for smoking food)
savustettu {adj} :: smoked (treated with smoke)
savustin {n} :: A smoker (apparatus for smoking food)
savustua {vi} :: To become smoked
savustus {n} :: fumigation
savustus {n} :: smoking of food
savustuspönttö {n} :: smoker (apparatus for smoking food)
savustusuuni {n} :: smoker (apparatus for smoking food)
savusukeltaja {n} :: smoke diver (a type of firefighter)
savusumu {n} :: smog
savuta {vi} :: To give off smoke
savutella {vti} [colloquial] :: To smoke (to consume tobacco products)
savutin {n} :: A smoker (device designed to generate smoke)
savutin {n} :: A bee smoker
savuton {adj} :: smoke-free (reserved for non-smokers)
savuton {adj} [colloquial] :: being a non-smoker
savuton {adj} :: smokeless (free from the presence of smoke)
savuttaa {vi} [often in this specific usage; e.g. of a (brick)kiln used when baking or other machines or tools] :: To smoke, let/spread smoke in(to places unwanted)
savuttaja {n} :: A smoker (something that produces smoke)
savuttomasti {adv} :: smokelessly
savuttomuus {n} :: smokelessness
savuttua {vi} :: to become smoky
savutus {n} :: fumigation
savuvahinko {n} :: smoke damage
savuverho {n} :: A smokescreen
savuverho {n} :: A smoke (military: screening smoke)
sävy {n} :: hue
sävy {n} :: tone (of speech or writing)
sävyisä {adj} :: even-tempered
sävyisä {adj} :: docile, meek
sävyisästi {adv} :: in an even-tempered manner
sävyisästi {adv} :: meekly, docilely
sävyisesti {adv} [genitive + ~] :: with some tone
sävykäs {adj} :: colorful (having varied colors)
sävykäs {adj} :: colorful, multifaceted, nuanced, diverse
sävyntoisto {n} :: color reproduction
sävyte {n} :: toner
sävyttää {v} :: to dye (to colour with dye)
sävyttää {v} :: to tint
sävyttyä {vi} :: to tint, to become tinted
sävytyskone {n} :: tinting machine
säynäs {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of säynävä
säynävä {n} :: ide (Leuciscus idus)
säyne {n} :: ide, Leuciscus idus
säyseä {adj} :: docile
säyseästi {adv} :: docilely
säyseys {n} :: docility
schaissa {n} [vulgar] :: shit (rubbish; worthless matter)
schaissa {n} :: (vulgar) bullshit, nonsense, shit
schapendoes {n} :: schapendoes, Dutch sheepdog (Dutch breed of shepherd dog)
scheeliitti {n} [mineral] :: scheelite
Schengen {n} :: Schengen (town in Luxembourg)
Schengen {n} :: short for Schengenin sopimus, the Schengen Agreement
Schengen-alue {n} :: Schengen Area
schillerinajokoira {n} :: Schiller hound (Swedish breed of scenthound)
schwaabi {n} :: alternative spelling of svaabi
schwabenilainen {adj} :: alternative form of schwabilainen
schwabenilainen {n} :: Swabian (person)
schwabilainen {adj} :: Swabian (of or pertaining to Swabia)
Schwartzwald {prop} :: Black Forest (mountain range and region in SW Germany)
schwartzwaldinkakku {n} :: Black Forest gâteau (type of chocolate cake)
scifi {n} :: sci-fi
scifi-elokuva {n} :: sci-fi movie
scifikirjailija {n} :: sci-fi writer, sci-fi author
scifikirjallisuus {n} :: science fiction (literature genre)
scifileffa {n} [colloquial] :: sci-fi movie
scifi-romaani {n} :: sci-fi novel
Scillysaaret {prop} :: Isles of Scilly (archipelago off Cornwall)
sclaterinkultamyyrä {n} :: Sclater's golden mole, Chlorotalpa sclateri
Scrabble {prop} :: Scrabble (board game)
Sd. {abbr} :: Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue
SDP {initialism} :: The initialism of Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, the Social Democratic Party of Finland
se {pron} [demonstrative, including in Kven] :: it; (when the speaker does not point at the thing) that
se {pron} [colloquial and dialectal, Kven] :: he, she
se {pron} [colloquial] :: the (see the usage notes below)
se {determiner} :: that (not pointed at by the speaker)
seaborgium {n} :: seaborgium
sealyhaminterrieri {n} :: Sealyham terrier (breed of dog)
seassa {postp} :: among (intermixed with)
seasta {postp} :: from among (intermixed with)
Seat {prop} :: SEAT (automobile)
seata {v} [rare] :: to mess up, untidy, disorder (to make a mess of by disturbing the order of it)
seborrea {n} [pathology] :: seborrhea (skin disorder)
seborrooinen {adj} [pathology] :: seborrheic
sebroidi {n} :: zebroid
sedaatio {n} :: sedation (act of sedating by use of sedatives)
sedan {n} :: sedan (body style for cars)
sedatiivi {n} :: sedative
sedilji {n} [typography] :: cedilla
sedimentaatio {n} :: sedimentation
sedimentogeeninen {adj} :: sedimentogenic
sedimentoida {vt} :: to sediment (to deposit material as a sediment)
sedimentointi {n} :: sedimentation (act of depositing material as sediment)
sedimentoitua {vi} :: To sediment
sedimentologia {n} :: sedimentology
sedimentti {n} :: sediment
sedimenttikerros {n} :: sediment layer
sedimenttikivi {n} :: sedimentary rock
sedimenttikivilaji {n} [geology] :: sedimentary rock
seditellä {v} :: to call someone uncle (to use the word setä as an address)
Sedrik {prop} [very, rare] :: given name
see {n} :: cee (letter: c)
see {num} [colloquial, counting] :: seven
seebu {n} :: zebu, Bos primigenius indicus
seefferi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of saksanpaimenkoira
seeing {n} [astronomy] :: seeing (the movement or distortion of a telescopic image as a result of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere)
Seelanti {prop} [rare] :: Zeeland
Seem {prop} [biblical character] :: Shem
Seem {prop} :: given name of biblical origin; rarely used
seemiläinen {adj} :: Semitic (e.g. Semitic language)
seemiläinen {n} :: Semite (person)
seemiläisyys {n} :: Semiticness (quality or state of being Semitic)
-seen {suffix} :: Forms the illative singular case
-seeni {suffix} [geology] :: -cene
seepia {n} :: cuttlefish, inkfish (marine mollusk of the order Sepiida)
seepia {n} :: sepia (slightly reddish, dark brown pigment made from the secretions, the "ink", of the cuttlefish or a synthetic pigment of the same colour)
seepia {n} :: sepia (colour of that pigment)
seepra {n} :: zebra
seeprahai {n} :: zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum
seeprahiiri {n} [rare] :: Alternative term for raitahiiri
seeprahyppijä {n} :: zebra spider, Salticus scenicus (common jumping spider of the Northern Hemisphere)
seeprakala {n} :: zebrafish (Danio rerio)
seeprakirjoahven {n} :: convict cichlid, zebra cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata (species of small, striped fish from the family Cichlidae, native to Central America, popular aquarium fish)
seeprakotiloahven {n} :: Neolamprologus multifasciatus; in the aquarium fish trade often called multi, shellie or shell dweller (small shell-dwelling cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika)
seepraluhtakana {n} :: slaty-breasted rail, Gallirallus striatus
seepramaija {n} :: zebra plant, Calathea zebrina
seepramakrilli {n} :: narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson
seepramalawinahven {n} :: zebra mbuna, Maylandia zebra (cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi in Africa)
seepramangusti {n} :: banded mongoose, zebra mongoose, Mungos mungo (mongoose commonly found in the central and eastern parts of Africa)
seepramanikki {n} :: black-and-white mannikin, black-and-white munia, Lonchura bicolor
seepramyrkkyluikero {n} :: striped blenny, striped fang blenny, grammistes blenny, line-spot harptail blenny, striped poison-fang blenny, Meiacanthus grammistes
seepranuolikko {n} :: zebra barred dartfish, Ptereleotris zebra
seepranuolimonni {n} :: zebra oto, tiger oto, Otocinclus cocama
seeprapallokala {n} :: manystriped blowfish, manystriped pufferfish, scribbled toadfish, ferocious pufferfish, Feroxodon multistriatus
seeprapeippo {n} :: zebra finch, Taenoipygia guttata
seeprapleko {n} :: zebra pleco, Hypancistrus zebra
seeprapreussinahven {n} :: whitetail dascyllus, humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus
seepraraidoitus {n} :: zebra striping
seepraraita {n} :: zebra stripe, zebra line (black and white striped pattern)
seeprasarvihai {n} :: zebra bullhead shark, Heterodontus zebra
seeprasiipisimppu {n} :: zebra turkeyfish, zebra lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra
seeprasimpukka {n} :: synonym of vaeltajasimpukka
seepravälskäri {n} :: Red Sea sailfin tang, Desjardin's sailfin tang, Zebrasoma desjardinii
seepravuokkokala {n} :: Clark's anemonefish, yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii
seerumi {n} :: serum
seerumihoito {n} [medicine] :: serotherapy (therapeutic use of sera)
seerumioppi {n} :: serology (science that studies the reaction between antigens and antibodies in serum)
seerumiruiske {n} [medicine] :: serum injection
seerumitauti {n} [pathology] :: serum sickness
sees {adj} [rare] :: serene
seesam {n} :: alternative spelling of seesami Used especially as modifier in compound terms
seesam {n} [archaic] :: An open sesame (any successful means of achieving a result)
seesam {interj} :: seesam aukene! = open sesame!
seesami {n} :: sesame (tropical Asian plant Sesamum indicum and its seed)
seesamijauho {n} :: sesame flour
seesaminsiemen {n} :: sesame seed
seesamiöljy {n} :: sesame oil
seesamluu {n} [anatomy] :: A sesamoid bone
seestää {vt} :: to calm, clear
seesteinen {adj} :: Serene, tranquil
seesteisyys {n} :: serenity
seestyä {vi} :: To calm
seestyä {vi} :: To clear up
Seet {prop} [archaic] :: Seth (Biblical figure)
Seet {prop} :: given name of biblical origin; quite rare
sefardi {n} :: Sephardi (Jew of Iberian ancestry)
sefardijuutalainen {n} :: Sephardi (Jew of Iberian ancestry)
sefardijuutalainen {adj} :: Sephardic (of or pertaining to Jews of Iberian ancestry)
segmentaatio {n} :: segmentation
segmentoida {vt} :: To segment
segmentointi {n} :: segmentation
segmentoitua {vi} :: to become segmented
segmentti {n} :: segment
segregaatio {n} :: segregation
segregoida {vt} :: to segregate
sei {n} [proscribed] :: saithe [Pollachius virens]
seideli {n} [rare] :: seidel (large beer mug, especially one with a lid)
Seidi {prop} :: given name
Seija {prop} :: given name popular in the 1930s and the 1940s
seijas {adj} [archaic, rare] :: tranquil, serene
seikka {n} :: thing, matter
seikka {n} :: circumstance
seikkailija {n} :: adventurer
seikkailijatar {n} :: adventuress
seikkailla {v} :: To adventure
seikkailu {n} :: adventure
seikkailuelokuva {n} :: adventure film
seikkailufilmi {n} :: adventure film
seikkailukas {adj} :: adventurous
seikkailukasvatus {n} :: adventure education
seikkailukertomus {n} :: adventure story
seikkailukirja {n} :: adventure book
seikkailukirjallisuus {n} :: adventure literature
seikkailukkaampi {adj} :: comparative of seikkailukas
seikkailukkain {adj} :: superlative of seikkailukas
seikkailumatkailu {n} :: adventure tourism
seikkailunhalu {n} :: desire for adventure
seikkailunhaluinen {adj} :: adventurous, adventuresome
seikkailunhaluisuus {n} :: adventurousness
seikkailupeli {n} :: adventure game
seikkailupolitiikka {n} [politics] :: adventurism
seikkailurikas {n} :: adventurous
seikkailuromaani {n} :: adventure novel
seikkailusarja {n} :: adventure series
seikkaperäinen {n} :: detailed, exhaustive
seikkaperäisesti {adv} :: detailedly, exhaustively
seikkaperäisyys {n} :: exhaustiveness, abundance of detail
seikkasana {n} [grammar, dated] :: adverb
šeikki {n} :: sheikh, sheik
seilailla {v} :: to sail
seilata {vi} [nautical] :: To sail
seili {n} [colloquial] :: sail
seilori {n} [slang, nautical] :: A sailor
seimi {n} :: crib (in nativity scene)
seimi {n} :: trough, abreuvoir
seinä {n} :: wall (in buildings)
seinä {n} [colloquial] :: mains (domestic electrical power supply)
seinäalmanakka {n} :: wall calendar
seinäelementti {n} :: wall element
seinähirsi {n} :: wall log
Seinäjoki {prop} :: Seinäjoki (city)
seinäkaakeli {n} :: wall tile
seinäkaide {n} :: wall railing (hand railing attached to a wall)
seinäkalenteri {n} :: wall calendar
seinäkartta {n} :: wall map
seinäke {n} :: partition, screen (vertical structure that divides a room)
seinäkello {n} :: A wall clock
seinäkiipeily {n} :: wall climbing
seinäkirjoitus {n} :: wall inscription
seinäkkäin {adv} :: Alternative term for seinätysten
seinäkoriste {n} :: wall hanging
seinäkoriste {n} :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman)
seinäkukkanen {n} :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman)
seinälaatta {n} :: wall tile
seinälamppu {n} :: wall lamp
seinälehti {n} :: wall newspaper, placard newspaper (hand-lettered or printed newspaper designed to be displayed and read in public places, such as walls)
seinälude {n} :: bedbug, Cimex lectularius
seinämä {n} :: wall (something with the apparent solidity and dimensions of a building wall)
seinämä {n} [anatomy, zoology, botany] :: wall (divisive or containing structure in an organ or cavity)
seinämaalaus {n} :: mural
seinänaapuri {n} :: wall neighbour (neighbour with whom one shares a wall)
seinänvieri {n} :: Alternative form of seinävieri [preferable]
seinänvierus {n} :: Alternative term for seinänvieri
seinänvierusta {n} :: Alternative term for seinänvieri
seinäpäivyri {n} :: wall calendar
seinäpallo {n} :: A childen's ball game similar to Butts Up or Wall Ball
seinäpaneeli {n} :: wall panel
seinäpaperi {n} :: wallpaper
seinäpuhelin {n} :: wall telephone (telephone mounted on a wall)
seinäruusu {n} :: wallflower (one who does not dance in a party, especially a woman)
seinäryijy {n} :: rya, wall rya ("rya" rug intended to be used as wall hanging, instead of some other use such as for bedcover)
seinäsammal {n} :: feathermoss, Pleurozium schreberi
seinäsammal-mustikkatyyppi {n} [forestry] :: Hylocomium-Myrtillus-type (forest type in the Finnish forest classification system; a relatively infertile, moist spruce forest with thick layer of feathermoss, typical for the Peräpohjola and Northern Ostrobothnia regions)
seinätekstiili {n} :: tapestry, wall textile
seinätiili {n} :: wall brick
seinätiili {n} :: wall tile
seinätön {n} :: wall-less (e.g. building without walls)
seinätulppa {n} :: wall plug [UK], dowel, screw anchor (fixing that allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls)
seinätyksin {adv} :: Alternative term for seinätysten
seinätysten {adv} :: wall to wall (sharing a wall with)
seinävaate {n} :: tapestry
seinävalaisin {n} :: wall lamp
seinävieri {n} :: A place next to a wall
seinemmäksi {adv} :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinemmällä {adv} :: closer to wall (in a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinemmälle {adv} :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinemmäs {adv} :: closer to wall (to a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinempänä {adv} :: closer to wall (in a position that is closer to the wall than the previous one)
seinilläkin on korvat {proverb} :: walls have ears
seinis {n} :: Alternative term for seinäpallo
seinus {n} :: Alternative form of seinusta
seinusta {n} :: A place next to a wall
seinusta {n} [rare] :: wall (something that is like a wall)
seinustaa {v} :: to build a wall
seipäät {adv} [slang] :: synonym of humalassa
seipi {n} :: dace, Leuciscus leuciscus
seireeni {n} :: A siren (nymph in Greek mythology)
seis {interj} :: stop!
seisaalla {adv} :: synonym of seisaallaan
seisaallaan {adv} [static] :: standing (up)
seisaalle {adv} :: synonym of seisaalleen
seisaalleen {adv} :: into being standing (up)
seisaalta {adv} :: synonym of seisaaltaan
seisaaltaan {adv} :: from standing (up)
seisaaltaan {adv} :: while standing (up)
seisahduttaa {vt} :: to halt, to stall
seisahtaa {vi} :: to come to a halt, come to a standstill
seisahtua {vi} :: To halt, stall
seisake {n} :: A railway stop, (UK) halt, (USA) flag stop, whistle-stop (a place where train stops to let off passengers, without infrastructure of a station)
seisattaa {v} [dialectal] :: seisauttaa
seisaus {n} :: halt, stoppage, standstill
seisautella {vt} :: to halt or stop repeatedly
seisauttaa {v} :: to halt, stop
seiska {num} [colloquial] :: The digit seven
seiska {num} [colloquial] :: seventh
seiska {num} :: Anything distinguished by number seven
seiskyt {num} [colloquial] :: synonym of seitsemänkymmentä
seisminen {adj} :: seismic
seismografi {n} :: seismograph
seismogrammi {n} [seismology] :: seismogram
seismologi {n} :: seismologist
seismologia {n} :: seismology
seismometri {n} [geology] :: seismometer
seisoa {vi} :: to stand
seisoa {vi} :: to be still, be at a halt
seisoa {vi} [colloquial] :: adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection
seisoallaan {adv} :: synonym of seisaallaan
seisoalleen {adv} :: synonym of seisaalleen
seisoaltaan {adv} :: synonym of seisaaltaan
seisokki {n} :: stoppage
seisokki {n} [colloquial] :: erection (hard state of penis)
seisoksia {v} :: to loiter
seisomatyö {n} :: standing work, work done standing up
seisomisaika {n} :: standing period, standing time
seisonta {n} :: standing
seisonta {n} :: laying up (taking out of service)
seisonta-aika {n} :: idle time
seisontajarru {n} :: parking brake
seisontavalo {n} :: park light, parking light
seisoskella {vi} :: to stand around, to stand in an idle fashion
seisottaa {vt} :: to make or keep (someone or something) standing
seisova aalto {n} [physics] :: standing wave, stationary wave, fixed wave
seisovillaan {adv} :: synonym of seisaallaan
seisovilleen {adv} :: synonym of seisaalleen
seisoviltaan {adv} :: synonym of seisaaltaan
seistä {v} :: synonym of seisoa (all senses)
seita {n} :: A Sami sacred place
seiti {n} :: saithe, pollock (Pollachius virens)
seitikki {n} [fungi] ::  webcap, cortinar (mushroom of the genus Cortinarius, majority of them poisonous)
seitikko {n} [colloquial] :: The digit seven
seitinohut {adj} :: gossamer (extremely thin)
seitivalas {n} :: sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis
seitkyt {num} [colloquial] :: synonym of seitsemänkymmentä
seitsemän {num} [cardinal] :: seven
seitsemän kuolemansyntiä {n} [Christianity] :: the seven deadly sins
seitsemänkymmentä {num} [cardinal] :: seventy
seitsemänkymmentäkahdeksan {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-eight
seitsemänkymmentäkaksi {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-two
seitsemänkymmentäkolme {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-three
seitsemänkymmentäkuusi {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-six
seitsemänkymmentäluku {n} :: The seventies, 1970s
seitsemänkymmentäneljä {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-four
seitsemänkymmentäseitsemän {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-seven
seitsemänkymmentäviisi {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-five
seitsemänkymmentäyhdeksän {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-nine
seitsemänkymmentäyksi {num} [cardinal] :: seventy-one
seitsemänsataa {num} [cardinal] :: seven hundred
seitsemäntoista {num} [cardinal] :: seventeen
seitsemäntuhatta {num} [cardinal] :: seven thousand
seitsemäs {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventh, abbreviation 7., in the names of monarchs and popes VII
seitsemäskymmenes {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventieth, abbreviation 70.
seitsemäskymmenesensimmäinen {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-first, abbreviation 71.
seitsemäskymmeneskahdeksas {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-eighth, abbreviation 78.
seitsemäskymmeneskahdes {adj} [ordinal] :: synonym of seitsemäskymmenestoinen
seitsemäskymmeneskolmas {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-third, abbreviation 73.
seitsemäskymmeneskuudes {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-sixth, abbreviation 76.
seitsemäskymmenesneljäs {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-fourth, abbreviation 74.
seitsemäskymmenesseitsemäs {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-seventh, abbreviation 77.
seitsemäskymmenestoinen {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-second, abbreviation 72.
seitsemäskymmenesviides {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-fifth, abbreviation 75.
seitsemäskymmenesyhdeksäs {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventy-ninth, abbreviation 79.
seitsemäskymmenesyhdes {adj} [ordinal] :: synonym of seitsemäskymmenesensimmäinen
seitsemäsluokkalainen {n} :: seventh-grader
seitsemässadas {adj} [ordinal] :: seven-hundredth, 700th
seitsemäs taivas {n} :: seventh heaven
seitsemästi {adv} :: seven times
seitsemästoista {adj} [ordinal] :: the seventeenth, abbreviation 17., in names of monarchs and popes XVII
seitsemisen {adv} :: about seven
seitsemisenkymmentä {adv} :: about seventy
seitsen- {prefix} :: seven, seven-, hepta-, sept-
seitsen {num} [cardinal, archaic] :: seven
seitsenhaarainen {adj} :: seven-branched
seitsenhenkinen {adj} :: seven-person
seitsenkerroksinen {adj} :: seven-floor, seven-storey (of a building, having seven floors)
seitsenkertainen {adj} :: sevenfold, septuple
seitsenkertainen {adj} :: seven-time
seitsenkertaisesti {adv} :: seven times, sevenfold
seitsenkertaistaa {vt} :: to septuple, to multiply sevenfold
seitsenkertaistua {vi} :: to septuple, to be multiplied sevenfold
seitsenkuinen {adj} :: seven-month-old
seitsenkulmio {n} [geometry] :: heptagon
seitsenottelija {n} [sports] :: heptathlete
seitsenottelu {n} [athletics] :: heptathlon
seitsenpäiväinen {adj} :: seven-day (lasting seven days)
seitsenpäiväinen {adj} [newspapers] :: daily, seven-day (published every day)
seitsenruototokko {n} :: spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens)
Seitsentähti {prop} :: Plough (constellation)
seitsentoistavuotias {adj} :: seventeen-year-old
seitsenvuotias {adj} :: seven-year-old
seitsenvuotinen {adj} :: seven years' (lasting seven years)
seitsenvyövyötiäinen {n} :: seven-banded armadillo, Dasypus septemcinctus
seitsikko {n} :: A seven (group of seven members)
seitsikko {n} :: A seven (the digit seven)
seittemen {num} [dialectal, including, Kven, cardinal] :: seven
seitti {n} :: A web spun by an insect, especially a spiderweb
seitti {n} :: gossamer, cobweb (filament produced by an insect)
seitti {n} :: gossamer (soft, sheer fabric)
seiväs {n} :: pole, stake (long and slender piece of wood or other material, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground; clearly lighter than a "paalu")
seiväshyppääjä {n} :: pole vaulter
seiväshyppy {n} [athletics] :: pole vault
seivästää {vt} :: to impale
seivästää {vt} [ice hockey] :: to spear
seivästys {n} :: impaling, impalement
seivästys {n} [ice hockey] :: spearing
se ja se {pron} :: such-and-such, so-and-so
se ja tämä {pron} :: this and that
se jokin {phrase} :: Often in partitive, used like a noun similary to English (that) certain something, je ne sais quoi (intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive)
se juna meni jo {phrase} :: that ship has sailed
seka- {prefix} :: mixed
seka- {prefix} :: cross-
sekä {conj} :: and, as well as
sekä {conj} :: both; in the expression sekä ... että (both ... and)
sekaannus {n} :: confusion, misunderstanding
sekaannuttaa {vt} :: to confuse
sekaantua {vi} :: To get mixed up
sekaantua {vi} :: To get involved
seka-auto {n} :: truck bus
seka-avioliitto {n} :: mixed marriage (marriage between people having different race, culture or religion)
sekä ... että {phrase} :: both ... and
sekä että {phrase} :: both, either
sekahakutanssit {n} :: a dance event in which both the man and the woman can be the initiating partner
sekahedelmäkeitto {n} :: mixed fruit soup, fruit soup
sekahedelmät {n} :: mixed (and dried) fruit
sekahedelmätäyte {n} :: mincemeat (mixture of fruit, spices and sugar used as a filling for mince pies)
sekaiho {n} :: combination skin
sekainen {adj} :: messy, disorderly
sekainen {adj} :: mixed (into or with something)
sekaisesti {adv} :: messily, disorderly
sekaisin {adv} :: in disorder, in confusion, upside down
sekaisin {adv} :: baffled, bewildered, confused, perplexed
sekaisin {adv} :: upset (of a stomach)
sekaisin {adj} :: superlative of sekainen
sekajäte {n} :: mixed waste
sekakäyttö {n} :: mixed use, mixed types of use
sekakäyttö {n} :: poly drug use; using multiple drugs or intoxicants at the same time
sekakieli {n} :: mixed language, interlanguage
sekakuoro {n} :: mixed choir (choir consisting of males and females)
sekalainen {adj} :: miscellaneous
sekalainen {adj} :: assorted
sekaleipä {n} :: mixed grain bread
sekaluku {n} [arithmetic] :: mixed number (number consisting of a whole number and a fraction, such as 11½)
sekamelska {n} :: jumble, hodgepodge, melange, mishmash (mixture of unrelated things)
sekamelska {n} :: mess, chaos
sekanelinpeli {n} [sports] :: mixed doubles
sekantti {n} [geometry] :: secant
sekapäisesti {adv} :: without a clear mind, muddleheadedly, weirdly, bizarrely
sekarotu {n} [colloquial] :: mixed-breed, mongrel, mutt (mixed-breed dog)
sekarotu {n} [colloquial] :: mixed-breed (any mixed-breed animal)
sekarotuinen {adj} :: mixed-breed
sekarotuinen {adj} :: mixed-race
sekarotuinen {n} :: mixed-breed (animal, often a dog, that is mixed-breed)
sekasikiö {n} :: mongrel
sekasikiö {n} [derogatory] :: chimera
sekasorto {n} :: chaos, turmoil
sekasortoinen {adj} :: chaotic
sekasortoisesti {adv} :: chaotically, disorderly
sekasotku {n} :: jumble
sekasukupuolisuus {n} :: intersexuality
sekatalous {n} [economics] :: mixed economy
sekatavarakauppa {n} [dated] :: general store (store which sells a large variety of useful things)
sekatyömies {n} :: handyman, odd-job laborer, unskilled laborer
sekauinti {n} [sports] :: medley (competitive swimming event)
sekautua {vi} :: to get involved in
sekava {adj} :: confusing, unclear, mixed
sekava {adj} :: confused
sekavasti {adv} :: confusingly
sekavihannekset {n} :: mixed vegetables
sekavoittaa {vt} :: to make confusing
sekavuus {n} :: mental confusion, haze
sekeli {n} :: shekel
sekiini {n} :: A sequin [any of various small gold coins minted in Italy and Turkey]
sekka {n} [slang] :: synonym of sekunti
sekki {n} [banking] :: cheque, check (note promising to pay money to a named person or entity)
šekki {n} :: alternative spelling of sekki
šekkitili {n} [banking] :: A checking account
šekkivihko {n} :: cheque book
seko {n} [slang] :: nut, nutcase, loon, fruitcake
sekobarbitaali {n} [chemistry] :: secobarbital
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] :: bumble around, bumble about
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] :: muck around, muck about
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] :: mess around, mess about
sekoilla {v} [colloquial] :: freak out, act strangely, rage
se koira älähtää, johon kalikka kalahtaa {proverb} :: the lady doth protest too much
sekoite {n} :: mixture
sekoitekangas {n} :: blended fabric (fabric that consists of more than one type of fiber, e.g. wool and polyester)
sekoitella {vt} :: to mix, mess up or shuffle repeatedly
sekoitettavuus {n} :: miscibility
sekoitevilla {n} :: A mixture of wool and other fibers
sekoitin {n} :: A mixer, blender
sekoittaa {vt} :: to mix
sekoittaa {vt} :: to mess up, untidy, disorder (to make a mess of by disturbing the order of it)
sekoittaa {vt} :: to mess up, spoil, ruin (to cause a problem with)
sekoittaa {vt} :: to shuffle (to put in a random order, e.g. playing cards)
sekoittaa {vt} :: to upset, disturb, disrupt (to adversely alter)
sekoittaa {vt} [idiomatic] :: to blow, in the expression sekoittaa jonkun pää ("to blow someone's mind")
sekoittua {vi} :: To (get) mix(ed)
sekoitus {n} :: blend, mixture, admixture (sthg produced by mixing)
sekoitus {n} :: mixture, medley, cocktail (sthg consisting of diverse elements)
sekoitus {n} :: composite (combination of separate elements)
sekoitussauva {n} [chemistry] :: A rod (stirring rod)
sekopää {n} [colloquial] :: nutcase, loon, kook, screwball
sekopäinen {adj} :: mad, wacky, deranged
sekovarsi {n} [botany] :: thallus
sekovartinen {adj} :: thalloid
sekovartinen {n} [botany] :: thallophyte
seksageesima {n} :: alternative spelling of seksagesima
seksagesima {n} [Christianity, dated] :: Sexagesima (8th Sunday before Easter)
seksi {n} :: sex (sexual intercourse)
seksi {n} :: sexuality (sexual activity)
seksiaddikti {n} :: sex addict
seksiaddiktio {n} :: sex addiction, sexual addiction
seksiala {n} :: sex industry
seksiasiat {n} :: sexual issues or matters
seksielämä {n} :: sex life
seksielokuva {n} :: sex film
seksifilmi {n} :: sex film
seksikäs {adj} :: sexy, physically attractive
seksikauppa {n} :: sex shop
seksikauppa {n} [legal] :: The legal term for prostitution; vice (prostitution)
seksikaveri {n} :: friend with benefits (friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship)
seksikaveruus {n} :: friendship with benefits
seksikkäämpi {adj} :: comparative of seksikäs
seksikkäästi {adv} :: sexily
seksikkäin {adj} :: superlative of seksikäs
seksikohtaus {n} [film] :: sex scene
seksikumppani {n} :: sexual partner, sex partner
seksilelu {n} :: A sex toy
seksinukke {n} :: sex doll
seksiobjekti {n} :: sex object (person seen only as object of sexual desire)
seksipartneri {n} :: sexual partner
seksipommi {n} :: bombshell, sex bomb, sex kitten, sexpot (very sexy person)
seksismi {n} :: sexism
seksisti {n} :: sexist
seksistinen {adj} :: sexist
seksisuhde {n} :: sexual relationship, sexual affair
seksitauti {n} [pathology] :: sexually transmitted disease
seksiteollisuus {n} :: sex industry
seksitön {adj} :: sexless (not having sexual relations)
seksiturismi {n} :: sex tourism
seksituristi {n} :: sex tourist
seksityö {n} :: sex work
seksityöntekijä {n} :: sex worker (person who supplies sexual services for money)
seksivideo {n} :: sex video, porn video
seksologia {n} :: sexology
sekstantti {n} [nautical] :: sextant
Sekstantti {prop} :: The constellation Sextans
sekstetti {n} :: sextet
sekstetto {n} [music] :: sextet
seksti {n} [music] :: sixth
sekstiljoona {num} [cardinal] :: undecillion (short scale), sextillion (long scale); 1036
sekstisointu {n} [music] :: sixth chord
sekstoli {n} [music] :: sextolet
seksuaalielämä {n} :: sexual life
seksuaalikumppani {n} [rare] :: sexual partner
seksuaalinen {adj} :: sexual
seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö {n} [law] :: sexual abuse
seksuaalinen suuntautuminen {n} :: sexual orientation
seksuaaliobjekti {n} :: sex object, sexual object (person seen only as object of sexual desire)
seksuaalirikollinen {n} :: A sex offender
seksuaalisesti {adv} :: sexually
seksuaalistaa {vt} :: to sexualize
seksuaalistua {vi} :: to be sexualized
seksuaalisuus {n} :: sexuality
seksuaalivähemmistö {n} :: sexual minority
seksuaalivalinta {n} :: sexual selection
seksualisoida {vt} :: to sexualize
seksualiteetti {n} :: sexuality
šektaus {n} :: shehitah (action of slaughtering animals in this manner)
sektio {n} :: section, division
sektio {n} [medicine] :: section
sektio {n} [medicine] :: Caesarean section
sektori {n} :: sector
sektoridiagrammi {n} :: pie chart
sektorikaavio {n} :: synonym of sektoridiagrammi
sekulaari {adj} :: alternative form of sekulaarinen
sekulaari {n} :: secular (secular ecclesiastic; church official)
sekulaarinen {adj} :: secular
sekulaarinen {adj} :: centennial (relating to a period of hundred years)
sekulaaristaa {v} :: to secularize
sekulaaristua {vi} :: to be secularized
sekularisaatio {n} :: secularization
sekularisoida {vt} :: To secularize
sekularisoitua {v} :: synonym of maallistua
sekularistisesti {adv} :: secularistically
sekunda {adj} :: second-rate
sekundaari {adj} :: alternative form of sekundaarinen
sekundääri {adj} :: alternative form of sekundäärinen
sekundäärienergia {n} :: secondary energy
sekundaarinen {adj} :: secondary
sekundäärinen {adj} :: secondary
sekundäärinen alkoholi {n} [chemistry] :: secondary alcohol
sekundaarirakenne {n} [biochemistry] :: A secondary structure
sekundaarisesti {adv} :: secondarily
sekundaaristi {adv} :: secondarily
sekundantti {n} :: second (attendant)
sekunnilleen {adv} :: (down) to the second
sekunnilleen {adv} :: precisely at the given time
sekunti {n} :: second (unit of time or angle)
sekunti {n} [music] :: second (interval)
sekuntikello {n} :: stopwatch
sekuntimittari {n} :: second hand
sekuntiosoitin {n} :: second hand
sekuntiviisari {n} :: second hand
sekuntti {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of sekunti
sekvensoida {vt} :: To sequence
sekvensointi {n} :: sequencing
sekvensseri {n} [music] :: sequencer
sekvenssi {n} :: sequence
selailla {vt} :: To browse (magazine, web pages)
selailu {n} :: browsing (magazines, web, ...)
selain {n} [Internet] :: browser
selainlaajennus {n} [computing] :: browser extension
selainmoottori {n} [computing] :: browser engine
selainpohjainen {adj} [internet] :: browser based
seläke {n} :: fillet
seläkkäin {adv} :: back-to-back
selälleen {adv} :: Onto one's back
selälleen {adv} :: wide open
selänne {n} :: ridge
Selänne {prop} :: surname
selänpesijä {n} :: back washer (person in a sauna or shower)
selänpuoleinen {n} [anatomy] :: dorsal (relating to the side of the body where backbone is located)
selänrapsutin {n} :: backscratcher
selata {v} :: to browse, leaf, scan, page
selättää {vt} [wrestling] :: to pin down, to pin, to fall
selättää {vt} [idiomatic] :: to overcome
selätysten {adv} :: back-to-back
seleeni {n} :: selenium
seleenidioksidi {n} [chemistry] :: selenium dioxide
seleenihiiva {n} :: selenium yeast
seleenivety {n} [chemistry] :: hydrogen selenide
selektiivinen {adj} :: selective
selektiivisesti {adv} :: selectively
selektiivisyys {n} :: selectivity
selektio {n} :: selection
selektori {n} :: selector
selenologia {n} :: selenology
šelfi {n} [dated] :: synonym of mannerjalusta
selfie {n} :: selfie
selibaatti {n} :: celibate
selin {adv} :: back to back
selin {adv} [heraldry] :: addorsed
selinmakuu {n} :: supine position, lying supine
selitä {vi} :: To clear
selite {n} :: key, guide
selitellä {vt} [+ partitive] :: To make excuses for, (try to) explain away
selittää {v} :: to explain
selittää {v} :: to explicate (to explain meticulously or in great detail; to elucidate; to analyze)
selittämätön {adj} :: unexplained
selittämätön {adj} :: unexplainable, inexplicable
selittämättömästi {adv} :: inexplicably
selittyä {v} :: to be explained
selitys {n} :: explanation
selja {n} :: elder (tree)
Selja {prop} :: given name
seljanka {n} :: solyanka
seljanmarja {n} :: elderberry
seljetä {vi} [of sky] :: To clear
selkä {n} [anatomy] :: back
selkä {n} :: ridge, spine (line or area on a mountain or hill from which one can descend to at least two separate directions)
selkä {n} :: watershed area
selkä {n} :: back, spine (the side where the pages are bound together)
selkä {n} :: open water (expanse of sea or large lake which is distant from shore and devoid of nearby islands or other obstructions)
selkäänpuukottaja {n} :: backstabber (traitor assumed trustworthy, figuratively attacking when one's back is turned)
selkäevä {n} [anatomy, of a fish] :: a dorsal fin
selkäharja {n} :: back scrubber, back brush
selkähäviö {n} [wrestling] :: loss or defeat by being pinned
selkäin {n} [fishing] :: The main line of a longline
selkäin {n} [rare] :: A longline
selkäjänne {n} :: notochord
selkäjänteinen {n} :: chordate (member of the phylum Chordata)
selkäjänteinen {n} :: [in plural] Chordata (taxonomic phylum)
selkäjänteinen {adj} :: chordate (of or pertaining to chordates or Chordata)
selkäkappale {n} :: back part (of clothing)
selkäkilpi {n} [zoology] :: pen, gladius (internal cartilage skeleton of a squid)
selkäkipu {n} :: backache, back pain
selkäkoulu {n} :: a type of training to help relax one's back
selkälanka {n} [fishing] :: the main line of a longline
selkälauta {n} [nautical] :: taffrail
selkälento {n} [aviation] :: inverted flight, flying upside down
selkälihas {n} [anatomy] :: back muscle
selkälokki {n} :: lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus)
selkämeri {n} :: open sea, high seas
Selkämeri {prop} :: The Bothnian Sea (southern part of the Gulf of Bothnia)
selkämys {n} :: back, spine, backside
selkänahka {n} :: back skin, dorsal skin
selkänauha {n} :: band (strip along the spine of a book where the pages are attached)
selkänikama {n} [skeleton] :: A thoracic vertebra
selkänoja {n} :: backrest (part of seat)
selkäpanssari {n} :: backplate, dorsal shield
selkäpenkki {n} :: back bench
selkäperillinen {n} [law] :: a lineal ascendant acting or potentially acting as an heir (the lineal parents of the deceased)
selkäperintö {n} :: inheritance awarded to lineal ascendant
selkäpii {n} :: The ridge of backbone
selkäpuoli {n} :: backside, back side (opposite to the front side of something relatively flat, such as playing card)
selkäpuolinen {n} [anatomy] :: dorsal (relating to the top surface of foot or hand)
selkäpuolinen {n} :: (anatomy) dorsal (relating to the side in which the backbone is located)
selkäpuu {n} :: rafter, balk
selkärangan jäykistysleikkaus {n} [medicine] :: spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis (surgical fusion of parts of the spine)
selkärangankanava {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of selkäydinkanava
selkärangan nivelrikko {n} [pathology] :: spondylarthrosis
selkärangan niveltulehdus {n} [pathology] :: spondylarthritis
selkärangaton {adj} :: invertebrate
selkärangaton {adj} :: spineless
selkärangaton {n} [zoology] :: invertebrate
selkärangattomasti {adv} :: spinelessly
selkärangattomuus {n} :: spinelessness
selkäranka {n} [anatomy, skeleton] :: backbone, spine, spinal column, vertebral column (series of vertebrae that protect the spinal cord)
selkäranka {n} :: backbone (fundamental support or infrastructure)
selkäranka {n} :: backbone, spine (courage, strength)
selkärankahalkio {n} [pathology] :: spina bifida
selkärankainen {adj} :: backboned
selkärankainen {n} :: vertebrate
selkärankareuma {n} [pathology] :: ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis that affects the spine, usually the joints between vertebrae and the sacroiliac joint)
selkärankatuberkuloosi {n} [pathology] :: Pott's disease (extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects the spine)
selkäreppu {n} :: backpack
selkäruoto {n} :: backbone (literally)
selkäsaha {n} :: backsaw
selkäsairas {adj} :: who or that has back problem(s)
selkäsairaus {n} :: back disease
selkäsärky {n} :: back pain
selkäsauna {n} :: beating, licking
selkä seinää vasten {phrase} [idiomatic] :: back to the wall, back against the wall (very difficult situation with no beneficial options available for action)
selkäsiima {n} [fishing] :: The main line of a longline
selkäsiima {n} [rare] :: A longline
selkäsuoni {n} :: back blood vessel
selkäuinti {n} [swimming] :: backstroke
selkävaiva {n} :: back injury, back defect, back problem
selkävaivainen {adj} :: who or that has back problem(s) or back injury/injuries
selkävamma {n} :: back injury
selkävammainen {adj} :: who or that has back injury/injuries
selkävesi {n} [usually, in plural] :: open water
selkävika {n} :: spinal defect, back disease
selkävikainen {adj} :: who or that has a back defect(s)
selkävoitto {n} [wrestling] :: victory by pin
selkäydin {n} [anatomy] :: spinal cord
selkäydinhermo {n} [anatomy] :: spinal nerve
selkäydinkalvo {n} [anatomy] :: meninx, meninx spinalis (any of the three membranes surroundingg the spinal cord)
selkäydinkanava {n} [anatomy] :: central canal
selkäydinneste {n} [physiology, colloquial] :: cerebrospinal fluid, spinal fluid
selkäydinpuudutus {n} [medicine] :: spinal anaesthesia
selkäydinreaktio {n} :: gut reaction, knee-jerk reaction
selkäydinvamma {n} :: spinal cord injury
selkeä {adj} :: clear, sunny (without clouds)
selkeä {adj} [meteorology, of the sky] :: Up to 1/8 covered by clouds
selkeä {adj} :: clear (free of ambiguity)
selkeä-älyinen {adj} :: lucid [mentally sane]
selkeämpi {adj} :: comparative of selkeä
selkeästi {adv} :: clearly
selkeennyttää {v} :: synonym of selkiinnyttää
selkeentyä {v} :: synonym of selkeytyä
selkeneminen {n} :: clearing
selkeys {n} :: clarity
selkeytin {n} :: A clarifier (device that clarifies a liquid, normally by separating solid substances from it)
selkeyttää {v} :: To clarify (to make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter); also figuratively, e.g. of a complicated situation
selkeytyä {vi} :: to clear, clear up, clarify (to become clearer)
selkiinnyttää {vt} :: to clarify, to make more precise
selkiintyä {vi} [nonstandard] :: synonym of selkeytyä
selkiyttää {vt} :: To clear
selkiytyä {vi} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of selkeytyä
selkiytyminen {n} :: clarification
selkkaus {n} :: incident, confrontation
selko {n} :: understanding (the state of having understood, being clear); mostly idiomatic and modifier usage, see "derived terms" -section below
selkokieli {n} :: plain language (variant of a language which makes use of clear, commonly understood terms and brief expressions; usually specifically designed for special audiences or a specific purpose)
selkoteksti {n} [cryptography] :: cleartext, plain text (unencrypted text)
selkouni {n} :: lucid dream (dream in which one is conscious that one is dreaming as the dream is occurring)
selkouni {n} :: lucid dreaming
selkova {n} :: zelkova (tree)
selkuppi {n} [in plural] :: Selkup (Samoyedic tribe)
selkuppi {n} :: Selkup (member of this tribe)
selkuppi {n} :: Selkup (their language)
sellain {adj} [colloquial] :: such (a), that kind of
sellainen {adj} :: such (a), that kind of
sellaisenaan {adv} :: as such (as should be; in its natural or original state)
sellaista elämä on {phrase} :: such is life, that's life, this is the life, c'est la vie
sellaista se on {phrase} :: that's life
sellakka {n} :: shellac
selleri {n} :: celery
selleripihvi {n} :: celery patty
sellerisuola {n} :: celery salt (salt mixed with dried celery, used as spice)
selli {n} :: cell, prison cell
sellisti {n} :: cellist
sello {n} :: cello
sellofaani {n} :: cellophane
sellonsoittaja {n} :: cellist
sellu {n} :: cellulose, pulp
sellukattila {n} :: digester (in the chemical pulping process, a large vessel in which wood is exposed to heat and chemicals to break it down into cellulose and other components)
sellukeitin {n} :: digester (a strong closed vessel used for manufacturing cellulose)
sellulaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: cellulase
selluliitti {n} :: cellulite
selluloidi {n} :: celluloid
selluloosa {n} [carbohydrate] :: cellulose
selluloosa {n} :: pulp made of cellulose fibres
selluloosa-asetaatti {n} :: cellulose acetate
selluloosalakka {n} :: cellulose lacquer
selluloosatehdas {n} :: pulp mill
sellunkeitto {n} :: pulping (production of cellulose pulp)
sellutehdas {n} :: pulp mill
selluvilla {n} :: a loose insulation material consisting of wood fiber batts
Selma {prop} :: given name, cognate to the English Selma
selonteko {n} :: report, especially an official one given by the government to the parliament
selootti {n} :: zealot (member of the Zealot movement in Judea on the 1st century A.D. which rebelled against the Romans under the leadership of Judas of Galilee)
selostaa {v} :: To explicate, explain
selostaa {v} :: To cover, commentate (in radio or TV)
selostaja {n} :: commentator, sportscaster
seloste {n} :: caption, legend
selostus {n} :: account, statement, explanation, description
selostus {n} :: commentary, narration
selusta {n} :: back, rear, backside, rearward
selusta {n} [military] :: rear (the part of an army or fleet which comes last)
selustin {n} :: harness saddle
selvä {adj} :: clear (primarily of abstract concepts; see usage notes)
selvä {adj} :: free (unobstructed)
selvä {adj} [colloquial] :: sober
selvä {adj} :: distinct
selvä {adj} :: plain
selvä {adj} :: obvious
selvä {adj} :: unmistakable
selvä {adj} :: lucid
selvä {adj} :: evident
selvä {interj} :: all right (used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent)
selvä {interj} [radio] :: roger!
selväkielisesti {adv} :: in clear language
selväkielisesti {adv} :: en clair, in cleartext or plaintext
selvä kuin pläkki {phrase} [figuratively] :: clear as a bell (of an issue, totally clear)
selvänäkijä {n} :: clairvoyant (person able to see things in the past, present or future, which cannot be perceived by the normal senses)
selvänäkö {n} :: clairvoyance
selvänäköisesti {adv} :: in a clear-sighted manner
selvänäköisyys {n} :: clairvoyance
selvännäkijä {n} :: alternative form of selvänäkijä
selväpäinen {adj} :: lucid (mentally sane)
selväpiirteinen {adj} :: distinct, clear-cut, well defined
selväpiirteisesti {adv} :: in a distinct or clear-cut manner
selväpuheinen {adj} :: articulate (speaking in a clear or effective manner)
selväsanaisesti {adv} :: clearly, explicitly, clearly stated
selvästi {adv} :: clearly, in a clear manner
selvästi {adv} :: obviously, evidently
selvästi {adv} :: loud and clear (of voice; in a clear and easily understandable manner)
selvätä {vt} [rare] :: to decode
selvempi {adj} :: comparative of selvä
selvennys {n} :: clarification
selventää {vt} :: To clarify
selventyä {v} :: synonym of selvetä
selvetä {vi} :: To clear
selviämisasema {n} :: sobering facility (facility allowing intoxicated people to safely sober up)
selvillä {adv} :: known, aware, decided, solved, found out
selvinpäin {adv} :: sober
selviö {n} :: foregone conclusion
selviö {n} :: axiom
selvitä {vi} :: to become clear (become transparent in colour; become bright, not dark or obscured; become free of obstacles or clouds)
selvitä {vi} :: to get solved
selvitä {vi} :: to cope (with something), survive (after something)
selvitä {vi} :: to escape (get away or survive from an unwanted situation)
selvitä {vi} :: to sober up (recover from intoxication)
selvitellä {v} :: to sort out (to clarify by reviewing mentally)
selvittää {v} :: to make clear, clarify
selvittää {v} :: to examine, investigate, find out
selvittää {v} :: to disentangle
selvittää {v} :: to get to the bottom of (to understand, discover the truth about, or solve)
selvittää {v} :: to clear, like an airplane for departure, goods through customs, or payments between banks
selvittää {v} :: to settle, as accounts
selvittää {v} :: to explain
selvittämätön {adj} :: unsolved
selvittäminen {n} :: The process of investigating, an investigation
selvittely {n} :: sorting out (act of clarifying by reviewing mentally)
selvitys {n} :: A document covering the description and results of an investigation, a report
selvitys {n} :: The process of investigating
selvitys {n} :: An oral presentation of a specific topic, especially of the actions of the speaker or the findings made by him
selvitysmies {n} [legal] :: liquidator (person in charge of managing the affairs of a company, association, cooperative, foundation or similar entity during the liquidation and of converting into cash enough of the assets of the entity so that its debts can be paid)
selvitysmies {n} :: investigator (one who conducts an inquiry or examination; used especially of high-level ad-hoc investigators nominated by a cabinet minister or other high-level official)
selvityspyyntö {n} :: request for clarification
selvitystila {n} [legal] :: liquidation, insolvency
selvitystila {n} [legal] :: receivership (state of being under the control of a receiver)
selvitystyö {n} :: investigation, investigation (process of investigating)
selvityttää {vt} :: to have (something) examined, have (something) investigate, have (something) clarified
selviytyä {v} :: to survive
selviytyä {v} :: to cope
selviytyä {v} :: to get by
selviytyjä {n} :: survivor
selviytyminen {n} :: survival
selvyys {n} :: clarity, clearness
selvyys {n} :: truth
semafori {n} [rail transport] :: semaphore (railway signal)
semafori {n} [computing] :: semaphore
semantiikka {n} :: semantics (science of the meaning of words)
semantiikka {n} :: semantics (individual meaning of words)
semantikko {n} :: semanticist
semanttinen {adj} :: semantic
semanttisesti {adv} :: semantically
sembra {n} :: Certain pines of the genus Pinus
sembramänty {n} :: Swiss pine, Pinus cembra
sementiitti {n} [metallurgy, inorganic compound] :: cementite
sementoida {v} :: to cement
sementti {n} :: cement
sementtilaasti {n} :: cement mortar
semiautomaattinen {adj} :: semiautomatic
semifinaali {n} [sports] :: A semifinal
semifinalisti {n} :: semifinalist
semiitti {n} :: Semite
seminaari {n} :: seminar (meeting)
seminaari {n} :: seminar (class)
seminaari {n} :: seminary (school)
seminaarilainen {n} :: seminarian
seminaarityö {n} :: seminar work, thesis
seminormi {n} :: semi-norm
semioottinen {adj} :: semiotic
semiotiikka {n} :: semiotics
semitismi {n} :: Semitism (word or idiom of Jewish vocabulary)
semminkin {adv} [rare] :: especially
semmoinen {adj} [dialectal] :: alternative form of sellainen
semmonen {pron} [colloquial or dialectal] :: synonym of sellainen
sen {pron} [demonstrative] :: it [accusative; direct object]
sen {pron} [demonstrative] :: its [genitive]
sen {pron} [+ comparative] :: (the ...) the (establishes a parallel)
senaatti {n} :: A senate
senaatti {n} :: The Senate of the United States, or any of its states
senaatti {n} :: Senate (similar legislative body on some other countries)
senaattori {n} :: senator
Senegal {prop} :: Senegal
senegalilainen {n} :: Senegalese (person)
senegalilainen {adj} :: Senegalese (of or pertaining to Senegal)
sen enempää {phrase} :: any more; used in negative sentences
Sengoku-kausi {n} [history] :: Sengoku period, Warring States period (of Japanese history)
seniili {adj} :: senile
seniiliys {n} :: senility
seniliteetti {n} :: senility
seniori {n} :: old person, senior
Senja {prop} :: given name
sen jälkeen {adv} :: thereafter
sen jälkeen {adv} :: after, since
Senjanen {prop} [military humor] :: Family name of an imaginary soldier that appears e.g. in jokes and pranks
senkin {interj} :: You..
senkka {n} [medicine] :: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR
senkka {n} [metallurgy] :: ladle [container in which molten metal is kept]
senkki {n} :: commode (low chest of drawers)
senkki {n} :: sideboard
senkki {n} :: countersink (tool)
sen koommin {adv} [idiomatic] :: ever since, thereafter
sen kun {adv} [colloquial] :: just (only, simply, merely)
sen lisäksi {adv} :: in addition (to that), moreover
Senni {prop} :: given name
sen paremmin {phrase} :: any better
sen paremmin {phrase} :: or, nor
sen paremmin {phrase} :: better than that
sen paremmin {phrase} :: it better
sen pituinen se {phrase} [idiomatic] :: The very last sentence of many fairy tales and other stories. This comes after any happily ever after-type sentences. Literally the phrase translates to: "That's the length of it". It might be translated into English as: "That's all there is to tell"
sensaatio {n} :: sensation (widespread reaction of interest or excitement)
sensaatiolehdistö {n} :: sensational press, the yellow press, tabloid press
sensaatiomainen {adj} :: sensational
sensaationtavoittelu {n} :: sensationalism
sensationaalinen {adj} :: sensational
sen sellainen {adj} :: suchlike
sen seurauksena {adv} :: consequently, as a consequence
sen sijaan {adv} :: instead (in the place of something; as a substitute or alternative)
sensitiivinen {adj} :: sensitive
sensitiivisesti {adv} :: sensitively
sensitiivisyys {n} :: sensitivity
sensori {n} :: sensor
sensorinen {adj} :: sensory (of senses or sensations)
senssipalsta {n} [colloquial] :: dating column
senssit {n} [colloquial] :: date (pre-arranged meeting; romantic meeting or outing with a lover or potential lover)
sensuaalinen {adj} :: sensual
sensualismi {n} :: sensualism
sensuelli {adj} :: sensual
sensuroida {vt} :: To censor, expurgate, bowdlerise
sensuroimaton {adj} :: uncensored
sensurointi {n} :: censoring (the act of censoring)
sensurointi {n} :: censorship (the practice of censoring)
sensuuri {n} :: censorship
sensuuri {n} [as modifier in compound terms] :: censorial
sentään {adv} :: at least
sentään {adv} :: however, nevertheless
sen takia {adv} :: therefore, consequently
sentata {v} [colloquial] :: to write a piece as a freelancer
senteissä tuhannen alku {proverb} :: take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
sentiljoona {num} [long scale] :: centillion (10600)
sentiljoona {num} [short scale] :: cennovemnonagintillion (10600)
sentiljoonas {adj} [ordinal] :: The centillionth
sentiljoonasosa {n} :: one centillionth (centillionth part)
sentimentaalinen {adj} :: sentimental
sentimentaalisesti {adv} :: sentimentally
sentralisaatio {n} :: centralization
sentralisoida {v} :: To centralize
sentrifugi {n} :: centrifuge
sentrifugoida {vt} :: To centrifuge
sentrosomi {n} [cytology] :: centrosome
senttaali {n} :: old weightmeasure, 100 kilograms
sentteri {n} [colloquial, ball games] :: centre forward [UK]; center forward, center [US]
sentteri {n} [basketball] :: center
sentteri {n} [American football] :: center
sentti- {prefix} :: centi- (SI prefix, one hundreth of)
sentti {n} :: cent (one hundredth of many monetary units, particularly of the euro and the dollar)
sentti {n} :: one cent (coin worth one cent)
sentti {n} [colloquial] :: centimetre
sentti {n} [as SI prefix] :: centi-; see sentti-
senttigramma {n} :: centigram
senttilitra {n} :: centilitre/centiliter
senttimetri {n} :: centimetre/centimeter
senttimetriaallot {n} :: centimetre band, centimetre waves
senttinen {adj} :: Together with a numeral, being X centimeters long
senttinen {n} :: Together with a numeral, a coin of X cents, X-cent piece
senttiosake {n} [finance] :: penny stock (highly speculative stock selling for less than one euro per share)
senturia {n} [military] :: century (military unit)
senturio {n} :: centurion
sen verran {adv} :: so much, that much, at least that much (to a certain degree or extent)
sen vuoksi {adv} :: therefore, because of it, that's why
se on nähty {phrase} :: been there, done that (assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic)
se on siinä {phrase} :: Bob's your uncle (there you have it)
seos {n} :: mixture, mix
seos {n} :: alloy
seosaine {n} [metallurgy] :: alloying element
seosaine {n} [agriculture] :: additive or amendment in a compost, such as wood chips or peat
seoskivi {n} [geology] :: migmatite
seosmetalli {n} [metallurgy] :: alloy
seostaa {vt} :: To mix (a mixture)
seostaa {vt} [metallurgy] :: To alloy
seoste {n} [metallurgy] :: alloy
seosteräs {n} :: alloy steel
seota {vi} :: to go out of control
seota {vi} :: to become crazy
seota laskuissa {v} :: to lose count
sepä {n} :: the front of a sleigh that curves upwards
sepalus {n} :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
separaatio {n} :: separation
separaattori {n} :: separator, a device for separating cream from milk
separatiivi {n} [grammar] :: separative case, separative
separatismi {n} :: separatism
separatisti {n} :: separatist
separatistinen {adj} :: separatist
separatistisesti {adv} :: in a separatist manner
separatistisuus {n} :: separatism
separi {n} [derogatory, slang] :: a person suffering from cerebral palsy
separi {n} [colloquial] :: separator
separoida {vt} [chemistry] :: To separate (substances)
separoituva {adj} :: separable
sepel {n} :: obsolete form of seppel
sepeli {n} :: crushed stone, often sorted by size, used as filler and supporting material in foundations, roads etc
sepelikivi {n} :: crushed stone
sepelikkö {n} :: ground covered with crushed stone
sepelitie {n} :: crushed stone road
sepelkarhu {n} :: Asian black bear, Ursus thibetanus
sepelkyyhky {n} :: A species of pigeon, the woodpigeon or culver, Columba palumbus
sepelöidä {v} :: To ballast (to lay ballast on the bed of a railroad track)
sepelpoukama {n} [anatomy] :: coronary sinus
sepelvaltimo {n} [anatomy] :: coronary artery
sepelvaltimotauti {n} [pathology] :: coronary heart disease
sepi {n} [derogatory, slang] :: a person suffering from cerebral palsy
sepioliitti {n} [mineral] :: sepiolite
sepite {n} :: A piece of writing
sepite {n} :: fiction, fabrication, lie, hoax
sepitellä {v} :: to make up or fable repeatedly
sepittää {v} :: to make up (a story), to coin (a word)
sepittää {v} :: to fable
sepivä {adj} [botany] :: amplexicaul
seppä {n} :: smith, blacksmith
seppä {n} [insects] :: click beetle
Seppälä {prop} :: surname
Seppälä {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Seppänen {prop} :: surname
seppel {n} [poetic, archaic] :: alternative form of seppele
seppele {n} :: A wreath
seppele {n} :: A garland made to the form of a ring or oval
seppeleensitojaiset {n} :: a part of a graduation ceremony, in which wreaths are made
seppeleensitojatar {n} :: Virgo clarissima; a girl or woman in a university commencement ceremony whose task is to prepare laurel wreaths
seppelöidä {v} :: To wreath (to place a wreath upon or around something)
seppelöidä {v} :: To crown, e.g. with laurels
seppo {prop} [poetic] :: smith
Seppo {prop} :: given name
sepsis {n} :: sepsis
septetti {n} :: A septet or septette (a musical group of seven performers)
septetti {n} [rare] :: A septet (any group of seven members)
septetto {n} [music] :: septet, septuor (musical composition for seven instruments or seven voices)
septikemia {n} [pathology] :: septicemia, septicaemia
septiljoona {num} :: tredecillion (short scale), septillion (long scale); 1042
septimi {n} [music] :: seventh (interval)
septimikäännös {n} [music] :: seventh chord inversion
septimisointu {n} [music] :: seventh chord
septinen {adj} :: septic
septinen sokki {n} [medicine] :: septic shock
septitankki {n} :: septic tank (small-scale septic tank such as used in boats, trailers etc.)
septoli {n} [music] :: septuplet, septolet
septuageesima {n} :: alternative spelling of septuagesima
septuagesima {n} [Christianity, dated] :: Septuagesima (9th Sunday before Easter)
sepustaa {v} [colloquial] :: to come up with a story, to concoct, to fabricate, to devise
sepustus {n} [colloquial] :: story, yarn
serafi {n} :: seraph
Serafiina {prop} :: given name, cognate to the English Seraphina
serbi {n} :: A Serb
serbia {n} :: Serbian (the Serbian language)
Serbia {prop} :: Serbia
Serbia ja Montenegro {prop} :: Serbia and Montenegro (former country on the Balkan Peninsula)
serbialainen {adj} :: Serbian
serbialainen {n} :: A Serbian
serbialaisuus {n} :: Serbianness (state or quality of being Serbian)
serbialaisuus {n} :: Serbness (state or quality of being Serb)
serbiankielinen {adj} :: Serbian (expressed in the Serbian language)
serbokroaatti {n} :: The Serbo-Croatian language
seremonia {n} :: ceremony
seremoniallinen {adj} :: ceremonial
seremoniallisesti {adv} :: ceremonially
seremoniallisuus {n} :: ceremonialness
serenadi {n} :: serenade
sergei {n} [military slang] :: The anti-aircraft autocannon ZU-23-2
seriaalinen {adj} :: serial
seriaalisuus {n} :: seriality
serialismi {n} [music] :: serialism
seriffi {n} :: alternative form of sheriffi
šeriffi {n} :: alternative form of sheriffi
serigrafia {n} :: serigraphy, screen printing, silk-screen printing [art]
serigrafia {n} :: serigraphy, screen print, screenprint [artwork]
seriini {n} [amino acid] ::  serine
seripaino {n} :: synonym of silkkipaino
serisiitti {n} [mineral] :: sericite
serkku {n} :: A first cousin
serkukset {n} :: cousins (collective term for people who are each other's cousins)
sermi {n} :: screen, partition
sermi {n} :: folding screen
serologia {n} :: serology
serologinen {adj} :: serological (of or pertaining to serology)
serotoniini {n} [neurotransmitter] :: serotonin
serpentiini {n} :: streamer, paper streamer (strips of paper or other material used as confetti)
serpentiini {n} [mineral] :: serpentine
serpentiiniankerias {n} :: longneck eel (eel of the family Derichthyidae)
serpentiinitie {n} :: serpentine road
serpentiniitti {n} [geology] :: serpentinite (type of metamorphic rock)
serpentti {n} [musical instrument] :: serpent
serpenttiinitie {n} :: alternative form of serpentiinitie
sertifikaatti {n} :: certificate
sertifioida {vt} :: To certify
sertifiointi {n} :: certification
sertifioitu {adj} :: certified
Serubbaabel {prop} :: Zerubbabel
Serubbabel {prop} :: Zerubbabel
servaali {n} :: serval (Leptailurus serval)
serveerata {vt} [colloquial] :: to serve
serveri {n} [computing, colloquial] :: A server
servetti {n} :: A serviette or napkin (serviette)
serviisi {n} [colloquial, dialectal] :: service (set of dishes or utensils)
servituutti {n} [legal, obsolete] :: servitude (qualified beneficial interest severed or fragmented from the ownership of an inferior property and attached to a superior property or to some person other than the owner)
servo {n} :: servo
servomoottori {n} :: servomotor, servo
servu {n} [slang, computing, gaming] :: server
sesam {n} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of seesam
sesamluu {n} [anatomy] :: alternative spelling of seesamluu
sesonki {n} :: season (especially in shopping)
sessiili {adj} :: sessile
sessio {n} [computing] :: session
sesta {n} :: pole, pike pole, hook (used to drive or pole a boat)
sestoa {v} :: to stand on a floating log using a log driving hook as a paddle
setä {n} :: paternal uncle, uncle
setä {n} [childish] :: man
setämäisesti {adv} :: avuncularly
setäpuoli {n} :: paternal step-uncle
Setä Samuli {prop} :: Uncle Sam (personification of the United States)
seteli {n} :: bill, banknote, note (piece of paper money)
seteli {n} :: In plural (setelit), paper money (cash in the form of banknotes)
seteli {n} :: Especially as head of a compound word, coupon (other piece of paper which has limited monetary value for example in buying a specified service or goods)
setelipaino {n} :: banknote printing works
setelipankki {n} [banking] :: bank of issue
seteliraha {n} :: synonym of paperiraha
setelirahoitus {n} [economics] :: quantitative easing
setlementtityö {n} :: settlement work (work relating to the settlement movement)
setolkka {n} :: harness saddle
Seton sisämeri {prop} :: Seto Inland Sea (sea that separates the Japanese islands of Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku)
setri {n} :: cedar
setriseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius subtortus
setsuuri {n} :: a type of sweet-and-sour bread
setswana {n} :: Setswana (language)
setti {n} :: A set as in "TV set"; a receiver
setti {n} :: A set of consecutive performances, such as the songs performed by an artist in a given occasion
setti {n} :: A set of things belonging or grouped together, especially as items for sale
setviä {v} :: synonym of selvitellä
setvintä {n} :: sorting out
setyylialkoholi {n} :: cetyl alcohol
seudullisesti {adv} :: subregionally, regionally
seula {n} :: sieve
seulalokero {n} [anatomy] :: An ethmoid sinus
seulaluu {n} [skeleton] :: ethmoid bone
seulaluun ontelo {n} [anatomy] :: An ethmoid sinus
seulasarja {n} :: sieve set, set of sieves
Seulaset {n} [astronomy] :: Pleiades
seuloa {vt} :: to sieve, sift
seulonta {n} :: sieving, screening, filtering
seuloutua {vi} :: to become sieved or sifted
seura {n} :: company (visitors, companionship)
seura {n} :: society (association, especially a cultural or scientific one)
seura {n} :: club, especially a sports-oriented one
seura {n} :: circle, in ompeluseura (sewing circle)
seuraaja {n} :: follower
seuraaja {n} :: successor
seuraamus {n} [legal] :: sanction (penalty, punishment, or some coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance)
seuraanto {n} [legal, ecology] :: succession
seuraava {adj} :: next, following
seuraavaksi {adv} :: next
seuraavasti {adv} :: followingly
seuraavasti {adv} :: as follows, in the following way
seuraeläin {n} :: companion animal
seuraelämä {n} :: social life
seurailija {n} :: follower
seurailla {vi} :: to follow repeatedly or continuously
seuraintalo {n} :: synonym of seuratalo
seurakoira {n} :: companion dog
seurakunnallinen {adj} :: parochial (pertaining to a parish)
seurakunta {n} :: A parish (subdivision of diocese)
seurakunta {n} :: A congregation, parish (in the sense of community attending a church, members of the parish)
seurakunta {n} :: (slightly pejorative) Any group of people who have gathered together
seurakuntaelämä {n} :: congregational life, parish life
seurakuntakoulu {n} :: parish school
seurakuntalainen {n} :: A parishioner
seurakuntasali {n} :: parish hall
seurakuntatyö {n} :: parish work, parochial work
seurakuntavaalit {n} :: church elections
seurakuntaväki {n} :: parish people, church people
seurakuntayhtymä {n} :: A combine of two or more parishes for running the administration and managing the property of member parishes; there are at least two ways to translate the term into English: "parish union" and using the plural form "parishes of X"
seuralainen {n} :: companion (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company)
seuralainen {n} :: escort (accompanying person)
seuralainen {n} :: date (companion in a social occasion)
seuralainen {n} :: Also maksettu (paid) ~ : gigolo (hired escort or dancing partner for a woman)
seuralainen {n} :: accompaniment (non-musical sense)
seurallinen {adj} :: outgoing, sociable, gregarious
seuranhaluisesti {adv} :: sociably, in a way that is looking for social interactions
seurannaisvaikutus {n} :: ramification
seuranta {n} :: tracking, monitoring
seuranta {n} [accounting] :: control
seurantakokous {n} :: follow-up meeting
seuranto {n} [grammar, dated] :: comitative case
seurapeli {n} :: party game (board game or similar played at a party)
seurapiiri {n} :: [often used in plural] high society
seurapiiripalsta {n} :: high society column (in a newspaper)
Seurasaaret {n} :: The Society Islands
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to follow, accompany (to go or come after in physical space)
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to keep track, monitor
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to follow, carry out according to
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to follow, obey (live one's life according to religion, teachings, etc)
seurata {vi} :: to follow, to come next or after (in a sequence)
seurata {vi} :: to follow, to ensue (be a consequence of)
seurata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to follow, pay attention to
seurata {vt} [programming + partitive] :: to dereference (a pointer or reference)
seuratalo {n} :: meeting house
seuratapa {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: manner of a social life
seurauksena {adv} [with, genitive] :: as a consequence of
seuraus {n} :: consequence
seuraus {n} :: result
seuraus {n} :: corollary
seurauslause {n} :: corollary
seurojentalo {n} :: synonym of seuratalo
seurue {n} :: group, party (group of people gathered in one place for common cause)
seurue {n} :: entourage, retinue (group of attendants, associates or followers)
seuruepassi {n} :: collective passport, group passport
seurustella {v} :: to date, go out with, go together (to be involved in a romantic relationship)
seurustella {v} :: to converse, associate with
seurustelu {n} :: dating (romantic courtship)
seurustelu {n} :: socializing (interacting with others)
seurusteluaika {n} :: dating period
seurusteluhuone {n} :: parlor, salon (large room)
seuruu {n} :: follow-up
seutu {n} :: region
seutu {n} :: tract (an area)
seutukunta {n} [Finland, administration, legal] :: sub-region (local administrative unit consisting of municipalities within a region, which is usually defined on economic basis)
seututie {n} :: regional road (road belonging to a road class in Finland with roads numbered 100–999)
Severi {prop} :: given name
Sevettijärvi {n} :: Sevettijärvi
Sevilla {prop} :: Sevilla (city/capital)
sevillalainen {n} :: Sevillian (someone from Sevilla, Spain)
sevillalainen {adj} :: Sevillian (of or pertaining to Sevilla, Spain)
Seychellit {prop} :: The Seychelles
-sfääri {suffix} :: -sphere
sfääri {n} :: sphere
sfaleriitti {n} [mineral] :: sphalerite
sfenoidaaliluu {n} [skeleton] :: sphenoid bone
sferoidinen {adj} :: spheroid
sfingolipidi {n} [biochemistry] :: sphingolipid
sfinksi {n} [mythology] :: sphinx
sfinksipaviaani {n} :: guinea baboon, Papio papio
SFNT {initialism} :: initialism of sosialistinen federatiivinen neuvostotasavalta
sfragistiikka {n} [rare] :: sigillography
shaahi {n} :: alternative spelling of šaahi
shaahitar {n} :: alternative spelling of šaahitar
shaali {n} :: shawl
shaivismi {n} :: Shaivism
shakaali {n} :: alternative spelling of sakaali
shakata {v} [chess] :: to check
shaketti {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of saketti
shakinpelaaja {n} :: alternative form of šakinpelaaja
shakki {n} :: chess
shakki {n} [chess] :: check
shakkikello {n} :: alternative spelling of šakkikello
shakkilauta {n} :: alternative spelling of šakkilauta
shakkimatti {n} :: alternative spelling of šakkimatti
shakkinappula {n} :: alternative spelling of šakkinappula
shakkitietokone {n} :: chess computer
shakuhachi {n} [musical instrument] :: shakuhachi (instrument)
shamaani {n} :: alternative spelling of šamaani
shamanismi {n} :: alternative form of šamanismi
shamanisti {n} :: alternative form of šamanisti
shamanistinen {adj} :: shamanistic
shamanoida {v} :: alternative form of šamanoida
shamisen {n} [musical instruments] :: shamisen
shamoutiappelsiini {n} :: synonym of jaffa-appelsiini
shampanja {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of samppanja
shamponoida {v} :: to shampoo (to spread shampoo on the object that is going to be washed and rub it in)
shampoo {n} :: shampoo (commercial liquid soap)
shamppanja {n} :: alternative spelling of samppanja
shan {n} :: Shan (language spoken in eastern Burma in an area bordering China, Laos and Thailand)
shan {n} :: Shan (person belonging to the ethnic minority that speaks the language)
sharon {n} :: persimmon
Sharpen luku {n} [finance] :: Sharpe ratio
shawnee {n} [in plural] :: Shawnee (Native American people from Ohio)
shawnee {n} :: Shawnee (language)
shawnee {n} :: Shawnee (person)
sheikki {n} :: sheikh (Arab leader)
shekki {n} :: alternative spelling of sekki
shekkitili {n} :: alternative spelling of šekkitili
shekkivihko {n} :: cheque book
sheriffi {n} :: sheriff
sherry {n} :: sherry
Shetlandin saaret {prop} [dated] :: alternative form of Shetlannin saaret
shetlanninlammaskoira {n} :: A breed of herding dog that originates from the Shetland Islands
shetlanninponi {n} :: Shetland pony
Shetlannin saaret {prop} :: The Shetland Islands
Shetlanninsaaret {prop} :: alternative form of Shetlannin saaret
shetlanninvilla {n} :: Shetland wool
Shetlanti {prop} :: Shetland (group of islands north of Scotland)
shigelloosi {n} [pathology] :: dysentery
shih tzu {n} :: shih tzu, Shih Tzu (breed of dog)
shiia {n} :: Shiite, Shi'a (follower of the Shi'ism)
shiialainen {adj} :: Shiite, Shi'ite (of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam)
shiialainen {n} :: Shiite (follower of Shia Islam)
shiialaisuus {n} :: Shia Islam (branch of Islam)
shiiamuslimi {n} :: Shiite, Shi'a, Shia Muslim (follower of the Shi'ism)
shikaani {n} [motor racing] :: chicane
shikaani {n} [legal] :: chicanery
shikoku {n} :: shikoku
shillinki {n} :: alternative spelling of šillinki
shinto {n} :: alternative form of šinto
shintolainen {n} :: alternative form of šintolainen
shintolaisuus {n} :: alternative spelling of šintolaisuus
Shiva {prop} :: Shiva (Hindu deity)
shokeerata {v} :: to shock, stun (to cause to be emotionally shocked)
shokki {n} :: alternative spelling of šokki
shokkiaalto {n} :: alternative spelling of sokkiaalto
shokkilamelli {n} [geology] :: shock lamella
shokkimetamorfoosi {n} [geology] :: shock metamorphism
shona {n} :: Shona (language)
shona {n} :: Shona (person)
shona {n} [in plural] :: Shona (people)
shop {n} [Anglism] :: Alternative form of shoppi (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)
shopata {v} :: Alternative term for shoppailla
shoppailla {vi} :: to shop (to visit shops)
shoppailu {n} :: shopping
shoppi {n} [Anglism] :: shop, store (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)
shortata {v} [finance, slang] :: To short, to sell short (to sell something, especially securities, that one does not own at the moment for delivery at a later date)
shortsihame {n} :: culottes, skort
shortsit {n} :: shorts (short trousers or pants)
shotti {n} :: shot of alcohol (measure of alcohol, usually spirits)
shottilasi {n} :: shot glass, particularly one that widens at the top
show {n} :: show (entertainment)
showpaini {n} [entertainment] :: wrestling, professional wrestling
shuari {n} :: Shuar (language)
shuari {n} :: Shuar (member of Shuar people)
shuari {n} [in plural] :: Shuar (indigenous people of Ecuador)
shuttle-bussi {n} :: shuttle bus
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: suffix used with or without sinun (the genitive of the personal pronoun sinä), corresponds to the English possessive pronoun your (addressing one person; in archaic English: thy):
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: appended to a genitive-requiring postposition that is after or without sinun (the genitive of the personal pronoun sinä), you (addressing one person; in archaic English: thee):
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person); appended to the active present participle in genitive singular when the action is concurrent with the main clause:
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: used in a participle structure replacing an "että" clause, preceded by a verb expressing e.g. telling, claiming, asserting, confirming, thinking, wish, desire, seeming, when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person); appended to the active past participle in genitive singular when the said/alleged (etc.) action antedates the main clause:
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing concurrent actions when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the inessive of the active second infinitive:
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: used in a shortened sentence expressing subsequent actions when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the partitive of the passive past participle singular:
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: used in a final shortened sentence expressing "in order to do" when the clauses have the same subject "you" (addressing one person), appended to the long first infinitive:
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: Used in some adverbs, when the clause has the subject "you" (addressing one person)
-si {suffix} [possessive] :: Always appended to a noun in the comitative case when the clause has the subject "you" (addressing one person).
sialma {n} [geology] :: sima
siam {n} [archaic] :: Thai (language)
Siam {prop} :: Siam
siamanki {n} :: siamang, Symphalangus syndactylus or Hylobates syndactylus (a species of gibbon)
siamilainen {adj} [archaic] :: Siamese (of or pertaining to Siam)
siamilainen {n} [archaic] :: Thai (person)
siamilainen {n} :: Siamese (breed of cat)
siamilaiset kaksoset {n} :: conjoined twins, Siamese twins
siamin kieli {n} [archaic] :: Thai (language)
siaminkielinen {adj} [archaic] :: synonym of thainkielinen
siaminkissa {n} :: Siamese (breed of cat)
siaminpiikkisilmä {n} :: Myer's loach, Myer's kuhli, giant kuhli, Pangio myersi (small worm-like fish native to Mekong river, sometimes kept as aquarium fish)
sianharjas {n} :: boar bristle
siankärsämö {n} [botany] :: common yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
siankasvatus {n} :: pig farming
siankuonoleikko {n} :: Mexican long-tongued bat, Choeronycteris mexicana
siankuonolepakko {n} :: Kitti's hog-nosed bat, Craseonycteris thonglongyai (small bat found in western Thailand and southeast Burma)
siankyljys {n} :: synonym of porsaankyljys
siankylki {n} :: side of pork
sianliha {n} :: pork (the meat of a pig)
sianmarja {n} [regional] :: bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
sianmustikka {n} :: synonym of variksenmarja
sianpieremä {n} [obscene] :: sparrow-fart (UK, Austr.: time very early in the day; dawn)
sianpuola {n} :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka
sianpuolukka {n} [botany] :: any bearberry, especially the species common bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
sianruoka {n} :: swill (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps fed to pigs)
sianruoka {n} [colloquial] :: bad-tasting food
siansaksa {n} :: gibberish, double Dutch (speech or writing that is unintelligible, incoherent or meaningless)
siansaparo {n} :: pigtail (tail of a pig)
siansaparoapina {n} :: pigtail macaque
siansivu {n} :: pork flank
siansorkka {n} :: hoof of a pig
siansorkka {n} :: pig's trotter (foot of a pig cooked as food)
siansorkka {n} [nautical, knots] :: clove hitch
siansuoli {n} :: pig's intestine
Sibelius {prop} :: surname, notably of the Finnish composer "Jean" Sibelius
sibeliusryppy {n} :: vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows
sibilantti {n} :: sibilant
side {n} :: bandage
side {n} :: bond
side {n} :: sanitary towel
side {n} [anatomy] :: ligament
sideaine {n} :: binder, adhesive
sideerinen {adj} [astronomy] :: sidereal
sideerinen vuosi {n} [astronomy] :: sidereal year
sideharso {n} :: gauze (bleached cotton fabric used as surgical dressing)
sidekalvo {n} [anatomy] :: conjunctiva
sidekalvontulehdus {n} [medicine] :: conjunctivitis, pinkeye
sidekisko {n} :: fishplate
sidekudos {n} [anatomy] :: connective tissue
sidelanka {n} :: ligature (cord or similar thing used to tie something)
sidepultti {n} :: tie bolt, anchor bolt
sideriitti {n} [mineral] :: siderite
sidesana {n} [grammar] :: conjunction
sidetaitos {n} :: gauze compress
sidonnainen {adj} :: encumbered
sidonnainen {adj} [linguistics] :: bound
sidonnainen morfeemi {n} [linguistics] :: bound morpheme
sidonta {n} :: tying (act of tying)
sidonta {n} :: dressing, bandaging (act of dressing wounds)
sidonta {n} [boxing, martial arts] :: clinch
sidonta {n} [BDSM] :: bondage
sidontapaikka {n} :: dressing station (place where wounds are dressed)
sidontatarpeet {n} :: bandage (materials used as bandage collectively)
sidos {n} :: bond
sidos {n} :: linkage
sidosaine {n} :: adhesive, binding agent
sidosenergia {n} [physics] :: binding energy
sidoskulma {n} [chemistry] :: bond angle
sidosryhmä {n} :: stakeholder
sidostaja {n} [linguistics] :: cohesive device
sidottaa {vt} :: to make or let tie or bind
sidottu {adj} :: bound
sidottu {adj} :: bandaged
sidottu {adj} :: assigned, associated, tied to
sidottu {adj} [linear algebra] :: linearly dependent (of a set of vectors)
sie {pron} [personal, dialectal, including, Kven] :: you (singular; in archaic English: thou)
siedätys {n} [immunology] :: immunotherapy
siedätyshoito {n} [immunology] :: immunotherapy
siedettävä {adj} :: tolerable, bearable, endurable
siedettävästi {adv} :: tolerably, bearably (in a tolerable or bearable manner)
siekailemattomasti {adv} :: unhesitatingly, unscrupulously
siekailla {vi} :: to hesitate, to delay
siekale {n} [dialectal] :: a part of cloth
Siekkinen {prop} :: surname
sielikkö {n} :: creeping azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens
siellä {adv} :: (static) there (when the speaker does not point at the place):
siellä täällä {adv} :: here and there (in one place and another)
sieltä {adv} :: from there, thence (from a place not pointed at by the speaker)
sielu {n} :: soul
sielu {n} :: moving spirit (one who provides significant impetus or guidance in a given venture, movement, enterprise etc.)
sielukas {adj} :: soulful
sielukkaasti {adv} :: soulfully
sielullisesti {adv} :: spiritually, emotionally
sielullistaa {vt} :: to spiritualize
sielunelämä {n} :: emotional life
sielunhoito {n} :: pastoral care
sielunhoitotyö {n} :: pastoral duty, pastoral coaching
sielunkellot {n} :: synonym of sanomakellot
sielunmessu {n} :: A requiem
sielunrauha {n} :: peace of mind
sielunvaellus {n} :: transmigration, metempsychosis
sielunvihollinen {n} [biblical] :: Satan, devil. Literally “enemy of soul”
sielutiede {n} [archaic] :: psychology
sieluttaa {vt} [uncommon] :: to spiritualize
siemailla {v} :: To sip
siemaista {v} :: to gulp
siemen {n} :: seed of a plant
siemen {n} [dated] :: semen
siemen {n} :: precursor
siemenaihe {n} [botany] :: ovule (structure in a plant that develops into a seed after fertilization)
siemenaiheen kalvo {n} [botany] :: integument
siemenaiheen sydän {n} [botany] :: nucellus (tissue which surrounds and protects the embryo and lies inside of the integuments)
siemenholvi {n} :: seed vault
siemenjohdin {n} [anatomy] :: vas deferens
siemenkasvi {n} :: phanerogam, spermatophyte (plant that produces seeds rather than spores)
siemenneste {n} :: semen, sperm
siemennesteinen {adj} :: spermous
siemenperuna {n} :: A seed potato
siemenpuu {n} [forestry] :: seed tree (superior tree left standing at the time of cutting to produce seed for reforestation)
siemenpuu {n} :: A yet ungrafted fruit tree grown from the seed
siemens {n} :: siemens (unit of electrical conductance)
siemensyöksy {n} [biology] :: ejaculation (forcible ejection of semen from the mammalian urethra, a reflex in response to sexual stimulation)
siementää {vt} :: to seed, to inseminate
siementiede {n} :: carpology
siementyä {vi} :: to be seeded, to be inseminated
siemenvaippa {n} [botany] :: aril
siemenvilja {n} :: seed corn, seed grain (seed saved from one year's harvest for the subsequent year's planting)
siemenvuosi {n} :: year of seeds (usually used when speaking of a good or bad year in terms of production of seeds)
sienestää {vti} :: To collect/gather mushrooms, mushroom
sienestäjä {n} :: One who picks mushrooms
sienestys {n} :: mushroom hunting, picking, mushrooming
sienettyä {v} :: to become covered with fungal growth
sieni {n} :: fungus
sieni {n} :: mushroom
sieni {n} :: sponge, bath sponge; shorter form of pesusieni
sieni {n} :: sponge (porous material)
sieni {n} [colloquial] :: sponge (heavy drinker)
sieniaika {n} :: The time of year when mushrooms can be collected
sieniasema {n} :: mushroom processing plant
sienieläin {n} :: sponge (invertebrate of the phylum Porifera)
sieni-itiö {n} :: fungal spore
sienijuuri {n} :: A mycorrhiza
sienikartta {n} :: a diagram of mushrooms intended for mushroom collectors to help in identifying edible mushrooms
sienikastike {n} :: mushroom sauce
sienikehä {n} :: fairy ring (circular growth of mushrooms on a lawn etc.)
sienikeitto {n} :: mushroom soup
sienikunta {n} :: Fungi, the kingdom of fungi
sienikylpy {n} :: sponge bath
sienilääke {n} :: antifungal (drug that inhibits the growth of fungi)
sienimäinen {adj} :: mushroom or mushroom-shaped
sienimäinen {adj} :: spongy
sienimetsä {n} :: a woods or forest good for finding and collecting mushrooms
sienimö {n} :: mushroom farm, a place where mushroom cultivation takes place
sienimuhennos {n} :: mushroom stew
sienimyrkky {n} :: mycotoxin
sienimyrkytys {n} :: mushroom poisoning
sienineuvoja {n} :: mushroom advisor, mushroom guide (person)
sienipesin {n} :: sponge mop
sienipiirakka {n} :: mushroom pie
sienipilvi {n} :: mushroom cloud
sieniretki {n} :: a trip to collect mushrooms
sienirihma {n} :: hypha
sienirihmasto {n} :: mycelium
sieniruoka {n} :: Food prepared from mushrooms
sienisalaatti {n} :: mushroom salad
sienisato {n} :: mushroom yield, mushroom crop
sienisokeri {n} :: trehalose
sienistö {n} :: fungi, range of fungi (fungi considered as a group, especially those of a region)
sienitauti {n} :: fungal disease
sienitiede {n} :: mycology
sieniviljelmä {n} :: culture of fungi
siepata {v} :: To snatch, to catch, to nab, to grab
siepata {v} :: To intercept, to capture
siepata {v} :: To kidnap
siepata {v} [slang] :: To get on one's nerves, to be pissed off
sieppaaja {n} :: kidnapper, abductor
sieppari {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: catcher
sieppari {n} :: catcher (device that catches signals)
sieppaus {n} :: A snatch, catch (act of capturing something with a swift motion)
sieppaus {n} :: An interception (act of capturing, e.g. an enemy message, the ball in a ballgame)
sieppaus {n} :: A kidnapping
sieppi {n} [archaic] :: halter (horse's headgear)
sieppi {n} [archaic] :: chain
sieppi {n} [slang] :: fit (sudden outburst of emotion)
sieppo {n} :: flycatcher, especially an Old World flycatcher (bird of the family Muscicapidae)
sieppomuura {n} :: cinereous antshrike
siera {n} :: A grindstone made from sandstone
sierain {n} :: nostril
sierettää {vt} [rare, of skin] :: to chap
sierettyä {vi} [rare, of skin] :: to get chapped
Sierra Leone {prop} :: Sierra Leone
sierraleonelainen {n} :: Sierra Leonean
sierraleonelainen {adj} :: Sierra Leonean
siesta {n} :: siesta
sietä {v} :: Alternative form of the verb siitä ("to procreate")
sietä {v} :: of sleep, to become deeper
sietää {v} :: to tolerate, endure
sietää {v} :: to stand
sietämätön {adj} :: unbearable
sietämättömästi {adv} :: unbearably, intolerably, unacceptably
sietoalue {n} :: tolerance range
sietokyky {n} :: tolerance, endurance
sietoraja {n} :: Limit of tolerance
sievä {adj} :: cute, pretty
sievästi {adv} :: prettily
sieventää {vt} [mathematics] :: to reduce, to simplify
sieventyä {vi} :: to become prettier
sievert {n} :: sievert (unit of radiation dose)
sievetä {vi} :: to become prettier
Sievi {prop} :: A municipality in Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland
sievin {adj} :: superlative of sievä
Sievinen {prop} :: surname
sievistää {vt} :: to make (more) cute or pretty
sievistelijä {n} :: prude
sievistellä {vt} :: to sugarcoat, to pussyfoot, to embellish
sievistellä {vi} :: to act dandy, to pose
sievistyä {vi} :: to become prettier
sievoinen {adj} :: bountiful, nice, tidy, hefty, quite a (generous; considerable)
sifoni {n} :: soda siphon
sifoni {n} [rare] :: siphon (bent pipe or tube used to move liquid from one reservoir to another)
sifonki {n} :: chiffon
šifonki {n} :: alternative spelling of sifonki
sifonkikakku {n} :: chiffon cake (very light cake made with vegetable oil)
sigge {n} [slang] :: stogie (cigar)
sigillografia {n} [rare] :: sigillography
sigma {n} :: sigma (Greek letter)
sigmasidos {n} [chemistry] :: sigma bond
sigmasuoli {n} [anatomy] :: sigmoid colon
signaali {n} :: signal
signaaliarvo {n} [electronics] :: signal value
signaaligeneraattori {n} [electronics] :: signal generator
signaali-kohinasuhde {n} :: signal-to-noise ratio
signaalinkäsittely {n} :: signal processing
signaaliprosessori {n} :: signal processor
signaaliteho {n} :: signal power (measured in watts for instance)
signeerata {vt} [art] :: to sign (such as a painting)
signifikantti {n} [math] :: significand (part of floating-point number that contains the significant digits)
signifikantti {adj} [rare] :: alternative term for merkittävä
signifikantti {adj} [rare] :: alternative term for merkitsevä
sihahdella {vi} :: to sizzle or hiss repeatedly
sihahtaa {vi} :: to sizzle or hiss once
sihauttaa {vt} :: to hiss, to fizzle
sihauttaa {vt} [figurative] :: to crack open a can
sihdata {v} :: to aim, target
sihdata {v} :: to sift, sieve
sihinä {n} :: sizzle, hiss
sihistä {vi} :: to hiss
sihistä {vi} :: to sizzle
sihtailla {vi} [colloquial] :: to aim for
sihteeri {n} :: a secretary (a person keeping records and handling clerical work)
sihteeri {n} :: a secretary (leading or managerial position in certain non-profit organizations)
sihteeri {n} :: a secretary (species of bird; Sagittarius serpentarius), also sihteerilintu
sihteerikkö {n} :: female secretary
sihteerilintu {n} :: A secretary (species of bird; Sagittarius serpentarius)
sihteeristö {n} :: secretariat
sihti {n} :: shifter
sihti {n} :: sieve
sihti {n} [colloquial] :: sight (a device used in aiming a projectile)
Sihvonen {prop} :: surname
sii {n} :: synonym of siihirsi
šiia {n} :: Shiite
šiialainen {adj} :: Shiite, Shi'ite (of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam)
šiialainen {n} :: Shiite (follower of Shia Islam)
šiialaisuus {n} :: Shi'a Islam
šiiamuslimi {n} :: Alternative spelling of shiiamuslimi
siida {n} :: sida (plant of the genus Sida)
siida {n} [in plural] :: the genus Sida
siide {n} :: fine snow that is snowing
siideri {n} :: cider (alcoholic beverage)
siihen aikaan {phrase} :: at that time
siihen asti {adv} :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that
siihen mennessä {adv} :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that
siihen saakka {adv} :: theretofore, until then, until that time, before that
siihirsi {n} [historical] :: a timber supporting a traditional birch-bark roof, located on the lower side
siika {n} :: common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), or any of its subspecies
siika {n} :: Any fish in the genus Coregonus with the exception of muikku (Coregonus albula)
Siikainen {prop} :: A municipality in Satakunta, Finland
Siikajoki {prop} :: A municipality in North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Siikajoki {prop} :: A river in Finland
Siikalatva {prop} :: A municipality in the region of Northern Ostrobothnia of Finland, formed in 2009 by merger of the former municipalities Kestilä, Piippola, Pulkkila and Rantsila
siilata {vt} [rare] :: to strain, to filtrate
siilautua {v} :: synonym of suodattua
siili {n} :: hedgehog (small mammal of the subfamily Erinaceinae)
siili {n} :: hedgehog, European hedgehog, common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
siili {n} [electronics, colloquial] :: heat sink
siili {n} [colloquial] :: short for siilitukka
siili {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of siivilä
siiliasema {n} [military] :: a post used in hedgehog defence
siilimäinen {adj} :: erinaceous (of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog)
Siilinjärvi {prop} :: A municipality in Northern Savonia, Finland
siilitukka {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of pystytukka
siilo {n} :: silo
siima {n} :: fishing line, fishline
siima {n} [botany, zoology] :: flagellum
siimaeliö {n} [biology] :: flagellate (type of protozoa)
siimajalkainen {n} :: barnacle (marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia)
siimes {n} :: shade (shaded place in outdoors)
Siimes {prop} :: surname
Siimon {prop} [archaic] :: Simon (Biblical figure)
Siimon {prop} [rare] :: given name
-siin {suffix} :: plural form of illative suffix -seen
Siina {prop} :: given name
siinä {pron} :: there
siinä {pron} :: mikäs siinä = why not
Siinai {prop} :: Sinai
Siinain niemimaa {prop} :: Sinai
Siinainvuori {prop} :: Mount Sinai
siinä kaikki {phrase} :: that's all
siinä määrin kuin {phrase} :: insofar as, inasmuch as, in that (to the extent that)
siinä mielessä {phrase} :: in the sense
siinä mielessä {phrase} :: in that sense
siinä missä {phrase} :: where (while on the contrary; although; whereas)
siinä näet {interj} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of näet
siinä paha missä mainitaan {phrase} [idiomatic, humorous] :: speak of the devil
siinä paikassa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: on the spot, right away (at that very moment)
siinä tapauksessa {phrase} :: in that case, in the case (that)
siinnellä {vi} :: to loom somewhat
siintää {vi} :: to loom at a distance, to be in sight
siintyä {vi} [of a smoke sauna] :: to get rid of unpleasant fumes (tiku, kitku)
Siion {prop} [biblical] :: Zion
siipeilijä {n} :: sponge (person who takes advantage of the generosity of others)
siipeillä {v} [slang] :: To sponge (to take advantage of others)
siipi {n} :: A wing (animal appendage for flying)
siipi {n} :: A wing (airplane part)
siipi {n} :: A wing (part of building)
siipi {n} :: A wing (fraction of political movement)
siipi {n} :: A wing (slang: human hand)
siipi {n} :: A sail (blade of a windmill)
siipi {n} :: A blade or a paddle of a water wheel or a paddlewheel
siipi {n} :: A blade of a turbine or a propeller
siipi {n} [idiomatic] :: A mood
siipialttari {n} :: triptych that is used as altar painting
siipikarja {n} :: poultry (domesticated fowl collectively)
siipikotilo {n} [mollusks] :: conch; any of the mollusks in the family Strombidae
siipilihas {n} [anatomy] :: pterygoid muscle
siipilyöntilentokone {n} :: ornithopter (aircraft)
siipimies {n} [aviation] :: wingman (pilot partner of another, fighter pilot whose role is the protect another plane)
siipimies {n} :: wingman (male friend who accompanies one to offer support, especially in picking up women in a bar or similar)
siipimies {n} [rare] :: synonym of siipeilijä
siipiopastin {n} [rail transport] :: semaphore
siipipapu {n} :: winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)
siipiprofiili {n} :: airfoil
siipipyörä {n} :: impeller
siipiratas {n} :: paddlewheel
siipiratasalus {n} :: paddle steamer
siipirataslaiva {n} :: paddlewheel ship
siipirikko {n} :: wounded bird, crippled bird
siipirikko {n} [figuratively] :: lame duck (a person or thing that is helpless, inefficient or disabled)
siipisaurus {n} :: pterosaur
siipisimppu {n} :: red lionfish, Pterois volitans
siipisulka {n} [ornithology] :: wing feather (any asymmetrical feather of the wing of a bird)
siipisuoni {n} :: A vein (nervure of an insect's wing)
siipisuoni {n} :: A nervure (chitinous rib that supports an insect's wing)
siippa {n} [colloquial] :: spouse
siippa {n} :: Any bat of the subfamily Vespertilioninae of the family Vespertilionidae (vesper bats)
siippa {n} :: mouse-eared bat (bat of the genus Myotis within the subfamily Vespertilioninae)
siira {n} :: isopod
siirappi {n} :: syrup
siirappimainen {adj} :: syrupy
siirappinen {adj} :: syrupy taste
siirappinen {adj} :: overly sweet or sentimental
Siiri {prop} :: given name
siirottaa {vi} :: to jut, to protrude
siirrähtää {vi} :: to move suddenly (some uses may be translated with twitch, lunge or jump)
siirrännäinen {n} [medicine] :: transplant (transplanted organ or tissue)
siirräntä {n} :: transfer
siirräntä {n} [computing] :: input/output
siirrättää {vt} :: to make move, to have (something) moved
siirre {n} :: graft (piece of tissue)
siirrellä {vt} :: to move around, to move repeatedly
siirrettävä {adj} :: portable (able to be easily moved)
siirrettävä {adj} :: transferable
siirrin {n} :: transporter
siirros {n} [geology, seismology] :: fault
siirroslinja {n} [geology] :: fault line (line formed on the surface of the Earth as visible edge of a fault plane)
siirrospinta {n} [geology] :: fault plane (plane, or surface formed between two rock blocks that move in relation to each other during an earthquake)
siirrostaa {v} :: to inoculate
siirryntä {n} :: transfer
siirryntä {n} :: shift, shifting
siirtää {vt} :: To move, transfer
siirtää {vt} :: To transfer (data, money or energy)
siirtää {vt} :: To reschedule, postpone
siirtää {vt} [medicine] :: To transplant (tissue, organ)
siirtää {vt} [computing] :: To port (to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform)
siirtäjä-rna {n} [biochemistry] :: transfer RNA
siirtäjä-RNA {n} [biochemistry] :: transfer RNA
siirtäminen {n} :: transfer, transferal, conveyance, removal
siirtäminen {n} :: postponement
siirtäminen {n} :: rain check
siirto {n} :: move, shift, transport
siirto {n} :: transfer
siirtoäänivaali {n} [usually, in plural] :: single transferable vote election
siirtoäänivaalitapa {n} :: single transferable vote
siirtofunktio {n} [mathematics] :: transfer function
siirtogeeninen {adj} :: transgenic
siirtokunta {n} :: colony (a settlement of emigrants)
siirtola {n} :: settlement
siirtolainen {n} :: migrant; immigrant or emigrant
siirtolapuutarha {n} :: An allotment garden, often found in towns, on which the plotholder is allowed to build or use a small hut for summer use
siirtolava {n} :: synonym of vaihtolava
siirtolinja {n} :: transmission line
siirtolohkare {n} [geology] :: erratic, glacial erratic, erratic block (a substantial piece of rock carried away from its original location by a glacier)
siirtomaa {n} :: colony (land ruled by another country)
siirtomaa-aika {n} :: colonial period, colonial era, colonial times
siirtomaajoukot {n} [military] :: colonial troops, colonial army (military force recruited from the colonies)
siirtomaapolitiikka {n} :: colonial policy
siirtomaasota {n} :: colonial war
siirtomaatavara {n} [usually in plural, dated] :: colonial goods, colonial produce
siirtomaatavarakauppa {n} [dated] :: colonial goods store (grocery store which trades goods regarded as colonial, or originating from the colonies)
siirtomaatyyli {n} [architecture] :: colonial style (building design style associated with the colonial period)
siirtomaavalta {n} :: a colonial power
siirtomenot {n} :: transfer (subsidy)
siirtonopeus {n} :: transfer rate (rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second)
siirtopakko {n} [chess] :: zugzwang
siirtorata {n} [aerospace] :: transfer orbit
siirtorekisteri {n} [computing, electronics] :: shift register
siirtosuomalainen {n} :: synonym of suomalaissiirtolainen
siirtotie {n} :: link (communications link used for transmission)
siirtotuoli {n} :: transfer chair (light wheelchair for short distance transport of disabled persons on airports, railway stations etc.)
siirtotyöläinen {n} :: migrant worker
siirtotyömaa {n} [historical] :: workplace or such located outside the rural community the unemployed people of which it is intended for
siirtotyövoima {n} :: migrant labor
siirtoväki {n} :: displaced people
siirtyä {vi} :: To move (to move from place to place; to go)
siirtyä ajasta ikuisuuteen {v} [idiomatic, euphemistic] :: To pass away
siirtyä autuaammille metsästysmaille {v} [idiomatic] :: To buy the farm, die (literally: "to move on to the more blessed hunting fields")
siirtyä tuonpuoleiseen {vi} [literary, poetic] :: To die, pass away (literally: "to move on to the beyond")
siirtyillä {vi} :: to move around, to move repeatedly
siirtymä {n} :: transition
siirtymä {n} :: displacement
siirtymäaika {n} :: transition period, transition time
siirtymäalkuaine {n} [chemistry] :: transition element
siirtymäkausi {n} :: period of transition
siirtymämetalli {n} [chemistry] :: transition metal
siirtymäriitti {n} :: rite of passage
siirtymäsäännös {n} [law] :: A transitional provision (statutory provision that regulates a process that starts before an amendment or enactment of the statute comes into force, and ends after the amendment or enactment of the statute has come into force)
siirtymätalous {n} [economics] :: transition economy
siirtyminen {n} :: transition (process of change from one form, state, style or place to another)
siis {adv} :: thus, so
siis {adv} :: therefore
siiseli {n} :: European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus
siispä {adv} :: so, thus
siistata {vt} :: to deink (of paper)
siistein {adj} :: superlative of siisti
siisteys {n} :: cleanness
siisti {adj} :: clean, neat
siisti {adj} [slang] :: cool, wicked
siistiä {interj} [slang] :: wicked! cool!
siistiä {v} :: To clean (up)
siistijä {n} :: cleaner
siistimpi {adj} :: comparative of siisti
siistintä {n} :: cleaning
siististi {adv} :: cleanly
siistiytyä {vi} :: to clean up oneself, tidy up
siitä {vi} [biblical, of a human being] :: To be conceived
siitä {vi} [esp. of animals] :: To procreate
siitä {vi} [figuratively] :: To become more common, grow
siitää {v} [dialectal] :: to endure, to tolerate, to stand
siitä huolimatta {phrase} :: See: huolimatta
siitä huolimatta {phrase} :: that said, even so
siitake {n} :: shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
siitakesieni {n} :: shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
siitä lähtien {adv} :: ever since
siitä lähtien, kun {conj} :: ever since, since (continuously from the time that)
siitä pitäen {adv} :: ever since
siitä saakka {adv} :: ever since
siitepöly {n} [botany] :: pollen
siitepölyallergia {n} :: pollen allergy
siitepölyhiukkanen {n} [botany] :: A pollen grain
siitereikä {n} [botany] :: micropyle (in seed-bearing plants, a small opening in the integuments of the ovule through which sperm are able to access the ovum)
siitin {n} :: penis
siitinluu {n} :: baculum, penis bone
siitinneste {n} :: semen
Siitonen {prop} :: surname
siitos {n} :: insemination, breeding
siitoskarja {n} :: breeding stock, breeding cattle
siittää {vt} :: To impregnate, inseminate, breed, conceive
siittää {vt} :: To cause, breed, seed
siittiö {n} [zoology] :: sperm cell, sperm, spermatozoon (male reproductive cell)
siittiökotelo {n} :: spermatophore
siittiöluku {n} :: sperm count (number of spermatozoa in a given amount of ejaculate, typically one millilitre)
siittiösäiliö {n} [zoology] :: spermatheca
siittiösolu {n} [botany] :: spermatozoid
siittiösolu {n} [botany] :: antherozoid
siittiösolu {n} [biology] :: sperm, spermatozoon
siittiötiheys {n} :: sperm count (number of spermatozoa in a given amount of ejaculate, typically one millilitre)
siittola {n} :: stud farm
siivekäs {adj} :: winged
siivekäs {n} :: bird
siiveke {n} :: aileron
siiveke {n} :: canard
siivenlapa {n} :: rotor blade (of a wind power plant)
siivetön {adj} :: wingless
siivetönruokki {n} :: great auk, Pinguinus impennis (extinct species of auk)
siivilä {n} :: sieve
siiviläkangas {n} :: sieve cloth (type of fabric used for sieving)
siivilöidä {vt} :: To sieve, sift, filter
siivilöinti {n} :: sieving, filtering
siivilöityä {vi} :: to be sieved, sifted, filtered
siivittää {v} [figuratively] :: to wing (to assist as if by giving wings)
siivittyä {vi} :: to be winged, to be expedited
siivo {adj} :: decent
siivo {n} :: order
siivo {n} :: cleanliness, tidiness
Siivonen {prop} :: surname
siivooja {n} :: cleaner, janitor (in an institution, condo etc.)
siivooja {n} :: char, charlady, cleaning lady (in a household)
siivosti {adv} :: clean, well-behaved, decently
siivota {v} :: To clean
siivoton {adj} :: foul
siivottomasti {adv} :: seedily, filthily, dirtily
siivous {n} :: housecleaning
siivous {n} :: decency
siivouskone {n} :: cleaning machine
siivouspäivä {n} :: house cleaning day
siivoustalkoot {n} :: an event in which a common effort is taken to clean up some place, usually with relatively many people
siivoustyönjohtaja {n} :: housekeeper, cleaning supervisor
siivu {n} :: slice
siivuttaa {vt} :: To slice
sija {n} :: place, position, room, stead, instead ("in its stead")
sija {n} :: ranking
sija {n} [grammar] :: case
sijaan {postp} :: instead of
sijainen {n} :: substitute (person)
sijainen {n} :: short for sijaisopettaja (supply teacher)
sijainti {n} :: A situation (position vis-à-vis surroundings)
sijainti {n} :: A situation (location)
sijainti {n} :: A location
sijainti {n} :: A position
sijaintikunta {n} :: municipality or locality in which something is located
sijaintimaa {n} :: country in which something is located
sijaintiosoite {n} :: address at which something is located
sijaintipaikka {n} :: site, location
sijaintivaltio {n} :: state or country in which something is located
sijaishallitsija {n} :: regent (person or group of persons selected to act as head of state because the ruler is a minor, not present, or debilitated)
sijaishoito {n} :: respite care (provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside home)
sijaiskärsijä {n} :: Surrogate victim
sijaiskoti {n} :: foster home
sijaisnäyttelijä {n} :: stuntperson
sijaisopettaja {n} :: supply teacher [UK, parts of Canada], substitute teacher [North America, Ireland], relief teacher [Australia, NZ] (teacher who fills a temporary position in a school on a short-term basis)
sijaisperhe {n} :: foster family (family having at least one foster child)
sijaissota {n} :: proxy war
sijaistaa {v} :: to substitute, supply (to act as substitute to someone)
sijaisuus {n} :: The state of acting as substitute to someone
sijaisuus {n} :: The position held in this role
sijaisvanhempi {n} :: foster parent
sijaita {vi} :: To lie, to be located at/in/on
sijamuoto {n} [grammar] :: case, grammatical case
sijapääte {n} [grammar] :: case suffix
SI-järjestelmä {n} :: The International System of Units (abbreviated SI)
sijasta {adv} :: in lieu (of), instead (of)
sijata {v} :: to make the bed
sijauspatja {n} :: mattress protector, mattress pad, mattress topper, underpad (item of removable bedding that sits on top of or encases a mattress to provide protection to the mattress)
sijoillaan {adv} [static] :: in place, in its position
sijoilleen {adv} :: into its place, into position
sijoiltaan {adv} :: from its place, from position
sijoiltaanmeno {n} [medicine] :: luxation, dislocation
sijoitetun pääoman tuotto {n} [finance] :: return on investment
sijoittaa {v} [+ illative] :: to set, locate, place, backdrop
sijoittaa {v} [economics] :: to invest [in]
sijoittaa {v} :: to rank
sijoittaa {v} [computing] :: to assign (to a variable)
sijoittaja {n} :: investor (person who invests money in order to make a profit)
sijoittaminen {n} :: placing, locating
sijoittaminen {n} :: investing
sijoittautua {vi} :: to place or locate oneself
sijoittua {vi} :: to rank, be placed
sijoittua {vi} :: to be set, be located, be assigned a backdrop to
sijoitus {n} :: placement
sijoitus {n} :: rank
sijoitus {n} :: investment
sijoituspaikka {n} :: location (place where something is or is going to be located)
sijoituspalveluyritys {n} :: investment company
sijoituspankki {n} [banking] :: investment bank
sijoitusrahasto {n} :: investment fund, mutual fund
sijoitustodistus {n} :: investment certificate, certificate of deposit
sijoitusyhtiö {n} :: investment company, financier
sijs {n} :: obsolete spelling of siis
sika {n} :: pig
sika {n} :: Person who allegedly behaves like a pig
sika {n} [derogatory, slang] :: A police officer
sika {adv} [slang] :: extremely, totally, very, really (used as an intensifier in compound terms)
Sika {prop} :: Pig (the twelfth animal in the 12-year cycle in Chinese zodiac)
šikaani {n} [motor racing] :: chicane
šikaani {n} [legal] :: chicanery
sikahirvi {n} :: hog deer, Axis porcinus
sikailla {v} :: to behave like a pig
sikainfluenssa {n} :: swine flu
sikainfluenssarokote {n} :: swine flu vaccine
sikala {n} :: piggery
sikäläinen {adj} :: local (referring to elsewhere)
sikäli {adv} :: as far as
sikamainen {adj} :: Pig-like
sikamainen {adj} :: Hoggish
sikamaisesti {adv} :: in a pig-like or hoggish manner
sika-nautajauheliha {n} :: pork and beef ground meat (mixture of ground pork and beef, which contains more than 50 % pork - in Finland traditionally 80 %, but the trend is towards higher beef content)
sikari {n} :: cigar
sikarutto {n} :: swine fever (contagious, often fatal disease of domesticated pigs)
sikaruusu {n} :: erysipeloid
sika säkissä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: pig in a poke
sikeä {adj} :: [of sleep] fast
sikeästi {adv} [of sleep] :: fast, soundly
sikermä {n} :: cluster, group
sikermä {n} [music] :: medley
sikeytyä {v} :: synonym of sietä
sikhi {n} :: Sikh
sikhiläisyys {n} :: Sikhism
sikiäin {n} [botany] :: An ovary
sikiäminen {n} :: conception
sikin sokin {adv} :: topsy-turvy (disorderly; chaotically)
sikiö {n} :: fetus/foetus
sikiö {n} [dialectal] :: young child
sikiöaika {n} :: fetal period
sikiöasento {n} :: fetal position
sikiökalvo {n} [anatomy] :: A fetal membrane
sikiökausi {n} :: fetal period
sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä {n} [pathology] :: fetal alcohol syndrome (any of a spectrum of birth defects that result from excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy)
sikiönkehitys {n} :: embryogenesis
sikiönkehitysoppi {n} :: embryology
sikiöpussi {n} [anatomy] :: gestational sac
sikkara {adj} :: [of hair] Very curly
sikkatiivi {n} :: drier, siccative
sikkura {adj} :: [of hair] Very curly
siklata {vt} :: to scrape or plane a flat-bladed scraping tool
siklata {vt} :: to finish wood with a card scraper
sikli {n} :: a flat-bladed scraping tool; scraper
sikli {n} :: card scraper (precision planing tool)
sikolätti {n} :: piggery
sikopaimen {n} :: A swineherd
sikotauti {n} [pathology] :: mumps
siks {adv} [colloquial] :: therefore, that's why
siksak {adv} :: zigzag
siksakata {v} :: to zigzag
siksakkaus {n} :: zigzagging (movement or layout of something that zigzags)
siksakki {n} :: zigzag (line or path that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions)
sikseen {adv} :: aside
siksi {adv} :: therefore, that's why
siksi {adv} :: consequently (as a consequence)
sikspäkki {n} [slang] :: six-pack (set of six beverage cans)
sikspäkki {n} [bodybuilding] :: six-pack (set of highly developed abdominal muscles)
sikuna {n} :: A distilled alcoholic beverage containing more fusel oil than desirable, such as low quality moonshine
sikunaöljy {n} :: fusel oil, fusel alcohol (byproduct of alcoholic fermentation)
sikuri {n} :: chicory (plant of the genus Cichorium)
sikuri {n} :: common chicory, chicory, Cichorium intybus (name species of that genus)
sikuri {n} :: chicory (coffee substitute)
sikurirousku {n} :: curry milk-cap, Lactarius camphoratus
sila {n} :: harness saddle
silaani {n} [chemistry] :: silane
silakanpyynti {n} :: Baltic herring fishing (instance or practice of fishing Baltic herring)
silakka {n} :: A Baltic herring, Clupea harengus membras
silakka {n} [nautical, military slang] :: A drafted navy soldier
silakkalaatikko {n} :: Baltic herring casserole
silakkamarkkinat {n} :: an annual fair where Baltic herring is sold
silakkaparvi {n} :: A school of herrings
silakkapihvi {n} :: herring fillet
silakkarullat {n} :: small rolls of Baltic herring similar to rollmops
silakkaverkko {n} :: A fishing net intended for catching Baltic herring
silata {v} :: to plate
silava {n} :: lard (pork fat, often specifically subcutaneous fat)
silavaljaat {n} :: collar and hames harness (for a horse)
silavoida {v} :: to lard (to cover or garnish with lard)
sileä {adj} :: smooth, as having a texture with no or just a little friction
sileäkarvainen {adj} :: smooth-haired; sometimes shortened to smooth, as in smooth fox terrier (sileäkarvainen kettuterrieri)
sileäleukainen {adj} :: clean-shaven
sileäputkinen {adj} :: smoothbore
sileästi {adv} :: smoothly
silestone {n} [slang] :: A worn-out tyre which has less tread pattern than required
siletä {vi} :: To smooth
sileys {n} :: smoothness
silhuetti {n} :: silhouette
silikaatti {n} :: silicate (any salt of silica or of one of the silicic acids)
silikaatti {n} :: silicate (any mineral composed of silicates)
silikaattimineraali {n} [mineral] :: silicate mineral
silikoni {n} :: silicone (class of inert, semi-inorganic polymeric compounds of silicon)
silikonikitti {n} :: silicone sealant
silikoosi {n} [disease] :: silicosis
silinteri {n} :: top hat (men's cylinder-shaped formal hat)
silinterihattu {n} :: top hat (men's cylinder-shaped formal hat)
silitä {vi} :: to smooth out
silitellä {v} :: To touch repeatedly with a gentle motion:
silitellä {v} :: to pat (a pet)
silitellä {v} :: to smooth out
silitellä {v} :: to smooth down
silitellä {v} :: to stroke
silittää {v} :: to stroke, to pet, to fondle
silittää {v} :: to iron
silittyä {vi} :: to become smooth or smoother
silitys {n} :: A stroke (act of stroking)
silitys {n} :: ironing
silityshöylä {n} [woodworking] :: smoothing plane (tool)
silityskone {n} :: ironing machine (machine used to iron clothes)
silityslauta {n} :: ironing board [board on which one can iron clothes]
silitysrauta {n} :: iron, clothes iron (tool for pressing clothes)
silityttää {vt} :: to have (something) ironed (especially of clothes or fabrics)
siliytyä {v} :: synonym of silitä
Silja {prop} :: given name
silkinpehmeä {adj} :: soft as silk, silky
silkka {adj} :: sheer, solid, pure
silkki {n} :: silk (fine fiber excreted by the silkworm)
silkki {n} :: silk (fine, soft cloth woven from silk fibers)
silkkiäinen {n} [archaic] :: silkworm
silkkiäistoukka {n} :: silkworm
silkkiapina {n} [zoology] :: marmoset
silkkihaikara {n} :: little egret, Egretta garzetta
silkkihansikas {n} :: silk glove
silkkihansikas {n} [figuratively] :: kid glove
silkkiharso {n} :: silk gauze
silkkikangas {n} :: silk (cloth)
silkkipaino {n} :: screen printing, serigraphy, silk-screen printing (printing technique)
silkkipainotyö {n} :: screen print, screenprint, serigraphy (artwork)
silkkipaita {n} :: silk shirt
silkkipaperi {n} :: tissue paper
silkkiperhonen {n} :: silkmoth, Bombyx mori
silkkiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: silver-violet webcap, Cortinarius alboviolaceus
silkkiterrieri {n} :: Australian silky terrier
silkkitie {n} :: Silk Road
silkkitoukka {n} :: silkworm
silkkiuikku {n} :: great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
silkkiunikko {n} :: corn poppy, red poppy, Papaver rhoeas
silkkiyrtti {n} :: any plant of the genus Asclepias
silkkiyrtti {n} [in plural] :: the genus Asclepias
silkoinen {adj} :: synonym of siloinen
silla {n} [textiles, dated] :: A synthetic fabric similar to rayon
sillä {conj} [coordinating] :: for, since
sillä {adv} :: for that reason or intention, because
sillä aikaa {adv} :: synonym of sillä välin
sillä ehdolla, että {phrase} :: under the condition that
sillä lailla {interj} :: way to go, that's it, there we go
sillä lailla {adv} :: like that, that way
sillankorva {n} :: the area close to the end of a bridge
sillanpää {n} :: bridgehead (area around the end of a bridge)
sillanpää {n} [military] :: bridgehead (area of ground held by the friendly troops on the enemy's side of a river or other obstacle)
Sillanpää {prop} :: surname
sillanpääasema {n} [military] :: bridgehead
sillanrakennus {n} :: bridge building, bridge construction
sillanrakentaja {n} :: bridgebuilder, bridge builder
sillanrakentaja {n} [idiomatic] :: bridge-builder (one who establishes links or friendly relations)
sillata {v} [computing, telecommunication] :: to bridge (to connect with a bridge)
sillata {v} [wrestling] :: to bridge (to go to the bridge position)
sillä välin {adv} :: in the meantime, meanwhile
sillee {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of silleen
silleen {adv} [colloquial] :: like, like that (in a way not pointed at by the speaker)
silleen {adv} [colloquial] :: stuff
silli {n} :: Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus
silli {n} :: any of the several related species of herring and shad, especially as food
silli {n} [zoology] :: in plural also Clupeidae (taxonomic family of the herrings, shads, sardines, hilsa and menhadens)
sillihai {n} :: porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
sillihai {n} :: mackerel shark (shark of the family Lamnidae)
sillihai {n} :: (in plural) the family Lamnidae
sillihaikala {n} :: mackerel shark (shark of the order Lamniformes)
sillihaikala {n} :: (in plural) the order Lamniformes
sillihapero {n} :: shrimp mushroom, Russula xerampelina
sillikuningas {n} :: rabbit fish, ratfish, chimaera, Chimaera monstrosa
sillikuningaskala {n} :: chimera (fish in the subclass Holocephali)
sillimaniitti {n} [mineralogy] :: sillimanite
šillinki {n} :: shilling
sillis {n} :: The breakfast serving event the morning after an anniversary/get-together (sitsit) of a (university) student association/nation
sillisalaatti {n} :: synonym of rosolli
sillisiika {n} :: lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (North American species of freshwater whitefish)
sillivalas {n} :: fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
silloin {adv} :: then, at that time
silloinen {adj} :: of that time
silloin kun {conj} :: when
silloin tällöin {adv} :: every now and then, once in a while
silloittaa {vt} :: to bridge, to build a bridge or bridges (for or to)
silmä {n} :: An eye (organ)
silmä {n} :: An eye (hole in needle)
silmä {n} :: An eye (center of a hurricane)
silmä {n} :: An eye (mark on an animal resembling an eye)
silmä {n} :: An eye (bud of a potato)
silmä {n} :: An eye (ability to notice what others might miss)
silmäänpistävä {adj} :: Conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding
silmägneissi {n} [geology] :: augen gneiss
silmähermo {n} [neuroanatomy] :: ophthalmic nerve
silmähuuhde {n} :: eyewash (soothing medicated lotion for the eyes)
silmähuuhtelukuppi {n} :: alternative form of silmänhuuhtelukuppi
silmäillä {v} :: To eye, glance, scan, skim
-silmäinen {adj} :: -eyed
silmäistä {vi} [rare] :: to glance
silmäjuova {n} :: eyestripe
silmäke {n} [nautical] :: hawsehole
silmäkulma {n} [anatomy] :: corner of the eye
silmäkulma {n} :: (anatomy) supercilium (region of the eyebrows)
silmäkuoppa {n} [anatomy] :: eye socket
silmäkuppi {n} :: synonym of silmänhuuhtelukuppi
silmäkuvio {n} :: eye (mark or design resembling an eye)
silmäkuvio {n} :: [electronics] eye pattern (an oscilloscope display)
silmälääkäri {n} :: ophthalmologist; eye doctor [US]
silmälappu {n} :: eyepatch
silmälasikäärme {n} :: cobra (snake)
silmälasikarhu {n} :: spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
silmälasikuvioinen {adj} :: spectacled
silmälasinkehykset {n} :: spectacle frames
silmälasipäinen {adj} :: bespectacled, spectacled (wearing spectacles)
silmälasit {n} :: spectacles, glasses, eyeglasses, specs
silmälihas {n} [anatomy] :: extraocular muscle
silmälihashalvaus {n} :: ophthalmoplegia
silmäluomi {n} :: eyelid
silmämääräisesti {adv} :: by eye (using visual estimation for measuring, estimating or judging something)
silmämeikki {n} :: eyeliner, eye makeup (makeup used to outline the eye)
silmämuna {n} :: eyeball
silmämurre {n} :: synonym of näköismurre
silmänalus {n} :: the area or region under one's eye
silmänhuuhtelukuppi {n} :: eyebath; eyecup [US] (cup-shaped vessel used to apply eyewash)
silmänkääntäjä {n} :: conjurer; one who performs the sleight of hand
silmänkääntötemppu {n} :: sleight of hand
silmän kantamattomiin {adv} [idiomatic] :: as far as the eye can see
silmänlume {n} :: illusion, eyewash; something that looks deceptively different
silmänpaine {n} :: intraocular pressure
silmänpainetauti {n} :: high-pressure glaucoma
silmänpohja {n} [anatomy] :: eyeground
silmänräpäyksessä {adv} :: in the blink of an eye
silmänräpäys {n} :: eyeblink, blink of an eye
silmänräpäytys {n} :: A blink of eyes
silmäntähystys {n} :: ophthalmoscopy
silmänvalkuainen {n} :: sclera (the white of an eye)
silmänympärysvoide {n} :: eye cream (cream applied around the eye)
silmäpako {n} :: run, ladder (length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings)
silmäpankki {n} :: eye bank
silmäpeili {n} :: ophthalmoscope
silmäpeli {n} :: eye flirtation
silmäpultti {n} :: eyebolt (bolt with a looped head)
silmäpussit {n} :: eyebags
silmäripsi {n} :: eyelash
silmäripsikato {n} [pathology] :: madarosis (loss of eyelashes)
silmäsairaus {n} :: ophthalmopathy
silmäsuojus {n} :: eye shield
silmätä {v} [rare] :: to glance (to look at something quickly)
silmätauti {n} :: ophthalmopathy
silmätautioppi {n} :: ophthalmology
silmäterä {n} [anatomy] :: pupil (part of an eye)
silmäterä {n} [figuratively] :: apple of one's eye
silmätikku {n} :: Someone singled out as target for negative attention
silmätippa {n} :: eyedrop
silmätön {adj} :: eyeless
silmätulehdus {n} [disease] :: Any eye inflammation
silmävärve {n} :: nystagmus
silmäys {n} :: glance, sight
silmiinpistävä {adj} :: striking, glaring, prominent
silmiinpistävästi {adv} :: strikingly, conspicuously, glaringly
silmikko {n} :: visor (armor)
silmikoida {vi} :: To bud
silmikoitua {vi} :: to reproduce by budding
silminnähden {adv} :: visibly, clearly, obviously
silminnähtävä {adj} :: evident
silminnähtävästi {adv} :: evidently
silminnäkijä {n} :: eyewitness
silmitön {adj} :: indiscriminate
silmittömästi {adv} :: indiscriminately
silmu {n} :: bud of a leaf
silmu {n} [rare] :: lamprey
silmukka {n} :: loop (length of thread, line or rope making an opening)
silmukka {n} :: loop (shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself)
silmukka {n} [programming] :: loop (programmed sequence of instructions)
silmukka {n} [aviation] :: loop (aircraft maneuver)
silmukka {n} [nautical] :: becket, as a loop made of rope or an eye made at the end of a rope
silmukka {n} :: mesh (opening or space enclosed by the threads of a net)
silmukka {n} [knitting, crocheting] :: stitch
silmukka {n} :: eye (fitting)
silmukkalanka {n} :: boucle (yarn with multiple plies, one of which is looser than the others, producing loops and curls)
silmukoida {v} :: To loop (to make loops)
silmukointi {n} :: looping (making loops)
silmukointi {n} [biology] :: splicing (such as RNA splicing)
silmuttaa {v} [horticulture] :: to inoculate (to graft by inserting buds)
silohaperonvieras {n} [mushroom] :: Asterophora parasitica
siloinen {adj} :: smooth (having a smooth texture)
siloisesti {adv} :: smoothly (with a smooth texture)
silokampela {n} :: brill
siloposkinen {adj} :: beardless
silote {n} :: spackle, filler
silotella {vt} :: to smooth or even casually or repeatedly
silottaa {vt} :: to smoothen, to even
silottua {vi} :: to be smoothened, to be evened
silovalas {n} :: right whale
silpiä {vt} [of peas] :: to pod
silpoa {vt} :: to dismember, mutilate, maim
silpoherne {n} :: shelling pea, round pea
silpominen {n} :: mutilation, dismemberment
silposuoninen {adj} [botany] :: Of leaves, having parallel veins
silpoutua {v} :: to be maimed, mutilated or dismembered
silpoydinherne {n} :: wrinkled pea
silppu {n} :: chaff (straw or hay cut up for cattle food)
silppu {n} :: chaff (loose material dropped from aircraft to interfere with radar)
silppu {n} :: roughage (rough or coarse material)
silppuri {n} :: shredder
silppuri {n} :: chipper
silpputyö {n} :: odd job (work of very short duration)
silppuuntua {vi} :: to be shredded
silputa {vt} :: To shred
silputa {vt} :: To chip
silsa {n} [pathology] :: dermatophytosis, ringworm
silta {n} :: bridge (construction or natural feature that spans a divide)
silta {n} [wrestling] :: bridge
silta {n} [telecommunication] :: bridge (system which connects two or more local area networks)
Siltala {prop} :: surname
Siltala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
siltalaina {n} :: bridge loan
Siltanen {prop} :: surname
siltanosturi {n} :: gantry crane, travelling crane
siltarumpu {n} :: culvert
siltarumpupolitiikka {n} [politics] :: pork-barrelling, provincialism, parochialism; parish pump politics [Ireland] (practice of MP's favoring their own voters instead of promoting national interest)
siltaus {n} :: bridging, bridge
silti {adv} :: however, still, yet, nevertheless
siltti {n} :: silt
silttikivi {n} [geology] :: siltstone
siluetti {n} :: A silhouette
silumiini {n} [chemistry] :: silumin
siluuri {n} [geology] :: The Silurian, Silurian period
siluurikausi {n} [geology] :: The Silurian
siluurikautinen {adj} [geology] :: Silurian
Silvennoinen {prop} :: surname
silvonta {n} :: mutilation, dismemberment
sima {n} :: a nonalcoholic or low-alcohol drink made from lemon, various sugars and water, common around vappu (May Day)
sima {n} [dated] :: mead
simahtaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to doze off, to nod off
simahtaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to pass out
simake {n} :: hornwort, vernal grass (any plant of the genus Anthoxanthum)
simake {n} [in plural] :: the genus Anthoxanthum
simanuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius corrosus
simapanimo {n} :: meadery (place where mead is made)
Simeoni {prop} :: given name
simieninsakaali {n} :: Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis
simmarit {n} [colloquial] :: swimming trunks
simmu {n} [children] :: eye
Simo {prop} [uncountable] :: Simo (municipality)
Simo {prop} :: given name
Simojoki {n} :: A river in Finland
Simojoki {n} :: surname
Simola {prop} :: surname
Simola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Simon {prop} :: Simon (biblical figure)
Simonen {prop} :: surname
simonia {n} :: simony
simoninhyppymyyrä {n} :: lesser short-tailed gerbil, Simon's gerbil (Gerbillus simoni)
simpanssi {n} :: chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)
simpleksi {n} :: simplex
simppeli {adj} [colloquial] :: simple
simppelisti {adv} [colloquial] :: simply
simppu {n} :: sculpin (any fish in the family Cottidae)
simppu {n} :: plebe (first year cadet)
simpukankuori {n} :: clamshell (shell of a clam or a hinged object that resembles one)
simpukankuori {n} [colloquial] :: seashell, shell (shell of a marine mollusk)
simpukka {n} [mollusks] :: In plural (simpukat), Bivalvia or bivalves (taxonomic class)
simpukka {n} :: Any of the tens of thousands of species of mollusks belonging to bivalves
simpukka {n} :: A clam (a bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible)
simpukka {n} :: A mussel
simpukka {n} [anatomy] :: cochlea
simputtaa {vt} [military, + partitive] :: To haze
simputus {n} [military] :: hazing
Simson {prop} :: Samson (Biblical figure)
simulaatio {n} :: simulation
simulaattori {n} :: simulator
simulantti {n} :: simulator
simuloida {vt} :: To simulate
simultaani {adj} :: simultaneous
simultaanikäännös {n} :: simultaneous translation
simultaaninäyttämö {n} :: multiple setting, simultaneous setting
simultaaninen {adj} :: simultaneous
simultaanisesti {adv} :: simultaneously
simultaanisti {adv} :: simultaneously
simultaanitulkkaus {n} :: simultaneous interpretation, simultaneous interpreting
simultaanitulkki {n} :: simultaneous interpreter
simvastatiini {n} [medicine] :: simvastatin
-sin {suffix} :: The case suffix denoting temporal distributive; always used with plural "-i-"
šin {n} :: shin (twenty-first letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
sinä {pron} [personal] :: you (second person singular, familiar), (in archaic English) thou
sinäkin, Brutukseni {interj} :: et tu, Brute (recognition of betrayal)
sinällään {adv} :: as such, in itself (considered alone; used often to hint that there's something else which makes matters worse when combined with the thing or circumstance mentioned)
sinä-muotoinen {adj} :: second-person (using verbs in the second person)
sinänsä {adv} :: per se
sinapinkeltainen {adj} :: mustard (of mustard colour)
sinapinkeltainen {n} :: mustard (colour)
sinapinsiemen {n} :: mustard seed
sinapinvärinen {adj} :: mustard (colour)
sinappi {n} :: mustard (plant)
sinappi {n} :: mustard (spice)
sinappihapero {n} :: ochre brittlegill or common yellow russula, Russula ochroleuca
sinappijauhe {n} :: mustard powder
sinappikaali {n} :: arugula
sinappikaasu {n} :: mustard gas
sinappikone {n} [humorous] :: shit factory (infant)
sinappinen {adj} :: Having the taste or colour of mustard
sinappiöljy {n} :: mustard oil (oil extracted from mustard seeds)
sinappiöljy {n} :: mustard oil (organic compound allyl-isothiocyanate)
sinappirousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius flavidus
sindhi {n} :: Sindhi (language)
sine {n} :: bluing (blue pigment used for coloring clothes when washing)
sine {n} :: blueprint (paper-based reproduction usually of a technical drawing), diazo print, ammonia print
sinelli {n} :: overcoat (heavy overcoat of the Russian army, similar to mantteli)
šinelli {n} :: alternative form of sinelli
sinelmä {n} :: A bruise
sineraria {n} :: cineraria
sinertää {vt} :: to make bluer
sinertää {vi} :: to have a shade of blue
sinertävä {adj} :: bluish
sinertyä {vi} :: to become more blue
sinervä {adj} [poetic] :: bluish (having a tint or hue similar to the colour blue)
sinetöidä {v} :: to seal (to place a seal on)
sinetöidä {v} :: to seal (to fasten so that it cannot be opened without visible damage)
sinetöidä huulensa {v} :: To keep one's lips sealed, to seal one's lips
sinetöityä {vi} :: to become sealed
sinetti {n} :: seal (something which will be visibly damaged when a cover or container is opened)
sinettilakka {n} :: sealing wax
sinettitaide {n} :: seal art (art involving seals or stamps)
sinettitiede {n} :: sigillography (study of seals and sigils)
sinfonia {n} :: symphony
sinfoniaorkesteri {n} [music] :: symphony orchestra, philharmonic, philharmonic orchestra
sinfonietta {n} [music] :: sinfonietta
sinfonikko {n} :: symphonist
sinfoninen {adj} :: symphonic
singahdella {v} :: To pinball, shuttlecock (to dart about rapidly)
singahduttaa {v} :: synonym of sinkauttaa
singahtaa {v} :: to dart (to shoot rapidly along)
singaleesi {n} :: A Singhalese (person)
singaleesi {n} :: Singhalese (language)
Singapore {prop} :: Singapore
single {n} :: single (45 rpm record)
singota {vt} :: to fling, hurl, throw, dart (to throw with a sudden effort)
singota {v} :: to catapult (to launch from catapult or as if from catapult)
singulariteetti {n} [physics, mathematics] :: A singularity
sini {n} [poetic] :: blue
sini {n} :: In compound words, blue- or bluish
sini {n} [mathematics] :: The sine function
Sini {prop} :: given name
siniaalto {n} :: sine wave
siniara {n} :: Spix's macaw, Cyanopsitta spixii
sinibakteeri {n} :: A cyanobacterium
sinihapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula azurea
sinihappo {n} [chemistry] :: hydrogen cyanide (chemical formula HCN)
siniheinä {n} :: purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea)
sinihomejuusto {n} :: blue cheese
sinijalkasuula {n} :: blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii)
sinijuuri {n} :: any plant of the genus Mercurialis
sinijuuri {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Mercurialis
sinikäyrä {n} [mathematics] :: sinusoid, sine curve
sinikeltainen {adj} :: Referring to the quality of being coloured blue and yellow
sinikeltainen {adj} [colloquial] :: Especially in connection with sports, "Swedish" or, in plural, "the Swedish", according to the colours of the Swedish national flag
sinikettu {n} :: A "blue fox", a variant of arctic fox grown in captivity because of its beautiful bluish grey winter fur
sinikka {n} :: bluebird (any of various North American birds of the genus Sialia)
Sinikka {prop} :: given name, fairly popular in the 20th century. Pet form: Sini
sinikopio {n} :: blueprint, cyanotype (white-on-blue copy produced with cyanotype process)
sinikvartsi {n} [mineral] :: blue quartz
sinilatva {n} :: Jacob's ladder (any plant of the genus Polemonium)
sinilatva {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Polemonium
sinilause {n} [mathematics] :: law of sines, sine rule, sine formula
sinileppärousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius hemicyaneus
sinilevä {n} :: blue-green alga
sinililja {n} :: squill (Scilla)
sinilimaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius salor
sinimailanen {n} [plant] :: alfalfa, lucerne, Medicago sativa
sinimatara {n} :: blue field madder (Sherardia arvensis)
sinimuotoinen {adj} [mathematics] :: sinusoidal
sinimusta {n} [historical] :: a member of a far-right youth organization in Finland that was active between 1930–1936
sinimuura {n} :: bluish-slate antshrike (Thamnomanes schistogynus)
sininaakka {n} :: Any of the Central and South American jays of the genus Cyanolyca in the crow family Corvidae
sininaakka {n} :: kobolttinaakka, Cyanolyca armillata (black-collared jay)
sininaakka {n} :: indigonaakka, Cyanolyca viridicyanus (white-collared jay)
sininaakka {n} :: turkoosinaakka, Cyanolyca turcosa (turquoise jay)
sininaakka {n} :: purppuranaakka, Cyanolyca pulchra (beautiful jay)
sininaakka {n} :: sinilakkinaakka, Cyanolyca cucullata (azure-hooded jay)
sininaakka {n} :: mustakurkkunaakka, Cyanolyca pumilo (black-throated jay)
sininaakka {n} :: pikkusininaakka, Cyanolyca nanus (dwarf jay)
sininaakka {n} :: meksikonsininaakka, Cyanolyca mirabilis (white-throated jay)
sininaakka {n} :: hopeakurkkunaakka, Cyanolyca argentigula (silvery-throated jay)
sininärhi {n} :: roller (any bird in the family Coraciidae - rollers)
sininärhi {n} :: European roller, Coracias garrulus
sininauraja {n} :: blue-winged kookaburra (Dacelo leachii)
sininen {adj} :: blue
sininen {n} :: The color blue
sininen maito {n} [colloquial] :: semi-skimmed milk, reduced-fat milk (milk with reduced fat content, in Finland about 1,5 %)
Sininen nauha {prop} [nautical] :: The Blue Riband (trophy for fastest Atlantic crossing by a commercial liner)
sininuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius coerulescens
sinipääsky {n} :: purple martin, Progne subis
sinipaita {n} [literally] :: blue shirt
sinipaita {n} :: blue shirt
sinipallas {n} :: synonym of grönlanninpallas
sinipallo {n} :: any plant of the genus Globularia
sinipallo {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Globularia
sinipeippo {n} :: cordon-bleu (passerine bird)
sinipuna {n} [politics] :: A political term referring to a coalition of or cooperation between conservatives and social democrats; compare purple, US politics sense
sinipuna {n} :: Used also adjectively in compound words
sinipuna {n} :: In compound words, also violet, purple
sinipunainen {adj} :: purple
sinipunaisuus {n} :: purpleness (quality of being purple in color)
sinipunarousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius violascens
sinirapu {n} :: blue crayfish (Procambarus alleni)
sinirikko {n} :: purple saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia)
sinirinta {n} :: bluethroat, Luscinia svecica
siniristi {n} :: the blue cross of the Finnish flag
siniristilippu {n} :: the Finnish flag
sinisavikka {n} :: oak-leaved goosefoot (Oxybasis glauca)
sinisempi {adj} :: comparative of sininen
sinisiipi {n} :: blue (any butterfly in the subfamily Polyommatinae of the family Lycaenidae)
sinisiipinen {adj} :: blue-winged (having blue wings)
sinisiipinen {n} :: Any of the butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
sinisiipinen {n} :: In plural (sinisiipiset), the family Lycaenidae, the gossamer-winged butterfly
sinisiirtymä {n} :: blueshift
sinisilmä {n} :: blue eye (eye with blue iris)
sinisilmä {n} :: blue-eyed person
sinisilmä {n} :: blue-eye (fish of the family Pseudomugilidae)
sinisilmäinen {adj} :: blue-eyed (having blue eyes)
sinisilmäinen {adj} :: gullible, credulous (easily deceived)
sinisilmäinen {adj} :: naive, blue-eyed
sinisilmäisesti {adv} :: naively, gullibly
sinisilmäisyys {n} :: blue-eyedness (quality of having blue eyes)
sinisilmäisyys {n} :: gullibility, credulity (quality of readily believing information)
sinisilmäisyys {n} :: naïveté (lack of sophistication, experience, judgement or worldliness)
sinisimpukka {n} :: blue mussel, Mytilus edulis
sinisin {adj} :: superlative of sininen
sinisorsa {n} :: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
sinistää {vt} [metallurgy] :: to blue (passivate steel)
sinistäjäsieni {n} :: blue stain fungus
sinistyä {vi} :: To become (more) blue
sinisukkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius evernius
sinisuohaukka {n} :: hen harrier, Circus cyaneus (bird of prey)
sinisyys {n} :: blueness
sinitaivas {n} :: (the) blue sky
sinitaivas {n} :: azure (the unclouded sky)
sinitäplätursas {n} :: southern blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena maculosa
sinitarra {n} :: Blu-Tack
sinitiainen {n} :: blue tit, Eurasian blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus
sinitiainen {n} [in plural] :: Cyanistes (genus of passerine birds)
sinivalas {n} :: blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
sinivalkoinen {adj} :: Referring to the combination of the blue and white colours
sinivalkoinen {adj} :: Finnish (derived from the colours of the Finnish national flag)
sinivalvatti {n} :: any plant of the genus Cicerbita
sinivalvatti {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Cicerbita
sinivatukka {n} :: dewberry, European dewberry (Rubus caesius)
sinivihreä {adj} :: A color between blue and green; blue-green, turquoise, cyan, teal
sinivihreä {n} :: A color between blue and green
sinivihreä savikka {n} :: synonym of sinisavikka
siniviiva {n} [ice hockey] :: The blue line
sinivuokko {n} :: The common hepatica (Anemone hepatica, syn. Hepatica nobilis)
sinivuokko {n} :: In plural (sinivuokot), the genus Hepatica
sinivuokko {n} [colloquial] :: In plural (sinivuokot), the police
siniyökönlehti {n} :: common butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris)
sinkata {vt} [woodworking] :: to dovetail
sinkautella {vt} :: to fling, propel or slingshot repeatedly
sinkauttaa {vt} :: to fling, to propel, to slingshot
Sinkiang {prop} :: Xinjiang (autonomous region of China)
sinkilä {n} :: A staple (fastener)
sinkilöidä {vt} :: to staple (attach something with the use of one or more sinkilä)
sinkitä {v} :: To galvanise/galvanize
sinkki {n} :: zinc
sinkki {n} [musical instrument] :: cornett
sinkkiarkku {n} :: zinc coffin, zinc-lined coffin
sinkkikloridi {n} :: zinc chloride
sinkkioksidi {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: zinc oxide
sinkkipasta {n} :: zinc oxide cream
sinkkisälpä {n} [mineral] :: smithsonite
sinkkivälke {n} [mineral] :: sphalerite
sinkkivalkoinen {n} :: zinc white (zinc oxide when used as pigment)
sinkkivoide {n} :: calamine lotion
sinkku {n} [colloquial] :: single (unmarried)
sinkku {n} [colloquial] :: single (a vinyl record or a popular song)
sinkkuus {n} :: singlehood
sinko {n} [military] :: rocket-propelled grenade launcher, RPG
sinko {n} [military] :: recoilless rifle
sinko {n} [military] :: bazooka (any shoulder-fired rocket grenade launcher)
sinkoilla {v} :: to catapult or fly around
sinkoryhmä {n} :: RPG team, bazooka team
sinkoutua {v} :: to dart, to be catapulted (to fly, pass or shoot out swiftly due to an external force)
sinne {adv} [of movement] :: there (when the speaker does not point at the place):
sinnemmäs {adv} :: (to) further over there, (to) more over there (towards a location not pointed at by the speaker)
sinnepäin {adv} :: (in) that direction, that way (into a direction referred to but not pointed at by the speaker)
sinnepäin {adv} [figuratively] :: something like that
sinnes {conj} [obsolete, now, dialectal] :: until then, theretofore
sinne tänne {adv} [idiom] :: hither and thither
sinnikäs {adj} :: steadfast, relentless, dogged
sinnikkäämpi {adj} :: comparative of sinnikäs
sinnikkäästi {adv} :: doggedly, relentlessly
sinnikkyys {n} :: steadfastness, relentlessness, resilience
sinnitellä {v} :: to hang on, persevere
sinnitellä {v} :: to survive, stay alive
sinofobia {n} :: Sinophobia (fear of China and Chinese)
sinologi {n} :: sinologist
sinologia {n} :: Sinology
sinooperi {n} [mineral] :: cinnabar
sinooperinpunainen {adj} :: vermilion, cinnabar (colour)
sinooperipunainen {n} :: vermilion (pigment)
sinosentrinen {adj} :: Sinocentric
sinotiibetiläinen {adj} :: Sino-Tibetan
sinsalla {n} [dialectal, Central and South Ostrobothnia] :: synonym of rosolli
sinsilla {n} :: chinchilla (mammal)
šinto {n} :: Shinto (religion)
šintolainen {n} :: Shintoist (adherent of Shinto)
šintolainen {adj} :: Shinto (of, related or pertaining to Shinto)
sintolaisuus {n} :: alternative spelling of šintolaisuus
šintolaisuus {n} :: Shintoism, Shinto (religion)
sintraantua {v} :: synonym of sintrautua
sintrata {vt} :: To sinter
sintraus {n} [metallurgy] :: sintering
sintrautua {vi} :: to be sintered
sintsi {n} [textiles] :: chintz
sintsinen {adj} :: chintzy (of or decorated with chintz)
sintteri {n} [geology] :: sinter
sintti {n} :: [disparaging] minnow (small fish)
sintu {n} [dialectal] :: skimmed milk, skim milk
sintu {n} [dialectal] :: milk diluted with water to increase its volume
sinuiitti {n} [pathology] :: sinusitis (inflammation)
sinun {pron} :: The genitive singular of the personal pronoun sinä, in most cases (with the possessive suffix -si appended to the main word owned) translated with the possessive pronoun your; after the verb olla: yours - when addressing one person:
sinun {pron} :: Used with verbs or verb structures that are used monopersonally such as pitää, täytyä, tulla, olla + passive present participle etc., and require genitive: translated into English you - when addressing one person:
sinunkaupat {n} [figurative] :: a trade made to establish a first name basis
sinunlainen {adj} :: alternative form of sinunlaisesi
sinunlaisesi {adj} :: like you, like yourself [singular you]
sinusrytmi {n} :: sinus rhythm (normal beating of the heart, as measured by an electrocardiogram)
sinussolmuke {n} [anatomy] :: sinoatrial node, sinus node
sinusta {pron} :: about you; of you (addressing one person)
sinusta {pron} :: in your opinion, you think that (addressing one person)
sinut {adv} :: (in the phrase) olla sinut + genitive + kanssa = to be on first-name basis with, to be familiar with
sinutella {vt} [+ partitive] :: to address with the informal T-form, to address someone (especially friends and relatives) informally in the second-person (in languages in which such form is distinguishable)
sinuttelu {n} :: using T-form (act or custom of addressing someone informally in second person)
sinuttelumuoto {n} [linguistics] :: T-form (second-person form of address used in informal situations)
sionismi {n} :: Zionism
sionisti {n} :: Zionist
sionistinen {adj} :: Zionist
sioux {n} :: Sioux (person)
sioux {n} :: Sioux (language)
sipaista {v} :: to stroke lightly and quickly
sipaista {v} :: Used generally of performing an action swiftly, briskly and seemingly with little effort, sometimes used braggingly
sipaisu {n} :: stroke
sipaisu {n} :: any swift action
sipasta {v} [dialectal, colloquial] :: alternative form of sipaista
sipata {v} [colloquial] :: to stop working, to break down, to run out of steam
sipattaa {v} :: synonym of supattaa
sipatti {n} :: A dish consisting of sautéed cubes of smoked side of pork or ham in white sauce, often served with boiled potatoes
Siperia {prop} :: Siberia
siperialainen {adj} :: Siberian
siperialainen {n} :: A Siberian person
siperianharmaalokki {n} :: Vega gull (Larus vegae)
siperianhusky {n} :: Siberian Husky
siperianjokilohi {n} :: Hucho taimen, taimen
siperiankissa {n} :: Siberian (breed of cat)
siperianmetso {n} :: black-billed capercaillie, Tetrao parvirostris (large black grouse endemic to Siberia, closely related to western capercaillie)
siperianmuikku {n} :: sardine cisco, least cisco, Coregonus sardinella (small freshwater fish found in Arctic waters from NW Russia to NE Canada)
siperiansampi {n} :: Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
siperiansinivalvatti {n} :: Lactuca sibirica
siperiantiikeri {n} :: Siberian tiger, Panthera tigris altaica (subspecies of tiger found in Siberia)
Siperia opettaa {proverb} :: to learn the hard way
Siperia opettaa {proverb} :: once bitten, twice shy (one is cautious in the future if one has been hurt in the past)
Sipilä {prop} :: surname
Sipilä {prop} :: A placename
sipinä {n} :: whisper
sipistä {vi} :: To whisper quietly
siplari {n} :: Any member of the genus Eumerus of hoverflies
Sipoo {prop} :: A municipality in Uusimaa, Finland
Sippora {prop} :: Zipporah
sipsi {n} :: chip [US], crisp [UK] (thin, crisp, baked piece of vegetable, especially potato)
sipsu {n} :: synonym of shih tzu
sipsutella {vi} :: to tiptoe around
sipsuttaa {vi} :: to tiptoe
sipsuttaa {vi} :: to mince (walk with small steps in a prim, affected manner)
sipuli {n} :: onion, Allium cepa
sipuli {n} :: onion (plant of the genus Allium)
sipuli {n} [in plural] :: onion, Allium (genus)
sipuli {n} :: bulb (onion shaped root bulb of many plants)
sipulihakkuri {n} :: onion mincer, onion chopper (tool)
sipulihiutale {n} [usually in the plural] :: thinly sliced and dried onion (usually when sold pre-sliced)
sipulihiutaleet {n} :: onion flakes (thinly sliced and dried onion)
sipulijauhe {n} :: onion powder
sipulikärpänen {n} :: onion fly (Delia antiqua)
sipulikastike {n} :: onion gravy, onion sauce
sipulikasvi {n} :: bulbous plant
sipulikasvi {n} :: any alliaceous plant, such as those of family Liliaceae, or in the plural, alliaceous plants collectively, including the family Liliaceae
sipulikeitto {n} :: onion soup
sipulikirkko {n} [colloquial] :: an Eastern Orthodox church with an onion dome
sipulikupoli {n} :: onion dome
sipulilehti {n} :: onion leaf
sipulileikkuri {n} :: onion cutter
sipulimaito {n} :: a drink traditionally used as a cold remedy consisting of water, milk and onions
sipulinen {adj} :: oniony (resembling onion)
sipulinkuori {n} :: onion skin (skin of an onion)
sipulinviipale {n} :: synonym of sipuliviipale
sipulipihvi {n} :: steak with onions
sipulipiirakka {n} :: onion pie
sipulirengas {n} :: onion ring
sipulisuola {n} :: onion salt (mixture of dried onion powder and salt, used as seasoning)
sipuliviipale {n} :: onion slice, slice of onion
sirahdella {vi} :: to buzz repeatedly
sirahtaa {vi} :: to buzz once
sireeni {n} :: siren (device for making a sound alarm)
sireeni {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of syreeni
sireenieläin {n} :: sirenian
Siren {prop} :: surname
Sirén {prop} :: surname
sirinä {n} :: buzz
siristä {vi} :: To buzz
siristää {vt} :: to squint (look with the eyes partly closed, especially if briefly)
siristellä {vt} :: to squint repeatedly
sirittää {v} :: to chirr (to make a prolonged trilling sound of an insect, like e.g. a grasshopper)
sirittäjä {n} :: wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)
siritys {n} :: chirr (sound)
sirkadiaanirytmi {n} :: circadian rhythm
sirkeä {adj} :: lively, brisk, perky
sirkka {n} :: cricket (insect of the family Gryllidae)
Sirkka {prop} :: given name
Sirkka {prop} :: surname
sirkkajuuri {n} :: synonym of alkeisjuuri
sirkkalehti {n} [botany] :: cotyledon
Sirkka-Liisa {prop} :: given name
sirkkeli {n} :: circular saw
sirkku {n} :: emberizid (bird of the family Emberizidae)
sirkku {n} :: bunting (any of the passerine birds in the genus Emberiza)
sirkku {n} [in plural] :: the genus Emberiza
Sirkku {prop} :: given name
sirklata {vt} [figure skating] :: to perform a crossover
sirkulaattori {n} :: circulator
sirkulaattori {n} :: thermal immersion circulator
sirkumboreaalinen {adj} [biogeography] :: circumboreal
sirkumfiksi {n} [grammar] :: circumfix
sirkumfleksi {n} [orthography] :: circumflex
sirkumfleksi {n} [computing] :: caret (the character ^ as it appears in ASCII)
sirkumpolaarinen {adj} [astronomy] :: circumpolar
sirkus {n} :: circus
sirkusareena {n} :: circus ring
sirkushevonen {n} :: circus horse
sirkushuvi {n} [archaic] :: circus
sirkuslainen {n} :: circus person
sirkuspelle {n} :: circus clown
sirkusryhmä {n} :: circus group
sirkustirehtööri {n} :: ringmaster; circus director
sirkuttaa {v} :: to twitter, chirp (to utter a succession of bird's chirps)
sirkutus {n} :: chirping
sirmakka {n} [music] :: synonym of harmonikka
siro {adj} :: petite (fairly short and of slim build)
siro {adj} :: graceful, delicate
siro {adj} :: slender
siroherkkusieni {n} :: an agaric (Agaricus semotus)
siroin {adj} :: superlative of siro
sirompi {adj} :: comparative of siro
sironta {n} [physics] :: scattering
sirostella {v} [rare] :: to pose, to act fancy
sirota {vi} [physics] :: scatter
sirote {n} :: Any powder that is sprinkled
sirotella {v} :: To scatter, sprinkle
sirotella tuhkaa päällensä {phrase} :: to regret deeply, to blame oneself for a loss or mishap
sirotesokeri {n} :: caster sugar
sirotin {n} :: shaker (table container for pepper or salt)
sirottaa {vt} :: to scatter, spread, sprinkle
sirottaja {n} :: scatterer
sirottelu {n} :: sprinkling, scattering
sirottelu {n} [computer graphics] :: dithering (adding noise to signal to randomize errors)
sirottua {vi} :: to be scattered, spread or sprinkled
Sirpa {prop} :: given name
sirpakka {adj} :: pert, brisk
sirpale {n} :: shard, splinter, fragment, chip
sirpalepommi {n} :: fragmentation bomb
sirpaloitua {vi} :: to fragment, to break apart
sirppi {n} :: sickle
sirppi {n} :: crescent
sirppi ja vasara {n} :: hammer and sickle (symbol of the union of industrial and agricultural workers in Communist iconography)
sirppimailanen {n} :: yellow lucerne, sickle alfalfa, yellow-flowered alfalfa, yellow alfalfa, Medicago sativa ssp. falcata
sirppimäinen {adj} :: sickle-shaped, falciform, falcate
sirppimäisyys {n} :: falciformity
sirppisoluanemia {n} [pathology] :: sickle-cell anemia (US), sickle-cell anaemia (UK), sickle-cell disease
sirra {n} [slang] :: ambo (ambulance)
sirrakuski {n} [slang] :: ambo (ambulance driver)
sirri {n} :: sandpiper, stint, knot, dunlin (small wading birds primarily in the genus Calidris but also in three related genera Eurynorhynchus, Aechmorhynchus and Prosobonia, see list below under Derived terms)
sirri {n} :: In plural (sirrit) the genus Calidris
siru {n} :: A chip (small piece broken from a larger piece of solid material)
siru {n} [technology] :: A chip (a small substrate of semi-conducting material on which electronic circuits have been fabricated)
siru {n} :: A fragment (small portion or segment of an object)
sirukortti {n} :: chip card, smart card
sirveli {n} :: A traditional dish from Kainuu region in Finland, made of vendace, onion, butter and cream
sirveli {n} :: In other regions sirveli refers to a dish made of pork and onions resembling a hash
sirvi {n} :: strawworm (larva of the caddis fly)
sirvikäs {n} :: caddis fly (insect of the order Trichoptera)
sisä- {prefix} :: inner, internal, interior, inward; indoor; inland
sisä {n} [archaic] :: the inside of something
sisään {adv} :: into, in, inside, inwards (into a state of being in or inside something)
sisäänajo {n} :: the running in period of a car
sisäänajotie {n} :: approach, access road, slip road
sisäänheittotarjous {n} [business] :: Trojan horse (offer made to lure customers, seeming like a good deal, that has the ultimate effect of extorting large amounts of money from the customer)
sisäänhengitys {n} :: inhalation
sisäänhengityslihas {n} [anatomy] :: muscle of inhalation
sisäänkäynti {n} :: An entrance (structure that allows entering a confined space; door, gate etc.)
sisäänkäynti {n} :: An admittance
sisäänkäyntikatos {n} :: porte cochère
sisäänkirjautuminen {n} [computing] :: login (process)
sisäänkirjautuminen {n} :: check-in (at a hotel)
sisäänostaja {n} :: purchasing agent
sisäänostaja {n} :: buyer
sisäänostohinta {n} :: purchase price
sisäänostohintaan {adv} :: at cost
sisäänpäin {adv} :: inward, inwards
sisäänpäinlämpiävä {adj} [idiomatic] :: of a group or culture that so prefers to deal within itself that it is difficult for an outsider to become a member of it
sisäänrakennettu {adj} :: built-in
sisääntulo {n} :: entry
sisääntuloaula {n} :: entrance hall
sisääntulotie {n} :: access road
sisäasiainministeriö {n} [dated] :: alternative term for sisäministeriö
sisäasiat {n} :: domestic affairs, internal affairs
sisäelin {n} :: internal organ, visceral
sisäenergia {n} [physics] :: internal energy
sisäeritteinen {adj} :: endocrine
sisäeritysjärjestelmä {n} [anatomy, medicine] :: endocrine system
sisäeronto {n} [grammar, dated] :: elative
sisäfile {n} :: alternative form of sisäfilee
sisäfilee {n} :: tenderloin
sisäfileepihvi {n} :: tenderloin steak
sisähalkaisija {n} :: inner diameter, inside diameter, internal diameter
Sisä-Hebridit {prop} [geography] :: Inner Hebrides (archipelago off the west coast of Scotland)
sisäheitto {n} [linguistics] :: syncope
sisäilma {n} :: indoor air
sisäilma {n} :: indoor air quality
sisäilmasto {n} :: indoor climate
sisäinen {adj} :: internal
sisäinen kitka {n} :: viscosity
sisäinen yrittäjyys {n} [buzzword] :: intrapreneurship
sisäisempi {adj} :: comparative of sisäinen
sisäisesti {adv} :: internally
sisäisesti {adv} :: self-
sisäistää {vt} :: to internalize, to assimilate (incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind)
sisäistyä {vi} :: to be internalized
sisäkalut {n} [jocular] :: one's innards, entrails, guts
sisäkatto {n} :: ceiling (highest portion of room)
sisäkissa {n} :: indoor cat; a cat who prefers to stay indoors
sisäkkäin {adv} :: One inside another
sisäkkö {n} :: housemaid
sisäkorva {n} [anatomy] :: inner ear
sisäkorvaistute {n} :: cochlear implant (implant that can help provide a sense of sound to a person with severe hearing problem)
sisäkorvaproteesi {n} :: cochlear implant (implant that can help provide a sense of sound to a person with severe hearing problem)
sisälämpötila {n} :: interior temperature
sisälentopallo {n} :: indoor volleyball
sisali {n} :: sisal (fiber)
sisällä {adv} :: inside (in the position inside something)
sisällä {adv} :: indoors
sisällä {postp} :: inside
sisälle {adv} :: inside (to the position inside something)
sisälle {adv} :: indoors
sisälle {postp} :: inside
sisällinen {adj} [archaic] :: internal; now preferably sisäinen
sisällisesti {adv} :: inwardly
sisällissota {n} :: The Finnish Civil War of 1918
sisällissota {n} :: A civil war
sisällökäs {adj} :: rich in content
sisällöllinen {adj} :: contentual
sisällöllisesti {adv} :: contentually
sisällönhallintajärjestelmä {n} [computing] :: content management system
sisällönjakeluverkko {n} :: content delivery network, CDN
sisällyksekäs {adj} :: alternative form of sisällökäs
sisällys {n} :: content
sisällysluettelo {n} :: table of contents
sisällyttää {vt} [_, + genitive-accusative + illative] :: to include (something in something), incorporate
sisällyttää {vt} [computing] :: to transclude
sisälmykset {n} [anatomy] :: viscera (the internal organs of the body collectively)
sisälmykset {n} [anatomy] :: innards (common language name for internal organs)
sisälmysmato {n} :: synonym of loismato
sisälmysrasva {n} :: gut-dressing fat
sisäloinen {n} :: endoparasite
sisältä {adv} :: from inside (from a position inside something)
sisältä {adv} :: from indoors
sisältä {postp} :: from inside
sisältää {vt} :: To include; to contain
sisältää {vt} :: To involve
sisältäpäin {adv} :: from inside
sisältö {n} :: content, contents (that which is contained)
sisältö {n} :: content (amount of material contained)
sisältö {n} :: content (subject matter; substance)
sisältö {n} :: meaning (significance of a thing)
sisältö {n} [rare] :: contents (table of contents)
sisältöfarmi {n} [Internet] :: content farm
sisältöjako {n} :: quotition division
sisältörikas {adj} :: rich in content
sisältyä {vi} [_, + illative] :: to be included in
sisältyen {adv} [+ illative] :: included in, contained in
sisälukutaito {n} [dated] :: literacy
sisämaa {n} :: inland, interior
sisämaanpassi {n} :: internal passport
sisämaavaltio {n} :: landlocked country
sisämarkkinat {n} :: internal market
sisämeri {n} :: inland sea, mediterranean sea
Sisämeri {prop} :: Inland Sea
sisäministeri {n} [colloquial] :: interior minister; Home Secretary [UK]
sisäministeriö {n} [Finland] :: Ministry of the Interior (official translation)
sisäministeriö {n} :: interior ministry, ministry of the interior, ministry of internal affairs; Home Office [UK]; Department of Homeland Security [US] (ministry responsible for internal affairs in another country)
Sisä-Mongolia {prop} [geography] :: Inner Mongolia
sisäolento {n} [grammar, dated] :: inessive
sisäoppilaitos {n} :: boarding school
sisäovi {n} :: interior door, door between two indoor spaces
sisäpaikallissija {n} [grammar] :: Any of the three cases inessive, elative and illative in Finnish that indicate location inside (inessive) something, or a movement from (elative) or towards (illative) such location
sisäpiha {n} :: inner court
sisäpiiri {n} :: insiders (people that have special knowledge of the inner workings of an organization collectively)
sisäpiiri {n} [business] :: insiders (individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company)
sisäpiirikauppa {n} [finance] :: insider trading, inside dealing, inside trading, insider dealing
sisäpiiriläinen {n} :: insider (person who has special knowledge of the inner workings of a company or other organization)
sisäpiirivitsi {n} :: inside joke
sisäplaneetta {n} [astronomy] :: inner planet
sisäpolitiikka {n} :: domestic policy
sisäpuoli {n} :: inside
sisar {n} :: sister
sisaralus {n} :: sister ship
sisarekset {n} :: synonym of siskokset
sisarellinen {adj} :: sisterly, sororal
sisarellisesti {adv} :: sisterly, sororally
sisärengas {n} :: inner tube
sisarenpoika {n} :: sororal nephew
sisarentytär {n} :: sororal niece
sisäreuna {n} :: inner edge, inner margin, inner border
sisaristo {n} :: A sisterhood (religious society of women)
sisarkunta {n} :: A sisterhood (religious society of women)
sisarkunta {n} :: A sisterhood, sorority (group of girls or women associated for a common purpose)
sisarpuoli {n} :: half-sister
sisarpuoli {n} :: stepsister
sisäruokinta {n} [agriculture] :: barn feeding
sisäruokintakausi {n} :: wintering period, indoor feeding period
sisarus {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: sibling (person who shares same parents)
sisaruus {n} :: sisterhood (state of being sisters)
sisaruus {n} :: sisterhood (quality of being sisterly)
sisaryhtiö {n} :: sister company (a subsidiary in context to other subsidiaries of the same level)
sisäsaaristo {n} :: inner archipelago
sisäseinä {n} :: inner wall
sisäsiitos {n} [biology] :: inbreeding
sisäsiittoisuus {n} :: the quality of being inbred
sisäsivu {n} :: inner side
sisäsynnyttimet {n} :: internal parts of a or the female reproductive system
sisäsyntyinen {adj} :: intrinsic
sisäsyntyinen {adj} :: endogenous
sisätasku {n} :: inside pocket (pocket that is inside a garment in an unspecified place)
sisätaudit {n} :: internal medicine
sisätauti {n} [medicine] :: Any disease the treatment of which falls within the scope of internal medicine
sisätautilääkäri {n} [medicine] :: internist
sisätautioppi {n} [medicine] :: internal medicine
sisätila {n} :: interior
sisätiloissa {adv} :: indoors
sisätulento {n} [grammar, dated] :: illative
sisätulo {n} [linear algebra] :: inner product, scalar product
sisätuloavaruus {n} [mathematics] :: inner product space
sisätyö {n} :: interior work (work done on the inside of something)
sisätyö {n} :: indoor work
sisävaatteet {n} :: indoor clothes
sisävalo {n} :: interior light (such as dome light in a car)
sisäverkko {n} [computing] :: intranet
sisävesialus {n} :: inland vessel
sisävesitie {n} :: inland waterway
sisävuoro {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: state of being the batting team, offensive inning
sisäydin {n} [geology] :: inner core (innermost part of the Earth, a solid ball believed to consist of an iron-nickel alloy)
siselöidä {v} [metalworking] :: to chisel (to work the surface of a metal object with a chisel or punch in order to produce a decorative pattern)
sisemmällä {adv} [static] :: closer inside
sisemmälle {adv} :: to closer inside
sisemmältä {adv} :: from closer inside
sisemmäs {adv} :: (to/towards) closer to the inside
sisempi {adj} :: inner (closer to the center)
sisempi laitahyökkääjä {n} [American football] :: tight end
sisennys {n} :: indentation (act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line)
sisentää {v} [typography] :: to indent (to begin a line or lines at a greater or lesser distance from the margin)
sisentyä {v} [nonstandard] :: alternative term for sisetä
sisetä {vi} :: to indent (to be cut, notched, or dented)
sisilia {n} :: Sicilian (Romance language)
Sisilia {prop} :: Sicily
sisilialainen {adj} :: Sicilian (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants)
sisilialainen {n} :: A Sicilian
sisilisko {n} :: common lizard, viviparous lizard, Zootoca vivipara
sisilisko {n} :: in plural (sisiliskot), the taxonomic family Lacertidae
Sisilisko {prop} :: the constellation Lacerta, the lizard
sisimmäinen {adj} :: innermost
sisin {adj} :: innermost
sisko {n} :: sister
Sisko {prop} :: given name
siskokset {n} :: sisters (collective term for people who are each other's sisters; chiefly used of family or family relations)
siskonmakkara {n} :: A kind of mild, smooth pork sausage, often cooked in soup
siskonmakkarakeitto {n} :: a soup with siskonmakkara (a kind of mild smooth pork sausage)
siskopuoli {n} :: half sister
siskopuoli {n} :: stepsister
sissi {n} :: (irregular soldier) guerrilla, partisan
sissi {n} :: (regular soldier) commando, ranger
sissijoukot {n} :: guerrilla forces
sissijuusto {n} [military slang] :: smegma
sissisota {n} :: guerrilla war
sissisota {n} :: guerrilla warfare
sisterna {n} [anatomy] :: cisterna
sisu {n} :: perseverance, doggedness, stubbornness, grit, stamina, spunk, determination, courage, guts (unwavering strength to keep going when the going gets tough)
sisu {n} :: sisu, often with the attribute suomalainen (Finnish) (strength of will in the face of adversity; grit; perseverance; regarded as an integral part of Finnish culture)
sisu {n} :: temper (tendency to be of a certain type of mood, especially of a bad or defiant one)
sisukas {adj} :: gutsy
sisukkaasti {adv} :: gutsily
sisupussi {n} :: a gutsy person
sisus {n} :: interior
sisuskalut {n} [jocular] :: one's innards, entrails, guts
sisuskalut {n} [figurative] :: innards, inner workings
sisuspunos {n} [anatomy] :: solar plexus, celiac plexus (complex network of nerves located in the abdomen)
sisusta {n} :: inside, interior
sisustaa {vt} :: To furnish, decorate (to improve the appearance of the interior of a house etc.)
sisuste {n} :: furnishing
sisustus {n} :: interior decoration, decoration
sisustuskangas {n} :: decoration textile (fabric designed for interior decoration)
sisustussuunnittelu {n} :: interior design
sisustustyö {n} :: interior decoration work
sisuuntua {vi} :: to become gutsy from anger
sit. {adj} [politics] :: abbreviation of sitoutumaton
sitä {pron} [+ comparative] :: (the ...) the (establishes a parallel)
sitaatti {n} :: quotation
sitaattilaina {n} :: a loanword that preserves its spelling and pronunciation as opposed to being made fit into the target's language phonology (most often into Finnish)
sitaista {vt} :: to tie or bind quickly or haphazardly
sitä itseään {phrase} [idiomatic, euphemism, also figuratively] :: crap, manure (feces, excrement)
sitä jotakin {phrase} :: Partitive singular form of se jokin
sitä kuusta kuuleminen, jonka juurella asunto {proverb} :: one must be obedient to the environment around which one lives in
sitä mukaa {adv} :: along, along with, together, simultaneously, in proportion, in pace with, while
sitä paitsi {adv} :: moreover, furthermore, besides
sitar {n} [musical instrument] :: sitar (instrument)
sitä saa, mitä tilaa {proverb} :: you reap what you sow
sitä saa, mitä tilaa {proverb} :: you get what you pay for
sitä saat, mitä tilaat {proverb} :: you get what you pay for (more common for sitä saat, mitä tilaat)
sitä saat, mitä tilaat {proverb} :: you reap what you sow (more common for sitä saa, mitä tilaa)
sitä samaa {phrase} :: same to you, right back at you (used to return greeting or insult)
sitä sun tätä {pron} [colloquial] :: alternative form of sitä ja tätä
sitä vastoin {adv} :: on the contrary, by contrast, conversely, whereas, while
sitävastoin {adv} :: on the other hand
sitcom {n} [rare] :: synonym of tilannekomedia
siteerata {v} :: to cite
siten {adv} :: therefore, thus
siten {adv} :: in that way
sitkaasti {adv} :: toughly, resiliently
sitkas {adj} :: tough
sitkas {adj} :: resilient, hardy
sitkas {adj} :: viscous
sitkeä {adj} [of food] :: tough
sitkeä {adj} :: resilient, hardy
sitkeä {adj} :: viscous
sitkeästi {adv} :: resiliently
sitketä {vi} :: To become more viscous
sitkeys {n} :: resilience
sitkeys {n} :: viscosity
sitkeyttää {vt} :: to make resilient or more resilient
sitkeytyä {vi} :: to become resilient or more resilient
sitkistää {vt} :: to make resilient or more resilient
sitkistyä {v} :: synonym of sitkeytyä
sitko {n} :: The viscous and elastic mass formed in dough by gluten proteins
sitko {n} :: viscosity (quality of being viscous)
sitkoaine {n} :: gluten
sitkostaa {vt} :: to make viscous
sitlooda {n} [nautical, slang] :: alternative form of sitloora
sitloora {n} [nautical, slang] :: cockpit (in a sailing boat, the well in which the helm is located)
sitoa {v} :: to bind, to tie, to fasten
sitoa {v} :: to tie up
sitoa {v} :: to bandage, to dress
sitoa {v} :: to bind a book
sitoa {v} [figuratively] :: to tie to, to attach, to associate, to assign
sitoen {adv} [music] :: legato
sitomakone {n} :: binding machine, binder
sitominen {n} :: tying
sitominen {n} :: bondage
sitomisleikit {n} [BDSM] :: bondage
sitoumus {n} :: commitment, covenant (promise or agreement to do something in the future)
sitoumus {n} :: obligation (legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; the document containing such agreement)
sitoumusbridge {n} [card games] :: contract bridge
sitoutua {v} :: to pledge, engage, adhere
sitoutumaton {adj} [politics] :: nonaligned, independent
sitoutumaton {adj} :: unmarried
sitoutuminen {n} :: commitment
sitoutuminen {n} [computing, databases] :: commit
sitovasti {adv} :: in a binding way, imperatively
sitra {n} :: zither
sitraattisyntaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: citrate synthase
sitriini {n} [mineral] :: citrine
sitronellaali {n} [chemistry] :: citronellal
sitrushedelmä {n} :: citrus fruit (fruit of a common genus Citrus)
sitruspuu {n} :: citrus (tree of the genus Citrus)
sitrusraastin {n} :: zester
sitruuna {n} :: lemon
sitruunahappo {n} [chemistry] :: citric acid
sitruunahappokierto {n} [biology] :: Krebs cycle
sitruunajäätelö {n} :: lemon ice cream
sitruunamehu {n} :: lemon juice
sitruunamehu {n} :: lemonade (still drink)
sitruunamelissa {n} :: lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
sitruunaperhonen {n} :: brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
sitruunapippuri {n} :: lemon pepper (seasoning made from granulated lemon zest and cracked black peppercorns)
sitruunapuu {n} :: lemon tree
sitruunasooda {n} :: lemonade (carbonated beverage flavored with lemon)
sitruunatahna {n} :: lemon curd
sitruunatee {n} :: lemon tea
sitruunavästäräkki {n} :: citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola)
sitruunaverbena {n} :: lemon verbena, Aloysia citrodora
sitsi {n} [often in plural] :: get-together (informal meeting or gathering; a party or social function, especially one organized by a club)
sitta {n} [rare, dialectal, colloquial] :: shit
sittemmin {adv} :: since then, afterwards, after
sitten {adv} :: then (when referring to temporal, logical or other order)
sitten {adv} :: when or whenever (in the expression "sitten, kun")
sitten {adv} :: used in some expressions for intensifying questions
sitten {adv} :: ago
sitten {adv} :: acts as an emphatic modifier for tahansa ... -kin expressions used to mean "whatever", "whoever"..
sitten {prep} :: since
sittenkään {adv} :: after all, on second thought
sittenkin {adv} :: after all, on second thought
sittiäinen {n} :: dung beetle, scarab, dor (type of beetle of the family Scarabaeidae)
sittis {n} [slang] :: synonym of sitruunasooda
sittisontiainen {n} :: synonym of sittiäinen
situatiivi {n} [grammar] :: situative, situative case
siula {n} :: side net of a seine
siula {n} :: outer mesh of a fishing net
siula {n} :: a fence used to direct reindeer when separating them
siunaantua {vi} :: to appear, to arise, to turn up (of a positive thing)
siunailla {v} [dialectal] :: to bemoan, to complain
siunata {vt} :: To bless (also figuratively)
siunauksekas {adj} :: blessed
siunauksellinen {adj} :: blessed
siunaus {n} :: blessing
siunautua {v} :: synonym of siunaantua
Siuntio {prop} :: A municipality in Uusimaa, Finland
Siuruanjoki {n} :: A river in Finland, a tributary of the Ii river
Šiva {prop} :: Shiva (Hindu deity)
sivakka {n} [dialectal] :: ski
sivakka {n} [dialectal, archaic] :: right, shorter ski
sivakoida {v} :: to ski
sivallella {v} :: to slash, lash or slap repeatedly (deliver a fast and powerful swinging blow, usually with something longish and/or flexible such as a hand, sword, whip or rod)
sivallus {n} :: cut, lash, slash
sivallus {n} :: retort, quip, wit
sivaltaa {v} :: to slash, lash, slap (to deliver a fast and powerful swinging blow, usually with something longish and/or flexible such as a hand, sword, whip or rod)
sivaltaa {v} :: to snap (to say or speak abruptly or sharply, usually as a response to something that another person said or did)
sivari {n} [colloquial] ::  A person who is doing or has done non-military service
sivari {n} [colloquial] :: non-military service
siveä {adj} :: chaste
siveästi {adv} :: chastely
siveellinen {adj} :: ethical
siveellinen {adj} :: moral, decent
siveellisesti {adv} :: morally, ethically, chastely
siveellisyysrikos {n} [legal] :: indecency
siveetön {adj} :: immoral
siveettömästi {adv} :: immorally, wantonly
siveettömyys {n} :: unchastity
sivellä {v} :: to paint (apply paint to)
sivellä {v} :: to stroke (as if in a painting motion) e.g. a mustache
sivellin {n} :: paintbrush
sivetoni {n} [chemistry] :: civetone
sivetti {n} :: civet (cat-like carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae)
sivetti {n} :: oriental civet (Viverra tangalunga) (carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae)
sivetti {n} :: civet (musky perfume)
sivettieläin {n} :: civet, a carnivore of the family Viverridae
sivettikissa {n} :: civet (cat-like carnivore of the subfamily Viverrinae)
siveys {n} :: morality
siveys {n} :: chastity
siveyspoliisi {n} :: vice squad
siveysvyö {n} :: chastity belt
Siviä {prop} :: given name, rare today
siviili {n} :: civilian
siviiliammatti {n} :: civilian profession
siviiliauto {n} :: civil car
siviiliauto {n} :: unmarked police car
siviiliavioliitto {n} :: civil marriage, civil union
siviilielämä {n} :: civil life, civilian life
siviili-ilmailu {n} :: civil aviation
siviilikanne {n} [law] :: civil action, lawsuit
siviilikäyttö {n} :: civil use
siviilioikeus {n} [law, dated] :: civil law (body of law dealing with the relations between private persons (natural persons and non-governmental legal persons))
siviilipalvelus {n} :: civilian service, alternative service, non-military service
siviilipalvelusmies {n} :: conscientious objector; a person undergoing non-military service
siviilisääty {n} :: marital status
siviilivihkiminen {n} :: The ceremony in which two people enter into a civil marriage
sivilisaatio {n} :: civilization
sivilisoitua {vi} :: To be civilized
sivistää {vt} :: to civilize (to educate to a perceived higher level of education)
sivistyä {vi} :: To be civilized
sivistyä {vi} :: To become educated
sivistymätön {adj} :: uneducated, uncultured, uncivilized, vulgar
sivistymättömästi {adv} :: in an uncivilized or unsophisticated manner
sivistyneesti {adv} :: in a civilized or sophisticated manner
sivistyneistö {n} :: intelligentsia
sivistynyt {adj} :: civilized, sophisticated, erudite, cultured, educated
sivistys {n} :: learning, scholarship, sophistication, erudition, civilization
sivistyssana {n} :: learned borrowing (word borrowed or composed from classical languages, chiefly Latin and Ancient Greek)
sivu- {prefix} :: side, auxiliary
sivu {n} :: page, side (one surface of a sheet of paper)
sivu {n} :: side (bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape)
sivu {n} :: side (flat surface of a three-dimensional object; a face)
sivu {n} :: flank (extreme left or right edge of a military formation)
sivu {n} :: flank, side (flesh between the last rib and the hip)
sivu {n} [in compounds] :: side, secondary, auxiliary
sivuaallokko {n} :: beam sea (a rough sea or the waves of such, the waves of which are perpendicular to the heading of a ship)
sivuääni {n} :: murmur
sivuaine {n} :: minor (subject area of secondary concentration of a student at a college or university)
sivuaja {n} [geometry] :: tangent
sivuajatus {n} :: side thought
sivualttari {n} :: side altar
sivuammatti {n} :: side occupation, side job
sivuansio {n} :: side earning, side job
sivuapteekki {n} :: branch pharmacy
sivuasia {n} :: side matter, side topic, sidearm
sivuaskel {n} :: sidestep
sivuasunto {n} :: granny flat (dwelling detached from a primary residence)
sivuaurinko {n} :: sun dog, mock sun
sivuava {adj} :: tangential (merely touching, positioned as a tangent)
sivuava {adj} :: tangential (indirectly related to a topic)
sivuelinkeino {n} :: side activity, secondary activity (economic activity)
sivuhaara {n} :: side branch
sivuhalkio {n} :: side slit, side vent
sivuhenkilö {n} :: side character, supporting character
sivuhomma {n} :: side work, sideline
sivuhuomautus {n} :: side note, aside
sivuhuone {n} :: side room
sivuhyppy {n} :: side jump, side-to-side jump
sivuikkuna {n} :: side window
sivuilmiö {n} :: byproduct, side consequence, side phenomenon
-sivuinen {suffix} :: -paged
sivuinen {adj} :: page (having a certain number of pages)
sivuinen {adj} :: sided (having a side or sides with a given property)
sivuitse {postp} [of movement] :: by, past, by the side of
sivuitse {adv} :: by, past
sivujoki {n} :: tributary (river)
sivujuoni {n} :: subplot, offshoot
sivujuonne {n} :: subplot (of secondary importance), secondary plot, grace note
sivukaista {n} :: sideband
sivukallistuma {n} :: A (sideways) inclination
sivukallistuma {n} [automotive] :: camber (inclination of wheels)
sivukappale {n} :: side piece
sivukartta {n} [computing] :: sitemap
sivukatu {n} :: A back street
sivukautta {adv} :: around the side, through or via the side route
sivukierre {n} [sports] :: sidespin
sivukirjasto {n} :: library branch, branch library (library that is part of a larger system of libraries)
sivukivi {n} [mining] :: gangue, veinstone, gob, goaf
sivukone {n} :: auxiliary machine
sivukonttori {n} :: branch office
sivukulu {n} :: incidental expense (minor expense incurred in the course of an activity)
sivukuva {n} :: profile
sivukvanttiluku {n} [physics] :: azimuthal quantum number
sivulaiton {n} [pesäpallo] :: foul ball, outside the play area (on the first bounce) from either the left or right side
sivulaiva {n} :: side aisle (in a church or other such structure with a nave or central aisle)
sivulaukku {n} :: pannier
sivulause {n} [grammar] :: subordinate clause
sivuleikkurit {n} :: diagonal pliers, wire cutters
sivuliike {n} :: branch, side establishment
sivullepäin {adv} :: towards the side
sivulletaivutus {n} :: bending or tilting to the side
sivullinen {n} :: bystander
sivulta {adv} :: From the side
sivultapäin {n} :: from the side
sivuluisu {n} :: skid, sideslip
sivuluku {n} :: number of sides
sivuluokka {n} [math] :: coset
sivumäärä {n} :: number of pages
sivumaku {n} :: off-flavor, undertaste, aftertaste
sivumeri {n} :: adjacent sea
sivumerkitys {n} :: connotation
sivummaksi {adv} :: synonym of sivummas
sivummalla {adv} [static] :: closer to the side
sivummalle {adv} :: to closer to the side
sivummalta {adv} :: from closer to the side
sivummas {adv} :: to closer to the side
sivumpaa {adv} :: from closer to the side
sivumpana {adv} [static] :: closer to the side
sivumyötäinen {adj} :: longitudinal
sivumyötäinen {n} [meteorology] :: longitudinal wind
sivumyötäinen {n} [colloquial] :: (alcoholic) intoxication
sivumyymälä {n} :: branch of a store
sivunkuvauskieli {n} :: page description language
sivunvalmistus {n} :: page design, page production
sivuontelo {n} :: side sinus
sivuosa {n} :: A walk-on (small part in a theater drama production)
sivuotsikko {n} :: page heading, subheading
sivuovi {n} :: A side door
sivupaino {n} [linguistics] :: secondary stress
sivuperäsin {n} [aeronautics] :: rudder
sivuperintö {n} :: collateral inheritance
sivupersoona {n} :: alter ego, side persona
sivupinta {n} :: sidewall, side surface
sivupolku {n} :: detour, sidepath
sivupolku {n} [figurative] :: detour (such as a digression)
sivupotti {n} [poker] :: side pot
sivupöytä {n} :: side table
sivuraide {n} :: sidetrack, spur
sivuraide {n} [figuratively] :: sidetrack, tangent
sivuraja {n} [sports] :: sideline, touchline at the side of a pitch (as opposed to a touchline at the end of a pitch)
sivurakennus {n} :: annex, adjoining building or structure
sivusaalis {n} [fishing] :: bycatch (unintended catch)
sivusaranoitu {adj} :: side-hinged (having hinges on the side, as opposed to having them on top or bottom)
sivusauma {n} :: side seam
sivusävel {n} [music] :: neighbor tone, neighbor note
sivuseikka {n} :: A moot point, footnote
sivuseinä {n} :: sidewall (side of a tire)
sivuseinä {n} :: sidewall, side wall (wall forming the side of a structure, racquetball court etc.)
sivussa {adv} :: on the side, aside (on one side so as to be out of the way)
sivussa {adv} :: With reitiltä: off course
sivusta {n} :: flank
sivusto {n} :: web site, site
sivustoida {v} [chess] :: To fianchetto
sivustointi {n} [chess] :: fianchetto
sivustovastaava {n} :: webmaster
sivusuunta {n} :: sideways direction, lateral direction
sivuta {v} :: To touch on/upon a subject (in speech or writing)
sivuta {vi} [mathematics] :: To be tangent to, touch
sivutaivutus {n} :: side bend
sivutarkoitus {n} :: side purpose, secondary purpose
sivutasku {n} :: side pocket
sivutaulu {n} [computing] :: page table
sivuteema {n} :: side theme, subsidiary theme
sivutie {n} :: back road, backroad
sivutoimi {n} :: sideline, side activity
sivutörmäys {n} :: side collision
sivuttaa {v} :: to ignore
sivuttaa {vt} :: to page (To mark or number the pages or divide to pages)
sivuttaa {v} [computing] :: to page (To save or load pages or memory)
sivuttain {adv} :: sideways (with a side to the front)
sivuttain {adv} :: pagewise (one page at a time)
sivuttainen {adj} :: sideways
sivuttainen {adj} :: pagewise
sivuttaiskierre {n} [sports] :: alternative form of sivukierre
sivuttaisliike {n} :: lateral motion, lateral movement, sideways motion, sideways movement
sivutuote {n} :: byproduct, by-product, also: sideproduct
sivutus {n} [computing] :: paging
sivutustiedosto {n} [computing] :: page file, paging file, swap file
sivutustila {n} [computing] :: swap space
sivutuuli {n} [nautical] :: reach (wind blowing from either side of the vessel)
sivutuuli {n} :: (nautical) crosswind, beam reach (wind blowing perpendicular to the line of travel)
sivutuulipurjehdus {n} [nautical] :: reaching
sivutyö {n} :: side job, secondary occupation, moonlighting, side project (something productive done regularly in addition to one's primary occupation and household chores, whether paid or not)
sivuun {adv} :: aside (to one side so as to be out of the way)
sivuun {adv} :: With reitiltä: off course
sivu-uoma {n} :: side riverbed
sivuuttaa {vt} :: to skip, to bypass
sivuuttaa {vt} :: to skip, to ignore, to brush aside
sivuvaaka {n} [gymnastics] :: side lever
sivuvaikutus {n} :: side effect, adverse effect
sivuvaikutus {n} [medicine] :: iatrogenesis
sivuvaimo {n} :: concubine
sivuvakaaja {n} :: synonym of sivuvakain
sivuvakain {n} [aviation] :: vertical stabilizer
sivuvalo {n} :: sidelight
sivuvaunu {n} :: sidecar (one-wheeled attachment to a motorcycle)
sivuverho {n} :: side curtain, drapery
sivuverso {n} [botany] :: offshoot (that which shoots off or separates from a main stem or branch of a plant)
sivuvesieste {n} [golf] :: lateral hazard, lateral water hazard
sivuvirka {n} :: side position, side post
sivuvivahde {n} :: side nuance
Själlanti {prop} :: Zealand (Danish island)
Sjellanti {prop} :: alternative spelling of Själlanti
-ska {suffix} [colloquial, archaic, now humoristic] :: Used to transform husband's family name or title to a term for addressing or speaking of a married woman. Used especially with family names ending with -nen and titles ending -ri
skaala {n} :: scale, scope
skaalata {vt} :: To scale up or down, to change the size of
skaalatikku {n} :: A scale ruler, architect's ruler (drafting implement)
skaalaus {n} :: scaling
skaalautua {vi} :: To become scaled
skaba {n} [Helsinki slang] :: A competition
skäfä {n} [Helsinki slang] :: A short person, a dwarf
skalaari {n} :: scalar
skalaaribosoni {n} [nuclear physics] :: scalar boson
skalaarifunktio {n} [mathematics] :: scalar function
skalaarikenttä {n} [mathematics, physics, linear algebra] :: scalar field
skalaarikertolasku {n} [linear algebra] :: scalar multiplication
skalaarisuure {n} :: scalar (quantity)
skalaaritulo {n} [linear algebra] :: scalar product
skaldi {n} :: skald (Nordic poet)
skalmeija {n} [musical instruments] :: shawm
skalpeerata {v} :: to scalp
skalpeeraus {n} :: scalping (act of taking someone's scalp)
skalpeeraus {n} [finance] :: scalping (fraudulent form of market manipulation)
skalpelli {n} :: scalpel (small precision knife)
skandaali {n} :: scandal
skandaalijuttu {n} :: scandal story
skandaalilehdistö {n} :: yellow press
skandaalilehti {n} :: scandal sheet, yellow newspaper (newspaper ragarded as belonging to the yellow press)
skandaalimainen {adj} :: scandalous
skandaalinkäry {n} :: smell of a scandal, scent of a scandal
skandaalinkäryinen {adj} :: scandalous (wrong, immoral, causing a scandal)
skandalisoida {vt} :: To scandalize
skandaloida {v} :: alternative form of skandalisoida
skandeerata {v} :: to recite a poem in a manner which emphasizes the meter
skandeeraus {n} :: Act or practice of reciting a poem in a manner which emphasizes the meter
skandi {n} :: [usually plural] Any of the letters Ä, ä, Ö, ö, or Å, å
skandinaavi {n} :: A Scandinavian
skandinaavinen {adj} :: Scandinavian
skandinaaviska {n} :: A hypothetical common Scandinavian language often agreed to be spoken in Nordic meetings. In practice it means that each participant adheres to the standard form of Swedish, Danish or Norwegian according to his/her preference thus facilitating mutual understanding and avoiding need for simultaneous interpretation. There appears to be no established English translation to the term, but "Scandinavian" is a good bet, especially if explained for those who are not familiar with the concept
Skandinavia {prop} :: Scandinavia (peninsula)
skandinavialainen {adj} [dated] :: Alternative form of skandinaavinen
skandinaviska {n} :: Alternative spelling of skandinaaviska
skandinavismi {n} :: Scandinavianism
skandinavisti {n} :: Scandinavianist (supporter of Scandinavianism)
Skandit {prop} :: The Scandinavian Mountains
skandium {n} :: scandium
Skåne {prop} :: Alternative spelling of Skoone
skannata {vt} [computing] :: To scan
skannaus {n} :: scanning
skanneri {n} [computing] :: scanner
skanssi {n} [nautical] :: crew's quarters on a ship; in sailships they were usually located under a raised part of the upper deck at the bow of the vessel, in which case they were called forecastle
skanssi {n} [historical] :: fortalice (small fortress)
skarpata {v} [colloquial] :: Synonym of ryhdistäytyä
skarpata {v} [photography] :: to focus
skarppi {adj} [colloquial] :: alert (not tired)
skede {n} [slang] :: skateboard
skeema {n} [psychology] :: schema
skeema {n} [databases] :: schema
skeet-ammunta {n} :: skeet, skeet shooting (form of trapshooting using clay targets to simulate birds in flight)
skegi {n} [nautical] :: skeg (fin-like structure to the rear of the keel of a vessel that supports the rudder and protects a propeller)
skeglu {n} [Helsinki slang] :: A puukko (Nordic hunting knife)
skeida {n} [slang] :: crap
skeidata {v} :: [slang, vulgar] shit, have a shit
skeidata {v} :: [slang, vulgar] soil, begrime
skeidata {v} :: [slang, vulgar] spoil, botch
skeidata {v} :: [slang, because of connotation considered vulgar] skateboard, board
skeitata {v} :: to skateboard, skate (to use a skateboard)
skeittaaja {n} [colloquial] :: skateboarder
skeittailu {n} :: skateboarding
skeittari {n} [colloquial] :: skateboarder, skater
skeittaus {n} [colloquial] :: skateboarding
skeitti {n} [colloquial] :: skateboarding
skeittilauta {n} :: skateboard
skeittipuisto {n} :: skatepark (recreational area dedicated to skateboarders)
skeittiramppi {n} :: skating ramp
skeittirata {n} :: skatepark (minor recreational facility dedicated to skateboarders)
skemaattinen {adj} :: schematic
skematisoida {vt} :: to schematize
skematisointi {n} :: schematization
skenaario {n} :: scenario
skenaristi {n} :: scenarist (writer of screenplays)
skenaristi {n} :: scenario planner (one who writes scenarios of expected or supposed sequences of events)
skene {n} [slang] :: scene, view
skene {n} [slang] :: demoscene
skenografia {n} :: scenography (design of theatrical sets)
skenografia {n} :: scenography (art of designing theatrical sets)
skeptikko {n} :: A sceptic/skeptic
skeptinen {adj} :: sceptical, skeptical
skeptisesti {adv} :: skeptically
skeptisismi {n} :: skepticism [US], scepticism [UK] (doctrine that absolute knowledge is not possible)
skeptisyys {n} :: skepticism [US], scepticism [UK] (property or attitude of being skeptical)
sketsi {n} :: sketch (short dramatic production)
skiathlon {n} :: skiathlon
skidi {n} [slang] :: child, kid
skientismi {n} :: scientism (belief that the scientific method is applicable to all other disciplines)
skientologi {n} :: Scientologist
skientologia {n} :: Scientology
skientologinen {adj} :: Scientological
skimba {n} [slang] :: ski
skimbata {v} [slang] :: to ski
skimbaus {n} [slang] :: skiing
skinhead {n} :: skinhead (member of a subculture)
skini {n} [slang] :: skinhead
skini {n} [colloquial, computing, gaming] :: skin
skinkki {n} :: Alternative term for kaivajalisko
skintillaatio {n} [astronomy] :: scintillation
skipata {vi} [colloquial] :: To skip (to omit, not to attend)
skisma {n} :: schism
skistosomiaasi {n} [pathology] :: schistosomiasis, bilharzia (any of various diseases of humans caused by parasitic blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma)
skitsi {n} [slang] :: sketch
skitso {adj} [slang] :: Alternative form of skitsofreeninen
skitso {n} [slang] :: Alternative form of skitsofreenikko
skitsofreeni {adj} :: schizophrenic
skitsofreeni {n} :: A schizophrenic person
skitsofreenikko {n} :: A schizophrenic person
skitsofreeninen {adj} :: schizophrenic
skitsofreenisesti {adv} :: schizophrenically
skitsofreenistyyppinen {adj} :: schizophreniform
skitsofrenia {n} :: schizophrenia (illness)
skitta {n} [slang] :: guitar
skleroderma {n} [pathology] :: scleroderma (chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterised by hardening of the skin)
skleroosi {n} [pathology] :: sclerosis
skolastiikka {n} :: scholasticism
skolastikko {n} :: scholastic (philosopher)
skolastinen {adj} :: scholastic
skole {n} [slang] :: school
skolioosi {n} [pathology] :: scoliosis
skonssi {n} :: scone
skool {interj} :: cheers (toast)
skoolata {v} :: To toast (to salute and raise glasses before drinking)
skoolaus {n} :: toasting (act of raising a toast)
skoone {n} :: Scanian (dialect of Swedish spoken in Scania)
Skoone {prop} :: Scania (southmost province of Sweden)
Skoone {prop} :: Scania (peninsula on which the province lies)
skoonelainen {adj} :: Scanian (of Scania or its people)
skoonelainen {n} :: Scanian (person)
-skooppi {suffix} :: -scope
skootteri {n} :: motor scooter, scooter
-skopia {suffix} :: -scopy
Skopje {prop} :: Skopje
skoposteoria {n} [linguistics] :: Skopos theory
skorpioni {n} :: A scorpion
skorpioni {n} [astrology] :: A person born under the sign of Scorpio
Skorpioni {prop} :: Scorpio (constellation)
Skorpioni {prop} :: Scorpio (astrological sign)
skorpionilisko {n} :: beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum
skotlanninhirvikoira {n} :: Scottish deerhound, deerhound (large breed of hound bred to hunt the red deer by coursing)
skotlanninkäpylintu {n} :: Scottish crossbill, Loxia scotica (passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae endemic to the pine forests of northern Scotland)
skotlanninpaimenkoira {n} [dated] :: rough collie (breed of dog)
skotlanninterrieri {n} :: Scottish terrier (breed of dog)
Skotlanti {prop} :: Scotland (country in northwest Europe to the north of England)
skotlantilainen {adj} :: Scottish
skotlantilainen {n} :: A Scottish person
skotooma {n} [pathology] :: scotoma (area of impaired or lost vision)
skotti {n} :: Scot (person)
skotti {n} :: Scots, Lallans (Germanic language based on Middle English, spoken in Southern parts of Scotland, the Lowlands)
skotti {n} :: Scottie Alternative term for skotlanninterrieri
skottihame {n} :: tartan skirt
skottilainen {adj} :: Alternative term for skotlantilainen
skottiruudullinen {adj} :: Alternative form of skottiruutuinen
skottiruutuinen {adj} :: tartan
skoude {n} [slang] :: A cop [police officer]
SKP {prop} :: initialism of Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue (Communist Party of Finland)
skraga {n} [slang] :: tie (item of clothing)
skrapi {n} :: scrapie (degenerative prion disease of sheep and goats that attacks the central nervous system)
skrätsätä {v} [music] :: to scratch (produce the distinctive sound on a turntable)
skribentti {n} [rare] :: A scribe (writer, especially a journalist)
skrubu {n} [slang] :: contusion, laceration
skrubu {n} :: (slang) scratch (disruption, mark or shallow cut on a surface caused by scratching)
skrubu {n} :: (slang) dent (shallow deformation in the surface of an object, produced by an impact)
skrubu {adj} [slang] :: poor, bad, inferior
skruudata {vt} [Helsinki slang] :: To eat
skruuvata {v} :: to play screw
skruuvi {n} [card games] :: vint (card game for four players of Russian origin, similar to bridge)
skulata {v} [slang] :: to work, function, run (to act as intended, to be in action)
skulata {v} :: (slang) to play (a game)
skulata {v} :: (slang) to play (a musical instrument)
skumppa {n} [colloquial] :: sparkling wine
skunkki {n} :: skunk
skuru {n} [Helsinki slang, dated] :: A tram (passenger vehicle)
skutsi {n} [slang] :: forest, woods
skutsi {n} [slang, with internal locative cases] :: backwoods, bumfuck
skuuppi {n} :: scoop (news story)
skuutata {vt} [nautical] :: to sheet (to trim a sail using a sheet)
skuutti {n} [nautical] :: sheet (rope to adjust sail)
skuuttikulma {n} [nautical] :: clew (on a triangular sail, the trailing corner relative to the wind direction)
skvalaani {n} :: squalane
skvaleenisyntaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: squalene synthase
SKY {acronym} :: Suomen Kielitieteellinen Yhdistys: Linguistic Association of Finland
skyenterrieri {n} :: Skye terrier (breed of dog)
Skylla ja Kharybdis {phrase} :: Scylla and Charybdis (metaphor of two equally perilous threats or courses of action between which one needs to navigate)
skypettää {v} [colloquial, computing] :: to skype (to make a telephone call using Skype software)
skypettää {v} [colloquial, computing] :: to skype (to send a file with Skype)
skyrmioni {n} [physics] :: skyrmion
skyyttalainen {n} :: Scythian (inhabitant of Scythia)
skyyttalainen {adj} :: Scythian (relating to Scythia or Scythians)
skyytti {n} :: Scythian (inhabitant of Scythia)
slaageri {n} :: schlager (piece of light music in schlager style, especially a German one)
slaavi {n} :: A Slav; a Slavic person
slaavilainen {adj} :: Slavonic, Slavic
slaavilaisuus {n} :: Slavicness (state or quality of being Slavic)
slaba {n} [slang] :: penis
slaissi {n} [colloquial] :: pizza slice
slammata {v} [construction] :: to plaster thinly, to apply a thin layer of plaster to
slammata {v} [card games] :: to slam (to make a slam bid in bridge)
slammaus {n} [construction] :: thin layer of plaster, thin plastering
slammaus {n} [card games] :: slamming
slangi {n} :: Slang, jargon, vernacular (language characteristic of a particular group)
slangi {n} :: Argot, jargon, vernacular (specialized vocabulary and terminology of a certain field or profession)
slangi {n} [Helsinki slang] :: Helsinki slang
slangisana {n} :: slang word
slangisanakirja {n} :: slang dictionary
slapstick {n} :: slapstick (physical comedy)
slapstickelokuva {n} :: slapstick movie, slapstick film (film genre)
slapstickkomedia {n} :: slapstick comedy (comedy genre)
slavisti {n} :: Slavist
slavistiikka {n} :: Slavistics
slavofiili {n} :: Slavophile
Sleesia {prop} :: Silesia
sliipata {v} [colloquial] :: to whet (to sharpen with a whetstone)
sliipattu {adj} :: slick (superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy)
sliipattu {adj} :: dandyish (in the style of a dandy; of a man, paying excessive attention to one's looks)
sliippari {n} :: slicker (person who is perceived as clever, urbane and possibly disreputable)
sliippari {n} :: dandy, Dapper Dan, fop (man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance)
sliippaus {n} :: whetting (act)
sliksi {n} [jargon] :: slick (tire with a smooth surface instead of a tread pattern)
slipover {n} :: alternative form of slipoveri
slipoveri {n} :: slipover, slipover vest, sleeveless sweater; tank top [UK]; sweater vest [US]; baldwin [Australia]
slivovits {n} :: slivovitz (plum liquor)
slobo {n} [pejorative] :: Rusky (Russian)
slobo {n} [pejorative] :: Slav
slobo {n} [pejorative] :: Serb
slogaani {n} [rare] :: slogan
slogani {n} :: alternative form of slogaani
slovakia {n} :: The Slovakian language
Slovakia {prop} :: Slovakia
slovakialainen {adj} :: Slovak (of Slovakia)
slovakialainen {n} :: A Slovak
slovakialaisuus {n} :: Slovakness (state or quality of being Slovak)
slovakiancuvac {n} :: Slovak Cuvac (breed of dog)
slovakin kieli {n} :: The Slovak language
slovakinkielinen {adj} :: Slovak, Slovak language, Slovak speaking (written or expressed in Slovak)
slovakki {n} :: The Slovak language
slovakki {n} :: A person of Slovak nationality or origin
sloveeni {n} :: A person of Slovenian nationality or origin
sloveeni {n} :: The Slovenian language
sloveenin kieli {n} :: The Slovene language
sloveeninkielinen {adj} :: Slovenian, Slovenian language, Slovenian speaking (written or expressed in Slovenian)
slovenia {n} :: The Slovenian language
Slovenia {prop} :: Slovenia
slovenialainen {adj} :: Slovene (adjective)
slovenialainen {n} :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Slovenia
slummi {n} :: slum
slummialue {n} :: slum area, slum district
slummimainen {adj} :: slummy
slummiutua {vi} :: To become a ghetto
slumpata {v} [slang] :: To buy
slush {n} :: slush (icy drink)
sluuppi {n} [nautical] :: sloop
SM {abbr} :: Suomen mestaruus, Finnish championship series
smakki {n} [nautical] :: smack (type of sailing vessel used for fishing)
smalltalk {n} :: small talk (idle conversation)
smaragdi {n} [mineral] :: emerald
smaragdiara {n} :: military macaw, Ara militaris
smaragdimonninen {n} :: Britski's catfish, Corydoras britskii (small tropical fish used as aquarium fish)
smaragdinvihreä {adj} :: emerald green
smaragdinvihreä {n} :: emerald green
smaragdipuuboa {n} :: emerald tree boa, Corallus caninus (bright green non-venomous boa species found in the rainforests of South America)
smaragdisormus {n} :: emerald ring (ring decorated with an emerald or emeralds)
smegma {n} :: smegma
smetana {n} :: smetana
sminkata {v} [dated] :: synonym of meikata
sminkki {n} [dated] :: synonym of meikki
smirgeli {n} [mineral] :: emery (impure type of corundum, often used for sanding or polishing)
smirgeli {n} [by extension] :: grinder, bench grinder
smirgelikangas {n} :: emery cloth
smirgelikivi {n} :: emery stone
smirgelipaperi {n} :: emery paper
smirgelöidä {vt} :: to grind (to remove material by rubbing with a bench grinder)
smirgelöinti {n} :: grinding (act of removing material with a bench grinder)
smithinkalliokaniini {n} :: Smith's red rock hare, Pronolagus rupestris (East African species of hare)
smithsoniitti {n} [mineral] :: smithsonite
smokki {n} :: tuxedo, dinner jacket, black tie
smokkipaita {n} :: tuxedo shirt (formal shirt worn with tuxedo, typically with wing collar, buttoned cuffs and pleats in front)
smokkipukuinen {adj} :: dressed in tuxedo
smokkitilaisuus {n} :: A black tie occasion
smokkivyö {n} :: cummerbund
smoltti {n} :: smolt (young salmon ready to leave its home river)
smoolanninajokoira {n} :: Smaland hound (breed of dog originating in Sweden)
smoothie {n} :: smoothie (beverage)
smurffi {n} [comics, fictional character] :: smurf
smurffi {n} [derogatory, slang] :: police officer
smurffipuku {n} [military slang] :: Warm-up suit (used in the Finnish Army)
snadi {adj} [slang] :: small
snadisti {adv} [slang] :: little, a bit
snagari {n} [slang] :: nakkikioski
snägäri {n} [slang] :: A variant of snagari
snaijata {v} [slang] :: to understand, grab, get it
snapsi {n} :: schnapps (beverage)
snapsi {n} :: schnapps (serving)
snapsilasi {n} :: shot glass, particularly one that doesn't widen at the top
snautseri {n} :: schnauzer
snobbailla {vi} :: To act like a snob
snobbailu {n} :: snobbishness (snobbish behaviour)
snobi {n} :: A snob
snobismi {n} :: snobbishness (state, quality or instance of being snobbish)
snobistinen {adj} :: snobbish
snobistisesti {adv} :: snobbishly
snobistisuus {n} :: snobbishness (state or quality of being snobbish)
snöge {n} [slang] :: snow
snooker {n} :: snooker
snorkkeli {n} :: snorkel
snörppi {n} [nautical] :: A leech line
snt {n} :: abbreviation of sentti
SNT {initialism} :: initialism of sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta
SNTL {prop} :: abbreviation of Sosialististen neuvostotasavaltojen liitto
soba {n} :: soba
socinolainen {n} [religion] :: Socinian (person)
socinolainen {adj} [religion] :: Socinian (of or pertaining to the Socinians)
socinolaisuus {n} [religion] :: Socinianism (religious movement)
sodanaikainen {adj} :: wartime (taking place or being in force during a war)
sodanjälkeinen {adj} :: post-war
sodanjohto {n} :: war leadership (the bodies and persons collectively that have the responsibility of leading a war in the strategic level)
sodanjulistus {n} :: declaration of war
sodanjumala {n} [paganism] :: god of war
sodanjumalatar {n} :: war goddess, goddess of war
sodankäynti {n} :: warfare
Sodankylä {prop} :: Sodankylä
sodanlietsoja {n} :: warmonger (one who advocates war)
sodanuhka {adj} :: threat of war
sodanvaara {n} :: threat of war
sodanvastainen {adj} :: anti-war
söde {adj} [slang] :: cute
sodomanmadari {n} :: apple of Sodom, Calotropis procera
sodomia {n} :: bestiality, sodomy (sexual activity between a human and another animal species)
sodomia {n} [rare, dated] :: sodomy (any sexual activity regarded as unnormal)
sodomiitti {n} :: sodomite
soemmerringingaselli {n} :: Soemmerring's gazelle, Nanger soemmerringii, formerly Gazella soemmerringii
soentaa {v} :: synonym of sokaista
soentua {v} :: synonym of sokaistua
soeta {vi} :: to go blind
Sofia {prop} :: Sofia (city)
Sofia {prop} :: given name
sofismi {n} :: synonym of sofistiikka (teaching method)
sofisti {n} :: sophist
sofistiikka {n} :: sophism (rhetoric-based method of teaching applied by the ancient sophists)
sofistiikka {n} :: synonym of saivartelu
sofistikoitunut {adj} :: sophisticated
sofistinen {adj} :: sophistic (of or pertaining to sophism or sophists)
softa {n} [computing, jargon] :: software
softa {n} :: softa
softball {n} :: softball
soft ice {n} [rare] :: synonym of pehmytjäätelö
sohaista {vt} :: To poke once
sohaisu {n} :: jab (quick stab)
sohia {v} :: To poke
sohjo {n} :: slush (partially melted snow)
sohjo {n} :: sludge (mass of small pieces of ice on the surface of a body of water)
sohjoinen {adj} :: [of half-melted snow] slushy
sohjokeli {n} :: slushy road condition
sohjoliirto {n} [automotive] :: slush planing (phenomenon similar to hydroplaning, but on slush rather than on water)
sohjolumi {n} :: slush
sohjoontua {vi} :: alternative form of sohjoutua
sohjoutua {vi} :: to become slushy
sohlata {v} :: synonym of sählätä
söhlätä {v} :: synonym of sählätä
söhläys {n} :: synonym of sähläys
söhliä {v} [colloquial] :: To screw up, mess up
sohlo {n} :: synonym of sähläri
sohlo {n} :: a bad-quality rifle
sohva {n} :: sofa, couch
sohvaantua {vi} :: to turn into a couch potato
sohvakaluste {n} :: A piece of furniture that belongs to a sofa group
sohvakalusto {n} :: sofa set
sohvannurkka {n} [literally] :: A corner of a sofa
sohvannurkka {n} [figuratively] :: A passive position in relation to one's career and employment
sohvanurkka {n} :: sofa corner (corner in which a sofa or a sofa group is placed)
sohvanurkkaus {n} :: sofa corner (corner in which a sofa or a sofa group is placed)
sohvaperuna {n} :: couch potato, idler, layabout (person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down)
sohvapöytä {n} :: coffee table
sohvaryhmä {n} :: sofa set, sofa group
sohvatyyny {n} :: sofa cushion
sohvautua {v} :: synonym of sohvaantua
Sohvi {prop} :: given name
soida {vi} :: To sound (to make a musical sound)
soida {vi} :: To ring (of a phone or bell)
soidensuojelu {n} :: marsh protection
soidensuojelualue {n} :: marsh protection area, marsh protection zone
soidin {n} [zoology] :: mating display, courtship, lek (pattern of behaviour by some male birds and other animals to attract the females)
soidinääni {n} :: courtship call
soidinlento {n} :: courtship flight
soidinmenot {n} :: courtship display
soidinpaikka {n} :: breeding ground (place where some birds gather for their courtship)
soidinpuku {n} :: breeding plumage
soidintaa {v} [zoology] :: to court, lek (to take part in the courtship and display behaviour of a lek)
soieta {vi} :: to become oval (to transform into oval shape)
soihdunkantaja {n} :: torch carrier
soihtu {n} :: torch
soihtu {n} :: asphodel; plant of the genus Asphodelus
soihtuköynnös {n} [in plural] :: The genus Aeschynanthus; the English common names of species in this genus include basket plant, lipstick plant
soihtuköynnös {n} :: Any plant in this genus
soihtukulkue {n} :: torch procession
soihtukynttilä {n} :: outdoor candle (wide, low candle for outdoor use, often cast in metal can for safety)
soihtupurkaus {n} [astronomy] :: solar flare
soija {n} :: soy/soya
soija {n} :: soy sauce
soija {n} [colloquial, often in plural] :: sweat
soijajauho {n} :: soy flour
soijajuusto {n} :: soy cheese (cheese-like edible product made of soy)
soijakakku {n} :: soybean meal (residue from extraction of soybean oil from soybeans, used chiefly as animal fodder but also as raw material for various soy products for human use)
soijakakku {n} :: soy cake (cake made of soy flour)
soijakastike {n} :: soy sauce
soijamaito {n} :: soy milk
soijaöljy {n} :: soybean oil (oil extracted from soybeans)
soijapapu {n} :: soybean
soijarouhe {n} :: kibbled soy
soijarouhekastike {n} :: A sauce made with kibbled soy as main raw material
soikea {adj} :: oval, elliptical
soikea {adj} [botany, of leaves] :: elliptic
soikeakasvoinen {adj} :: oval faced
soikeampi {adj} :: comparative of soikea
soikeasti {adv} :: ovally
soikeus {n} :: ovalness
soikio {n} :: oval
soikko {n} :: tub
Soila {prop} :: given name, a rare variant of Soile
Soile {prop} :: given name
Soili {prop} :: given name, variant of Soile
soilikki {n} :: Cape primrose (plant of the genus Streptocarpus, many of which are popular houseplants)
Soilikki {prop} :: given name
soima {n} :: a kind of traditional large sailboat once used on Lake Ladoga
soimata {v} :: to reproach, rebuke, scold
soimaus {n} :: rebuke (harsh criticism)
soimia {v} [dialectal, rare] :: synonym of ivata
soinen {adj} :: swampy
soini {n} [historical, archaic] :: squire
Soini {prop} [uncountable] :: Soini (municipality)
Soini {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: A giant, son of Kaleva, in Finnish mythology
Soini {prop} [now rare] :: given name
Soini {prop} :: surname derived from the given name
Soini {prop} :: Any of a number of places in Finland
Soininen {prop} :: surname
soinnahtaa {vi} :: to ring out, to sound, to chime (and sound pleasant)
soinnikas {adj} :: sonorous
soinnikkaasti {adv} :: sonorously
soinnillinen {adj} :: toned (of a sound, having a tone)
soinnillinen {adj} [phonetics] :: voiced (of a speech sound, spoken with vibration of the vocal cords, e.g. m, n, r)
soinnillisesti {adv} :: with a tone
soinnillisesti {adv} [of phonemes] :: in a voiced manner, with voicing
soinnillistua {vi} [linguistics] :: to become voiced
soinniton {adj} :: toneless (of voice, lacking tone)
soinniton {adj} [phonetics] :: voiceless, unvoiced (of a consonant, spoken without vibration of the vocal cords, e.g. t, s, f)
soinnittomasti {adv} :: tonelessly
soinnittomasti {adv} [linguistics] :: voicelessly
soinnittomuus {n} :: tonelessness
soinnittomuus {n} [linguistics] :: voicelessness
soinnukas {adj} :: melodious, tuneful
soinnukkaasti {adv} :: melodiously
soinnukkuus {n} :: melodiousness
soinnullisesti {adv} :: in a manner that is related or pertaining to chords (harmonic sets of three or more notes)
soinnutella {v} [music] :: to chord casually or repeatedly (write chords for)
soinnuttaa {v} [music] :: to chord (to write chords for)
soinnutus {n} [music] :: chording
sointi {n} :: voice
sointi {n} :: clang
sointinen {adj} :: having a sound (of or like)
sointiväri {n} :: timbre (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume)
sointu {n} [music] :: A chord
Sointu {prop} :: given name
sointua {vi} [music] :: to harmonize, to tune
sointufunktio {n} [music] :: chord function, diatonic function
sointuisa {adj} :: melodious, harmonious, tuneful
sointumuura {n} :: black-crested antshrike
sointuoppi {n} [music] :: harmony (the academic study of chords)
sointuva {adj} :: musical, sonorous, harmonious, melodious
sointuva {adj} :: consonant
soiro {n} :: wooden plank that is 38–75 mm (around 1.5–3 in) thick and 75–175 mm (around 3–7 in) broad
soisempi {adj} :: comparative of soinen
soisin {adj} :: superlative of soinen
soistaa {vt} :: to make swampy
soistua {vi} :: to turn into a marsh
soitanta {n} :: playing (act of playing music)
soitella {v} :: Frequentative form of the verb soittaa (to play); to play for fun, in a light-hearted way, without paying too much attention to playing exactly right
soitella {v} :: To give a number of phone calls, either many to one person, or one to each of many people
soitin {n} :: musical instrument
soitin {n} :: player (any device that repeats recorded sound)
soitinmusiikki {n} :: instrumental music
soitinnus {n} [music] :: orchestration (act or result of orchestrating)
soitinrakennus {n} :: instrument building (art and craft of making musical instruments)
soitinrakentaja {n} [music] :: instrument builder
soitinryhmä {n} :: instrumental group
soitinryhmä {n} :: group of instruments
soitinsävellys {n} [music] :: instrumental piece, instrumental
soitinsoolo {n} [music] :: instrumental solo
soitintaa {vt} :: to orchestrate (to arrange or score music for performance by an orchestra)
soitonopettaja {n} :: music playing teacher or instructor
soittaa {v} :: to play (produce music using a musical instrument; use a device to hear (a recording); the instrument is in the partitive, but the piece is also often in the accusative)
soittaa {v} [with allative] :: to phone, call (the person called is in the allative)
soittaa {v} :: to ring, toll (a bell; also idiomatically in the expression soittaa kelloa)
soittaa {v} [archaic] :: to drive, ride (now chiefly in idiomatic expressions, such as yhtä soittoa)
soittaa kelloa {v} [idiomatic] :: To ring a bell (to seem remotely familiar)
soittaja {n} :: player (one who plays a musical instrument)
soittaja {n} :: caller (one who makes a phone call)
soittimenrakennus {n} :: synonym of soitinrakennus
soittimentekijä {n} :: synonym of soitinrakentaja
soitto {n} :: music (sounds produced with musical instruments)
soitto {n} :: playing (act of playing music)
soitto {n} :: call, telephone call; ring; bell [UK, colloquial]
soitto {n} :: toll (ringing of a bell)
soitto {n} [archaic] :: driving, riding; now chiefly idiomatic use, see yhtä soittoa
soittoääni {n} :: ringtone (sound made by a telephone when ringing)
soittokone {n} :: playing machine (machine that plays music or similar)
soittokunta {n} :: A band, orchestra, marching band (group of musicians, especially of wind and percussion players)
soittolista {n} :: playlist
soittoniekka {n} :: skilled musician, especially one who plays folk music
soitto-opinnot {n} :: music lessons, instrument lessons
soitto-oppilas {n} :: music playing student
soittorasia {n} [musical instruments] :: musical box, music box
soittotaito {n} :: playing skill, musicianship
sojolla {adv} :: upright, standing, upstanding, erect, outstretched
sojottaa {vi} :: to stick out
sokaiseva {adj} :: blinding
sokaista {vt} :: to blind (especially momentarily)
sokaistua {vi} :: To become blind
sokea {adj} :: blind (unable to see)
sokea {n} :: A blind person
sokeainaakkoset {n} :: braille alphabet
sokeainkirjoitus {n} :: braille (system of writing in which letters are represented by raised dots and are read with the fingertips)
sokeainkoulu {n} :: school for the blind
sokea Reetta {prop} :: Blind Freddy (archetype of incapacity)
sokeasti {adv} :: blindly
sokeentua {v} :: alternative form of sokeutua
sokeerata {v} :: alternative spelling of šokeerata
šokeerata {v} :: to shock, stun (to cause to be emotionally shocked)
sokein {adj} :: superlative of sokea
sokellus {n} :: slurring (poor articulation)
sokeltaa {vi} :: to slur one's words
sokeri {n} :: sugar
sokeriaineenvaihdunta {n} :: sugar metabolism
sokerialkoholi {n} [chemistry] :: sugar alcohol
sokeriannoona {n} :: sugar apple, sweetsop, Annona squamosa
sokeriastia {n} :: sugar bowl
sokeriastia {n} :: sugar dish (any dish used for serving sugar in the table)
sokeriglyseridi {n} [organic chemistry] :: sucroglyceride
sokeriherne {n} [vegetables] :: snow pea, mangetout, sugar pea (sweet cultivar of garden pea, Pisum sativum var. sativum)
sokerihumala {n} :: sugar high, sugar rush
sokerijuurikas {n} :: sugar beet, Beta vulgaris var. altissima (the plant)
sokerijuurikas {n} :: sugar beet (the root)
sokerikakku {n} :: An ambiguous term which may be used of many dessert cakes, but sponge cake often comes close as translation
sokerikasvi {n} :: sugar plant (plant grown for raw material of sugar production)
sokerikko {n} :: sugar bowl (dish specifically designed for serving sugar)
sokerikoivu {n} :: cherry birch. Betula lenta (North American species of birch)
sokerikorppu {n} :: sugar rusk (sugared rusk of twice baked wheat bread, often spiced with cinnamon)
sokerikulööri {n} :: caramel coloring, caramel (caramelized sugar) used as brown food coloring
sokerikuorrute {n} [cooking] :: sugar frosting (sugary coating for cakes and other baked goods)
sokerikuorrutus {n} :: synonym of sokerikuorrute
sokerikuorrutus {n} :: synonym of sokerilla kuorruttaminen
sokerileipomo {n} :: pastry shop, patisserie
sokerileipuri {n} :: pastry chef, confectioner
sokeriliemi {n} :: syrup (sweet liquid used e.g. for preserving fruit)
sokerilusikka {n} :: sugar spoon
sokerimaissi {n} :: sweet corn (high sugar-content variety of corn consumed as vegetable)
sokerimamma {n} :: sugar mama
sokerimuurahainen {n} :: black garden ant, Lasius niger
sokerina pohjalla {adv} [idiomatic] :: as the icing on the cake, the cherry on the cake, the cherry on top (something that intensifies the appreciation of something already good)
sokerinen {adj} :: sugary
sokerinpala {n} :: synonym of sokeripala
sokerinpalanen {n} :: a small piece of sugar, disregarding the shape
sokerinpalanen {n} :: synonym of sokeripala (sugar cube)
sokerinsirotin {n} :: synonym of sokerisirotin
sokerintuotanto {n} :: sugar production
sokerintuottaja {n} :: sugar producer
sokeriorava {n} :: sugar glider, Petaurus breviceps (small omnivorous marsupial endemic to Australia and New Guinea)
sokeripala {n} :: sugar cube, piece of sugar, lump of sugar (small cubical piece of sugar for sweetening of e.g. hot beverages)
sokeripala {n} [colloquial] :: screw terminal (electrical installation material for connecting low voltage devices)
sokeripalanen {n} :: synonym of sokerinpalanen
sokeripihdit {n} :: sugar tongs (tongs for handling sugar bits)
sokeripitoinen {adj} :: sugar-containing, that contains sugar
sokeripitoinen {n} :: sugar-containing (sugared rusk of twice baked wheat bread, often spiced with cinnamon)
sokeripitoisuus {n} :: sugar content
sokeripussi {n} :: bag of sugar
sokeriruoko {n} :: sugar cane, sugarcane
sokeriruokoviljelmä {n} :: sugar cane plantation
sokerisäilöntä {n} :: sugar preservation (preservation of food in sugar)
sokerisakset {n} :: sugar nips (type of pincers for cutting raw sugar into pieces)
sokerisirotin {n} :: sugar shaker (sugared rusk of twice baked wheat bread, often spiced with cinnamon)
sokeristua {vi} :: to turn into sugar; used especially to refer to the process in which some carbohydrates turn into sugar in the metabolism
sokeristumisindeksi {n} :: glycemic index
sokerisuolata {v} :: to preserve food, such as raw fish, by both salting and sugaring it
sokerisuolaus {n} :: A method of preserving food by both salting and sugaring it; used e.g. in making a variety of gravadlax
sokerisuus {n} :: sugariness (property of being sugary)
sokeritasapaino {n} :: sugar balance
sokeritauti {n} [pathology] :: diabetes
sokeritautinen {adj} :: diabetic
sokeritautipotilas {n} :: diabetes patient, diabetic
sokeritehdas {n} :: sugar mill (industrial facility for producing sugar)
sokeriteollisuus {n} :: sugar industry
sokeriton {adj} :: sugar-free
sokeritoppa {n} :: sugar-loaf, sugarloaf
Sokeritoppa {n} :: Sugarloaf Mountain (famous mountain in Rio de Janeiro)
sokeritorakka {n} :: American cockroach, waterbug (Periplaneta americana)
sokeritoukka {n} :: silverfish, Lepisma saccarina (small wingless insect with silvery scales)
sokerivaahtera {n} :: sugar maple
sokerivesi {n} :: sugar water (sugared water)
sokerivesikuorrute {n} :: glazing, icing (foodstuff coating made of powdered sugar, water, flavors and colors)
sokerivesikuorrutus {n} :: synonym of sokerivesikuorrute
sokerivesikuorrutus {n} :: synonym of sokerivedellä kuorruttaminen
sokeroida {vt} :: to sugar (to add sugar to)
sokeroida {vt} :: to sugar, to sugar-wax
sokeroimaton {adj} :: unsugared
sokerointi {n} :: sugaring
sokeroittaa {v} :: to turn into sugar
sokeroitua {v} :: to become sugarcoated (to become covered with sugar)
sokeroitua {v} :: to crystallize (of a sugary substance, such as honey: to solidify and turn sugar-like)
sokeroitua {v} :: synonym of sokeristua
sokeroitumisindeksi {n} :: synonym of sokeristumisindeksi
sokeus {n} :: blindness
sokeuttaa {vt} :: To blind (permanently)
sokeutua {vi} :: to become (permanently) blind
sokka {n} :: A removable fastener used to secure machine parts, axles etc., such as e.g. a cotter pin [US], split pin [UK], linchpin
sokka {n} :: safety pin (pin of a hand grenade that prevents accidental detonation)
sokkanaula {n} :: split pin; cotter pin [US] (metal fastener with two tines that are bent during installation, similar to a staple or rivet)
sokkapultti {n} :: clevis bolt
sokkarengas {n} :: circle cotter, cotter ring, split ring (formed wire fastener that is shaped like a circle; the cotter is installed into its hole very much the way a key ring is slid into the whole in a key)
sokkeli {n} :: plinth (bottom course of stones or bricks supporting a wall)
sokkeli {n} :: plinth (base or pedestal beneath a cabinet)
sokkelo {n} :: maze
sokkeloinen {adj} :: labyrinthine
sokkelopartamonni {n} :: Ancistrus claro (small South American catfish, kept as aquarium fish)
sokki {n} :: alternative spelling of šokki
šokki {n} [pathology] :: shock
sokkiaalto {n} :: alternative spelling of šokkiaalto
šokkiaalto {n} :: A shock wave
šokkisivusto {n} :: shock site
sokko {n} :: blind man's buff (children's game in which a blindfolded person tries to catch the other players)
sokko {n} :: blindman (the blindfolded person in this game, also called "It")
sokko {n} :: Someone who is temporarily unable to see, either due to being blinded or because something essential is hidden from that person, as in a "blind test"
sokko {n} [dated] :: blind person
sokkohiiri {n} :: In plural sokkohiiret, a taxonomic family within the superfamily Muroidea in the order Rodentia, known as Spalacidae or blind mole rats
sokkohiiri {n} :: Any of the rodents in Spalacidae
sokkojuoksiainen {n} [zoology] :: symphylan (arthropod of the class Symphyla)
sokkokäärme {n} :: any snake of family Typhlopidae or Anomalepididae
sokkolaukaus {n} :: A blind shot
sokkopaarma {n} :: deer fly (any horsefly of the genus Chrysops)
sokkopaarma {n} :: twin-lobed deerfly, Chrysops relictus (species of horsefly)
sokkotesti {n} :: blind test (testing method)
sokkotreffit {n} :: blind date
sökö {n} [poker] :: A variant of stud poker; sousem, Canadian stud, Scandinavian stud
sökö {adj} [colloquial] :: broken
sököttää {v} [poker] :: to check
Sokrates {prop} :: Socrates
sola {n} :: pass, mountain pass (between mountains)
solaarinen {adj} :: solar
solaario {n} :: solarium (room)
solahtaa {vi} :: to slip, to slump
solakka {adj} :: slender, thin
solakko {n} [aviation] :: slat
solakoittaa {vt} :: to make (more) slender or thin
solakoitua {vi} :: to become (more) slender or thin
solaniini {n} [chemistry] :: solanine
solarium {n} :: A tanning bed, sunbed (tanning device)
solarium {n} :: A solarium (room or establishment with sunbeds)
solariumi {n} :: solarium [tanning booth]
solauttaa {vt} :: to slip (cause to move smoothly and quickly)
solenoidi {n} :: solenoid
solfeesi {n} [music] :: solfège
solidaarinen {adj} :: solidary
solidaarisesti {adv} :: solidarily
solidaarisuus {n} :: solidarity
solidariteetti {n} :: solidarity
solidi {n} :: a solid
solidi {adj} [colloquial] :: solid, robust
solina {n} :: murmur, gurgle, purl
solipsismi {n} :: solipsism
solisluu {n} [skeleton] :: clavicle, collarbone
solista {vi} [of water e.g. in a creek or spring] :: To burble, bubble
solisti {n} :: soloist
solistikonsertti {n} [music] :: solo concert
solisvaltimo {n} [anatomy] :: subclavian artery
solitoni {n} [physics] :: soliton
soljahtaa {v} :: synonym of solahtaa
soljo {n} :: dayflower (any plant of the genus Commelina)
soljo {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Commelina
soljua {vi} :: to flow, to slide (smoothly)
soljuttaa {vt} :: to cause to flow or slide smoothly
solkata {v} :: to slur, to speak unclearly
solkenaan {adv} :: continuously and in large quantity
solki {n} :: a belt buckle
solki {n} :: fibula, brooch, clasp
solkottaa {vi} :: to speak unclearly
solmeilla {v} :: to knot
solmeilutyö {n} :: knotting work, macramé
solmia {vt} :: to tie, knot
solmia {v} :: ~ avioliitto: to get married
solmia {v} :: ~ sopimus: to conclude an agreement
solminta {n} :: tying (such as a tie)
solmio {n} :: necktie, tie [item of clothing]
solmioneula {n} :: tie tack, tie pin, stickpin, tie tac (pin to hold a tie in place)
solmioneula {n} [by extension] :: tie clip, tie slide, tie bar, tie clasp (clip to hold a tie in place)
solmionpidike {n} :: tie clip
solmionpidin {n} :: tie clip
solmisaatio {n} [music] :: solmization
solmita {v} :: synonym of solmia
solmittaa {v} [rare] :: to have tied by someone, to make someone tie
solmiutua {vi} :: to be tied or knotted
solmiutua {vi} :: to be concluded (of an agreement)
solmu {n} :: knot (looping)
solmu {n} :: knot (tangled clump)
solmu {n} :: knot (maze-like pattern)
solmu {n} :: knot, deadlock (difficult situation)
solmu {n} :: knot (nautical unit of speed)
solmu {n} [graph theory] :: vertex
solmu {n} [computing] :: node (computer attached to a high speed computing network or cluster)
solmuke {n} :: bow tie
solmukohta {n} :: hub (a place where many routes meet)
solmulevä {n} :: knotted wrack, Ascophyllum nodosum (common seaweed)
solmupiste {n} :: nodal point
solmuteoria {n} [mathematics] :: knot theory
solmuverkko {n} [computing] :: mesh network
solttu {n} [colloquial] :: soldier
solu {n} [biology, communication, computing] :: cell
solu {n} [colloquial] :: short for soluasunto
solua {vi} :: to slide or glide calmly and effortlessly, to flow
solualue {n} [computing, spreadsheets] :: cell area
soluasunto {n} :: shared apartment, shared flat (apartment or flat in which every resident has their own room but shares the kitchen and other living spaces)
soluautomaatti {n} [computing theory] :: cellular automaton
solubetoni {n} :: foam concrete
soluelin {n} [cytology] :: organelle
soluemali {n} :: cloisonne (material, objects made of cloisonne as class)
soluemalinen {adj} :: cloisonne (made of cloisonne)
soluemalityö {n} :: cloisonne, cloisonné (object)
soluemalointi {n} :: cloisonne, cloisonné (technique)
soluhengitys {n} :: cellular respiration
solukalvo {n} :: cell membrane
solukelmu {n} :: synonym of solukalvo
solukko {n} [biology] :: tissue
solukudos {n} :: cellular tissue
solukuolema {n} :: apoptosis
solulima {n} [cytology] :: cytoplasm
solulinja {n} [genetics] :: cell line
solunielu {n} [biology] :: A cytopharynx (opening through which a ciliate ingests its food)
solunjakautuminen {n} [cytology] :: cytokinesis
soluoppi {n} [biology] :: cytology
soluseinä {n} [cytology] :: cell wall
solusisältö {n} [computing, spreadsheets] :: cell content
solusyönti {n} [cytology] :: phagocytosis
soluteoria {n} [biology] :: cell theory
soluttaa {vt} :: to hide in, to inconspicuously put in
soluttaa {vt} :: to infiltrate (send someone through gaps in the enemy line)
soluttautua {vi} :: To infiltrate
soluttautuja {n} :: infiltrator
solutukiranka {n} :: cytoskeleton
solutus {n} :: the act of putting something somewhere inconspicuously
solutus {n} :: infiltration, the act of infiltrating
solutustyö {n} :: infiltrating work
soluutio {n} :: solution
soluväliaine {n} [anatomy] :: extracellular matrix
soluviljely {n} :: cell culture. cell culturing
solvata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To insult, abuse, deride
solvaus {n} :: affront, abuse, defamation (insulting speech)
solvenssi {n} [finance] :: solvency
soma {adj} :: pretty
soma {adj} :: cute, sweet
somaattinen {adj} :: somatic
somaattinen hermosto {n} [anatomy] :: somatic nervous system
somaattinen solu {n} :: somatic cell
somali {n} :: A Somali
somali {n} :: The Somali language
Somalia {prop} :: Somalia
somalialainen {adj} :: Somalian
somalialainen {n} :: A Somalian person, Somali
Somalimaa {prop} :: Somaliland
somalin kieli {n} :: Somali (language)
somasti {adv} :: sweetly, cutely, neatly, beautifully
somatiikka {n} :: somatics (holistic approach to physical therapy)
somatisaatio {n} :: somatization
somatisoida {vt} :: to somatize
sombrero {n} :: sombrero (hat)
sombrero {n} :: sombrero (drink)
some {n} [colloquial or jargon] :: social media
somempi {adj} :: comparative of soma
somentaa {vt} :: To make more pretty
somentua {vi} :: to become more pretty
somerikko {n} :: ground covered with coarse gravel
Somerkoski {prop} :: surname
somero {n} :: rough gravel
Somero {prop} :: A town and municipality in Southwest Finland
somersara {n} :: Carex glareosa
somistaa {v} :: To decorate, embellish
somistautua {vi} :: to dress up
somiste {n} :: decoration, embellishment
somistua {vi} :: to be decorated or embellished
sommelieeri {n} :: sommelier
sommitella {vt} :: to compose, to arrange (arrange elements of a picture)
somnambulismi {n} [medical terminology] :: somnambulism
somnolenssi {n} [medical terminology] :: somnolence
somnolentti {adj} [medicine] :: somnolent
sompa {n} [skiing] :: A rim in the lower part of a ski pole that prevents it from sinking too deep
sompahissi {n} :: platter lift (a type of ski lift)
sompailla {v} [colloquial] :: to drive a car
son {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of se on
sonaatti {n} [music] :: sonata
sonaattimuoto {n} [music] :: sonata form
sonatiini {n} [music] :: sonatina
sondeerata {v} :: sound (to probe)
sondi {n} :: sonde
Sonera {prop} :: A former major teleoperator in Finland, now part of Swedish Telia Company under the name TeliaSonera Finland, still (as of 2016) used as marketing name
sonetti {n} :: sonnet
sonic hedgehog {n} :: sonic hedgehog
Sonja {prop} :: given name, cognate to Sonya
Sonkajärvi {prop} :: A municipality in Northern Savonia, Finland
sönkätä {v} :: synonym of sönköttää
sönköttää {v} :: to splutter (to speak hurriedly and confusedly)
sönköttää {v} :: to drivel (to talk nonsense)
sonni {n} :: bull (uncastrated adult male of domesticated cattle)
sonni {n} :: stag (adult male elk or deer)
Sonninen {prop} :: surname
sonnustaa {vt} :: to suit up, to clothe
sonnustaa {vt} :: to prepare, to equip
sonnustautua {v} :: to don clothing, to suit up, to get equipped or prepared
sonometri {n} :: sonometer
sonsari {n} [dialectal] :: flea
sonta {n} :: dung
sonta {n} :: crap
sontia {v} :: to defecate; used especially of animals
sontiainen {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of sittiäinen
sontikka {n} [colloquial] :: umbrella (for rain)
sontsa {n} [slang] :: umbrella (for rain)
sooda {n} :: washing soda, sodium carbonate
sooda {n} :: (depending on the situation) incorrect term for or colloquial shortened version of "ruokasooda" (baking soda), i.e. incorrect or misleading trivial name for sodium bicarbonate
soodakattila {n} :: recovery boiler (boiler for recovering the soda used in a wood pulping process)
soodalasi {n} :: soda-lime glass
soodasifoni {n} :: soda siphon
soodavesi {n} :: soda
sooli {n} [chemistry] :: sol (colloid)
soolo {n} :: solo
sooloilla {v} :: to solo, to go solo, to do something solo
soolokitara {n} [music] :: lead guitar
sooma {n} :: soma (the bulbous part of a neuron)
sooni {n} [acoustics] :: sone
soopa {n} [colloquial] :: nonsense, bunk
soopa {n} [dialectal] :: soap
soopeli {n} :: sable, Martes zibellina
soopelinnahka {n} :: sable (fur)
soopeliturkki {n} :: sable fur coat
soosi {n} [colloquial] :: sauce
soossi {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of soosi
söötisti {adv} :: sweetly, cutely
söötti {adj} [dialectal, colloquial] :: cute, sweet
sopa {n} [dated] :: clothes
soperrella {vi} :: to splutter, to slur
sopertaa {vi} :: to splutter, to slur one's speech
sopeuttaa {vt} :: to adapt, adjust (to make suitable; to modify to fit circumstances)
sopeutua {vi} :: to adapt (to change oneself so as to be adapted)
sopeutuja {n} :: adapter (one who adapts well)
sopeutumaton {adj} :: unadaptable, unadapted
sopeutuminen {n} :: adaptation
sopeutumiskyky {n} :: adaptability
sopeutuva {adj} :: adaptive, adaptable, flexible
sopeutuvuus {n} :: adaptability
sopia {v} :: to fit
sopia {v} :: to suit, to be suitable
sopia {v} :: ~ + illative, to comport with, match (to be in agreement with; to be of an accord)
sopia {v} :: to agree, make an agreement, to settle (a dispute or lawsuit)
sopia yhteen {v} :: to comport with
sopia yhteen {v} :: to match with, match
sopia yhteen {v} :: to be a (good, bad etc.) match
sopija {n} :: One who agrees
sopija {n} :: synonym of sopijapuoli
sopijajärjestö {n} [labor market] :: An organization - trade union or employers' organization - that has the right to enter into a collective bargaining contract on behalf of its members
sopijapuoli {n} :: party to an agreement
sopimaton {adj} :: unsuitable
sopimaton {adj} :: disagreeable
sopimaton {adj} :: unfit, out of line
sopimaton {adj} :: improper
sopimaton {adj} :: unbecoming (not in keeping with the expected standards of one's position)
sopimattomasti {adv} :: inappropriately
sopimattomuus {n} :: inappropriateness
sopimisoikeus {n} :: right to make a contract
sopimuksellinen {adj} :: contractual
sopimuksenrikkoja {n} :: contract breaker (one who commits a breach of contract)
sopimuksenteko {n} :: contracting, closing of a contract (act)
sopimuksenvarainen {adj} :: synonym of sopimusperusteinen
sopimukseton {adj} :: contractless
sopimus {n} :: agreement, arrangement, contract
sopimusaika {n} [legal] :: contract period
sopimusasiakirja {n} :: contract, agreement, contract document (document that contains a contract)
sopimusehdotus {n} :: proposal for a contract, proposal for an agreement
sopimusehto {n} :: clause, covenant, stipulation (something stated or stipulated as a condition of an agreement)
sopimushinta {n} :: contract price
sopimusjärjestelmä {n} :: contract system (system for managing contracts)
sopimusjärjestelmä {n} [labor market policy] :: contract system (legal and administrative framework within which the collective bargaining takes place)
sopimusjohtaminen {n} :: contract management, contract administration (process of managing the contract portfolio of an organization)
sopimuskausi {n} :: contract period
sopimuskierros {n} :: contracting round (process of closing a number of related contracts within a relatively short period of time)
sopimuskirja {n} [dated, formal] :: synonym of sopimusasiakirja
sopimuskumppani {n} :: contract partner, contracting partner
sopimuslomake {n} :: contract form (form for making a standard contract, such as for providing electricity for a household)
sopimusluonnos {n} :: draft contract, draft agreement
sopimusneuvottelu {n} :: contract negotiation
sopimusohjaus {n} :: In the public-private partnership model of procuring public services, a contract-based method of controlling the quality and scope of the services, as opposed to the bureaucratic and budgetary control exercised in the traditional public sector management
sopimusoikeudellinen {adj} :: contract law (of or pertaining to contract law)
sopimusoikeus {n} [law] :: contract law (area of law pertaining to the rights and duties that arise from agreements)
sopimusosapuoli {n} :: synonym of sopimuspuoli
sopimuspakko {n} [law] :: obligation to contract (legal obligation to enter into a contract; may apply e.g. to suppliers of public goods such as electricity or water, or obligatory insurances)
sopimuspalkka {n} :: agreed-upon salary, contracted salary (in a public office, an individually agreed-upon salary, as opposed to one determined by a collectively contracted table of salaries)
sopimuspalkkainen {adj} :: Having an individually contracted salary (sopimuspalkka) in a public office
sopimuspalokunta {n} :: contract fire department (non-governmental fire department, e.g. a volunteer fire department, which has made a contract with the government of providing public fire-fighting service in a specified geographical area)
sopimusperusteinen {adj} [law] :: contract-based, contractual
sopimuspohjainen {adj} :: synonym of sopimusperusteinen
sopimuspuoli {n} :: party to an agreement
sopimusrikko {n} :: synonym of sopimusrikkomus
sopimusrikkomus {n} [legal] :: breach of contract (failure to perform under the terms of a contract)
sopimussakko {n} [legal] :: A contingency fee, penal damages (a payment required due to non-fulfilment of a contract that is punitive in nature and usually not legal or at least not enforceable under common law; instead, common law permits liquidated damages, i.e. payment for real, actually incurred and ascertained damages)
sopimussuhde {n} :: contractual relationship (legal relationship between parties to a contract)
sopimusteitse {adv} :: contractually (by means of a contract)
sopimusteksti {n} :: text of a contract, contract text
sopimustie {n} :: contractual route (contract as a means of achieving a goal, see also sopimusteitse)
sopimustuotanto {n} :: contract production
sopimustyyppi {n} :: type of contract
sopimusvalmistaja {n} :: contract manufacturer
sopimusvalmistus {n} :: contract manufacturing
sopimusvaltio {n} [international law] :: contracting state (state that adheres to a particular international agreement)
sopimusvaltuuskunta {n} [dated, labor market relations] :: In the public sector, a body entitled to enter into a collective bargaining agreement on behalf of a group of employers
sopimusvapaus {n} :: freedom of contract
sopimusvelvoite {n} [legal] :: contractual obligation
sopimusviljelijä {n} :: contract farmer
sopimusviljelmä {n} :: contract farm (farm engaged in contract farming)
sopimusviljelmä {n} :: contract plantation
sopimusviljely {n} :: contract farming
sopimusvuosi {n} :: contract year (period of one calendar year within a contract period that is longer than a year)
sopimusyhteiskunta {n} :: a society in which people have the freedom to do contracts; contract society, contractual society
sopiva {adj} :: suitable
sopiva {adj} :: fit
sopiva {adj} :: suited
sopiva {adj} :: fitted
sopiva {adj} :: convenient
sopiva {adj} :: appropriate
sopiva {adj} :: proper
sopiva {adj} :: befitting
sopiva {adj} :: decent
sopiva {adj} :: opportune
sopiva {adj} :: timely
sopiva {adj} :: well-timed
sopiva {adj} :: expedient
sopiva {adj} :: becoming
sopiva {adj} :: matching
sopivasti {adv} :: suitably
sopivasti {adv} :: opportunely
söpö {adj} :: cute
söpöillä {vi} :: to behave in a cute manner
söpöin {adj} :: superlative of söpö
söpöläinen {n} :: cutie
söpöliini {n} :: cutie
söpömpi {adj} :: comparative of söpö
söpösti {adv} :: cutely
sopottaa {v} :: to blabber or gabble quietly
söpöttää {vi} :: to gabble, to drivel
söpöys {n} :: cuteness
soppa {n} [dialectal or colloquial] :: soup
soppa {n} [idiomatic] :: mess (messy situation)
soppajono {n} :: soupline
soppajono {n} [by extension] :: soup kitchen
soppajono {n} [colloquial] :: lunchline, or any line for queueing for food
soppatykki {n} [colloquial] :: field kitchen
soppi {n} :: A small quiet spot; corner, nook
sopraano {n} :: soprano
sopraanoavain {n} [music] :: soprano clef
sopraanosaksofoni {n} [musical instrument] :: soprano saxophone
sopraniino {n} :: sopranino
sopu {n} :: harmony, concord, agreement
sopuilla {v} [colloquial] :: to appear to be in harmony or concord while conspiring
sopuisa {adj} :: amicable
sopuisasti {adv} :: amicably
sopukka {n} :: corner, nook
sopuli {n} :: lemming (several rodents in the family Cricetidae, especially those of the tribe Lemmini)
sopuli {n} :: lemming, true lemming (any rodent of the genus Lemmus)
sopuli {n} :: Norway lemming, Lemmus lemmus
sopuli {n} :: lemming (a member of a group given to conformity or groupthink; used especially of journalists)
sopulinsara {n} :: Carex macloviana
sopulismi {n} :: pack journalism
sopulivuosi {n} :: year with many lemmings
sopuloida {v} :: To act as a lemming (following others)
sopupelaaminen {n} :: match fixing (practice)
sopupeli {n} :: fixed match (match played to a completely or partially pre-determined result)
sopuratkaisu {n} :: compromise
sopu sijaa antaa {proverb} :: those who are amicable and friendly can live together well even in smaller places
sopusointu {n} :: harmony
sopusointuinen {adj} :: harmonious
sopusointuinen {adj} :: consonant
sopusointuisesti {adv} :: harmoniously
sopusuhtainen {adj} :: proportionate
sopusuhtainen {adj} :: harmonious
sopusuhtaisesti {adv} :: proportionately, harmoniously
sopuvaalit {n} :: elections in which there are less candidates than what would be selected and hence voting does not apply
sora {n} :: gravel
sorahdella {vi} :: to trill repeatedly
sorahduttaa {v} :: synonym of sorauttaa
sorahtaa {vi} :: to trill
sorakauha {n} :: gravel scoop, gravel bucket
sora-r {n} [phonetics] :: burr, uvular "r" ("r" articulated with the uvula, considered mispronunciation in Finnish)
sorastaa {v} :: synonym of sorata
sorata {v} :: To gravel (to apply a layer of gravel to the surface of a road)
soratie {n} :: gravel road, dirt road (unpaved road)
sorauttaa {vt} :: to trill (impart the quality of a trill to)
sorautua {vi} :: to become gravel
sorbetti {n} :: sorbet
sorbi {n} :: Sorbian (a pair of Western Slavic languages)
sorbiinihappo {n} :: sorbic acid
sorbitoli {n} [chemistry] :: sorbitol
sorboosi {n} [chemistry] :: sorbose
sordiino {n} [music] :: mute, sordine (device for dulling the sound of an instrument)
sordiino {n} [figuratively, idiomatic] :: sordiino päällä : unable or unwilling to speak, quiet, uninformative, keeping a low profile
sorea {adj} :: graceful, pretty, beautiful
soreahiirenporras {n} :: lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina (species of fern, native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere)
soreasti {adv} :: gracefully, beautifully
sori {interj} [colloquial] :: Sorry!
sorina {n} :: drone
sorina {n} :: murmur
sorista {vi} :: to babble, to burble, to gurgle
sorittaa {vt} :: to gravel, to pave with gravel
sorja {adj} :: slim, slender
sorjeta {vi} :: to become slim, to become slender
sorjistua {vi} :: to become slim or slender
Sorjonen {prop} :: surname
sorkka {n} :: cloven hoof, cleft hoof, cloven foot (divided hoof, as in bovine animals)
sorkka {n} :: hitch (type of knot)
sorkka {n} :: claw (pronged end of the head of a claw hammer)
sorkkaeläin {n} :: An even-toed ungulate, artiodactyl
sorkka- ja kavioeläin {n} :: ungulate
sorkkarauta {n} :: crowbar (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart)
sorkkavasara {n} :: claw hammer
sorkkia {v} :: to dig ground using cloven hooves
sorkkia {v} [colloquial] :: to poke
sörkkiä {v} [dialectal] :: to poke
sörkkiä {v} [dialectal] :: to finger, touch
sormeilla {v} :: To finger
sormellinen {adj} :: digitate (having fingers)
sormenjälki {n} :: fingerprint
sormenjälkitunnistin {n} [computing] :: fingerprint sensor
sormenjälkitunnistus {n} :: fingerprint recognition
sormenjälkitutkimus {n} :: dactyloscopy
sormenkärki {n} :: fingertip
sormenkynsi {n} :: fingernail
sormenleveys {n} :: fingerbreadth
sormenpää {n} :: A fingertip
sormeton {adj} :: fingerless
sormettaa {vi} [vulgar, chiefly of a female] :: to finger oneself, to jill off, to masturbate
sormettaa {vt} [vulgar] :: to finger (sexually stimulate with a finger or fingers)
sormi {n} [anatomy] :: finger (one of the five extremities of the hand)
sormi {n} :: finger (extremity of an animal's forelimb, which resembles human finger)
sormi {n} :: finger (any object which resembles a finger, such as a part of a mechanical device)
sormieläin {n} :: aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)
sormihirssi {n} :: goosegrass (any plant of the genus Eleusine)
sormihirssi {n} [in plural] :: the genus Eleusine
sormihyrrä {n} :: fidget spinner (toy)
sormikas {n} :: A glove, especially knitted
sormikoukku {n} :: finger wrestling (competition of strength in which the competitors lock their fingers and pull to opposite directions until one of them is dragged beyond a limit)
sormilehdykkäinen {adj} [botany, of leaves] :: digitate (with finger-like lobes)
sormiluu {n} [skeleton] :: A phalange or phalanx of the hand
sormimainen {adj} :: digitate, fingerlike
sorminäppäryys {n} :: sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation (digital dexterity)
sorminivel {n} [anatomy] :: finger joint
sormio {n} [musical instruments] :: A manual or keyboard of a musical instrument
sormiruoka {n} :: finger food
sormisara {n} :: Carex digitata
sormiskeittilauta {n} :: fingerboard (miniature skateboard that is driven with fingers)
sormisukaattisitruuna {n} :: Buddha's hand, fingered citron, Citrus medica var. sarcodactylus (variant of citron the fruit of which is divided into finger-like sections)
sormitiukka {adj} :: finger-tight, fingertight
sormitiukkuus {n} :: fingertightness (quality of being fingertight)
sormitus {n} [music] :: fingering
sormus {n} :: ring (jewelry)
sormustimellinen {adj} :: thimbled (having or wearing one or more thimbles)
sormustimellinen {n} :: thimbleful
sormustin {n} :: thimble
sormustin {n} :: cot (flexible fingertip cover used for hygiene, protection for static electricity etc.)
sormustinkukka {n} [botany] :: foxglove (plant of the genus Digitalis)
sormustinkukka {n} :: short for rohtosormustinkukka (common foxglove), Digitalis purpurea
sormustinkukka {n} [in plural] :: Digitalis (genus of foxglove)
Soro {prop} :: surname
soromnoo {adv} :: it’s all the same; it doesn’t matter
sorosilikaatti {n} [mineral] :: sorosilicate (mineral)
sorrettu {adj} :: oppressed
sorsa {n} :: A duck, a bird of the Anatidae family
sorsa {n} [poker] :: A duck (slang: playing card two)
sorsa {n} [medical] :: A bedpan (slang)
sorsa {n} [computing, slang] :: A source code; often in plural (sorsat)
Sorsa {prop} :: surname
sorsalintu {n} :: a bird of the taxonomic order Anseriformes
sorsastaa {vi} :: to hunt for ducks
sorsastus {n} :: duck hunting
sorsia {vt} [colloquial] :: To discriminate against, treat unequally
sorsimo {n} :: mannagrass (any plant of the genus Glyceria)
sorsimo {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Glyceria
sorsinta {n} [colloquial] :: discrimination, persecution
sörssätä {v} [colloquial] :: to cook (to prepare food)
sörsseli {n} [colloquial] :: grub (food)
sortaa {vt} :: to trample
sortaa {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to oppress, persecute, tyrannize, repress, bully
sorto {n} :: Oppression, persecution, tyranny, repression, bullying
sortokausi {n} :: period of oppression; in Finnish history especially either of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
sortovuodet {n} [pluralonly] :: in Finnish history either or both of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
sortovuonna {adv} [dated] :: in the year of oppression (In any of the years 1899–1905 and 1908–1917, see sortovuosi for explanation)
sortovuosi {n} [history, pluralonly] :: in Finnish history either or both of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
sortovuosi {n} :: Any individual year falling within these periods
sortsit {n} :: alternative form of shortsit
sortti {n} [colloquial] :: type, kind, sort
sortti {n} [baseball] :: shortstop (infield defensive player that stands between the second baseman and the third baseman)
sortua {vi} :: To crumble, fall, collapse, cave in
sortuma {n} :: collapse
sortuma {n} [mining] :: cave-in, cave
sortuma {n} [nautical, aviation] :: synonym of sorto
sorva {n} :: rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)
sorvaamo {n} :: turnery (place where lathework is carried out)
sorvailla {vt} :: to lathe casually or repeatedly
sorvari {n} :: turner (lathe operator)
sorvata {vt} :: to lathe
sorvata {v} [idiomatic, slang] :: to work a job or task
sorvi {n} :: lathe
sose {n} :: mash (soft pulpy mass)
sose {n} :: purée (food that has been ground or crushed into a thick liquid)
sose {n} :: dip (used of relatively firm dips such as guacamole)
sose {n} :: chutney
sosekeitto {n} :: cream soup, creamy soup
sosemylly {n} :: food mill
soseuttaa {vt} :: to make into a mash or purée
soseutua {vi} :: to turn into a mash or purée
sosiaaliala {n} :: social services, social work
sosiaalidarvinismi {n} :: social Darwinism
sosiaalidarwinismi {n} :: alternative spelling of sosiaalidarvinismi
sosiaalidemokraatti {n} :: A social democrat
sosiaalidemokraattinen {adj} :: social democratic (of or pertaining to a Social Democrat Party of some country or its policy)
sosiaalidemokratia {n} :: social democracy [ideology and a society based on it]
sosiaalietu {n} :: benefit (provided by the social security system)
sosiaalimenot {n} :: social or welfare expenditure
sosiaalinen {adj} :: social (being extroverted or outgoing)
sosiaalinen {adj} :: social (of or relating to society)
sosiaalinen {adj} :: having to do with social policy, striving to improve the quality of life of society's weaker members, sociopolitical, assistive (e.g. sosiaalitekniikka = assistive technology)
sosiaalinen älykkyys {n} [psychology] :: social intelligence
sosiaalinen manipulointi {n} [computer security] :: social engineering (practice of tricking a user into giving, or giving access to, sensitive information, thereby bypassing most or all protection)
sosiaalinen media {n} :: social media
sosiaalinen sukupuoli {n} :: gender (gender as social and cultural concept as opposed to biological gender)
sosiaalipoliittinen {adj} :: relating or pertaining to social policy; social political
sosiaalipolitiikka {n} :: social policy
sosiaalipsykologia {n} :: social psychology
sosiaalipsykologinen {adj} :: social psychological
sosiaaliryhmä {n} :: social group
sosiaalisairaala {n} :: substance abuse treatment center
sosiaalisesti {adv} :: socially
sosiaalistaa {vt} :: to socialize (to instruct, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society)
sosiaalistua {vi} :: to be socialized (to be instructed, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society)
sosiaalitieteet {n} :: social sciences
sosiaalitilat {n} :: social facilities or rooms
sosiaalitoimi {n} :: social security; usually as a branch of municipal government
sosiaalitoimisto {n} :: social services office
sosiaaliturva {n} :: social security (system)
sosiaaliturva {n} :: social welfare, social security (benefits)
sosiaaliturvajärjestelmä {n} :: social security (system)
sosiaaliturvamaksu {n} :: social security contribution, social security payment (payroll tax earmarked for financing of social security)
sosiaaliturvasopimus {n} :: social security agreement
sosiaaliturvatunnus {n} [dated] :: social security number
sosiaalityö {n} :: social work (work concerned with providing social services to those members of the community that need it)
sosiaalityöntekijä {n} :: A social worker
sosiaalivakuutus {n} :: social insurance
sosialidemokraatti {n} :: alternative spelling of sosiaalidemokraatti
sosialisaatio {n} :: socialization
sosialismi {n} :: socialism
sosialisoida {vt} :: to socialise/socialize, in the meaning "forcibly take into governmental ownership", compare nationalise
sosialisoida {v} :: In slang, analogously, to arbitrarily take into possession; to steal
sosialisti {n} :: socialist
sosialistinen {adj} :: socialistic, socialist
sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta {n} :: Soviet Socialist Republic
Sosialististen neuvostotasavaltojen liitto {prop} :: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
sosin {n} [dialectal, rare] :: A piece of cutlery
sosin {n} [in plural, dialectal] :: cutlery (collective ensemble of eating and serving utensils such as knives, forks and spoons)
sosiobiologia {n} :: sociobiology
sosioekonominen {adj} [social sciences] :: socio-economic
sosiogrammi {n} :: sociogram
sosiolekti {n} [linguistics] :: sociolect (variant of language used by a social group)
sosiolingvisti {n} :: sociolinguist
sosiolingvistiikka {n} :: sociolinguistics
sosiolingvistinen {adj} :: sociolinguistic
sosiologi {n} :: sociologist
sosiologia {n} :: sociology
sosionomi {n} :: Bachelor of Social Services
sosiopaatti {n} :: sociopath
sosioterapia {n} :: socio-therapy
sössiä {v} [colloquial] :: To blunder, screw up
sössö {n} :: lisper, splutterer
sössö {n} :: synonym of mössö
sössöttää {v} :: to lisp (to pronounce the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly)
sössöttää {v} :: to splutter, lisp (to speak hurriedly and confusedly)
sössöttäjä {n} :: lisper, splutterer
sössötys {n} :: lisping (that which is spoken in a lisp, act of pronouncing the sibilant letter ‘s’ imperfectly)
sössötys {n} :: spluttering, lisping (act of speaking hurriedly and confusedly)
sossu {n} [colloquial] :: A social democrat
sossu {n} [colloquial] :: A social security office
sota {n} :: war
sota {n} :: warfare
sota {n} :: [as modifier in compound terms] military, war-
sota-aika {n} :: wartime
sota-aikainen {adj} :: synonym of sodanaikainen
sotaakäyvä {adj} :: Warring, belligerent (engaged in war)
sota-alus {n} :: warship
sota-alus {n} [historical] :: man of war (war sailship)
sota-asiakirja {n} :: war document
sotadokumentti {n} :: war document
sotadokumentti {n} :: war documentary
sotaelokuva {n} :: war film
sotaharjoitus {n} :: A war game, wargame (US), military exercises, field exercise (full-scale rehearsal of military maneuvers as practice for warfare)
sotaherra {n} :: A warlord (local ruler or bandit leader where the government is weak)
sotaherra {n} [derogative] :: Any high military officer
sotahevonen {n} :: warhorse
sotahistoria {n} :: war history
sotahullu {n} [derogatory] :: warmonger
sotahullu {adj} [derogatory] :: warmongering
sotahuuto {n} :: battle cry
sotahysteria {n} :: war hysteria
sotainen {adj} :: warlike, bellicose, militaristic
sotaintoinen {adj} :: warlike, bellicose, belligerent (eager to go to war)
sotainvalidi {n} :: disabled veteran
sotaisa {adj} :: Belligerent, warlike (eager to go to war)
sotaisampi {adj} :: comparative of sotaisa
sotaisasti {adv} :: belligerently
sotaisesti {adv} :: bellicosely
sotaisuus {n} :: belligerency
sotajalka {n} :: warpath
sotajoukko {n} :: A war party
sotajuoni {n} :: war stratagem
sotajuttu {n} :: war story
sotakalusto {n} :: military equipment
sotakassa {n} :: A war chest (fund to finance a war)
sotakirja {n} :: war book
sotakirjailija {n} :: war novelist (one who writes novels about war)
sotakirjallisuus {n} :: war literature
sotakirjeenvaihtaja {n} :: war correspondent
sotakirves {n} :: A battle axe (weapon)
sotakoira {n} :: war dog
sotakomissaari {n} :: war commissary
sotakomissariaatti {n} :: war commissariat
sotakone {n} :: war machine (individual mechanical weapon or nation's military might as a whole)
sotakoneisto {n} :: war machine (nation's military might as a whole)
sotakorkeakoulu {n} :: military academy
sotakorvaus {n} :: war reparations (compensation intended to cover damage or injury during a war)
sotakoulu {n} :: military school
sotalaina {n} :: war loan
sotalaitos {n} :: synonym of asevoimat
sotalaiva {n} :: warship
sotalaiva {n} [historical] :: man of war (war sailship)
sotalaivasto {n} :: navy (country's entire sea force)
sotalaivasto {n} :: armada (large fleet of military vessels)
sotalaki {n} :: military act (branch of law)
sotalapsi {n} :: A war child
sotalapsi {n} :: Any of the Finnish war children who were evacuated to other countries during the Second World War
sotaleikki {n} :: war play (act of children playing war)
sotalelu {n} :: war toy
sotaleski {n} :: A war widow
sotaliike {n} :: synonym of sotatoimi
sotalippu {n} :: military flag
sotamaalaus {n} :: A war paint
sotamarsalkka {n} :: field marshal
sotamateriaali {n} :: ordnance
sotamestari {n} :: master of war
sotamiehenotto {n} [historical] :: synonym of kutsunta
sotamies {n} [military ranks] :: private
sotamies {n} :: infantryman, foot soldier
sotamies {n} [dated] :: soldier
sotamies {n} [card games] :: knave, jack (playing card)
sotaministeri {n} [government] :: minister of war
sotaministeriö {n} :: Ministry of War
sotamorsian {n} :: A war bride [woman who marries a man who is on active duty military in wartime]
sotamuisto {n} :: war memory
sotamuisto {n} :: war memento
sotamuistomerkki {n} :: war memorial
sotanäyttämö {n} :: theater of war
sotaobligaatio {n} [economics] :: war bond
sotaoikeus {n} :: court-martial
sotaoikeus {n} :: military tribunal
sotaonni {n} :: military luck
sotaoppi {n} :: military doctrine
sotaorpo {n} :: warphan (one who has lost their parents in war)
sotapäähine {n} :: A war bonnet
sotapäällikkö {n} :: war leader
sotapäällikkö {n} :: warlord (high military officer in a warlike nation)
sotapäällikkyys {n} :: war leadership
sotapäiväkirja {n} :: war diary
sotapakolainen {n} :: war refugee
sotapalvelus {n} :: war service (wartime military service)
sotapeli {n} :: A war game [game that simulates or represents a military operation]
sotapetos {n} [law] :: perfidy (an illegitimate act of deception in warfare)
sotapoika {n} [colloquial] :: soldier, especially a young one
sotapoliisi {n} [dated] :: military police
sotapolitiikka {n} :: war politics (politics that promotes war)
sotapolku {n} :: warpath
sotapotentiaali {n} :: warpower (capacity to wage war)
sotapropaganda {n} :: war propaganda
sotapsykoosi {n} :: shell shock (psychiatric condition caused by terror of combat)
sotaraportti {n} :: war report, war reporting
sotarasitus {n} :: war strain (strain or stress incurred on the population by war)
sotaratsu {n} :: warhorse (horse used in horse-cavalry)
sotaretki {n} :: A military expedition or campaign
sotarikollinen {n} :: A war criminal
sotarikos {n} :: A war crime
sotarikostuomioistuin {n} :: A tribunal that conducts trials on war crimes
sotarintama {n} [military] :: front
sotaromaani {n} :: war novel
sotaruno {n} :: war poem (poem about war)
sotasaalis {n} :: war booty
sotasairaala {n} :: military hospital
sotasalaisuus {n} :: military secret
sotasankari {n} :: war hero
sotasatama {n} :: naval port
sotaseikkailija {n} :: military adventurer
sotaseikkailu {n} :: war adventure
sotasensuuri {n} :: war censorship, military censorship
sotasiirtolainen {n} :: synonym of evakko
sotasokea {adj} :: blinded in the war
sotasuunnitelma {n} :: military operation plan, war plan
sotasyyllinen {n} :: war responsible
sotasyyllisyys {n} :: war responsibility
sotasyyllisyysoikeudenkäynti {n} :: war responsibility trial
sotata {v} [colloquial] :: to soil, tarnish
sotataidollinen {adj} :: military strategic
sotataito {n} :: art of war
sotatalous {n} :: war economy (an economy adjusted to the wartime conditions by changing lines of production, coping with shortages of material and workforce, rationing etc.)
sotatanner {n} :: synonym of taistelukenttä
sotatanssi {n} :: war dance
sotatantere {n} :: synonym of taistelukenttä
sotatapahtuma {n} :: event of war
sotatarvike {n} :: ordnance
sotatarviketeollisuus {n} :: munitions industry
sotatekniikka {n} :: military technology
sotatekninen {adj} :: military technological
sotateollisuus {n} :: military industry
sotateoreetikko {n} :: military theorist
sotatiede {n} :: military science
sotatieteellinen {n} :: military scientific
sotatila {n} :: state of war
sotatilalaki {n} :: act of martial law (a law concerning state of war)
sotatoimi {n} :: act of war
sotatoimi {n} [in plural] :: hostilities
sotatoimialue {n} :: war zone
sotatoimiyhtymä {n} [military] :: operational unit
sotatoimiyksikkö {n} :: synonym of sotatoimiyhtymä
sotatuomari {n} :: military judge
sotatuomioistuin {n} :: court martial, military tribunal
sotauutinen {n} :: war news
sotaväenosasto {n} :: troop, military unit
sotaväenotto {n} [military, historical] :: levying, conscription
sotavahinko {n} :: war damage
sotavahvuinen {adj} [military] :: strong enough to engage in combat (such as of units)
sotavahvuus {n} [military] :: military strength during war conditions
sotaväki {n} :: troops of a military collectively
sotavalmistelut {n} :: war preparations, preparations for war
sotavalmius {n} :: preparedness for war
sotavamma {n} :: war injury
sotavammainen {adj} :: war-disabled (disabled due to a war injury)
sotavammainen {n} :: war invalid
sotavankeus {n} :: military captivity, being a prisoner of war
sotavanki {n} [military] :: A prisoner of war, POW
sotavankileiri {n} [military] :: prisoner-of-war camp
sotavarustelu {n} :: military buildup
sotavarustus {n} :: military equipment
sotavasara {n} :: war hammer
sotaväsymys {n} :: war-weariness (public or political disapproval for the continuation of a prolonged conflict or war)
sotavaunut {n} [historical] :: chariot (two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle, used in warfare)
sotaveteraani {n} :: war veteran
sotavoimat {n} :: armed forces
sotavuosi {n} :: A year of war
sote {initialism} :: Used attributively as modifier in compound terms to denote social and health services or issues as a whole, often separated with a hyphen from the headword
sotia {vi} :: to be at war, to fight in a war
sotia {v} :: to campaign
sotiisi {n} [archaic, dance] :: alternative form of sottiisi
sotija {n} :: fighter (esp. figuratively)
sotilaallinen {adj} :: military
sotilaallisesti {adv} :: militarily
sotilaallistaa {vt} :: to militarize
sotilas- {prefix} :: military
sotilas {n} :: soldier
sotilas {n} [chess] :: pawn
sotilas {n} [card games] :: jack, knave
sotilas {n} :: As a modifier in compound terms signifies military
sotilasaakkonen {n} :: in plural only, military alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used by the military to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
sotilasaakkonen {n} :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
sotilasajoneuvo {n} :: military vehicle
sotilasammatti {n} :: military profession
sotilasarvo {n} :: military rank
sotilasasiamies {n} :: military attaché
sotilasattasea {n} :: military attaché
sotilasdiktaattori {n} :: military dictator
sotilasdiktatuuri {n} :: military dictatorship
sotilaselämä {n} :: soldiering, military life
sotilashallinto {n} :: military government
sotilashallitus {n} :: military government
sotilasjuntta {n} :: junta
sotilaskarkuri {n} :: deserter
sotilaskäyttö {n} :: military use
sotilaskeisari {n} [historical] :: barracks emperor
sotilaskone {n} :: synonym of sotilaslentokone
sotilaslääni {n} :: military district
sotilaslakki {n} :: forage cap
sotilaslentokone {n} :: warplane, military aircraft
sotilasliitto {n} :: A military alliance such as the NATO or the Warsaw Pact
sotilasliittouma {n} :: An unofficial military alliance
sotilasliittoutuma {n} :: an unofficial military alliance
sotilasmenot {n} :: military expenditure
sotilasmesikko {n} :: noisy miner, Manorina melanocephala (Australian bird)
sotilasmestari {n} [military ranks] :: The highest NCO rank in the Finnish defence forces. The official English translation is chief warrant officer
sotilasnimi {n} :: soldier name
sotilaspalvelija {n} :: batman [US, UK from between WWI and WWII], soldier-servant [UK up to WWI], ordinary [UK colonial forces], steward [UK navy], dog robber [US informal], striker
sotilaspassi {n} :: a certificate that one has finished military service
sotilaspoliisi {n} :: military police
sotilaspuku {n} :: military uniform
sotilassaapas {n} :: jackboot
sotilassairaala {n} :: military hospital
sotilassalaisuus {n} :: military secret
sotilassosiologia {n} :: military sociology
sotilastiedustelu {n} :: military intelligence
sotilastukikohta {n} :: military base
sotilasvakoilu {n} :: military espionage
sotilasvala {n} :: military oath, soldier's oath
sotilasvallankaappaus {n} :: military coup
sotilasvaltio {n} :: military state (state ruled by the military)
sotilasvankila {n} :: military prison
sotilasviisiottelu {n} :: military pentathlon
sotilasyhteisö {n} :: military community
sotisopa {n} [literary] :: panoply (set of armour)
sotka {n} :: bluebill, scaup (any bird of the genus Aythya)
sotka {n} [dated] :: The common goldeneye, Bucephala clangula
sotka {n} [military, historical] :: A Soviet T-34 tank
Sotkamo {prop} :: Sotkamo
sotkea {vt} :: to mess, to dirty
sotkea {vt} :: to involve, to drag into
sotkeentua {v} :: alternative form of sotkeutua
sotkeuksiin {adv} :: synonym of sotkuun
sotkeuksissa {adv} :: synonym of sotkussa
sotkeuksista {adv} :: synonym of sotkusta
sotkeutua {vi} :: to tangle, entangle
sotkeutua {vi} :: to meddle, interfere
sotkoksiin {adv} :: synonym of sotkuun
sotkoksissa {adv} :: synonym of sotkussa
sotkoksista {adv} :: synonym of sotkusta
sotkos {n} :: synonym of sotku
sotku {n} :: A mess
sotku {n} :: A tangle
sotku {n} :: A snafu
sotkuinen {adj} :: messy
sotkuisesti {adv} :: messily
sotkuisuus {n} :: messiness
sotkuksiin {adv} :: synonym of sotkuun
sotkuksissa {adv} :: synonym of sotkussa#Adverb
sotkuksista {adv} :: synonym of sotkusta
sotkussa {adv} :: messed up (in disorder)
sotkusta {adv} :: Out of the state of mess
sotkuun {adv} :: To the state of mess
sotta {n} [rare, childish] :: synonym of lika
sottaantua {v} :: synonym of likaantua
sottainen {n} :: dirty, soiled
sottapytty {n} :: pig (dirty or slovenly person)
sottiisi {n} [dance] :: schottische
Sottunga {prop} :: A municipality in Åland, Finland
sotu {n} :: social security number
sotumaksu {n} :: synonym of sosiaaliturvamaksu
soturi {n} [literary, poetic] :: Warrior, soldier
soudattaa {vt} :: to have (someone) row
soudella {vi} :: To row (around, in an indifferent manner, for fun)
soudettava {adj} :: rowable (capable of being rowed)
soukentaa {vt} :: to make slim
soukentua {v} :: synonym of souketa
souketa {v} :: to slim
souketa {v} :: to taper, narrow
soukistaa {vt} :: to make slim
soukistua {vi} :: to become slim
soukka {adj} :: slim
soukkasara {n} :: Carex parallela
soul {n} :: soul music
Soul {prop} :: Soul (capital city)
soul-musiikki {n} :: soul music
soundi {n} :: sound
sousafoni {n} :: sousaphone
soutaa {vti} :: to row
soutaa ja huovata {vi} [idiomatic] :: To shilly-shally, tergiversate, procrastinate, vacillate, hem and haw, hum and haw (literally: "to row and back the oars")
soutaja {n} :: oar, oarsman, rower (one who rows)
soutaminen {n} :: rowing
soutu {n} :: rowing
soutulaite {n} :: rowing machine, indoor rower
soutuvene {n} :: rowboat
souvi {n} [colloquial] :: work, task
sov. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of sovittaja
sovelias {adj} :: suitable, fit
sovelias {adj} :: appropriate, seemly, proper
sovellettu {adj} :: applied
sovellettu matematiikka {n} [mathematics] :: applied mathematics
sovellus {n} :: application (act of applying as a means; act of directing or referring something to a particular case)
sovellus {n} :: application, app (computer program or the set of software that the end user perceives as a single entity as a tool for a well-defined purpose)
sovellusala {n} :: field of application
sovellusesimerkki {n} :: example on how to apply something
sovelluskehitys {n} [computing] :: software development, application development
sovelluskehitysympäristö {n} [computing] :: integrated development environment, IDE
sovelluskerros {n} [networking] :: application layer
sovelluskirjasto {n} [computing] :: application library
sovellusloki {n} :: application log
sovellutus {n} :: synonym of sovellus
sovelma {n} [computing] :: applet
soveltaa {v} :: To apply (to make use of)
soveltaa {v} :: To apply (to pertain or be relevant to a specified individual or group)
soveltaminen {n} :: application
soveltamisala {n} :: scope, the scope to or in which one is applicable
soveltava {adj} :: applied
soveltua {v} :: to suit
soveltua {v} :: to fit
soveltuvuus {n} :: suitability, feasibility, aptitude
soveltuvuuskoe {n} :: aptitude test
soveltuvuustesti {n} :: synonym of soveltuvuuskoe
soveltuvuustutkimus {n} :: aptitude survey
sovhoosi {n} :: sovkhoz
sovinismi {n} :: chauvinism
šovinismi {n} :: alternative spelling of sovinismi
sovinisti {n} :: chauvinist
sovinistinen {adj} :: chauvinist
sovinistisesti {adv} :: chauvinistically
sovinistisika {n} :: chauvinist pig
sovinistisuus {n} :: The state of being chauvinistic
sovinnainen {adj} :: conformist (conforming to established customs)
sovinnaisesti {adv} :: conformistically, conventionally
sovinnaisnimi {n} :: conventionalized name
sovinnollisesti {adv} :: amicably
sovinto {n} :: A reconciliation, atonement
sovinto {n} :: tehdä sovinto: To reconcile, expiate
sovintoratkaisu {n} :: out-of-court settlement
sovintoveri {n} :: atoning blood
sovite {n} :: engineering fit
sovitella {vt} :: To mediate, reconcile
sovitin {n} :: adaptor/adapter
sovitin {n} :: interface
sovittaa {v} :: to fit, try on
sovittaa {v} :: to adapt
sovittaa {v} [+ genitive-accusative] :: to atone for, expiate
sovittaa {v} [music] :: to arrange, transcribe (to prepare and adapt an already written composition for presentation in other than its original form)
sovittaja {n} [music] :: arranger
sovittaminen {n} :: adaptation (process of adapting an artistic work from a different medium, such as from drama to cinema)
sovittaminen {n} [music] :: arrangement (process of adapting a musical piece to another set of instruments)
sovittautua {vi} :: to fit oneself into
sovitteleva {adj} :: conciliatory (willing to conciliate)
sovittelevasti {adv} :: conciliatorily
sovittelija {n} :: mediator, negotiator, arbiter
sovittelu {n} :: conciliation, mediation
sovittelu {n} :: adjustment, fitting
sovitteluehdotus {n} :: mediation proposal, conciliation proposal (conciliator's proposal for settlement of a dispute)
sovitteluesitys {n} :: synonym of sovitteluehdotus
sovittelujärjestelmä {n} :: mediation system, conciliation system
sovittelukyky {n} :: ability to conciliate
sovittelulautakunta {n} :: mediation board, conciliation board (board for settling disputes, especially those arising in the labor market)
sovittelunhalu {n} :: willingness to conciliate, conciliatoriness
sovittelunhaluinen {adj} :: conciliatory (willing to conciliate)
sovittelupolitiikka {n} :: conciliatory policy
sovittelupolitiikka {n} :: conciliatory politics
sovitteluratkaisu {n} :: conciliatory solution
sovitteluyritys {n} :: mediation attempt, conciliation attempt (attempt of a conciliator to settle a dispute, especially one arising in the labor market)
sovittu {adj} :: agreed
sovittu {adj} :: appointed
sovittu {interj} :: agreed!
sovitus {n} :: fitting (act of trying on clothes)
sovitus {n} [music] :: arrangement
sovitus {n} :: atonement
sovituselin {n} :: fitting or transforming component
sovituskoppi {n} :: fitting room (place for trying on clothes, as in a clothes shop)
sovjetologi {n} :: Sovietologist
sovjetologia {n} :: Sovietology
spaatteli {n} :: spatula
spaddu {n} [Helsinki slang] :: A cigarette
spade {n} [military slang] :: field cook
spagaatti {n} [gymnastics, dance] :: split, splits (acrobatic feat of spreading the legs flat on the floor 180 degrees apart)
spagetti {n} :: spaghetti
spagettiwestern {n} :: spaghetti western
spakaatti {n} [gymnastics, dance] :: alternative form of spagaatti
spakkeli {n} :: alternative form of pakkeli
spaklata {v} :: alternative form of paklata
špalerniitti {n} :: synonym of kalterijääkäri
spammi {n} [colloquial, computing, internet] :: alternative form of spämmi
spämmi {n} [colloquial, computing, internet] :: synonym of roskaposti (unsolicited and undesired electronic content)
spanieli {n} :: spaniel
sparraaja {n} :: sparrer, sparring partner
sparrata {v} :: to spar (to act as sparring partner)
sparraus {n} :: sparring
spartakiadit {n} :: Spartakiad (name of a number of national and international athletics events organized by the Soviet Union and its allies between 1928 and 1991)
spartakisti {n} :: Spartacist (member of the Spartacus League, aMarxist revolutionary movement in Germany during and after WWI)
spartalainen {adj} :: Spartan (of or pertaining to Sparta)
spartalainen {adj} :: spartan (austere, lacking luxury)
spartalainen {n} :: Spartan (citizen, native or inhabitant of Sparta)
spartalaisuus {n} :: Spartanness (state or quality of being Spartan; citizen of Sparta)
spartalaisuus {n} :: spartanness (state or quality of being spartan; austere or lacking luxury)
spasmi {n} [medicine] :: spasm
spastikko {n} :: spastic
spastinen {adj} [pathology] :: spastic (of, relating to, or affected by spasm)
spastinen {adj} :: (pathology) spastic (of or relating to spastic paralysis)
spastisuus {n} [pathology] :: spasticity (state, quality or property of being spastic)
spatha {n} :: spatha (sword)
spatha {n} [botany] :: spathe (large bract that envelops a spadix)
spatiaalinen {adj} :: spatial
spatiaalisesti {adv} :: spatially (with reference to space or arrangement in space)
spatiaalisuus {n} :: spatiality
speedway {n} :: speedway
spekengundi {n} :: Speke’s pectinator, Speke's gundi, Pectinator spekei
spekenkampavarvasrotta {n} :: Speke’s pectinator, Speke's gundi, Pectinator spekei
speksi {n} :: specification (set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service)
speksi {n} :: A type of interactive musical comedy theatre performed by university students in Sweden and Finland; its Swedish name "spex" is sometimes used in English as well, but also "show" and "spectacle" might be applicable
spektaakkeli {n} :: spectacle
spektri {n} :: spectrum
spektrianalysaattori {n} :: spectrum analyzer
spektrianalyysi {n} :: spectral analysis
spektriviiva {n} [physics] :: spectral line
spektro- {prefix} :: spectro-
spektrofotometri {n} :: spectrophotometer
spektrografi {n} :: spectrograph
spektrografia {n} :: spectrography
spektrogrammi {n} :: spectrogram
spektroliitti {n} [mineral] :: spectrolite
spektrometri {n} :: spectrometer (optical instrument for measuring the absorption of light by chemical substances)
spektrometria {n} :: spectrometry (measurement of the wavelengths present in electromagnetic radiation)
spektropolarimetri {n} :: spectropolarimeter
spektroskooppi {n} :: spectroscope
spektroskopia {n} :: spectroscopy
spekulaatio {n} :: speculation
spekulantti {n} :: speculator
spekulatiivinen {adj} :: speculative
spekulatiivisesti {adv} :: speculatively
spekuloida {v} :: To speculate
spekulointi {n} :: speculation
speleologi {n} :: A speleologist
speleologia {n} :: speleology
speltti {n} :: spelt (type of wheat, Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta or Triticum spelta)
spelttivehnä {n} :: synonym of speltti
sperma {n} :: semen
sperma {n} :: sperm [fluid]
spermanluovuttaja {n} :: sperm donor (man who donates sperm, usually anonymously, to a sperm bank or fertility clinic)
spermapankki {n} :: sperm bank
spermaseetti {n} :: spermaceti (wax obtained from the head of sperm whale)
spermatofori {n} :: spermatophore
spermatofyytti {n} [botany] :: spermatophyte
spermatogeneesi {n} [zoology] :: spermatogenesis
spermatosyytti {n} [cytology] :: spermatocyte (cell that develops into a sperm cell)
spermatotsoidi {n} [botany] :: spermatozoid
spermiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: spermine
spermiseettiöljy {n} :: sperm oil (whale oil extracted from sperm whale)
spermisidi {n} :: spermicide
spermisidinen {adj} :: spermicidal
spesiaali {n} :: A special
spesiaaliala {n} :: synonym of erikoisala
spesiaalinen {adj} [rare] :: special
spesiaalistaa {v} [rare] :: to specialize
spesiaalistua {vi} [rare] :: to specialize
spesiaatio {n} [chemistry] :: speciation
spesialisoida {vt} :: To specialise/specialize
spesialisointi {n} :: specialization (act of specializing)
spesialisoitua {vi} :: to specialize, to be an expert or specialist
spesialisoituminen {n} [rare] :: specialization (act of specializing)
spesialisti {n} :: specialist
spesialiteetti {n} :: specialty [US], speciality [UK] (that in which one specializes)
spesies {n} [grammar, dated] :: definiteness or indefiniteness (the quality of a language of expressing the nouns and noun phrases in either definite or indefinite form; the Indoeuropean languages generally have this quality whereas some others, like the Finno-Ugric languages, don't)
spesifikaatio {n} :: specification (explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service)
spesifinen {adj} :: specific
spesifioida {vt} :: to specify
spesifiointi {n} :: specification (act of specifying)
spesismi {n} [ethics, veganism] :: speciesism (ethical stance that assigns different worth or rights to beings on the basis of their species membership)
spesisti {n} [veganism] :: speciesist (proponent of speciesism)
spesistinen {adj} [veganism] :: speciesist (of or relating to speciesism)
spettari {n} [slang] :: report card, report, diploma (in education)
spiccato {n} [music] :: spiccato (manner of playing a stringed instrument)
spiccato {n} :: (music) A piece or section of music played that way
spiidi {n} :: speed (slang term for methamphetamine)
spiikata {v} :: synonym of juontaa
spiikkaus {n} :: presenting [UK], hosting [US] (occasion of acting as a host or MC in a television sitcom or other type of show)
spiikkeri {n} [colloquial] :: announcer
spiikkeri {n} :: (colloquial) speaker, loudspeaker
spiikki {n} :: lines spoken by an emcee, host of a TV show or the like, used to lead in next performer, event etc
spin {n} [physics] :: spin
spinaakkeri {n} [nautical, sailing] :: spinnaker
spinaakkeripuomi {n} [nautical] :: spinnaker pole
spinaalinen {adj} [anatomy] :: spinal (of or relating to the spine)
spinaalipuudutus {n} [medicine] :: spinal anesthesia
spinelli {n} [mineral] :: spinel
spinetti {n} [musical instruments] :: A spinet
spinkvanttiluku {n} [physics] :: spin quantum number
spinnata {v} [slang] :: to spin (to rotate)
spinnata {v} [sports, slang] :: to run an exercise bike, especially on high speed; to do spinning on an exercise bike
spinnata {v} [business, slang] :: to spin off (to create as a by-product)
spinnata {v} :: (business, slang) to spin off (to separate a line of business from a firm)
spinnaus {n} :: spinning
spinneri {n} :: fidget spinner (toy)
spinnu {n} [nautical, slang] :: synonym of spinaakkeri
spinnupuomi {n} [nautical, slang] :: synonym of spinaakkeripuomi
spinori {n} [algebra] :: spinor
spintroniikka {n} [physics] :: spintronics
spintroninen {adj} :: spintronic
spiraali {n} :: spiral
spiraaligalaksi {n} [astronomy] :: synonym of kierteisgalaksi
spiraalivetoketju {n} :: coil zipper (type of zipper in which slider runs on two coils, one on each side; the teeth are formed by the windings of the coils)
spirantti {n} :: spirant
spiritismi {n} :: spiritism, spiritualism (belief that the dead communicate with the living)
spiritisti {n} :: spiritist, spiritualist (believer in Spiritism, one who attempts to communicate with the dead)
spiritistinen {adj} :: spiritistic, spiritualistic (of or pertaining to spiritism)
spirituaali {n} :: spiritual (religious song, especially one in an African-American style)
spiritualismi {n} :: spiritualism (philosophic doctrine, opposing materialism)
spiritualisti {n} [philosophy] :: spiritualist (one who maintains the doctrine of spiritualism)
spiritualistinen {adj} :: spiritualistic (of or pertaining to spiritualism in the philosophic sense)
spiritualiteetti {n} :: spirituality (appreciation for religious values)
spirituelli {adj} [rare] :: witty, spirited
spirografi {n} :: spirograph (instrument)
spirometri {n} :: spirometer
spirometria {n} :: spirometry
spitaali {n} [pathology] :: leprosy
spitaalinen {adj} :: leprotic, leprous
spitaalisairaala {n} :: leprosy hospital
splättis {n} [slang] :: synonym of värikuulasota
splini {n} [mathematics, computing] :: spline
splitata {vt} [finance] :: to split (to split each share of a company in two or more new shares in order to reduce the market value of an individual share)
splittaus {n} [finance] :: split (act of splitting each share of a company in two or more new shares in order to reduce the market value of an individual share)
splöö {n} [military slang] :: Military police
spodumeeni {n} [mineral] :: spodumene
spoileri {n} [slang] :: spoiler
spolle {n} [military slang] :: Military police
spondee {n} :: A spondee
spondylalgia {n} [pathology] :: spondylalgia
spondylartriitti {n} [pathology] :: spondylarthritis
spondylartroosi {n} [pathology] :: spondylarthrosis
spondyliitti {n} [pathology] :: spondylitis (inflammation of the spine)
spondylodeesi {n} :: spondylodesis, spondylosyndesis
spondylodiskiitti {n} [pathology] :: spondylodiscitis
spondylolisteesi {n} [medicine] :: spondylolisthesis (displacement of a vertebra over a lower vertebra)
spondylolyysi {n} [pathology] :: spondylolysis (defect of the pars interarticularis)
spondyloosi {n} [pathology] :: spondylosis (degenerative disease in which the vertebral joints of the spine become stiff and then fused)
spondylopatia {n} [pathology] :: spondylopathy (disorder of the vertebrae; osteopathy of the spine)
sponsori {n} :: sponsor
sponsoroida {v} :: To sponsor
sponsorointi {n} :: sponsoring
sponssata {vt} [slang, + partitive] :: to sponsor
sponssaus {n} [colloquial] :: sponsoring (act of providing sponsorship)
sponssaus {n} :: (colloquial) sponsorship, backing patronage (aid or support provided by a sponsor)
spontaani {adj} :: spontaneous
spontaanikäymisolut {n} :: spontaneous fermentation beer, wild yeast beer (beer fermented using spontaneous fermentation caused by "wild" yeast)
spontaaninen {adj} :: spontaneous
spontaanisti {adv} :: spontaneously
spontaanisuus {n} :: spontaneity
spontaanius {n} :: spontaneity
spora {n} [Helsinki, slang] :: tram (passenger vehicle)
sporadinen {adj} :: sporadic
sporadisesti {adv} :: sporadically
sporadisuus {n} :: sporadicity
sporalogia {n} :: A parody of astrology, consisting of predictions based on the positions of Helsinki trams at the moment a person is born. (The gravitational pull of a tram on a person is indeed stronger than that of the largest planets because it is so much closer.)
sporofyytti {n} [botany] :: sporophyte
sportteli {n} [archaic] :: A payment made to a public officer on the basis of performing an official duty such as confirming a trade, legalizing a document, issuing a decision etc.; the whole judicial system used to be financed by these payments
sportti {n} [colloquial] :: sport
sporttihenkinen {adj} [colloquial] :: sporty (favourable to sports)
sporttimalli {n} :: sports model (sporty looking model of anything, like a car)
sporttimallinen {adj} :: sports model (of or pertaining to a sporty looking model of anything, like a car)
sporttinen {adv} :: synonym of urheilullinen
sporttisesti {adv} :: synonym of urheilullisesti
sporttisuus {n} :: synonym of urheilullisuus
spot-hinta {n} :: spot price
spot-kauppa {n} :: spot trade
spot-markkinat {n} :: spot market
spotti {n} :: spotlight, spot
spottiväri {n} :: spot color
SPR {initialism} :: Suomen Punainen Risti (the Red Cross of Finland)
spray {n} :: spray (device for spraying)
sprayata {v} :: alternative form of spreijata
spraydeodorantti {n} :: synonym of suihkedeodorantti
sprayhood {n} [nautical] :: sprayhood
spraymaalata {v} :: to spray paint (to apply spray paint)
spraymaali {n} :: spray paint (paint applied in the form of a spray from an aerosol can)
spraypullo {n} :: spray can, spray bottle (device to spray)
spraytölkki {n} :: spray can
spredi {n} [finance, slang] :: spread
spreijata {v} :: to spray
sprii {n} :: spirit, ethanol (pure, or rather almost pure, alcohol; used as fuel, solvent, disinfectant etc.)
sprii {n} :: short for spriipurje
spriidari {n} [nautical] :: A spreader
spriikeitin {n} :: alcohol stove (portable stove which uses ethanol as fuel)
spriikopiokone {n} :: spirit duplicator
spriiliukoinen {adj} :: soluble in strong ethanol
spriimonistuskone {n} :: spirit duplicator
spriipurje {n} [nautical] :: spritsail
spriitanko {n} [nautical] :: sprit
springi {n} [nautical] :: spring (rope attaching the bow of a vessel to the stern-side of the jetty, or vice versa, to stop the vessel from swaying)
sprinkleri {n} :: sprinkler, fire sprinkler (type of fire extinguisher)
sprinklerilaitteisto {n} :: sprinkler system (installed sprinkler system)
sprinklerilaitteisto {n} :: sprinkler equipment (gear that goes into s sprinkler system)
sprintata {v} :: to sprint
sprintteri {n} :: sprinter
sprintterikisat {n} :: sprint games (competition in short distance swimming, skating, running, skiing etc.)
sprinttihiihto {n} :: sprint skiing (short distance skiing event)
sprite {n} [computer graphics] :: sprite
spritsata {vt} [cooking] :: synonym of pursottaa
spurgu {n} [slang] :: drunkard
spurtata {v} [slang] :: to dash (to run quickly over a short distance)
spurtti {n} :: dash (short run)
spyygatti {n} [nautical, slang] :: scupper (drainage hole)
squash {n} [sports] :: squash
squash-halli {n} :: A sports hall featuring squash courts; a squash center
squash-kenttä {n} :: squash court
squash-maila {n} :: squash racket
squash-ottelu {n} :: squash match
squash-pallo {n} :: squash ball
squash-turnaus {n} :: squash tournament
srapnelli {n} [historical, military] :: shrapnel (type of anti-personnel artillery shell used in WWI)
Sri Lanka {prop} :: Sri Lanka
srilankalainen {adj} :: Sri Lankan
srilankalainen {n} :: A Sri Lankan person
srilankanhäntähiiri {n} :: synonym of ceyloninpalmuhiiri
srilankanpäästäinen {n} :: Sri Lankan shrew, Suncus fellowesgordoni
-ssa {suffix} :: The marker of inessive case
-sta {suffix} :: indicates the elative case of a noun, adjective, numeral or pronoun
-stä {suffix} :: alternative form of -sta (for words with front vowel harmony)
-staa {suffix} :: Forms captative verbs, i.e. verbs for hunting or catching animals or picking plants
staagi {n} [nautical, slang] :: stay (wire or rope that supports the mast of a vessel lengthwise)
staaki {n} [nautical] :: guy, guyline
staalo {n} [mythology] :: Stállu, an evil creature in the Sami mythology
staasi {n} :: stasis
staattinen {adj} :: static
staattisesti {adv} :: statically
staattisuus {n} :: staticity
staattori {n} :: stator
stabiili {adj} :: stable
stabiilisuus {n} :: stability
stabiilius {n} :: stability
stabilisaattori {n} :: stabilizer
stabilisoida {vt} :: To stabilize
stabiliteetti {n} :: stability
stabiloida {vt} :: To stabilize
stabilointi {n} :: stabilization
stabilointiaine {n} :: stabilizer (substance that stabilizes, used for example as a food additive or in fuel)
Stadi {prop} [slang] :: Helsinki, capital of Finland
stadiaali {n} [geology] :: stadial
stadilainen {n} [slang] :: synonym of helsinkiläinen
stadion {n} [sports] :: stadium
stadion {n} :: stadion (unit of measure)
stadionyleisö {n} :: stadium audience
staffi {n} [colloquial] :: Staffie, Staffy
staffordshirenbullterrieri {n} :: Staffordshire bull terrier, Staffie, staffie (English breed of dog)
stafylokokki {n} :: staphylococcus
stagflaatio {n} :: stagflation
stagnaatio {n} :: stagnation
stahanovilainen {n} :: Stakhanovite (extremely productive or hard-working worker, especially in the former USSR)
stahanovilainen {adj} :: Stakhanovite (heroically hard-working)
stailata {v} :: to style (to create or give a style, fashion or image)
staili {n} [slang] :: style
staili {adj} [slang] :: stylish, chic
stakyoosi {n} :: stachyose
stalagmiitti {n} :: stalagmite
stalaktiitti {n} :: stalactite
stalinismi {n} :: Stalinism
stalinisti {n} :: Stalinist
stalinisti {n} [pejorative] :: A devout leftist, especially a Communist
stalinistinen {adj} :: Stalinist
stallari {n} [colloquial, deprecating] :: A Stalinist, communist
standaari {n} :: standard [flag]
standardi- {prefix} :: See standardi
standardi {n} :: standard
standardi {n} :: Alternative form for standartti (unit of measure for softwood timber)
standardihuonekalu {n} :: standard piece of furniture
standardikivääri {n} :: (sports) standard rifle (International Shooting Sport Federation event with an army-style rifle, usually at 300 metre's distance)
standardikivääri {n} :: standard rifle (weapon used in this sport)
standardikoko {n} :: standard size
standardikokoinen {adj} :: standard size, standard sized
standardimalli {n} :: standard model
standardimalli {n} [particle physics] :: Standard Model
standardimitoitus {n} :: standard dimensioning
standardimittainen {adj} :: standard size, standard-sized
standardipoikkeama {n} [statistics, Anglism] :: standard deviation
standardisoida {vt} :: To standardize
standardisointi {n} :: standardization
standardisoitua {v} :: alternative form of standardoitua
standardituote {n} :: standard product
standardoida {vt} :: To standardize
standardointi {n} :: standardization
standardointielin {n} :: standards organization
standardointityö {n} :: standardization work
standardoitua {vi} :: To be standardized
standartti {n} :: standard (unit of measure for softwood timber)
standertti {n} :: Alternative form of standartti
stand up -komedia {n} :: stand-up comedy
stand up -koomikko {n} :: stand-up comedian
stannioli {n} :: tinfoil (thin sheet of tin)
stanoli {n} [organic chemistry] :: stanol (any saturated steroid alcohol, formed by hydrogenation of an appropriate sterol)
stanssata {v} :: to stamp (to mark by pressing quickly and heavily)
stanssata {v} :: to punch, die cut (o employ a punch to create a hole in or stamp or emboss a mark on something)
stanssi {n} :: die (device for cutting into a specified shape)
stara {n} [colloquial] :: star: talented or famous person; celebrity; leading actor
starovertsi {n} [religion] :: Old Believer (in Russian Orthodox Church, a believer in Orthodoxy as it was before 1650 reforms)
startata {v} [colloquial] :: To start (to initiate a vehicle or machine)
starttaus {n} :: starting, start (act of starting something, especially a motor vehicle)
startti {n} [colloquial] :: start
startti {n} [colloquial] :: starter, starter motor
starttimoottori {n} :: starter motor
starttipistooli {n} :: start pistol
starttiraha {n} [social security] :: startup grant (social benefit granted by a TE-keskus on certain conditions to a startup entrepreneur in order to support his/her living costs during the initial phase of the enterprise)
statiikka {n} [physics] :: statics
statiini {n} [medicine] :: statin
statiivi {n} :: stand (laboratory device to hold something upright or aloft)
statiivi {n} [photography] :: tripod
stationaarinen {adj} :: stationary
statisti {n} [acting] :: extra, walk-on, supernumerary
statistiikka {n} :: statistics
statistiikka {n} :: statistic
statistinen {adj} :: statistical (of or pertaining to statistics)
statoliitti {n} [anatomy] :: statolith
status {n} :: status (person's position or standing; high standing)
status epilepticus {n} :: status epilepticus
statusrakenne {n} [grammar] :: an adverbial structure in Finnish grammar consisting of a noun and an adverb that is used to describe how something is or was done
statussymboli {n} :: status symbol
statuutti {n} [law] :: statute (legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law)
stauroliitti {n} [mineral] :: staurolite
steariini {n} :: stearin
steariinihappo {n} :: stearic acid
steariinikynttilä {n} :: stearin candle
steela {n} [archaeology] :: stele
Stefanos {prop} [biblical character] :: Stephen the protomartyr
steinerkoulu {n} :: Rudolf Steiner school (school which bases its working methods on Steiner pedagogy)
steinerpedagogiikka {n} :: Rudolf Steiner pedagogy (humanistic approach to pedagogy based on the teachings of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner)
steissi {n} [slang] :: A railway station
steissi {n} [Helsinki slang] :: The Helsinki Central railway station in particular
stejnegerinvalas {n} [rare] :: Stejneger's beaked whale, Bering Sea beaked whale, saber-toothed whale, Mesoplodon stejnegeri (poorly known species of beaked whale inhabiting the northern North Pacific Ocean)
stellerinmerileijona {n} :: Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus
stelliitti {n} [metallurgy] :: stellite
stemma {n} [music] :: part, voice; harmony (melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece)
stemmaharjoitus {n} [music] :: part rehearsal (session for rehearsing parts, i.e. melodies sung or played by a particular voice or instrument)
stemmalaulu {n} [music] :: harmony singing
stemmata {v} [slang] :: to match, to fit
stendari {n} [Helsinki, slang] :: A lighter, cigarette lighter
stensiilikopiokone {n} [rare] :: synonym of vahaskopiokone
stepata {v} :: to tap dance, step dance
stephensaartensammakko {n} :: Hamilton's frog, Leiopelma hamiltoni
steppaaja {n} :: stepdancer
steppaus {n} :: tap dance
steppaus {n} :: step dance
stepperi {n} [colloquial] :: stepper (fitness training machine)
steppi {n} [dance] :: tap dance
steradiaani {n} [geometry] :: steradian (unit for solid angle)
stereo {n} :: stereo
stereoääni {n} :: stereo sound, stereophonic sound
stereoäänite {n} :: stereo recording
stereoetäisyysmittari {n} :: coincidence rangefinder, stereoscopic rangefinder
stereofonia {n} :: stereophony
stereofoninen {adj} :: stereophonic
stereokamera {n} :: stereo camera
stereokartoitus {n} :: stereo mapping
stereokuulokkeet {n} :: stereo headphones
stereokuva {n} :: stereo image
stereokuvaus {n} :: stereo photography
stereokuvaus {n} :: stereo imaging
stereolähetys {n} :: stereo broadcast
stereolaite {n} :: stereo device
stereolitografia {n} :: stereolithography
stereomikroskooppi {n} :: stereo microscope
stereonäkö {n} :: stereopsis, stereoscopic vision, stereovision
stereoradio {n} :: stereo radio
stereoskooppi {n} :: stereoscope
stereoskooppikuva {n} :: stereoscopic picture
stereoskooppinen {adj} :: stereoscopic
stereoskopia {n} :: stereoscopy
stereotelevisio {n} :: stereo television
stereotoisto {n} :: stereo reproduction
stereotypia {n} :: stereotype
stereotypia {n} :: stereotypy
stereotyyppi {n} :: stereotype
stereotyyppinen {adj} :: stereotypical (pertaining to a stereotype; conventional)
stereotyyppinen {adj} :: stereotypical (banal, commonplace and clichéd because of overuse)
stereotyyppisesti {adv} :: stereotypically
stereotyyppisyys {n} :: The property of being stereotypic
stereovahvistin {n} :: stereo amplifier
stereovastaanotin {n} :: stereo receiver
steriili {adj} :: sterile
steriilisti {adv} :: In a sterile manner
steriilisyys {n} :: alternative form of steriiliys
steriiliys {n} :: sterility
sterilaattori {n} :: sterilizer
sterilisaatio {n} :: sterilization
sterilisaattori {n} :: sterilizer
sterilisoida {v} [archaic] :: alternative form of steriloida
sterilisointi {n} :: sterilization
steriliteetti {n} :: sterility
steriloida {vt} :: To sterilize
steriloida {vt} :: To castrate, neuter or spay
sterilointi {n} :: sterilization
sterletti {n} :: sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
sterling-hopea {n} :: sterling silver
sternaalinen {adj} [anatomy] :: sternal
steroidi {n} :: steroid
steroli {n} [organic chemistry] :: sterol
stetoskooppi {n} :: stethoscope
stetson {n} :: stetson (wide-brimmed felt hat)
stevia {n} :: stevia (herb and sweetener)
-sti {suffix} :: [multiplicative] Forms adverbs describing how many times something is done; corresponds number + times structure in English
-sti {suffix} :: [adverbial suffix, comparable] Forms adverbs from adjectives describing the manner in which something is done; corresponds to the English suffix -ly
-sti {suffix} :: [intensifier] Forms intensifying adverbs from certain nouns
-sti {suffix} :: alternative form of -isti
stidi {n} [Helsinki slang] :: match
stidilodju {n} [Helsinki slang] :: matchbox
stiftata {vt} [printing] :: to staple
stigma {n} :: stigma
stiiknafuulia {n} :: overly complicated or misleading use of language
stiiknafuulia {n} :: nonsense
Stiina {prop} :: given name
stikki {n} [colloquial] :: stick, as in glue stick, deodorant stick
stiletti {n} :: switchblade, flick knife
stiletti {n} [historical] :: stiletto
stilettikorko {n} :: stiletto heel
stilisoida {v} :: to edit (to do minor editing on a text)
stilisointi {n} :: minor editing
stilistiikka {n} :: stylistics
stilistinen {n} :: stylistic (of or pertaining to style, especially to linguistic or literary style)
still drink {n} :: still drink (noncarbonated drink, usually non-alcoholic)
stilleben {n} [arts, rare] :: still life
stillkuva {n} :: still frame, still image, still picture, freeze frame, video prompt (static image taken from a film or video)
stillkuva {n} :: still image, still picture (static image used within a film or video as an effect device)
stiltonjuusto {n} :: Stilton, stilton (type of blue-veined cheese made in England)
stilus {n} :: stylus (sharp stick used in ancient times for writing in clay tablets)
stimulaatio {n} :: stimulation
stimulanssi {n} :: alternative form of stimulantti
stimulantti {n} :: stimulant
stimuloida {vt} :: To stimulate
stimulointi {n} :: stimulation
stipendi {n} :: scholarship, grant, stipend, allowance, subsidy, bursary (money to assist a student to study)
stipendiaatti {n} :: stipendiary (one who receives a stipend)
stipendijärjestelmä {n} :: scholarship scheme, grant scheme
stipendimatka {n} :: A trip, visit or tour financed from a scholarship, typically a visit to another university or a study tour
stipendirahasto {n} :: scholarship fund (fund from which scholarships are paid)
stirlingmoottori {n} :: Stirling engine
-sto {suffix} :: Forms collective nouns from nouns indicating individual things
stoa {n} [architecture] :: stoa
stoalainen {adj} :: stoic
stoalaisesti {adv} :: stoically
stoalaisuus {n} :: stoicism
stoge {n} [slang] :: A train
stokastiikka {n} [mathematics] :: stochastics
stokastikko {n} :: An expert in stochastics
stokastinen {adj} :: stochastic
stokastisuus {n} [math] :: stochasticity
stökiometria {n} :: stoichiometry
stokki {n} [geology] :: stock
stola {n} :: stola (garment in Ancient Rome)
stola {n} :: stole (liturgical garment)
stondis {n} [slang] :: erection
stoola {n} :: alternative spelling of stola#Finnish (ecclesiastical or academic garment worn around the neck or over the shoulder)
stoola {n} :: stole (scarf-like garment, often made of fur)
stoori {n} [colloquial] :: story
stop {interj} :: stop (halt)
stop {interj} :: stop (end-of-sentence indicator in telegrams)
stoppari {n} [tennis] :: stop
stoppi {n} [colloquial] :: stop
stout {n} :: stout (type of beer)
strabismi {n} [pathology, medical parlance] :: strabismus
stradivarius {n} [musical instrument] :: Stradivarius (stringed instrument built by members of the Stradivari family, particularly Antonio Stradivari)
stradivarius {n} [figuratively] :: Stradivarius (standard of excellence in unrelated fields, sometimes exaggeratedly)
strassi {n} :: paste (lead glass)
strassikoru {n} :: paste jewelry
strategi {n} :: strategist (one who devises strategies)
strategia {n} :: strategy (science and art of military command)
strategia {n} :: strategy (art or practice of using similar techniques in other fields of life, particularly business and politics)
strategiapeli {n} :: strategy game
strategikko {n} :: strategian
strateginen {adj} :: strategic
strategisesti {adv} :: strategically
strategisuus {n} :: strategicness
stratifikaatio {n} :: stratification
stratigrafia {n} [geology] :: stratigraphy
stratosfääri {n} :: stratosphere
streikata {v} [colloquial] :: to break down (to fail to work)
streptokokki {n} :: streptococcus
stressaantua {vi} :: To become stressed
stressata {v} :: To apply emotional pressure to (a person or animal)
stressata {v} [colloquial] :: To suffer stress; to worry or be agitated
stressautua {vi} :: To become stressed
stressi {n} :: stress
stressi {n} :: pressure
stressi {n} :: strain
stressihormoni {n} :: stress hormone
stressilelu {n} :: stress toy (toy used for relieving psychic stress)
stressiloma {n} :: stress relief vacation (vacation taken in order to relieve stress)
stressinhallinta {n} :: stress control
stressioire {n} [pathology, psychology] :: stress symptom
stressipallo {n} :: stress ball
stressisairaus {n} :: stress disease (physical disease caused by psychic stress)
stressitekijä {n} :: stress factor (something that causes psychic stress)
stressitilanne {n} :: stressful situation
stressitön {adj} :: unstressed (not subject to stress)
stretch- {adj} [textiles] :: Used as modifier in compound terms to indicate that the material stretches
striimata {v} [colloquial, Internet] :: to stream (push continuous data)
stripata {v} [colloquial] :: To striptease
strippari {n} :: striptease dancer, stripper, tease
strippaus {n} :: striptease, stripping
strippi {n} :: comic strip
striptease {n} :: striptease (act or show)
stroganov {n} :: stroganoff (dish of sautéed pieces of beef originating from Russia)
stroganovinpihvi {n} :: stroganoff (dish of sautéed pieces of beef originating from Russia)
stromatoliitti {n} :: stromatolite
strontianiitti {n} [mineral] :: strontianite
strontium {n} :: strontium
stroofi {n} [prosody] :: strophe
stroofi {n} [poetry, rare] :: stanza
strösseli {n} :: hundreds and thousands [UK], sprinkles [US] (tiny bits of colored sugar, chocolate and/or other candy used as decoration on baked goods, desserts and candy)
strukturaalikielitiede {n} [linguistics] :: structural linguistics (branch of linguistics examining language as a static system of interconnected units)
strukturaalinen {adj} :: structural
strukturalismi {n} :: structuralism
strukturalisti {n} :: structuralist
strukturalistinen {adj} :: structuralist
strukturalistisesti {adv} :: structuralistically
strukturoida {vt} :: To structure
strukturointi {n} :: structuring
struktuuri {n} :: structure
struktuurianalyysi {n} :: structural analysis
strutsi {n} :: ostrich, Struthio camelus
strutsilintu {n} :: ratite (any bird of the order Struthioniformes)
strutsinsulka {n} :: ostrich feather (feather of an ostrich, especially a fluffy tail feather used as decoration or as duster)
strutsinsulka {n} :: something resembling an ostrich feather
struudeli {n} :: strudel (pastry made from multiple, thin layers of dough rolled up and filled with fruit, etc.)
struuma {n} :: goiter
strykniini {n} [chemistry] :: strychnine
STT {prop} :: A news agency, "Suomen Tietotoimisto", or "Finnish News Agency"
STTK {prop} :: the Toimihenkilökeskusjärjestö STTK, in English "Finnish Confederation of Salaried Employees", abbreviated also in English as "STTK", a central organization of trade unions representing white-collar employees on operative level in both public and private sector
-stua {suffix} :: Forms translative verbs
studio {n} :: studio (workshop)
studioäänitys {n} :: studio recording (recording done in a studio, as contrasted to "live recording")
studioalbumi {n} :: studio album
studio-ohjaaja {n} :: studio director
studio-ohjelma {n} :: studio program (radio or TV program produced in a studio)
studio-opetus {n} :: studio teaching
studio-orkesteri {n} :: studio orchestra
studioyhtye {n} :: studio band
studioyleisö {n} :: studio audience
stuertti {n} :: flight attendant, steward
stuhlmanninkultamyyrä {n} :: Stuhlmann's golden mole, Chrysochloris stuhlmanni (African rodent)
stukki {n} [rare] :: stucco
stukko {n} :: stucco
stukkotyö {n} :: stucco work, stuccowork (work done in stucco)
stukturoida {vt} :: To structure
stuntti {n} :: stunt
stuntti {n} :: stuntperson
styge {n} [slang] :: track (song or other relatively short piece of music)
stylisoida {v} :: to stylize, (to represent something in a particular style)
stylisti {n} :: stylist
stylobaatti {n} [architecture] :: stylobate
stylofoni {n} [music] :: stylophone (type of small synthesizer operated with a stylus)
styreeni {n} [chemistry] :: styrene
styreenioksidi {n} [chemistry] :: styrene oxide
styroksi {n} :: styrofoam (packaging and insulation material; expanded polystyrene foam)
styrox {n} :: Alternative form of styroksi
styyrpuuri {n} :: alternative form of tyyrpuuri
su {n} :: abbreviation of sunnuntai
suaheli {n} :: alternative form of swahili (Swahili language)
suahili {n} :: alternative spelling of swahili (Swahili language)
suahilin kieli {n} :: alternative form of swahilin kieli
suahilinkielinen {adj} :: alternative spelling of swahilinkielinen
subaraknoidaalinen {adj} [anatomy] :: subarachnoid (located or occurring below the arachnoid membran)
subaraknoidaalitila {n} [anatomy] :: subarachnoid space (space between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater that surround the brain and spinal cord)
subaraknoidaalivuoto {n} [pathology] :: subarachnoid hemorrhage [US], subarachnoid haemorrhage [UK] (bleeding into the subarachnoid space)
subarktinen {adj} :: subarctic
subatominen {adj} [physics] :: subatomic
subbari {n} [colloquial] :: subwoofer
subdominantti {n} [music] :: subdominant
subduktio {n} [geology] :: subduction
subduktiovyöhyke {n} [geology] :: subduction zone
subi {n} [colloquial] :: submarine sandwich, sub; hoagie [Pennsylvania]
subi {n} [BDSM] :: sub
subjekti {n} [grammar] :: subject
subjekti {n} [logic] :: subject (that of which a statement is made)
subjekti {n} [philosophy] :: subject (something that acts conscientiously, as contrasted with the object of the action)
subjekti {n} [music] :: subject (theme of a fugue)
subjekti {n} [legal] :: short for oikeussubjekti
subjektiivi {n} [grammar] :: subjective case
subjektiivinen {adj} :: subjective
subjektiivisesti {adv} :: subjectively
subjektiivisuus {n} :: subjectivity (quality of being subjective)
subjektiosa {n} [grammar] :: subject clause (clause that is the subject of a sentence)
subjektiton {adj} [grammar] :: subjectless
subjektius {n} [grammar] :: subjectness
subjektivismi {n} :: subjectivism
subjektivisti {n} :: subjectivist
subjektivistinen {n} :: subjectivist
subjektiviteetti {n} [philosophy] :: subjectivity (quality of being a subject)
subjunktiivi {n} [grammar] :: subjunctive mood (grammatical mood)
subkontraoktaavi {n} [music] :: subcontraoctave
subkortikaalinen {adj} [anatomy, pathology] :: subcortical (of or pertaining to the subcortex)
subkutaaninen {adj} [medicine, jargon] :: subcutaneous
subkutis {n} [anatomy] :: hypodermis
sublatiivi {n} [grammar] :: sublative, sublative case
sublimaatio {n} [physics, chemistry] :: sublimation
sublimaatio {n} [psychoanalysis] :: sublimation
sublimoida {v} [physics] :: to sublime, sublimate (to cause to change state from a solid to a gas directly without passing through the liquid state)
sublimoida {v} :: to sublimate (to purify or refine through sublimation)
sublimoida {v} [psychoanalysis] :: to sublimate (to modify the natural expression of a sexual or other instinct in a socially acceptable manner)
sublimointi {n} :: sublimation (act of sublimating)
sublimoitua {vi} :: To sublime
sublimoituminen {n} :: sublimation
subluksaatio {n} :: subluxation
submediantti {n} [music] :: submediant
subraktiivinen {adj} :: alternative form of subtraktiivinen
subretti {n} :: soubrette (mischievous or cheeky female servant or attendant, especially in theatrical comedies)
subsidiariteetti {n} :: subsidiarity (principle that government power ought to reside at the lowest feasible level (i.e. at the local or regional level, instead of the national or supranational level, unless the latter presents clear advantages)
subsidiariteettiperiaate {n} :: subsidiarity (pinciple)
substanssi {n} :: substance [essential part]
substanssiarvo {n} [finance] :: net worth
substantiivi {n} [grammar] :: A substantive, noun
substantiivilauseke {n} [grammar] :: noun phrase
substantiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: substantival (of or pertaining to a substantive)
substantiivinen {adj} [philosophy of history] :: speculative
substantiivitauti {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of substantiivityyli
substantiivityyli {n} [linguistics] :: nominal style (overuse of nouns, excessive use of nouns in expressing oneself, especially in writing)
substituoida {vt} :: To substitute
substituoitua {v} :: synonym of korvautua (to be substituted)
substituutio {n} :: substitution
substituutti {n} :: substitute
substraatti {n} :: substrate
subtraktiivinen {adj} :: subtractive
subtrooppinen {adj} :: subtropical
subventio {n} :: subvention
subventoida {v} :: To subsidize
subventointi {n} :: subventioning (act or practice of distributing subvention or subventions)
subwoofer {n} :: subwoofer
Sudan {prop} :: Sudan
sudanilainen {adj} :: Sudanese (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, or Sudanese people)
sudanilainen {n} :: Sudanese (person)
sudanilaisuus {n} :: The quality of being Sudanese
sudari {n} [scouting, slang] :: A Brownie
sudeetti {n} :: synonym of sudeettisaksalainen
Sudeettialueet {prop} :: Sudetenland
sudeettisaksalainen {n} :: Sudeten German (person)
sudeettisaksalainen {adj} :: Sudeten German (of or pertaining to Sudeten Germans)
sudeettisavolainen {n} [colloquial] :: A Savonian Finn who lives outside Savo
sudenkorento {n} :: dragonfly (insect of the suborder Epiprocta)
sudenkorento {n} :: odonate (insect of the order Odonata, including Epiprocta or dragonflies and Zygoptera or damselflies)
sudenkuoppa {n} [hunting] :: wolf pit (pitfall to hunt wolves)
sudenkuoppa {n} [figuratively] :: pitfall (potential problem, hazard, or danger)
sudenmaito {n} :: wolf's milk or toothpaste slime, Lycogala epidendrum
sudenmarja {n} :: herb Paris, true lover's knot, Paris quadrifolia
sudenmarja {n} :: The blueberry-like poisonous fruit of this plant
sudennahka {n} :: wolfskin (skin of a wolf, with or without fur)
sudennahkaturkki {n} :: wolfskin fur coat
sudennälkä {n} :: ravenous hunger
sudennälkäinen {adj} :: ravenous (very hungry)
sudenpentu {n} [literally] :: wolf cub (young of a wolf)
sudenpentu {n} :: Cub Scout (junior Boy Scout)
sudenpentu {n} :: Brownie (junior Girl Guide)
sudenpyynti {n} :: wolf hunting (practice or occasion of hunting wolves)
sudentalja {n} :: wolfskin (usually of a whole skin which has the fur left)
sudoku {n} [games, puzzles] :: sudoku
sueta {vi} :: to develop
sueviitti {n} [geology] :: suevite (a type of rock born in collision of a meteorite on the surface of the Earth)
suffiksi {n} :: A suffix [letters or sounds added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning]
suffragetti {n} :: suffragette
sufilainen {adj} :: alternative spelling of suufilainen
sufilainen {n} :: alternative spelling of suufilainen
sufilaisuus {n} :: alternative spelling of suufilaisuus
sufismi {n} :: Sufism
suflee {n} :: soufflé
suggeroida {vt} :: To influence by suggestion
suggeroitavuus {n} :: suggestibility (property of being suggestible)
suggeroitua {vi} :: to be influenced by suggestion
suggestiivinen {adj} :: suggestive, evocative
suggestiivisesti {adv} :: suggestively
suggestio {n} [psychology] :: suggestion
suggestopedia {n} :: suggestopedia, suggestopedy (teaching method)
suggestopedinen {adj} :: suggestopedic
suggestoterapia {n} :: suggestive therapeutics (controversial alternative medicine technique which is claimed by its practitioners to be capable of healing mental and physical problems through telepathy and hypnosis)
suhahdella {vi} :: to zoom, whiz, whoosh or swoosh repeatedly
suhahdus {n} :: whoosh, whiz, swish, zing
suhahtaa {v} :: to zoom, to whiz, to whoosh, to swoosh (move fast with a humming noise)
suhailla {v} [colloquial] :: to drive around (of a vehicle)
suhari {n} [colloquial] :: driver; jehu (driver of a vehicle)
suhata {v} [colloquial] :: to drive (a vehicle)
suhauttaa {vt} :: to cause to zoom, whiz, whoosh or swoosh
suhdanne {n} [economy] :: current economic situation, current trend in the business/economic/trade cycle
suhdanne-ennuste {n} [economics] :: trend forecast
suhdannekierto {n} [economics] :: business cycle, economic cycle (long-term fluctuation in economic activity between growth and recession)
suhdannepöly {n} [figuratively, neologism] :: inability to spot economic and structural issues due to economic upturn
suhdannerahasto {n} :: countercyclical fund
suhdannetyöttömyys {n} [economics] :: cyclical unemployment
suhdannevaihtelu {n} :: business cycle
suhdaton {adj} [rare] :: disproportionate
suhde {n} :: proportion, ratio
suhde {n} :: relationship, affair
suhde {n} :: attitude
suhde {n} :: relation
suhde {n} :: respect, comparison
suhde {n} [in plural] :: connections, network (connections; relationships; one's social or business network)
suhdeasteikko {n} [statistics] :: ratio scale
suhdeasteikollinen {adj} [statistics, of a variable] :: ratio (measured at the ratio level)
suhdekaava {n} [chemistry] :: empirical formula
suhdeluku {n} :: ratio (number representing comparison)
suhdesana {n} [grammar] :: adposition
suhdetoiminta {n} :: public relations
suhdeviivain {n} :: A scale ruler, architect's ruler (drafting implement)
suhdittaa {v} [dialectal] :: to mediate, to appease
suhina {n} :: murmur
suhista {vi} :: to whisper (talk quietly)
Suhonen {prop} :: surname
suht {adv} [colloquial] :: relatively, quite, pretty
suhta {n} [rare] :: ratio, proportion
suhtauttaa {vt} :: to put into perspective
suhtautua {v} :: to relate, to concern
suhtautua {v} :: to deal with something, to react to something, to look on, to look upon
suhtautuminen {n} :: attitude, stance, position
suhtautumistapa {n} :: way of dealing with or reacting to something, mindset, mentality
suhteellinen {adj} :: relative
suhteellinen {adj} :: proportionate
suhteellinen {adj} :: proportional
suhteellinen {adj} :: comparative
suhteellinen enemmistö {n} [politics] :: relative majority, plurality
suhteellinen etu {n} [economics] :: comparative advantage
suhteellisen {adv} :: relatively
suhteellisesti {adv} :: relatively
suhteellistaa {vt} :: to relativize
suhteellisuudentaju {n} :: sense of proportionality
suhteellisuudentajuinen {adj} :: Having a sense of proportionality
suhteellisuudentajuisesti {adv} :: With a sense of proportionality
suhteellisuus {n} :: relativity
suhteellisuus {n} :: proportionality
suhteellisuusperiaate {n} [physics] :: principle of relativity
suhteellisuusteoria {n} :: theory of relativity
suhteen {postp} :: (+ genitive) regarding, in regards to, in terms of
suhteeton {adj} :: disproportionate
suhteettomasti {adv} :: disproportionately
suhteittaa {vt} :: to set into a ratio
suhteutettu {adj} [typography, of a typeface] :: proportional
suhteuttaa {v} :: to put into perspective (to compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea)
suhteuttaa {v} :: to make proportional
suhteuttamaton {adj} [typography, of a typeface] :: non-proportional, monospaced
suhteutua {v} :: synonym of suhtautua
suhtkoht {adv} [colloquial] :: somewhat, quite
suhuäänne {n} [phonetics] :: sibilant
Suhumi {prop} :: Sukhumi (capital city of Abkhazia)
suhu-s {n} :: the voiceless postalveolar sibilant, the sh sound
suhu-z {n} :: the voiced postalveolar sibilant
suihinotto {n} :: blowjob
suihkari {n} [colloquial] :: jet plane
suihkata {v} [colloquial] :: to spray quickly
suihke {n} :: spraying (instance of spraying shortly)
suihke {n} :: spray (that which is sprayed)
suihke {n} :: spray can, spray bottle or other container used for spraying
suihkedeodorantti {n} [cosmetics] :: spray deodorant
suihkepullo {n} :: spray bottle
suihkepullo {n} :: spray can
suihkeserpentiini {n} :: spray streamer (non-staining, usually brightly colored substance administered from a spray bottle, which dries quickly to form long strips; used in a similar way as paper streamers)
suihkia {vi} :: to zoom, to dash, to whoosh
suihkia {vt} :: to spray, to splash, to splatter
suihku {n} :: shower (device for bathing)
suihku {n} :: shower (instance of taking a shower)
suihku {n} :: jet (collimated stream, spurt or flow of liquid or gas)
suihku {n} :: spray (stream of liquid dispersed in the air)
suihku {n} :: mine (fireworks device)
suihkuallas {n} :: The bowl-like base part of a shower cubicle (suihkukaappi)
suihkualus {n} :: jet vessel (boat or ship propelled by a water jet instead of a propeller)
suihkugeeli {n} :: shower gel
suihkuhävittäjä {n} :: jet fighter
suihkukaappi {n} :: shower cubicle (bathroom structure, typically consisting of a bowl-like base for water collection and drainage and of glass walls for isolating a shower from the rest of the room to keep it dry)
suihkukaivo {n} :: fountain
suihkukappale {n} [rare] :: spray nozzle
suihkukappale {n} [rare] :: shower head, showerhead
suihkukone {n} :: jet, jet plane, jet aircraft (airplane using jet engines)
suihkulähde {n} :: fountain
suihkulentokone {n} :: jet plane
suihkumoottori {n} :: jet engine
suihkumyssy {n} :: shower cap
suihkupää {n} :: showerhead (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather)
suihkupullo {n} :: spray bottle
suihkuputki {n} :: nozzle, hose nozzle
suihkusaippua {n} :: shower soap, shower wash
suihkuseinä {n} :: shower screen (bathroom structure, typically consisting of glass walls for isolating a shower from the rest of the room to keep it dry)
suihkuseinäke {n} :: A glass wall element for building a shower screen (suihkuseinä)
suihkuseinäke {n} :: A stretch of wall that partially separates a shower from the rest of the room. The remaining opening is often furnished with a door
suihkuseurapiiri {n} :: [often used in plural] jet set
suihkusuutin {n} :: spray nozzle
suihkusuutin {n} :: shower head, showerhead (perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather)
suihkuta {vi} :: to shower
suihkute {n} :: spray (product that is sprayed)
suihkutin {n} :: synonym of sumutin
suihkutin {n} :: synonym of suutin
suihkuton {adj} :: showerless (not equipped with a shower)
suihkuttaa {vt} :: To spray, spout
suihkuturbiini {n} :: turbojet
suihkuturbiinimoottori {n} :: turbojet engine
suihkuverho {n} :: shower curtain
suihkuvirtaus {n} [meteorology] :: jet stream
suikale {n} :: A strip, a shred (long, narrow piece cut or torn off)
suikalepata {n} :: (meat) strip stew
suikaloida {v} :: to shred (to cut into strips)
suikaloida {v} :: to French (to cut food into strips)
suikaloida {v} :: to julienne (to cut vegetables, into thin strips)
suikaloidut vihannekset {n} :: julienne (garnish of vegetables cut into strips)
suikata {v} :: to kiss quickly
suikea {adj} [botany] :: lanceolate
suikerosammal {n} :: feather-moss (any moss of the genus Brachythecium)
suikerrella {vi} :: to squirm, slither or meander around
suikertaa {vi} :: to squirm, to slither, to meander
suikulainen {n} :: lancelet, cephalochordate
-suinen {adj} :: mouthed (having some specific type of mouth, as specified by the modifier)
suinkaan {adv} :: See ei suinkaan [always used with a negation]
suin päin {adv} :: head over heels (tumbling upside down)
suin päin {adv} :: head over heels (at top speed; frantically)
suinpäin {adv} :: alternative form of suin päin
suipentaa {vt} :: to taper
suipentua {v} :: synonym of suipeta
suipeta {vi} :: to taper (to become thinner towards the end)
suipistaa {vt} :: to purse (press the lips together)
suipistella {vt} :: to purse repeatedly (press the lips together)
suippo {adj} :: cone-shaped
suippo {adj} :: pointed
suippohuulisarvikuono {n} :: black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
suippokaari {n} [architecture] :: ogive
suippokuononokkavalas {n} :: Gray's beaked whale, Mesoplodon grayi
suippopäinen {adj} :: tapered (narrowing gradually towards a point)
suippotorni {n} [architecture] :: spire (tapering structure built on a roof or tower, especially as one of the central architectural features of a church or cathedral roof)
suippotyvinen {adj} [botany] :: attenuate (having leaf tissue taper down the petiole to a narrow base)
suippu {n} :: (pointed) tip
suippukaneliseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius croceoconus
suippumadonlakki {n} [mushroom] :: liberty cap, Psilocybe semilanceata
suippumyrkkyseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: deadly web-cap, Cortinarius rubellus
suisidaalinen {adj} :: suicidal (pertaining to suicide)
suisidaalinen {adj} :: suicidal (likely to commit suicide)
suistaa {vt} :: To throw off/down
suistaa {vt} :: To derail
suisto {n} :: A river delta
suistokrokotiili {n} :: saltwater crocodile, estuarine crocodile, Indo-Pacific crocodile, Crocodylus porosus
suistua {v} :: to fall, to tumble, especially accidentally and/or violently
suistua {v} [~ raiteilta or ~ kiskoilta] :: to derail, to be derailed
suitsait {adv} [colloquial] :: quickly and easily
suitsea {v} :: Same as suitsia
suitsea {v} [literary] :: To smoke
suitsea {v} [literary] :: To incense
suitset {n} :: bridle
suitsia {v} [horsemanship] :: to bridle (to put a bridle on)
suitsia {v} [figuratively] :: to bridle, rein in (to check, restrain, or control as if with a bridle)
suitsittaa {v} :: synonym of suitsia, especially in non-figurative sense
suitsu {n} [archaic, now, dialectal] :: smoke
suitsuke {n} :: incense
suitsukeastia {n} :: censer
suitsuta {vi} :: to smoke (to give off smoke)
suitsute {n} :: alternative form of suitsuke
suitsuttaa {v} :: to smoke (to give off smoke)
suitsuttaa {v} :: to cense (to perfume with incense)
suitsuttaa {v} [figuratively] :: to elate
suitsutus {n} :: incensing (act)
suitsutusaine {n} :: incense, fragrance, fumigation preparation
suitsutusastia {n} :: censer
suitsutuspuikko {n} :: incense stick
suivaantua {vi} :: to become unhappy, tired (of) or angry
suivakko {n} :: light-colored reindeer, especially if so around the muzzle
suivautua {v} [rare] :: synonym of suivaantua
sujahdella {vi} :: to slip (through) repeatedly
sujahtaa {v} :: to slip (through), to sneak
sujakka {adj} :: slender
sujautella {vt} :: to slip repeatedly (cause to move smoothly and quickly)
sujauttaa {vt} :: to slip (cause to move smoothly and quickly)
sujua {vi} :: To go, run (smoothly, successfully)
sujua {vi} [of time] :: To pass
sujut {adv} :: quits (on equal monetary terms; neither owing or being owed)
sujutella {vt} :: to slip, slide or pass repeatedly (especially surreptitiously)
sujuttaa {vt} :: to slip, to slide, to pass (especially surreptitiously)
sujuttaa {vt} [plumbing] :: to cure in place
sujuttautua {vi} :: to squeeze oneself through
sujuva {adj} :: fluent (able to speak a foreign language accurately and with confidence)
sujuva {adj} :: smooth (without difficulty, problems, or unexpected consequences or incidents)
sujuva {adj} :: readable (enjoyable to read)
sujuvasti {adv} :: fluently
sujuvasti {adv} :: smoothly
sujuvoittaa {vt} :: to make fluent or more fluent, make smooth or smoother (to make have no difficulty)
suka {n} :: A brush, especially one used for brushing animals
suka {n} :: currycomb
sukaatti {n} :: citron (candied rind of the citron fruit)
sukaattisitruuna {n} :: citron (tree Citrus medica and its fruit)
sukaista {vt} :: to brush, to groom (quickly)
sukasauma {n} [microbiology] :: brush border
sukassara {n} :: Carex microglochin
sukellella {vi} :: to dive around, to dive repeatedly
sukellus {n} :: dive, diving
sukellusalus {n} :: submersible (small submarine)
sukelluskello {n} :: diving bell
sukelluspuku {n} :: diving suit (garment or apparatus worn by a diver for protection from the underwater environment)
sukelluspuku {n} [slang] :: condom
sukellustietokone {n} [diving] :: dive computer
sukellusvene {n} [nautical] :: submarine
sukelluttaa {vt} :: to cause to dive
sukeltaa {vi} :: To dive
sukeltaja {n} :: diver
sukeltaja-antilooppi {n} :: duiker (any species of small antelope of the Cephalophinae subfamily)
sukeltajantauti {n} [dated, colloquial] :: decompression sickness, bends
sukeltautua {vi} :: To dive into
sukeltava {adj} :: diving
sukeutua {vt} :: to lead into, to develop into, to ensue
sukia {v} :: To curry (to groom a horse with a currycomb)
sukia {v} :: To brush (to untangle or arrange with a brush, usually the fur of an animal)
sukia {v} :: To groom (to care for animals by brushing and cleaning them)
sukka {n} :: sock (garment covering foot)
sukka {n} :: stocking (garment covering foot and part of leg)
sukka {n} :: stocking (knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually converted into an incandescent mantle for gas lighting)
sukkahousut {n} :: pantyhose (US), tights (UK)
sukkanauha {n} :: garter
sukkanauhakäärme {n} :: garter snake (any of various nonvenomous snakes of the genus Thamnophis, native to America)
sukkanukke {n} [Internet] :: sock puppet (second account created by a user who already has an account)
sukkapari {n} :: pair of socks
sukkapuikko {n} :: knitting needle, especially a smaller or circular one suitable for knitting socks and stockings
sukkasaippua {n} [military] :: blanket party (hazing practice in which the offer is incapacitated with a blanket and beaten, often with lumps of soap that have been stuck inside a sock)
sukkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius torvus
sukkasillaan {adv} :: with bare socks, with only one's socks or stockings in the feet (without shoes)
sukkasunnuntai {n} [Christianity] :: Easter Sunday
sukkatti {n} :: succade (candied citrus peel)
sukkela {adj} :: quick, swift
sukkelaan {adv} :: quickly, swiftly
sukkelasti {adv} :: quickly, swiftly
sukkeluus {n} :: quickness, swiftness
sukkeluus {n} :: witticism (witty remark)
sukkessio {n} [ecology] :: succession
sukki {adj} [dialectal, rare] :: cunning, wise, spiteful
sukkiinihappo {n} [chemistry] :: succinic acid
sukkikset {n} [colloquial] :: pantyhose, tights
sukkinaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: succinate (any salt or ester of succinic acid)
sukkinonitriili {n} [chemistry] :: succinonitrile
sukkula {n} :: shuttle (part of a loom)
sukkula {n} :: shuttle (spacecraft)
sukkula-asento {n} [sports] :: a type of position for going down hills where the body is lowered down close to the thighs
sukkulabussi {n} :: shuttle bus
sukkuladiplomatia {n} :: shuttle diplomacy
sukkulalento {n} :: shuttle flight, shuttle mission
sukkulaliikenne {n} :: shuttle service
sukkulamato {n} :: nematode, roundworm
sukkulaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius duracinus
sukkulaväestö {n} :: people who shuttle (go back and forth between two places)
sukkulaviesti {n} [athletics] :: shuttle relay
sukkuloida {vi} :: To shuttle
suklaa {n} :: chocolate
suklaajäätelö {n} :: chocolate ice cream
suklaakakku {n} :: chocolate cake
suklaakalenteri {n} :: chocolate Advent calendar (Advent calendar with chocolate behind each window)
suklaakastike {n} :: chocolate sauce
suklaakeksi {n} :: chocolate cookie, chocolate biscuit (cookie covered in or flavored with chocolate)
suklaakonvehti {n} :: A chocolate [small piece of confectionery made from chocolate]
suklaalevite {n} :: chocolate spread
suklaalevy {n} :: chocolate bar (flat chocolate bar, usually with multiple rows of detachable bits)
suklaamestari {n} :: A person in charge of or highly skilled in chocolate production
suklaamestari {n} :: chocolatier (small producer of chocolate)
suklaamuna {n} :: chocolate egg
suklaanruskea {adj} :: chocolate (of chocolate colour)
suklaanruskea {n} :: chocolate (colour)
suklaaosasto {n} [slang, vulgar, sex] :: chocolate channel (anus)
suklaapatukka {n} :: chocolate bar (longish, slender chocolate bar which may be solid or with filling, one slab or divided into detachable bits)
suklaarousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius moseri
suklaaton {adj} :: chocolate-free, free of chocolate
suklainen {adj} :: chocolate, chocolaty (made of, containing or having characteristics of chocolate)
sukraasi {n} :: synonym of sakkaraasi
sukraloosi {n} [carbohydrate] :: sucralose
sukroosi {n} :: sucrose
suksee {n} [colloquial] :: success
suksessio {n} [ecology] :: succession
suksi {n} [usually in plural] :: ski
suksia {vi} [rare] :: To ski
suksia {v} :: To go away; used mostly in idiomatic expressions
suksikeli {n} :: good weather conditions for skiing
suksirasva {n} :: ski grease, ski wax
suksisauva {n} [skiing] :: synonym of hiihtosauva
suksitehdas {n} :: ski factory (factory in which skis are made)
suksivoide {n} [skiing] :: ski wax
suku {n} :: extended family (meaning kin: in addition to parents and children, includes cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and farther relatives, cf. perhe)
suku {n} [taxonomy] :: genus
suku {n} [linguistics] :: gender
suku {n} [linguistics] :: used in partitive singular as English adjective cognate (descended from the same source lexeme of ancestor language)
sukuanamneesi {n} :: family anamnesis, family medical history
sukuelin {n} [anatomy] :: genital, reproductive organ, sex organ
sukuelinherpes {n} [pathology] :: genital herpes
sukuelinten korjausleikkaus {n} :: sex reassignment surgery
sukuhaara {n} [genealogy] :: branch, stem (branch of a family)
sukuhauta {n} :: family grave
sukujuuri {n} [usually in the plural] :: bloodline, lineage, ancestry, descent
sukukieli {n} :: language relative
sukukunta {n} :: clan, tribe, kin
sukukypsä {adj} :: sexually mature
sukukypsyys {n} :: sexual maturity
sukulainen {n} :: relative, relation
sukulaiskieli {n} :: language relative
sukulaissana {n} [linguistics] :: A cognate
sukulaistua {vi} :: to become a relative (of), to become related (with)
sukulaisuus {n} :: relationship, kinship
sukulaisvierailu {n} :: relative visit
sukuloida {v} [colloquial] :: To visit relatives
sukunimi {n} :: surname, family name, last name
sukupolvi {n} :: generation (single step in the succession of natural descent)
sukupolvienvälinen {adj} :: intergenerational
sukupuolenkorjaus {n} :: sex reassignment
sukupuolentutkimus {n} :: gender studies
sukupuolenvaihdos {n} :: sex change, gender reassignment
sukupuolenvaihtaja {n} [electronics] :: gender changer
sukupuolenvaihtaja {n} :: transgender (person whose gender has been changed or is in the process of changing it)
sukupuoleton {adj} :: asexual, neuter (having no distinct sex)
sukupuoleton {adj} :: agender (gender identity)
sukupuoli {n} :: sex, gender
sukupuoliakti {n} :: sexual act
sukupuoliasia {n} :: sex or gender-related matter
sukupuoliasiat {n} :: gender or sexual matters or issues
sukupuoliaukko {n} [zoology] :: genital orifice
sukupuolidimorfismi {n} :: sexual dimorphism
sukupuolielämä {n} :: sex life (frequency and quality of one's sexual encounters)
sukupuolielimistö {n} :: reproductive system, reproductive tract
sukupuolielin {n} [anatomy] :: sex organ
sukupuolienergia {n} :: sexual energy
sukupuoliero {n} :: gender gap, gender difference
sukupuolierottelu {n} :: gender segregation
sukupuolifantasia {n} [rare] :: sex fantasy
sukupuolihaju {n} :: sexual odour
sukupuolihimo {n} :: sexual lust
sukupuolihormoni {n} :: sex hormone
sukupuolihormooni {n} :: alternative form of sukupuolihormoni
sukupuolihurjastelu {n} :: sexual promiscuity, acting sexually promiscuous
sukupuolihygienia {n} :: sexual hygiene
sukupuoli-identiteetti {n} :: gender identity
sukupuoli-irstailu {n} :: sexual debauchery
sukupuolijakauma {n} :: gender distribution, gender balance
sukupuolijako {n} :: gender-based division
sukupuolijoustava {adj} [sexuality] :: genderfluid (not conforming to a fixed gender)
sukupuolikasvatus {n} :: sex education
sukupuolikehitys {n} :: sexual development
sukupuolikiihotus {n} :: sexual arousal
sukupuolikiintiö {n} :: gender quota
sukupuolikokemus {n} :: gender experience, how one feels about one's gender
sukupuolikromosomi {n} :: sex chromosome
sukupuolikumppani {n} :: sexual partner, sex partner
sukupuolikuri {n} :: sexual discipline
sukupuolikypsä {adj} :: synonym of sukukypsä
sukupuolikypsyys {n} :: sexual maturity
sukupuolileikki {n} :: sexual play
sukupuolimoraali {n} :: sexual morality
sukupuolimoraali {n} :: sexual moral
sukupuolinen {adj} :: sexual (of or relating to having sex or sexuality)
sukupuolinen {adj} :: sexual (of or relating to the sex of an organism)
sukupuolineutraali {adj} :: gender-neutral
sukupuolineuvonta {n} :: sex counseling
sukupuoliobjekti {n} :: synonym of seksuaaliobjekti
sukupuoliominaisuus {n} :: sex characteristic, gender characteristic
sukupuoliopetus {n} :: sex education
sukupuolipatologia {n} :: sexual pathology
sukupuolipsykologia {n} :: sexual psychology
sukupuolirauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: gonad, sex gland
sukupuolirooli {n} :: gender role
sukupuolisesti {adv} :: sexually; in terms of sex, sexuality or gender
sukupuolisiveellisyys {n} :: sexual morality
sukupuolisiveettömyys {n} :: sexual unchastity
sukupuolisiveys {n} :: sexual chastity
sukupuolisolu {n} :: gamete
sukupuolisuhde {n} :: sexual relation, sexual relationship
sukupuolisuus {n} :: sexuality
sukupuolisyrjintä {n} :: gender discrimination
sukupuolitauti {n} [pathology] :: venereal disease (VD), sexually transmitted disease (STD)
sukupuoliteitse {adv} :: through or by sexual orifices
sukupuolitesti {n} :: gender test
sukupuolitietoisuus {n} :: gender awareness
sukupuolitietous {n} :: gender knowledge, sexual knowledge
sukupuolitoiminto {n} :: sexual function
sukupuolitunne {n} :: sexual feeling
sukupuolituntomerkki {n} :: gender characteristic
sukupuolitutkimus {n} :: gender studies
sukupuolityydytys {n} :: sexual pleasure
sukupuolivähemmistö {n} :: gender minority
sukupuolivalinta {n} :: sexual selection
sukupuolivalistus {n} :: sexual education
sukupuolivietti {n} :: sex drive (strong motivational tendency or instinct of animals to have sexual intercourse)
sukupuoliviha {n} :: gender hatred, sexism
sukupuoliyhdyntä {n} :: sexual intercourse (sexual interaction)
sukupuoliyhteys {n} :: sexual intercourse, sexual union
sukupuoliyhteys lähisukulaisten kesken {n} [legal] :: incest
sukupuu {n} :: family tree
sukupuutto {n} :: extinction (of a species)
sukurutsa {n} :: alternative form of sukurutsaus
sukurutsainen {adj} :: incestuous
sukurutsaus {n} :: incest (sexual intercourse between close relatives, whether illegal or not)
sukusiitos {n} :: inbreeding
sukusolu {n} [cytology] :: A gamete
sukutaulu {n} [family] :: A pedigree (chart of ancestors), written in the form of a table
sukutaulu {n} [family] :: A chart of descendants, written in the form of a table
sukututkija {n} :: genealogist
sukututkimus {n} :: genealogy
sukuvika {n} :: (negative) family trait, a negative thing that runs in the family
sula {adj} :: molten
sula {adj} [of bodies of water] :: not having ice cover
sula {adj} [intensifier] :: pure
sula {n} :: melt, molten material (any molten substance)
sula {n} [metallurgy] :: smelt (any of the various liquids or semi-molten solids produced and used during the course of production of metal in a smelting process that involves melting and chemical reduction of metal compounds into purified metal)
sulaa {v} :: to melt (to change from a solid state to a liquid state, usually by a gradual heat)
sulaa {v} [figuratively] :: to dissolve, disperse, vanish
sulaa {v} [figuratively] :: to melt (to soften, as by a warming or kindly influence)
sulahitsaus {n} :: fusion welding
sulake {n} :: A fuse (in an electronic circuit)
sulakeautomaatti {n} :: synonym of automaattisulake
sulakerasia {n} :: fusebox
sulaminen {n} :: melting (instant or process of melting)
sulaminen {n} :: meltdown (melting of the core of a nuclear reactor)
sulamislämpö {n} [physics, thermodynamics] :: heat of fusion, enthalpy of fusion
sulamislämpötila {n} :: melting temperature, melting point
sulamispiste {n} [physics] :: melting point
sulamisvesi {n} :: meltwater
sulate {n} :: flux (molten material)
sulatejuusto {n} :: processed cheese
sulatella {v} :: to digest
sulattaa {v} :: to melt (to cause something to melt)
sulattaa {v} :: to smelt (to produce metal from ore in a process that involves melting and chemical reduction of metal compounds into purified metal)
sulattaa {v} :: to thaw, defrost
sulattaa {v} :: to digest (to separate food in the alimentary canal)
sulattaa {v} [by extension] :: to digest (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind)
sulattaa {v} [by extension] :: to put up with, tolerate (to suffer through, or allow, especially something annoying)
sulattamo {n} :: synonym of sulatto
sulattimo {n} :: synonym of sulatto
sulatto {n} :: smelter (place where smelting is done)
sulatus {n} :: melting
sulatus {n} [metallurgy] :: smelting (process of melting ore or metallic raw material)
sulatusaine {n} :: thawing or defrosting preparation, deicer
sulatuspata {n} [metallurgy] :: melting pot
sulatusuuni {n} :: smelting furnace, smelter
sulatusuuni {n} [figuratively] :: melting pot (place where many divergent things come together and are homogenized)
Sulatusuuni {prop} :: The constellation Fornax
sulautettu ohjelma {n} [computing] :: firmware (program)
sulauttaa {v} [computing] :: to embed
sulauttaa {v} :: to fuse (to melt together; to blend; to mix indistinguishably)
sulauttaa {v} :: to merge (to combine into a whole)
sulautua {vi} :: to merge
sulautua {vi} :: to become one with something
sulautua {vi} :: to blend in something
sulautuma {n} [linguistics] :: portmanteau, portmanteau word (word that is combined of parts of two or more words, e.g. "smog" < "smoke" + "fog")
sulautuma {n} :: (linguistics) merger (type of sound change where two or more sounds merge into one)
sulautuma {n} [business] :: merger
sulautuminen {n} :: merger (all senses)
sulava {adj} :: melting
sulava {adj} :: loose, smooth (relaxed, of movement)
sulava {adj} :: suave (of behaviour)
sulavaliikkeinen {adj} :: sinuous, graceful (moving gracefully and supplely)
sulavasti {adv} [of movement] :: smoothly
sulavasti {adv} :: suavely, gracefully
sulavesi {n} [rare] :: meltwater
sulavesijoki {n} :: glacial meltwater river
sulawesinokarotta {n} :: Sulawesi spiny rat, Echiothrix leucura
sulempi {adj} :: comparative of sula
Sulevi {prop} :: given name
sulfaatti {n} [chemistry] :: sulphate, sulfate
sulfaattimenetelmä {n} :: Kraft process, sulfate process (method for producing wood pulp)
sulfaattisellu {n} :: kraft pulp, sulfate pulp (wood pulp produced through kraft or sulfate process)
sulfaattiselluloosa {n} :: kraft pulp, sulfate pulp (wood pulp produced through kraft or sulfate process)
sulfalääke {n} :: sulfa drug
sulfaniilihappo {n} [chemistry] :: sulfanilic acid
sulfataasi {n} [biochemistry] :: sulfatase, sulphatase
sulfidi {n} [chemistry] :: sulfide
sulfidimineraali {n} [mineralogy] :: sulfide mineral
sulfiitti {n} :: sulfite
sulfiittimenetelmä {n} :: sulfite process (method for producing wood pulp)
sulfiittisellu {n} :: sulfite pulp (wood pulp produced through sulfite process)
sulfiittiselluloosa {n} :: sulfite pulp (wood pulp produced through sulfite process)
sulfonaatti {n} [chemistry] :: sulfonate
sulfonihappo {n} [chemistry] :: sulfonic acid
sulfuryylifluoridi {n} [chemistry] :: sulfuryl fluoride
sulhanen {n} :: fiancé
sulhanen {n} :: groom
sulhasmies {n} :: fiancé
sulhasmies {n} :: groom
sulhaspiirakka {n} :: a traditional pasty from Karelia similar to the Karelian pasty but cooked on a pan
sulhaspoika {n} :: groomsman (attendant to a bridegroom)
sulhaspoika {n} :: usher (male escort at a wedding)
sulhaspoika {n} :: page boy (young male attendant at a wedding, especially one in the service of the bridegroom)
sulho {n} [poetic] :: bridegroom
sulittaa {vt} :: to fledge, to fletch, to feather
sulje {n} :: A bracket (any of the symbols "", "{", "[", "(", ")", "]", "}", "" )
suljettu {adj} :: closed
suljettu joukko {n} [mathematics] :: closed set
suljin {n} :: shutter
sulka {n} :: feather (stiff feather in a bird's wing or tail that helps to produce the lift)
sulkahirssi {n} :: fountaingrass (any plant of the genus Pennisetum)
sulkahirssi {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Pennisetum
sulkakynä {n} :: quill (pen made from a feather)
sulkapallo {n} :: badminton (game)
sulkapallo {n} :: shuttlecock, birdie (lightweight object used as a ball in badminton)
sulkasato {n} :: moult; molt [US] (process of shedding or losing a covering of feathers)
sulkasuoninen {adj} [botany] :: pinnate (of a leaf, having two sets of veins arranged on both sides of a midvein)
sulkatöyhtö {n} :: plume, panache (decoration on a hat or helmet, usually one that is made with the showy wing or tail feathers)
sulkava {n} :: zope, blue bream (Abramis ballerus)
Sulkava {prop} :: A municipality in Southern Savonia, Finland
Sulkava {prop} :: surname
sulkavene {n} :: A class of small wooden sailing boat
sulkea {vt} :: to close, shut (a box; a door)
sulkea {vt} :: to turn off, to switch off (a machine)
sulkea pois {v} :: to preclude
sulkea silmänsä {v} [idiomatic + ablative] :: To close one's eyes, to ignore
sulkea sisäänsä {v} :: To enclose, encase
sulkeiset {n} :: military drill
sulkemaan {v} :: infinitive of sulkea
sulkeminen {n} :: closing, closure
sulkemisaika {n} :: closing time
sulkeuma {n} [mathematics] :: closure
sulkeutua {vi} :: To close oneself in, to shut oneself in
sulkeutunut {adj} :: withdrawn, introverted
sulkija {n} :: closer, shutter (someone or something that closes)
sulkijalihas {n} [anatomy] :: sphincter
sulku {n} :: bracket (symbol)
sulku {n} :: blockade
sulku {n} :: lock (segment of a canal)
sulkualue {n} :: prohibited zone
sulkukanava {n} :: canal with a lock or locks
sulkukartio {n} :: traffic cone
sulkukorkeapaine {n} [meteorology] :: block, anticyclone
sulkulauseke {n} :: expression in parentheses [US] or brackets [UK]
sulkumerkki {n} :: bracket or parenthesis (symbol)
sulkupallo {n} [military] :: barrage balloon
sulkuportti {n} :: gate, lock gate [device used to close and open a waterway, such as in a canal]
sulkutelakka {n} [nautical] :: A dry dock, drydock
sulkutuli {n} [military] :: barrage
sulkuventtiili {n} :: A stopcock
sulloa {vt} :: to cram, stuff (to pack or fill something up or in excess in a compressed manner)
sullonta {n} :: cramming, stuffing
sulloutua {vi} :: To pack, crowd (into = illative)
sulo {n} :: charm, grace
Sulo {prop} :: given name
suloinen {adj} :: sweet, cute, lovely
suloisa {adj} :: graceful
suloisesti {adv} :: sweetly, adorably, cutely
sulokas {adj} :: sweet, cute, lovely
sulokkaasti {adv} :: sweetly, cutely, graciously
sulosti {adv} :: sweetly, adorably, cutely
sulostuttaa {vt} :: to sweeten (make (more) pleasant or delicate)
sulotar {n} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] :: Grace
sulotar {n} [figuratively] :: beauty, sweetie, cutie (a beautiful, attractive woman)
sulppu {n} :: wet pulp
sulputtaa {vt} :: to make into wet pulp
sultanidi {n} :: A sultana [pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape]
sultsina {n} :: A traditional Karelian food, a cross between a crêpe and a flatbread, made of unleavened rye dough with a farina filling
sulttaani {n} :: sultan
sulttaanikana {n} :: a purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio
sulttaanikunta {n} :: sultanate
sulttaanirusina {n} :: A sultana (pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape)
sulute {n} [military] :: tactical barrier (defensive barrier typically consisting of mines, obstacles and traps, designed to deny enemy movements in a designated area)
suluttaa {vt} [military] :: to make the terrain less advantageous to enemy forces in order to slow them down
suma {n} :: (traffic, log) jam
sumakki {n} :: sumac (plant and the spice made of its dried berries)
sumatrankaniini {n} :: Sumatran striped rabbit, Nesolagus netscheri
sumatranoranki {n} :: Sumatran orangutan, orangutan, Pongo abelii
sumatransarvikuono {n} :: Sumatran rhinoceros
sumautua {vi} :: to become or form into a traffic or log jam
sumea {adj} :: fuzzy
sumea {adj} :: blurry
sumea {adj} [colloquial] :: dim, not smart or intelligent
sumeasti {adv} :: fuzzily
sumeasti {adv} :: blurrily
sumeilla {vi} [in negative] :: to hesitate, to shy away (from)
sumentaa {vt} :: to blur (in concrete sense)
sumentua {vi} :: to blur (in concrete sense)
Sumer {prop} :: Sumer
sumeri {n} :: Sumerian (ancient language spoken in Sumer)
sumeri {n} :: Sumerian (citizen of Sumer)
sumerilainen {adj} :: Sumerian (of or pertaining to Sumer or Sumerian civilization)
sumerilainen {n} :: Sumerian (citizen of Sumer)
sumerilaisuus {n} :: Sumerian civilization
sumerin kieli {n} :: Sumerian (language spoken in ancient Sumer)
sumerinkielinen {adj} :: Sumerian (expressed in Sumerian)
sumeta {vi} :: to become fuzzy, blurry
summa {n} :: sum (result of addition)
summa {n} :: amount (especially of money)
summaarinen {adj} [law] :: summary
summaarisesti {adv} :: summarily
summamuoto {n} :: sum form
summamuoto {n} :: rectangular form (of a complex number)
summata {v} :: To add, sum
summatiivinen {adj} :: summative
summattomasti {adv} [rare] :: immensely, countlessly
summaus {n} :: sum, summary, summation, summing
summautua {v} [accounting, mathematics] :: to sum up, summarize
summautua {v} [accounting, mathematics] :: to accumulate
summeerata {vt} :: to sum up
summeri {n} :: buzzer (device)
summittainen {adj} :: summary, approximate, rough
summittaisesti {adv} :: summarily
sumo {n} [sport] :: sumo (wrestling style of Japanese origin)
sumopaini {n} [sports] :: sumo (form of wrestling originating in Japan)
sumopainija {n} :: sumo wrestler
sumplata {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of sumplia
sumplia {v} [colloquial] :: to arrange, fix, organize, wangle (often dishonestly)
sumppi {n} [archaic] :: coffee made from used coffee grounds, a common practice at the time coffee was expensive as compared to ordinary incomes
sumppi {n} [colloquial] :: mud (coffee brew, especially when of poor quality)
sumppu {n} :: corf (container to keep caught fish alive under water)
sumppu {n} [by extension] :: Any tight space in which movements are restricted
sumppuuntua {vi} :: to become congested
sumputtaa {vt} :: to make into a place where jams occur frequently
sumu {n} :: Fog, mist
sumu {n} [astronomy] :: nebula
sumuinen {n} :: foggy (covered by fog)
sumukammio {n} :: cloud chamber
sumumainen {adj} :: nebulous
sumupilvi {n} :: stratus (type of cloud)
sumupisara {n} :: fog droplet, mist droplet
sumu-poisto {n} [finance] :: depreciation according to plan
sumuta {vi} :: to fume, form droplets
sumute {n} :: spray
sumutin {n} :: sprayer
sumuttaa {vt} :: to mist
sumuttaa {vt} [colloquial] :: to mislead
sumuttua {vi} :: To become fog-like
sumuuntua {vi} :: To become foggy (covered by fog)
sumuvalo {n} :: fog light
sun {conj} [coordinating] :: A coordinating conjunction expressing generality
Sund {prop} :: A municipality in Åland, Finland
sunda {n} :: Sundanese language
sundae {n} :: sundae
Sundamaa {prop} :: Sundaland (region of SE Asia)
Sundqvist {prop} :: surname
sunnalainen {adj} :: Sunni
sunnalainen {n} :: A Sunni
sunni {n} :: A Sunni (person)
sunnilainen {n} :: A Sunni (person)
sunnilainen {adj} :: Sunni (of or pertaining to Sunni religion or people)
sunnilaisuus {n} :: Sunni (branch of Islam)
sunnimuslimi {n} [Islam] :: Sunni Muslim
sunnuntai {n} :: Sunday
sunnuntaiaamu {n} :: Sunday morning
sunnuntaiaamupäivä {n} :: late Sunday morning
sunnuntaiajelija {n} :: Sunday driver (one who drives slowly, as for leisure or sightseeing)
sunnuntaiautoilija {n} :: Sunday driver (one who drives slowly, as for leisure or sightseeing)
sunnuntai-ilta {n} :: Sunday evening
sunnuntai-iltapäivä {n} :: Sunday afternoon
sunnuntailisä {n} :: Sunday allowance (extra payment for working on Sunday)
sunnuntainen {adj} :: Pertaining to Sunday
sunnuntainumero {n} :: Sunday paper
sunnuntaipäivä {n} :: a Sunday (day that is a Sunday)
sunnuntaisarjakuva {n} :: Sunday strip
sunnuntaisin {adv} :: Sundays, on Sundays
sunnuntaisin {adj} :: superlative of sunnuntainen
suntio {n} :: A sexton
suntti {n} :: shunt (connection used as an alternative path between parts of an electric circuit)
suntti {n} :: shunt (passage between body channels constructed surgically as a bypass)
suntti {n} :: A thermostatic water-mixing valve for a central heating system
šuntti {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of suntti
suo {n} :: swamp, bog, marsh, mire
suoda {vt} :: To give, allow, permit, grant
suoda {v} :: (in imperative interjections) ~ anteeksi = to forgive
suodatin {n} :: filter
suodatinkangas {n} :: filter fabric
suodatinpussi {n} :: coffee filter paper
suodatinsavuke {n} :: filter cigarette (cigarette with a filter)
suodattaa {vt} :: To filter
suodattua {vi} :: To filter (to pass through a filter)
suodatus {n} :: filtering (act)
suodin {n} :: filter
suohaukka {n} :: harrier (any of several birds of prey in the genus Circus)
suohorsma {n} [plant] :: marsh willowherb (Epilobium palustre)
suoja {n} :: shelter
suoja {n} :: protective covering
suoja {n} :: refuge
suoja {n} :: safeguard
suoja {n} :: olla ~ssa to be safe, out of harm's way
suoja {n} :: thaw (weather slightly warm enough to melt snow or ice)
suoja-aika {n} :: copyright term, copyright duration
suoja-aita {n} :: barrier, protective barrier, protective fence
suoja-alue {n} :: protected zone
suojaamaton {adj} :: unprotected, not protected
suojaikäraja {n} :: age of consent
suojailma {n} :: thaw (weather)
suojain {n} :: A protective device
suojainen {adj} :: sheltered
suojaisa {adj} :: alternative form of suojainen
suojajoukot {n} :: protection forces, peacekeeping forces
suojakaasu {n} [welding] :: shielding gas
suojakaasu {n} [food hygiene] :: protective atmosphere
suojakaide {n} :: guardrail, guard rail
suojakansi {n} :: dust jacket, dustcover, bookjacket (detachable paper cover of a book)
suojakansi {n} :: Any protecting cap
suojakansi {n} [nautical] :: hurricane deck
suojakäsine {n} :: protective glove, protective mitten
suojakatos {n} :: canopy, shelter
suojakeli {n} :: thaw (warmth of weather sufficient to melt that which is frozen)
suojakenkä {n} :: protective shoe
suojakerroin {n} :: sun protection factor
suojakypärä {n} :: safety helmet
suojalakka {n} :: protective lacquer
suojalasit {n} :: safety glasses
suojalehti {n} [botany] :: alternative form of suojuslehti
suojalevy {n} :: covering plate, protective plate, escutcheon
suojamaski {n} :: safety mask (full-face mask)
suojametsäalue {n} :: forest reserve area
suojamuuri {n} :: bulwark, rampart (defensive wall)
Suojanen {prop} :: surname
suojanpuoleinen {adj} [nautical] :: leeward, downwind (located away from the direction from which the wind is blowing)
suojapäähine {n} :: bouffant cap
suojapäähine {n} :: any protective headgear
suojapaikka {n} :: shelter, haven
suojaravintoaine {n} :: out of nutrients, either vitamins, proteins or minerals
suojasää {n} :: thaw (in winter, the weather when temperature rises above 0°C)
suojasatama {n} :: haven (harbour)
suojata {vt} :: To protect, shield
suojatakki {n} :: protective jacket
suojatie {n} :: crosswalk, pedestrian crossing
suojaton {adj} :: unprotected, defenseless
suojatti {n} :: protege
suojattu {adj} :: protected
suojautua {vi} :: To protect oneself
suojautua {vi} :: To shelter
suojavaatetus {n} :: protective clothing
suojavalli {n} :: rampart (defensive mound of earth)
suojavalo {n} [photography] :: safelight
suojavarustus {n} :: rampart (protection against intrusion)
suojaviiva {n} [cinematography] :: "the line"; an imaginary line used to apply the 180 degree rule
suojeleminen {n} :: protection
suojelija {n} :: protector
suojella {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To protect, shelter
suojelu {n} :: protection
suojelu {n} :: conservation
suojelualue {n} :: protectorate (autonomous territory protected against third parties by a stronger entity)
suojelualue {n} :: sanctuary, nature reserve (area set aside for protection)
suojeluluokka {n} :: protection category
suojelumääräys {n} :: protection order
suojelupoliisi {n} :: security police, intelligence agency, security service (government organisation that aims to protect its nation and its secrets from enemies)
suojelupoliisi {n} [Finland, law enforcement] :: Finnish Security Intelligence Service
suojeluraha {n} :: protection fee or money, tribute
suojelus {n} :: protection, guarding, auspice, patronage
suojelusenkeli {n} :: guardian angel
suojelushenki {n} :: guardian spirit, genius
suojeluskunta {n} :: The Finnish White Guard
suojeluspyhimys {n} :: patron saint
suojus {n} :: guard, protection, cover (thing that protects something)
suojus {n} :: pad (stuffed cushion to prevent damage)
suojus {n} :: sheath (long case)
suojuslehti {n} [botany] :: bract
suojuslehti {n} :: husk of some plants, e.g. corn (maize) and some vegetables
suokorte {n} :: marsh horsetail (Equisetum palustre)
suokukka {n} :: bog rosemary (flowering plant of the genus Andromeda)
suokukko {n} :: ruff (medium-sized wading bird of Eurasia, Philomachus pugnax)
suokukko {n} :: reeve (female of this bird)
suola {n} :: salt [common table salt, sodium chloride, NaCl]
suola {n} :: salt [chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base]
suola {n} [cryptography] :: salt
suola {n} [in compounds] :: saline
suola {n} [in compounds] :: salted
suola-aavikko {n} :: salt desert
suolaaminen {n} :: salting
suolaantua {vi} :: To become salty
suola-astia {n} :: salt vessel (dish for keeping salt in)
suolahappo {n} [chemistry] :: hydrochloric acid
suolaheinä {n} :: sorrel (plants in the genus Rumex)
Suolahti {prop} :: A former municipality in central Finland, now part of Äänekoski
Suolahti {prop} :: surname
suolahuonehoito {n} :: salt room therapy, salt cave therapy (type of therapy in which the patients spend time in a salt-lined room; believed to soothe respiratory and skin problems)
suolain {n} :: salt spreader (device used to spread salt on roads under freezing conditions)
suolainen {adj} :: salty
suolainen {adj} :: saline
suolaisenmakea {adj} :: salty sweet
suolaisennälkä {n} :: craving for something salty
suolaisuus {n} :: saltiness (property of being, or tasting, salty)
suolaisuus {n} :: salinity (quality of being saline)
suolajärvi {n} :: salt lake, saline lake
suolakaivos {n} :: salt mine
suolakala {n} :: saltfish, salted fish
suolakeksi {n} :: saltine cracker
suolakivi {n} :: synonym of nuolukivi
suolakivilaji {n} :: saline mineral
suolakko {n} :: synonym of suolasirotin
suolakkokasvi {n} [botany] :: halophyte (plant that tolerates an environment having a high salt content)
suolakurkku {n} :: pickle (cucumber preserved in brine)
suolaliemi {n} :: brine (salt-and-water solution for pickling)
suolaliha {n} [charcuterie] :: salt meat, salted meat (meat cured with brine)
suolaliha {n} :: salt beef
suolaliuos {n} :: saline solution
suolalohi {n} :: salted salmon
suolamaa {n} :: saline soil
suolamuikku {n} :: salted vendace
suolamylly {n} :: salt mill, salt grinder
suolankukka {n} :: fleur de sel
suolanpoisto {n} :: desalination
suolansirotin {n} :: synonym of suolasirotin
suolapähkinä {n} :: salted nut
suolapala {n} :: salty snack
suolapanos {n} :: salt cartridge (in a gun)
suolapatsas {n} :: pillar of salt
suolapitoinen {adj} [chemistry] :: saline
suolapitoisuus {n} :: salinity (concentration of salt in a solution)
suolapulssi {n} :: A pulse of saltwater, especially the ones occurring in the Baltic Sea
suolapunka {n} :: brookweed, Samolus valerandi
suolarae {n} :: grain of salt
suolaraha {n} [usually in plural] :: peanuts (insigificant amount of money)
suolasara {n} :: Carex halophila
suolasieni {n} :: salted mushroom
suolasiika {n} :: salted whitefish
suolasilakka {n} :: salted Baltic herring
suolasilli {n} :: salted herring
suolasirotin {n} :: salt shaker
suolasorsimo {n} :: alkali grass, salt grass (any grass of the genus Puccinellia)
suolasorsimo {n} [in plural] :: the genus Puccinellia
suolasuihke {n} [cosmetics] :: salt spray (hair spray that contains salt)
suolata {v} :: To salt (to add salt to)
suolata {v} :: To preserve in salt
suolata {v} :: To spread salt on the ground (esp. on a road surface to prevent it from freezing in the winter)
suolata {v} [colloquial] :: To smoke (to kill, especially with a gun)
suolatasanko {n} :: salt flat
suolatasapaino {n} [physiology] :: salt balance
suolatasku {n} :: salt dome, pocket of salt
suolatikku {n} :: snack salt stick (thin stick-formed cracker with grains of salt on the surface, often served as party food or snack)
suolaton {adj} :: saltless
suolaton {adj} :: unsalted
suolattu {adj} :: salted (treated with salt)
suolaus {n} :: salting (act of sprinkling salt)
suolautua {vi} :: alternative form of suolaantua
suolavesi {n} :: brine
suolavesitasku {n} :: pocket of saltwater, pocket of salty water
suoli {n} [anatomy] :: intestine, bowel
suoliavanne {n} :: intestinal stoma
suolikaasu {n} :: intestinal gas
suolikasvain {n} [pathology] :: intestinal tumor
suolikivi {n} :: enterolith
suolilieve {n} [anatomy] :: mesentery
suoliluu {n} [skeleton] :: An ilium (bone)
suolimato {n} :: intestinal worm
suolineste {n} :: intestinal juice, succus entericus
suolinkainen {n} :: giant roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides)
suolinukka {n} [anatomy] :: villus, intestinal villus
suolirauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: intestinal gland
suolisaivartaja {n} :: any parasitic fly affecting the intestines
suolisaivartaja {n} [particularly] :: horse bot fly (Gasterophilus intestinalis)
suolisolmu {n} :: intestinal knot, intestinal obstruction
suolistaa {v} :: To disembowel, gut, eviscerate
suolisto {n} [anatomy] :: intestines (collectively)
suolistomato {n} :: mawworm, maw-worm (any parasitic worm that infests the stomach)
suolistosairaus {n} :: bowel disease, intestinal disease
suolistosyöpä {n} [pathology] :: bowel cancer
suolitukos {n} [pathology] :: bowel obstruction, intestinal obstruction
suolitulehdus {n} [pathology] :: enteritis, inflammation of an intestine
suoltaa {vt} :: To run on (speech at the mouth); to churn/crank out (text)
suoltua {vi} [rare] :: to rush (in or out), to flood (in or out)
Suoma {prop} :: given name
Suomala {prop} :: surname
suomalainen {adj} :: Finnish, of or relating to Finland
suomalainen {adj} :: Finnish, relating to the Finnish language
suomalainen {n} :: A Finn
Suomalainen {prop} :: surname
suomalainen viittomakieli {n} :: Finnish Sign Language
suomalaisesti {adv} :: in a Finnish way or manner
suomalaisin {adj} :: superlative of suomalainen
suomalaisittain {adv} :: in (a or the) Finnish way
suomalaislapsi {n} :: A Finnish child
suomalaismies {n} :: Finnish man
suomalaisnainen {n} :: Finnish woman
suomalaissiirtolainen {n} :: Finnish immigrant
suomalaistaa {vt} :: to make Finnish
suomalaistua {vi} :: to become Finnish
suomalaistuttaa {vt} :: to cause to become Finnish
suomalais-ugrilainen {adj} :: Finno-Ugric
suomalaisuus {n} :: Finnishness
suomalaisuusaate {n} [historical] :: the movement to improve the status of the Finnish language
suomalaisyritys {n} :: Finnish company, Finnish firm
suomalmi {n} :: bog iron, bog iron ore; limonite (deposit of limonite found in a bog)
suomeksi {adv} :: In Finnish
Suomela {prop} :: surname
suomenajokoira {n} :: Finnish hound
suomenhevonen {n} :: Finnish horse, Finnhorse
suomenkarja {n} :: Finncattle (collective term for three Finnish livestock breeds)
Suomen Keskusta {prop} :: The Centre Party of Finland
suomen kieli {n} :: Finnish, one of the two national languages of Finland, spoken by more than 90% of the citizens (the other official one being Swedish)
suomenkielinen {adj} :: Finnish-language, Finnish (of Finnish language)
suomenkielinen {adj} :: Finnish-speaking
suomenkielinen {n} :: A Finnish-speaker; somebody whose mother tongue is Finnish
Suomen Kristillinen Liitto {prop} :: A former name of Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit, a Christian Democratic party in Finland
Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit {prop} [politics] :: A Christian Democratic party in Finland, commonly referred to as Kristillisdemokraatit
Suomenlahti {prop} :: The Gulf of Finland
suomenlapinkoira {n} :: Finnish Lapphund
Suomenmaa {prop} [poetic] :: Finland
Suomenmaa {prop} [media] :: A newspaper, organ of Suomen Keskusta (The Centre Party of Finland)
Suomen markka {n} :: The official term for the currency of Finland between 1860 and 2002, until it was replaced by the euro
suomennos {n} :: Finnish translation, a translation into Finnish
suomennus {n} :: Finnish translation, translating into Finnish
suomenopettaja {n} :: Finnish language teacher
suomenpeura {n} :: Finnish forest reindeer, Rangifer tarandus fennicus
suomenpystykorva {n} :: Finnish spitz
Suomen romanikieli {n} :: Kalo Finnish Romani (language spoken by the Finnish Roma)
suomenruotsalainen {n} :: Swedish Finn
suomenruotsalainen {adj} :: Swedish-Finnish
suomenruotsalaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being a Swedish-speaking Finn
suomenruotsi {n} :: Finland Swedish, the group of Swedish dialects spoken in Finland
Suomenselkä {prop} :: Suomenselkä (a watershed or water divide between the drainage basins of the Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland)
Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue {prop} :: The Social Democratic Party of Finland
suomensotti {n} [childish] :: pointer finger, index finger, forefinger
suomensukuinen {adj} [of a people or language] :: related to the Finnish people or language
suomentaa {vt} :: To translate into Finnish
suomentaa {v} [colloquial] :: To make clear, to put in plain English (in this case, Finnish), to explain
suomentaja {n} :: a translator into Finnish; a person that translates into Finnish
Suomen tasavalta {prop} :: The Republic of Finland
suomentua {vi} :: to be translated into Finnish
Suometar {prop} [rare] :: given name
Suometar {prop} :: A newspaper published in 1847-1866, later named Uusi Suometar and Uusi Suomi
suomettaa {vt} :: to Finlandize
suomettua {v} :: to become Fennicized, to become like Finland
suomettua {v} [politics] :: to become Finlandized
suomettuminen {n} [politics] :: Finlandization
suomi {n} :: The Finnish language
Suomi {prop} :: Finland (country)
Suomi {prop} :: surname
suomia {v} :: To whip, lash
suomia {v} [figuratively] :: To scold, lash
suomimakkara {n} :: a type of sausage made also of animal innards and blood
Suomi-neito {prop} :: The Maiden of Finland, the national personification of Finland
Suominen {prop} :: surname
suomisaundi {n} [music] :: A freeform variation of psytrance music said to originate in Finland; also called "suomi" or "freestyle psytrance" outside Finland
Suomi-yhtiö {prop} [dated] :: A former life insurance company, now after a complex M&A process part of OP-Pohjola, Finland's leading finance group
suomu {n} :: A scale, as a small piece of keratin covering the skin of a fish or other animal
suomugrafiittivalurauta {n} [metallurgy] :: grey cast iron
suomuhaarniska {n} :: scale armour
suomuhäntäorava {n} :: anomalure, scaly-tailed squirrel ‎(rodent of the family Anomaluridae, found in central Africa)
suomuinen {adj} :: scaly, squamous
suomumustesieni {n} :: lawyer's wig, Coprinus comatus
suomurousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius spinosulus
Suomussalmi {prop} :: Suomussalmi
suomustaa {vt} :: to scale (remove scales from a fish)
suomustin {n} [cooking] :: A scaler (tool or device for scaling fish)
suomustusrauta {n} :: tool for scaling fish
suomutauti {n} [pathology, common term] :: ichthyosis (disease which gives the sufferer a dry, scaly skin)
suomuurain {n} :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
suomuvyöseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius pholideus
suomyrkkysumakki {n} :: poison sumac, swamp sumac, poison dogwood, poison elder, Toxicodendron vernix (woody shrub or small tree, all parts of which cause irritation to humans)
suomyrtti {n} :: gale, sweet gale, bog myrtle (Myrica gale) (shrub)
suonekas {adj} :: venous
suoneniskentä {n} :: bloodletting
Suonenjoki {prop} :: A town and municipality in Northern Savonia, Finland
suonensisäinen {adj} :: intravascular (pertaining to what is inside blood vessels)
suonensisäinen {adj} :: intravenous (pertaining to what is inside veins)
suonensisäisesti {adv} :: intravascularly
suonenveto {n} [colloquial] :: A cramp (painful contraction of muscle)
suoni {n} [botany] :: vein (of a leaf)
suoni {n} [anatomy] :: short for verisuoni (blood vessel)
suoni {n} [anatomy, archaic] :: tendon, sinew; still used in the phrasal verb vetää suonta (to cramp)
suoni {n} :: lode, stratum, vein (vein-like deposit of ore; often used in compound terms with a modifier specifying the kind of metal to be found)
suonigneissi {n} [geology] :: veined gneiss
suonikalvo {n} [anatomy] :: chorion
suonikas {adj} :: venous, veined, veiny
suonikkuus {n} :: venation (state of having veins)
suonikohju {n} [pathology] :: varicose vein
suonikohjutauti {n} [pathology] :: varicose veins (the condition of having varicose veins)
suonitus {n} [botany] :: venation (pattern of veins)
suopa {n} :: soft soap, potassium soap (gel-like soap obtained by cooking potassium hydroxide with natural oils and fats)
suopa {v} :: Alternate form of suova (present active participle of suoda)
suopapuu {n} :: soapbark, soap bark tree, Quillaja saponaria (tropical tree)
suopayrtti {n} :: soapwort (Saponaria officinalis)
suopea {adj} :: approving
suopea {adj} :: benevolent
suopea {adj} :: favourable/favorable
suopeampi {adj} :: comparative of suopea
suopeasti {adv} :: favorably, approvingly
suopelto {n} :: swamp field, bog field
suoperäinen {adj} :: Originated from swamp
suopeus {n} :: benevolence
suopua {vi} [rare] :: To agree, give in
suopunki {n} :: A type of lasso used to catch reindeer
suopursu {n} :: marsh Labrador tea, northern Labrador tea, wild rosemary (strong-smelling flowering plant in the family Ericaceae, Rhododendron tomentosum)
suora {adj} :: straight (not crooked or bent)
suora {adj} :: straight (direct, truthful, frank)
suora {adj} :: straight (having all cylinders in a single row)
suora {adj} :: live (broadcast)
suora {adj} :: right (of angle, 90°)
suora {n} :: straight (something that is not crooked or bent such as a part of a road or track)
suora {n} [poker] :: straight (five consecutive cards)
suora {n} [geometry] :: line
suora {n} [boxing] :: cross, straight
suora-ammunta {n} [military] :: direct fire
suoraan {adv} :: straight
suoraan {adv} :: right, directly
suoraan {adv} :: suoraan edessä: dead ahead
suoraan {adv} :: sanoa suoraan: to say frankly
suoraa päätä {adv} [figurative] :: straight, right away, head over heels
suorahampainen {adj} :: having straight teeth
suorahiuksinen {n} :: having straight hair
suorakaide {n} [geometry] :: A rectangle
suorakaide {n} [geometry] :: A rectangle that is not a square
suorakauppa {n} :: over-the-counter trade (direct trade of shares between two parties without an intermediary)
suorakäyttö {n} [computing] :: direct access (using a server directly with a shell)
suorakorvaus {n} [insurance] :: direct reimbursement, direct compensation
suora kulma {n} [geometry] :: right angle
suorakulma {n} [geometry] :: right angle (angle of 90 degrees)
suorakulma {n} :: square, set square, carpenter's square (tool used to measure out right angles)
suorakulmainen {adj} :: right-angled (having a right angle, i.e. an angle of 90°)
suorakulmainen {adj} [geometry] :: right, rectangular
suorakulmainen kolmio {n} [geometry] :: right triangle, right-angled triangle (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles)
suorakulmio {n} :: rectangle
suoralta kädeltä {adv} :: off the top of one's head
suoralta kädeltä {adv} :: at first hand, at face value
suoraluonteinen {adj} :: sincere, honest, forthright
suoraluontoinen {adj} :: sincere, honest, forthright
suoramainonta {n} :: direct advertising
suoramainos {n} :: direct advertisement (sdvertisement using direct advertising)
suoramarkkinointi {n} :: direct marketing
suoramyynti {n} :: direct selling
suoranaan {adv} :: in a straight stream or flow
suoranainen {adj} :: direct, obvious, patent
suoranaisesti {adv} :: directly
suoraommel {n} [sewing] :: straight stitch
suoraommelkone {n} :: straight stitch machine
suorapankki {n} [banking, internet] :: direct bank
suorapuheinen {adj} :: outspoken, straightforward, direct, candid
suorarunkoinen {adj} :: having a straight build, trunk
suoraryhtinen {adj} :: having a straight posture
suorasaanti {n} [computing] :: direct access
suorasäärinen {adj} :: having straight legs
suorasäärinen {n} [figurative, euphemism] :: a dead person
suorasanainen {adj} :: outspoken, direct, blunt
suoraselkäinen {adj} :: stand-up (honest; honorable)
suoraselkäisyys {n} :: integrity (steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code)
suorasiipinen {n} :: orthopteran (any insect of order Orthoptera)
suorastaan {adv} :: downright, positively
suorasti {adv} :: straightly, directly (in a straight or direct manner)
suorasuihkutus {n} :: direct injection
suorasukainen {adj} :: blunt, direct, straightforward
suorasukaisesti {adv} :: bluntly, straightforwardly
suorasuu {n} :: an outspoken person
suorasuuntaus {n} [military] :: aiming with or for direct fire
suoratukkainen {adj} :: having straight hair
suoravartinen {adj} :: having a straight handle (of a tool)
suoraveloitus {n} [banking] :: direct debit
suoraviivainen {adj} :: rough, coarse, slash and burn, straightforward; used of way of acting (lacking finesse, performed with little skill)
suoraviivaisesti {adv} :: straightforwardly
suorempi {adj} :: comparative of suora
suorentaa {vt} :: To straighten; to make physically straighter
suoreta {vi} :: To straighten
suoria {vt} :: to straighten
suorin {adj} :: superlative of suora
suoristaa {vt} :: to straighten
suoristautua {vi} :: To straighten oneself
suoristella {vt} :: to straighten (somewhat leisurely)
suoristua {vi} :: To straighten
suoristusharja {n} :: straightening brush (for hair)
suorite {n} :: performance
suoritella {v} :: to perform or carry out (repeatedly)
suoritin {n} [computing] :: (micro)processor
suorittaa {v} :: To perform, carry out, fulfill
suoritus {n} :: performance (act of performing; that which is performed)
suoritus {n} [formal, euphemistic] :: payment
suoritus {n} [computing] :: execution (carrying out of an instruction, program or program segment by a computer)
suoritusaika {n} :: execution time, performance time
suoritusarvo {n} :: performance value
suorituskyky {n} :: performance
suorituskykyvaatimus {n} :: performance requirement
suorituspaine {n} :: performance anxiety
suorituspalkka {n} :: performance-based pay (salary paid on the basis of an employee's performance)
suorituspiste {n} :: course credit, credit
suoritustapa {n} :: method of execution or conducting
suorituttaa {vt} :: to get performed or carried out, to make perform or carry out
suoriutua {v} :: to manage, wield (to handle or control a job successfully)
suoriutua {v} :: to get through, overcome, endure (to handle or control a task, ordeal or challenge successfully)
suoriutua {v} :: to perform one's part, conduct one's self, acquit
suoro {n} [dialectal] :: penis of an animal
suorsa {n} [dialectal] :: duck
suortua {vi} :: to straighten (become straight)
suortuva {n} :: wisp
suoruus {n} :: straightness, rectitude
suoruus {n} :: candor
suosia {vt} :: to favor/favour
suo siellä, vetelä täällä {proverb} :: used of a desperate situation where no solution is ideal; damned if one does and damned if one doesn't
suosija {n} :: patron
suosikki {n} :: favourite/favorite
suosikkiasema {n} :: the position of being the favorite
suosikkijärjestelmä {n} :: favouritism
suosikkikohtaus {n} :: favorite scene (of a theater or film)
suosiminen {n} :: preference, favoring/favouring
suosinta {n} :: favoring
suosio {n} :: popularity
suosiollinen {adj} :: gracious, favorable
suosiollisesti {adv} :: favorably, graciously
suosionosoitus {n} :: favour (indication of being favoured by someone, such as a friendly gesture, small gift)
suosionosoitus {n} :: [in plural] cheer, acclaim, ovation, applause, hand
suosirri {n} :: dunlin, Calidris alpina (small wading bird)
suositella {v} :: To recommend
suositeltava {adj} :: advisable
suosittaa {v} :: to recommend
suosittelija {n} :: reference
suosittu {adj} :: popular (as in liked by many)
suosittu {adj} :: hot, in
suosituimmuusasema {n} :: preferential position
suosituin {adj} :: superlative of suosittu
suositumpi {adj} :: comparative of suosittu
suositus {n} :: recommendation, testimonial
suositus {n} :: guideline
suosituskirje {n} :: A letter of recommendation
suostua {vi} [+ active 3rd infinitive in illative] :: to agree (to do something), consent (to do something), be willing (to do something), comply
suostua {vi} [+ illative] :: to accept, approve
suostumus {n} :: approval, consent
suostutella {vt} :: to persuade, talk someone into something
suostuttaa {vt} [rare] :: to persuade
suotaa {vt} :: to filter out
suotautua {vi} :: to be filtered
suotava {adj} :: Desirable, advisable
suoti {n} :: chestnut (reddish-brown horse)
suoti {adj} :: sorrel (having a reddish-brown color, like that of a horse)
suotta {adv} :: without reason, to no purpose
suotuinen {adj} :: favourable/favorable, propitious, advantageous
suotuinen {adj} :: beneficial
suotuisa {adj} :: favourable/favorable, propitious, advantageous
suotuisa {adj} :: beneficial
suotuisasti {adv} :: favorably, propitiously, auspiciously
suotyyppi {n} :: type of mire, bog, marsh, swamp or similar
suova {n} :: haystack
suoveri {n} [dialectal] :: brother-in-law
suovilla {n} :: cottongrass (plant of the genus Eriophorum)
suoyhdistymätyyppi {n} :: mixed bog or marsh type
supatella {v} :: to whisper for extended periods of time, to chat by whispering
supattaa {v} :: to whisper
super- {prefix} :: super-
superase {n} :: superweapon
superbensiini {n} [dated] :: super gasoline; super petrol [UK] (gasoline with RON octane rating of 97 to 99)
superego {n} [psychoanalysis] :: superego
superemäs {n} [chemistry] :: superbase
superessiivi {n} [grammar] :: superessive, superessive case
superhappo {n} [chemistry] :: superacid
superjoukko {n} [astronomy] :: supercluster
superkalanterointi {n} :: supercalendering
superkavitaatio {n} [fluid dynamics] :: supercavitation
superlatiivi {n} [grammar] :: superlative
supermarket {n} :: alternative form of supermarketti
supermarketti {n} :: supermarket (large self-service store that sells groceries and, often, household goods and clothing)
supermassiivinen {adj} [astronomy] :: supermassive (having a mass higher than 105 times that of the Sun)
supernova {n} :: supernova (exploding star)
supernovajäänne {n} [astronomy] :: supernova remnant
superoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: superoxide
superpallo {n} :: bouncy ball, superball
superpositio {n} [physics] :: superposition
supersäie {n} [physics] :: superstring
supersäieteoria {n} :: superstring theory
supersankari {n} :: superhero
superseos {n} [metallurgy] :: superalloy
supersooninen {adj} :: supersonic
superstara {n} [colloquial] :: superstar
supersymmetria {n} [physics] :: supersymmetry
supertähti {n} :: superstar
supertankkeri {n} [nautical] :: supertanker
supertietokone {n} :: supercomputer
supertoonika {n} [music] :: supertonic
supertulivuori {n} :: supervolcano
supervalta {n} :: superpower
supeta {vi} [math] :: to converge
supeta {v} :: synonym of supistua
supi {n} :: Commonly used short form of supikoira (raccoon dog) (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
supi {n} [dated] :: the fur of raccoon (Procyon lotor)
supi {n} [dated, Finglish] :: raccoon
supi {n} :: suggested standard term for raccoon, intended to replace pesukarhu
supi {n} [zoology] :: raccoon; in the names of several Procyon species
supi {n} [rare, dialectal] :: badger
supiini {n} [grammar] :: supine
supikoira {n} :: raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
supina {n} :: murmur, whisper
supista {vi} :: To murmur
supistaa {vt} :: to reduce
supistaa {vt} :: to abridge
supistaa {vt} [mathematics] :: to cancel
supistella {vti} :: to contract repeatedly
supistua {vi} :: to contract (to draw together or nearer; to shorten, narrow, or lessen)
supistuma {n} [grammar] :: Contraction
supistus {n} :: reduction, cutback, cut
supistus {n} :: contraction (medicine, biology)
supisuomalainen {adj} :: typically and 100% Finnish
suplementtikulma {n} [geometry] :: one of a pair of supplementary angles
supo {n} :: security police, intelligence agency, security service (government organisation that aims to protect its nation and its secrets from enemies)
supo {n} [Finland, law enforcement] :: Finnish Security Intelligence Service
suppa {n} [geology] :: kettle hole, kettle (fluvioglacial landform)
suppea {adj} :: scanty, limited, narrow
suppea {adj} :: concise, succinct
suppea {adj} [phonetics, of a vowel] :: close
suppeampi {adj} :: comparative of suppea
suppeasti {adv} :: compactly, succinctly, concisely, narrowly
suppein {adj} :: superlative of suppea
suppeneminen {n} :: convergence
suppeneva {adj} :: convergent
suppeuttaa {vt} :: synonym of supistaa
suppeutua {v} [rare] :: synonym of supistua
suppilo {n} :: funnel
suppilohapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula delica
suppilopilvi {n} :: A funnel cloud
suppilovahvero {n} [mushrooms] :: A funnel chanterelle, yellowfoot; Craterellus tubaeformis
suppo {n} :: frazil ice
suppo {n} [colloquial] :: suppository
suppojää {n} :: frazil ice (loose, randomly oriented needle-shaped ice crystals in water)
supportiivinen {adj} [medicine, psychology] :: supportive
suppositorio {n} :: suppository
suppupaarma {n} :: cleg, notch-horned cleg (Haematopota pluvialis)
suprajohde {n} [physics] :: superconductor
suprajohtava {adj} [physics] :: superconductive
suprajohtavuus {n} [physics] :: superconductivity
suprakrustinen {adj} :: supracrustal
supraneste {n} :: superfluid
supraskapulaarinen {adj} [anatomy] :: suprascapular (situated above, or on the anterior side of, the scapula)
supremum {n} [mathematics] :: supremum
supukka {n} :: small or closed mouth
suputtaa {v} :: alternative form of supattaa
surahdella {vi} :: to repeatedly buzz, whirr or zoom past
surahtaa {vi} :: to buzz, whirr or zoom past (once)
sureksia {v} :: to mourn
surettaa {vt} :: to grieve, to sadden, to make sad
surettaa {vi} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to feel sad, to be saddened
sureva {adj} :: mourning
surfaktantti {n} :: surfactant
surffaaja {n} :: surfer
surffailija {n} :: surfer
surffailla {v} :: to surf (to ride a wave)
surffailla {v} :: to surf (to browse the Internet)
surffari {n} [colloquial] :: surfer
surffata {v} :: To surf (ride on waves)
surffata {v} :: To surf (browse the Internet)
surffaus {n} :: surfing
surffilauta {n} :: surfboard
surija {n} :: mourner
surimi {n} :: surimi
surimipuikko {n} :: crab stick
surina {n} :: Hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by the bees)
Surinam {prop} [dated] :: alternative spelling of Suriname
Suriname {prop} :: Suriname
surinamelainen {n} :: Surinamese (person)
surinamelainen {adj} :: Surinamese (of or pertaining to Suriname)
surinamilainen {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of surinamelainen
surinamilainen {adj} [dated] :: alternative spelling of surinamelainen
surista {v} :: To buzz, whirr, hum
surjektiivinen {adj} [mathematics] :: surjective
surjektio {n} [set theory] :: surjection
surkastaa {vt} :: to constrict
surkastua {vi} :: To atrophy
surkastuttaa {vt} :: to atrophy
surkea {adj} :: miserable, wretched
surkea {adj} :: pitiful
surkea {adj} :: lousy
surkea {adj} :: squalid
surkeasti {adv} :: miserably, pitifully
surkeilla {vi} :: to feel sad, to feel down
surkeilla {v} :: to bemoan, to express pity
surkeus {n} :: ruefulness
surkeus {n} :: squalor
surkeus {n} :: misery
surkeus {n} :: pitifulness
surkeus {n} :: miserableness
surkeus {n} :: sadness
surkimus {n} :: weakling (someone physically weak)
surkuhupaisa {adj} :: tragicomic
surkutella {v} :: To bemoan
surma {n} :: A violent death, mainly used of humans
surma {n} :: Personification of sudden death
surma {n} [legal] :: Killing, voluntary manslaughter under mitigating circumstances
surmaaja {n} :: killer, slayer
surma-ase {n} :: a weapon that was used to kill someone
surmanhyppy {n} :: salto mortale
surmata {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] :: to kill, slay
surmauttaa {vt} :: to have (someone) killed or slain
surra {vi} :: To mourn, grieve (very often because of someone's death)
surra {vt} :: To mourn, grieve (over someone = partitive; over a dead person)
surrata {vi} :: to drone, buzz, whirr, hum
surrealismi {n} :: surrealism
surrealisti {n} :: surrealist
surrealistinen {adj} :: surreal
surrogaatti {n} :: surrogate
suru {n} :: sorrow, grief; woe
suruaika {n} :: mourning period
suruasu {n} :: A mourning (traditional clothes worn by those who mourn)
suruharso {n} :: mourning veil
surujuhla {n} :: ceremony of mourning
surulaulu {n} :: dirge, elegy, requiem, threnody
suruliputtaa {v} :: to fly a flag at half-staff for purposes of mourning or honouring the dead
suruliputus {n} :: The act of flying flags, usually half-staff, to honour the dead
surullinen {adj} :: sad
surullisempi {adj} :: comparative of surullinen
surullisenkuuluisa {adj} :: infamous
surullisesti {adv} :: sadly, sorrowfully, somberly
surullisin {adj} :: superlative of surullinen
surullisuus {n} :: sadness
surumarssi {n} :: funeral march
surumieli {n} :: mournful mood
surumielinen {adj} :: gloomy, melancholy
surumielisesti {adv} :: melancholically, sadly, gloomily
surumielisyys {n} :: melancholy
surunappi {n} :: badge of mourning
surunauha {n} :: mourning band
surunkyynel {n} :: tear of sadness
surunlapsi {n} :: child that brings worry and sadness
surunpäivä {n} :: day of mourning
surunsekainen {adj} :: sorrowful, mixed with sorrow
suruntäyteinen {adj} :: sorrowful
surunvalittelu {n} :: condolence (expression of comfort, support, or sympathy offered to the family and friends of somebody who has died)
surunvalittelukirja {n} :: book of condolence (book in which people may sign their name and write a short message as a symbol of sympathy; often in response to a high profile death or series of deaths)
surunviesti {n} :: synonym of suruviesti
surunvoittoinen {adj} :: sad, sorrowful, mournful, grieving
surupuku {n} :: mourning clothes, mourning dress
surureuna {n} :: a black border used to represent mourning, such as on obituaries
surureunus {n} :: synonym of surureuna
surusaatto {n} :: funeral procession, sorrowful procession
surusaattue {n} :: funeral procession, sorrowful procession
surusanoma {n} :: message of grief, message of loss
surusilmäinen {adj} :: that has sad eyes, sad-eyed
surutalo {n} :: house of mourning
suruttomasti {adv} :: carefreely, carelessly, unconcernedly
surutyö {n} :: grieving, mourning
suruvaippa {n} :: mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)
suruviesti {n} :: message of loss, message of grief (message of someone having passed away)
suruvirsi {n} :: elegy (mournful or plaintive poem; funeral song; poem of lamentation)
survaista {vt} :: to thrust, to shove, to push, to plunge
surve {n} :: synonym of survos
survin {n} :: pestle
survivalismi {n} :: survivalism
survivalisti {n} :: survivalist
survoa {v} :: To cram, stuff, crowd (to press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another)
survoa {v} [cooking] :: To mash
survoin {n} [rare, incorrect] :: survin
survoutua {vt} :: to cram (in)
survoutua {vi} :: to be crammed
survoutua {vi} :: to be mashed
sus {interj} :: oh; used only in the expression shown in the example below
Susanna {prop} :: given name
Susanna {prop} [biblical character] :: Susanna
sushi {n} :: sushi
susi {n} :: grey wolf (Canis lupus)
susi {n} [colloquial] :: dud
Susi {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Lupus
suši {n} :: alternative form of sushi
susihämähäkki {n} :: wolf spider (spider of the genus Pardosa within the family Lycosidae)
susihukka {n} [poetic] :: wolf, howler (a nickname for wolves)
susijahti {n} :: wolf hunting, wolf hunt (occasion of hunting wolves)
susikoira {n} :: wolfhound (dog of various breeds originally developed to hunt wolves)
susikoira {n} :: wolf dog (hybrid between a dog and a wolf)
susikoira {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of saksanpaimenkoira
susilauma {n} :: wolf pack, wolfpack
susimainen {adj} :: wolf-like, wolfish, lupine
susipari {n} :: unmarried couple
susiraja {n} [humorous] :: Literally “wolf border,” the boundary between the capital region and the rest of Finland; the name suggests that rest of the country is wilderness
susisävel {n} [music] :: wolf tone
suskeptanssi {n} [physics, electronics] :: susceptance
suskeptibiliteetti {n} [physics] :: susceptibility
suslikki {n} :: speckled ground squirrel, spotted souslik, Spermophilus suslicus
suspensio {n} [chemistry] :: suspension
sussexinspanieli {n} :: Sussex spaniel (breed of dog)
sutaista {vi} :: To jot (to write quickly)
sutata {v} [colloquial] :: to smudge, to scribble over, to render something illegibile by marking over it
Sutela {prop} :: surname
sutenööri {n} :: pimp, panderer
suti {n} :: A brush
sutia {vt} :: to brush (using a small brush)
sutia {vi} [of a wheel] :: to spin without moving the vehicle, to do wheelspin
sutina {n} [colloquial] :: Bustle, hustle
sutina {n} [colloquial] :: Amorous play, sometimes akin to an affair
sutjakasti {adv} :: slenderly, smoothly
sutjakka {adj} :: slender
sutjakka {adj} :: smooth (without problems)
sutkaus {n} :: quip, wit
sutkauttaa {v} :: to quip
suttaantua {vi} :: To become dirty
suttautua {vi} :: alternative form of suttaantua
suttu {n} :: A smudge
suttura {n} [colloquial] :: woman, girl
sutuura {n} :: sutura
suu {n} :: mouth
suualue {n} :: estuary
suude {n} :: A wedge that is used to fasten the blade of an axe
suudella {vti} :: To kiss
suudelma {n} :: kiss
suudita {vt} [rare] :: to wedge (to support or secure with a wedge; to force into a narrow space)
suufilainen {n} :: Sufi (Islamic mysticist)
suufilainen {adj} :: Sufite (of or pertaining to Sufism)
suufilaisuus {n} :: Sufism (Islamic mysticism)
suuharppu {n} :: synonym of munniharppu
suuhunpantava {n} :: snack, food
suuhygienia {n} :: oral hygiene
suuhygienisti {n} :: oral hygienist
suujarru {n} [firearms] :: A muzzle brake
suu- ja sorkkatauti {n} [pathology] :: foot-and-mouth disease
suukamera {n} :: intraoral camera
suukappale {n} :: mouthpiece (part of any device that functions in or near the mouth)
suukapula {n} :: gag (device to restrain speech)
suukirurgia {n} :: oral surgery
suukki {n} [colloquial, childish] :: mouth
suukko {n} :: kiss (touch with the lips)
suukko {n} :: type of sweet consisting of a round biscuit base with flavored whipped egg white cream on top of it, the whole coated in a thin layer of chocolate
suukkosuu {n} [botany] :: kissing lips (Hypocyrta glabra, a decorative flower)
suukku {n} [colloquial, childish language] :: mouth
suukopu {n} [colloquial] :: quarrel
suukottaa {v} :: To kiss
suula {n} :: northern gannet, Morus bassanus (type species of the bird family Sulidae)
suula {n} :: booby, gannet (any of the marine birds in the family Sulidae, the family of gannets and boobies)
suulaampi {adj} :: comparative of suulas
suulaasti {adv} :: mouthily
suulaenluu {n} [skeleton] :: palatine bone
suulake {n} :: nozzle
suulakepuristus {n} :: extrusion (a manufacturing process)
suulaki {n} [anatomy] :: palate
suulakihalkio {n} :: cleft palate
suulas {adj} :: outspoken
suuliekki {n} [firearms] :: muzzle blast
suullinen {adj} :: oral, spoken (spoken rather than written)
suullinen {n} :: mouthful (amount that will fit in a mouth)
suullisesti {adv} :: orally
suun limakalvon haavauma {n} [pathology, set phrase] :: aphthous ulcer, mouth ulcer, aphtha
suunnanmuutos {n} :: change of direction
suunnanmuutos {n} :: inflection (a turning away from a straight course)
suunnanvaihto {n} :: change of direction, reversal
suunnanvaihto {n} :: power reversal
suunnata {v} :: to direct
suunnata {v} :: to target, aim
suunnata {v} :: to head (to move in a specified direction)
suunnaton {adj} :: enormous, immense
suunnaton {adj} :: directionless
suunnaton {adj} :: aimless
suunnattoman {adv} :: enormously, hugely
suunnattomasti {adv} :: enormously
suunnattomuus {n} :: enormity
suunnattu kaari {n} [graph theory] :: directed edge
suunnattu verkko {n} [graph theory] :: directed graph
suunnikas {n} [geometry] :: parallelogram
suunnikaslihas {n} [anatomy] :: rhomboid muscle
suunnilleen {adv} :: about, around, approximately, some
suunnilleen {adv} :: odd (together with a number: about)
suunnin {n} :: homing device
suunnistaa {vi} :: To go orienteering
suunnistaja {n} [sports] :: orienteer (someone who competes in the sport of orienteering)
suunnistautua {vi} :: to determine one's bearing, direction or position
suunnistus {n} :: orienteering
suunnite {n} :: plan, especially one setting a numeric goal, largely omitting the means for reaching it
suunnitella {v} :: to design
suunnitella {v} :: to plan
suunnitella {v} :: to conceive
suunnitelma {n} :: plan, scheme
suunnitelma {n} :: blueprint
suunnitelma {n} :: design
suunnitelmallinen {adj} :: methodical, systematical, planned (carried out according to a plan)
suunnitelmallisemmin {adv} :: comparative of suunnitelmallisesti
suunnitelmallisempi {adj} :: comparative of suunnitelmallinen
suunnitelmallisesti {adv} :: methodically, systematically, programmatically, in a planned or structured manner
suunnitelmallisimmin {adv} :: superlative of suunnitelmallisesti
suunnitelmallisin {adj} :: superlative of suunnitelmallinen
suunnitelmallisuus {n} :: methodicalness, systematicity, design
suunnitelmatalous {n} :: planned economy
suunnitteilla {adv} :: under planning (in the process of being planned)
suunnittelematon {adj} :: unscheduled, unplanned
suunnittelemattomasti {adv} :: in an unplanned way
suunnittelija {n} :: A designer
suunnittelija {n} :: A planner
suunnittelu {n} :: planning (act of formulating of a course of action, or of drawing up plans)
suunnittelu {n} :: design (art of designing)
suunnittelu {n} :: contemplation (act of looking forward to an event; the act of intending or purposing)
suunnittelu {n} :: plotting (planning of a crime)
suunnitteluinsinööri {n} :: planning engineer, design engineer
suunnittelukilpailu {n} [architecture] :: architectural competition (competition for architects to find the best and most attractive design for a construction project)
suunnittelukilpailu {n} :: design competition (similar competition on some other field of design)
suunnittelumalli {n} [architecture, computing, design] :: design pattern (documented general solution to a design problem in a particular field of expertise)
suunnitteluvelvoite {n} :: planning obligation
suunpieksentä {n} :: backchat, backtalk, sass (especially if vulgar)
suunta {n} :: direction (indication of the point toward which an object is moving)
suunta {n} :: hand (direction when indicated by right or left)
suunta {n} :: path (direction of proceeding)
suunta {n} [navigation] :: bearing, magnetic bearing (short for kompassisuunta, the direction towards an object or target expressed in terms of horizontal angle between that direction and that of true north)
suunta {n} [navigation] :: heading (short for kulkusuunta, the direction into which a vessel's bow is pointing or the direction into which it is actually moving relative to the ground)
suunta {n} :: lay (direction to which a rope is twisted)
suunta {n} :: sense (math: direction of a vector)
suunta {n} :: tack (course of action)
suuntaa antava {adj} :: approximate (that which serves to give an idea of the extent, quality, or reality of something)
suuntaamaton {adj} :: undirected (having no direction, not having been directed)
suuntaamaton kaari {n} [graph theory] :: undirected edge
suuntaamaton verkko {n} [graph theory] :: undirected graph
suuntain {n} :: a device that directs
suuntain {n} :: sight of a (modern) mortar
suuntain {n} :: waveguide of or for a speaker
suuntainen {adj} :: genitive + ~ : having the direction of, being parallel to
suuntaisesti {adv} :: parallel to
suuntaissärmiö {n} [geometry] :: parallelepiped
suuntaus {n} :: trend
suuntaus {n} :: orientation
suuntautua {vi} [_, + illative] :: To be directed towards
suuntautua {vi} [_, + illative] :: To orientate oneself towards, orient oneself towards
suuntautua {vi} [_, + illative] :: To be aimed at, be geared towards
suuntautuminen {n} :: orientation
suuntautuneisuus {n} :: orientation
suuntautuneisuus {n} [philosophy] :: synonym of intentionaalisuus
suuntavaisto {n} :: sense of direction, sense of orientation
suuntavalaisin {n} [legal] :: A direction indicator, trafficator
suuntaventtiili {n} :: check valve, directional control valve
suuntaviitta {n} :: signpost
suuntaviiva {n} :: guideline (non-specific rule, principle or explanation that provides direction to action or behaviour)
suuntavilkku {n} :: An indicator, turn signal, trafficator (blinking light that indicates the direction that a vehicle is about to turn)
suuntia {vt} :: to take the bearings (to determine the bearing to sthg)
suuntima {n} [navigation] :: bearing (horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object, or between it and that of true north, especially as a result of a measurement)
suuntima-asema {n} [rare] :: a station used to get the bearing for anti-air defense
suuntimalevy {n} [navigation] :: pelorus
suuontelo {n} :: oral cavity (medical profession's term for mouth)
suupala {n} :: bite (piece of food)
suupaltti {n} :: gasbag, blowhard, windbag, big mouth, blusterer, boaster, braggart, loudmouth (person who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner)
suupaltti {adj} :: talkative, open-mouthed (inclined to talking too much or too loudly)
suupuhe {n} :: word of mouth
suur- {prefix} :: great, grand, major, macro-
suura {n} [Islam] :: sura
suuraakkonen {n} :: capital letter, uppercase letter (one of letters A, B, C… as opposed to a, b, c…)
suuramiraali {n} :: grand admiral (rank in German navy, above ordinary admirals)
suurarkkipiispa {n} :: major archbishop
suure {n} [mathematics] :: quantity
suure {n} [physics] :: quantity, physical quantity
suurehko {adj} :: largish
suurelementti {n} :: large prefab
suurellinen {adj} :: pretentious, pompous
suurellisesti {adv} :: pretentiously, pompously
suurelta osin {adv} :: mostly
suurempi {adj} :: comparative of suuri
suurenergiafysiikka {n} [physics] :: high energy physics
suurenmoinen {adj} :: magnificent (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance)
suurenmoisesti {adv} :: in an magnificient manner
suurennella {v} :: to exaggerate
suurennus {n} :: magnification
suurennus {n} :: enlargement
suurennus {n} :: augmentation
suurennuskone {n} [photography] :: enlarger
suurennuslasi {n} :: magnifying glass
suurennusleikkaus {n} [medicine] :: augmentation surgery (surgery to increase the size of an organ or a part of body)
suurennussuhde {n} :: magnification ratio
suurennuttaa {vt} :: to have something enlarged
suurentaa {vt} :: to magnify, enlarge
suurentaa {vt} [computing] :: to maximize
suurentua {vi} :: To become larger
suuresti {adv} :: greatly
suureta {vi} :: To grow bigger
Suuret järvet {prop} :: The Great Lakes
suurherttua {n} :: grand duke
suuri {adj} :: large
suuri {adj} :: big
suuri {adj} :: great
suuriäänisesti {adv} :: vociferously
suurieleisesti {adv} :: grandly, grandiosely, extravagantly
suuri harppaus {n} :: Great Leap Forward (Chinese campaign in 1958-61)
suuri ikäluokka {n} [used other than idiomatically] :: large age-cohort
suuri ikäluokka {n} [in plural, idiomatic] :: baby boomers
suurikokoinen {adj} :: large-sized
suurilmasto {n} :: macroclimate
suurima {n} [rare] :: synonym of suurimo
Suuri Magellanin pilvi {prop} [astronomy] :: Large Magellanic Cloud
suurimittakaavainen {adj} :: large-scale (of a map or drawing, drawn large to show details)
suurimo {n} :: An individual grain of groats (hulled grain)
suurimot {n} :: grits, groats (hulled grain)
suurin harppauksin {adv} :: leaps and bounds, by leaps and bounds (considerably, significantly)
suurin piirtein {adv} :: roughly, approximately
suurinpiirtein {adv} :: roughly, more or less, by and large
suurin yhteinen tekijä {n} :: greatest common divisor
suuri oktaavi {n} [music] :: great octave
suuriruhtinaanmaa {n} [historical] :: grand duchy, especially the Grand Duchy of Finland btw. 1809 and 1917
suuriruhtinas {n} :: grand duke
suuriruhtinaskunta {n} :: grand duchy
suuriruhtinatar {n} :: grand duchess
suuri sali {n} :: great hall (main room of a palace, castle or manor)
suuri sali {n} :: The main meeting room of a parliament, conference or the like
suurisanaisesti {adv} :: pompously, boastingly
Suuri seuraaja {prop} :: Kim Jong-un
suurisuisesti {adv} :: in a bigmouthed or loudmouthed way
suurituloinen {adj} :: high-income, having a high income
suuri valiokunta {n} :: a standing committee of the Finnish Parliament handling the national politics related to the EU membership of Finland
suuri verenkierto {n} [anatomy] :: systemic circulation
suurjännite {n} [electrical engineering] :: high voltage
suurkäräjät {n} :: Storting (the Norwegian parliament)
suurkaupunki {n} :: large city, metropolis
Suur-Kreikka {prop} [historical] :: Magna Graecia (Greek colonies in southern Italy that were established in 8th and 7th century B.C.)
suurlähettiläs {n} :: ambassador
suurlähetystö {n} :: embassy
suurlähetystö {n} :: High Commission (embassy of a Commonwealth country in another Commonwealth country)
suurliikemies {n} :: tycoon
Suur-Lontoo {prop} :: Greater London
suurmanner {n} :: A supercontinent (one of the contemporary landmasses consisting of several continents)
suurmestari {n} [chess] :: Grandmaster
suurmestari {n} [knighthood] :: Grand Master
suurmielenosoitus {n} :: mass demonstration, large demonstration, major demonstration (display of opinion)
suurmies {n} :: great man
suurmoskeija {n} :: A grand mosque; a large mosque that is for all denominations
suurmyymälä {n} [retail] :: superstore, large retailer, mass merchandiser
suurnopeusjuna {n} [uncountable] :: high-speed rail (form of transport)
suurnopeusjuna {n} :: bullet train
suurnopeusrata {n} :: high-speed railway line, high-speed railway track
suurpaine {n} :: high pressure
suurpainenatriumlamppu {n} :: high-pressure sodium-vapour lamp
suurperhe {n} :: A large family; kinship family
suurpiirteisesti {adv} :: ambiguously, roughly, generously
suurpujottelu {n} [sports] :: giant slalom
Suur-Saimaa {n} :: The lake Saimaa, especially when open waters of it are included
suursiivous {n} :: spring cleaning (systematic and complete cleaning of a house, system etc.)
suursota {n} :: great war, major war
suursuomalainen {n} [historical] :: A supporter of the idea of Greater Finland, i.e. the idea of uniting Finland, Karelia and possibly other areas inhabited by Finnic peoples into one country
suursuomalainen {adj} [historical] :: Of or pertaining to Greater Finland, the ideology behind the concept, or its supporters
suursyömäri {n} :: glutton (one who eats a lot)
suurtaajuus {n} [radio] :: high frequency
suurtalous {n} :: mass catering, mass caterer
suurtapahtuma {n} :: major event, large-scale event, spectacle
suurteos {n} :: magnum opus, masterpiece
suurtietokone {n} [computing] :: mainframe
suuruinen {adj} :: of the amount, order or magnitude
suurus {n} :: synonym of suuruste
suurustaa {vt} [cooking] :: to thicken (such as with flour or cream)
suuruste {n} [cooking] :: thickening agent, thickener
suuruudenhullu {n} :: megalomaniac
suuruudenhulluus {n} :: delusion of grandeur, megalomania (the false belief that one is important or powerful or something is important; the act of constructing or planning to construct something concrete or abstract that is unrealistically big)
suuruus {n} :: largeness, greatness
suuruus {n} :: size, magnitude
suuruusjärjestys {n} :: order or ordering of numbers or numerical values
suuruusluokka {n} :: order of magnitude
suuruusluokka {n} :: vicinity (approximate size or amount)
suuruusluokka {n} :: ballpark figure
suurvalta {n} :: A great power (nation or state that has the ability to exert its influence on a global scale)
suurvalta-aika {n} [historical] :: Sweden during the Swedish Empire (during which it was a great power)
suurvalta-asema {n} :: station of being a great power
suurvisiiri {n} :: grand vizier
suuryritys {n} :: large company or corporation
suuryritys {n} :: In plural, big business (large corporations understood as a collective with significant economic, political, or social influence)
suu säkkiä myöten {phrase} [idiomatic] :: within one's means, see cut one's coat according to one's cloth
suusanallinen {adj} [rare] :: oral, spoken (spoken rather than written)
suuseksi {n} :: oral sex
suusola {n} [phonetics] :: The space that is left between the tongue and the palate when pronouncing a vowel
suussasulava {adj} [literally] :: melting (sense "dissolving") in the mouth; in this sense usually written as two separate words
suussasulava {adj} [figurative] :: delicious
suustaladattava {n} [firearms] :: A muzzleloader
suustaladattava {adj} :: muzzleloading
suusta-suuhun {adv} :: mouth-to-mouth
suusuihke {n} :: mouth spray, oral spray
suusuihkute {n} [rare] :: mouth spray, oral spray
suusumute {n} :: mouth spray, oral spray
suusyöpä {n} :: mouth cancer
suutahtaa {v} :: to flare, to burst out with anger
suutari {n} :: shoemaker (one who makes shoes)
suutari {n} :: cobbler (one who repairs shoes)
suutari {n} :: cobbler's (shoe repair shop)
suutari {n} :: A dud explosive, an unexploded piece of ordnance or fireworks
suutari {n} [fish] :: tench, Tinca tinca
suutarinkielo {n} :: synonym of tuonenkielo
suutarin lapsilla ei ole kenkiä {proverb} :: the shoemaker's children go barefoot
suutarinlohi {n} :: Baltic herring pickled with vinegar, sugar, carrot, onion, salt, bayleaves and allspice
suutarinverstas {n} :: cobbler's (shoe repair shop)
suutaroida {v} :: To work as a shoemaker
suute {n} :: alternative form of suude
suutelu {n} :: kissing
suutia {vt} :: to fasten with a wedge (used to fasten a blade of an axe)
suutin {n} :: A nozzle
suutin {n} :: A tuyere
suuttua {vi} :: To get angry
suuttumus {n} :: anger, indignation
suuttunut {adj} :: angry
suuttuva {adj} :: irritable (capable of being irritated)
suutulehdus {n} :: stomatitis (inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane lining of the mouth)
suutuntuma {n} :: mouthfeel
suututtaa {vt} [+ partitive] :: to anger someone or something, to make angry
suututtaa {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to feel angry, to become angry
suu-urut {n} [musical instruments] :: sheng
suuvesi {n} :: mouthwash
suvaita {vt} [+ partitive] :: To accept, stand
suvaita {vt} [+ partitive] :: To tolerate, stand
suvaita {vt} [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: To deign, condescend (to do something)
suvaitsematon {adj} :: intolerant
suvaitsemattomasti {adv} :: intolerantly
suvaitsemattomuus {n} :: intolerance, closed-mindedness
suvaitsevainen {adj} :: permissive, lenient, tolerant
suvaitsevaisesti {adv} :: tolerantly
suvaitsevaisuus {n} :: tolerance (ability to tolerate beliefs etc.)
suvaitsevasti {adv} :: permissively, tolerantly
suvaitsevuus {n} :: toleration
suvakki {n} [derogative] :: social justice warrior, libtard
suvanto {n} :: stream pool (stretch of a river or stream in which the water depth is above average and the water velocity is quite below average)
suvanto {n} [figuratively] :: A slow section in anything that might be understood as a stream, e.g. in musical composition, history, life of a person, project etc
suvehtia {v} [archaic] :: to spend a summer
suvereeni {adj} :: sovereign (country etc.)
suvereenisesti {adv} :: in a sovereign way
suvereenisti {adv} :: in a sovereign way
suvereenisuus {n} :: sovereignty
suvereenius {n} :: sovereignty (independence)
suvereniteetti {n} :: sovereignty
suvi {n} [literary, poetic] :: summer
suvi {n} [archaic] :: south
Suvi {prop} :: given name, popular in the end of the 20th century
Suvi-Anne {prop} :: given name
suviseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius erythrinus
suvivirsi {n} :: a traditional Swedish and Finnish summertime hymn, often sung at the end of the school year
suviyö {n} [poetic] :: summer night
suvullisesti {adv} :: [of reproduction] sexually
suvuton {adj} [grammar] :: gender-neutral, epicene
suvuton {adj} [biology] :: neuter (having no generative organs)
suvuton {adj} [biology] :: asexual
suvuttomasti {adv} :: [of reproduction] asexually
švaa {n} :: schwa (indeterminate central vowel sound)
svaabi {n} :: Swabian (person)
švaabi {n} :: alternative spelling of svaabi
svaabilainen {adj} :: alternative spelling of schwabilainen
švaabilainen {adj} :: alternative spelling of schwabilainen
švaavokaali {n} :: synonym of švaa
Sveitsi {prop} :: Switzerland
sveitsiläinen {adj} :: Swiss
sveitsiläinen {n} :: A Swiss
sveitsiläiskaarti {n} [historical] :: Swiss Guard (mercenary guard consisting of Swiss soldiers seeking their fortune abroad due to the poverty of their home country)
sveitsiläiskaarti {n} :: Swiss Guard (pontifical Swiss Guard stationed in Vatican, the only remaining unit of this kind)
sveitsiläisyys {n} :: Swissness (state or quality of being Swiss)
sveitsinajokoira {n} :: Swiss hound, Schweizer Laufhund (Swiss breed of dog)
sveitsinhuilu {n} [musical instruments] :: fife
sveitsinjuusto {n} :: synonym of emmentaljuusto
sveitsinleike {n} :: Swiss schnitzel (dish consisting of veal cutlet filled with cheese, typically Emmentaler or Gruyere, and a slice of ham)
sveitsinsaksa {n} :: Swiss German (language)
sveitsinveitsi {n} :: Swiss Army knife
svekofennialainen {adj} :: Svecofennian
svekofiili {n} :: Suecophile
svekomaani {n} [historical] :: Svecoman (supporter of a Swedish nationalistic movement in Finland, which had its heyday in 1870's and 1880's)
svengaava {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of mukaansatempaava
svengaava {adj} :: cool, neat, interesting, fashionable, groovy
svengata {v} :: to groove (to perform, dance to, or enjoy rhythmic music)
svengata {v} [slang] :: to be going, to be doing, to be happening
svengata {v} :: to have a good time
svengi {n} [colloquial] :: happening, going
svetari {n} [colloquial] :: sweater (knitted jacket or jersey)
svetisismi {n} :: A loanword from Swedish
svetisismi {n} :: An expression influenced by Swedish, often one that is regarded as non-standard in the target language, particularly in Finnish
sviitti {n} :: hotel suite
svingata {v} [golf, slang] :: to swing
swahili {n} :: The Swahili language
swahilin kieli {n} :: Swahili (language)
swahilinkielinen {adj} :: Swahili-speaking
swahilinkielinen {adj} :: Swahili, Swahili language (expressed in the Swahili language)
swap {n} [finance, slang] :: swap (financial derivative)
swap {n} [computing, slang] :: swap (auxiliary memory)
swazi {n} :: Swazi (Bantu language)
swazi {n} :: Swazi (personfrom Swaziland or of Swati descent)
Swazimaa {prop} :: Swaziland
swedenborgilaisuus {n} :: Swedenborgianism
swingi {n} [golf] :: swing (act of swinging the club)
switch {n} [BDSM] :: switch
syaani {adj} :: cyan
syaanimetaani {n} :: acetonitrile
syaanivety {n} :: hydrogen cyanide
syaanivetyhappo {n} :: hydrogen cyanide
syaaniyhdiste {n} :: cyanide (any chemical containing a cyano group)
syanidi {n} [chemistry] :: cyanide
syankalium {n} [inorganic compound] :: potassium cyanide
syano- {prefix} :: cyano-
syanobakteeri {n} :: cyanobacterium
syanokobalamiini {n} [biochemistry] :: cyanocobalamin
syanoosi {n} [pathology] :: cyanosis
syanuurihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: cyanuric acid
sybariitti {n} [rare] :: A sybarite
sydämeenkäypä {adj} :: poignant, heartfelt
sydämeenkäyvä {adj} :: poignant, heartfelt
sydämellinen {adj} :: warm, warmhearted, affectionate, kind, lovable, sweet
sydämellinen {adj} :: cordial, heartfelt
sydämellisesti {adv} :: cordially
sydämenahdistus {n} :: heart anxiety, heart or chest pain
sydämenasia {n} :: matter of the heart, something close to one's heart
sydämenhieronta {n} :: cardiac massage
sydämenkuva {n} :: heart shape, heart pattern
sydämenlaajentuma {n} :: enlarged heart
sydämenlyönti {n} :: heartbeat (single pulsation)
sydämenpysähdys {n} :: alternative form of sydänpysähdys
sydämensiirto {n} [surgery] :: heart transplantation, cardiac transplantation
sydämensiirtoleikkaus {n} :: heart transplant operation
sydämensiirtopotilas {n} :: heart transplant patient
sydämen sisäkalvo {n} [anatomy] :: endocardium
sydämensivistys {n} :: social or mental sophistication
sydämensyke {n} :: heartbeat
sydämentahdistin {n} :: pacemaker
sydämentakainen {adj} [anatomy, medicine] :: retrocardiac
sydämentykytys {n} :: palpitation
sydämen vajaatoiminta {n} [pathology] :: heart failure
sydämetön {adj} :: heartless
sydämettömästi {adv} :: heartlessly
sydämistyä {vi} :: to get furiously angry, to be offended
sydämystyä {v} :: alternative form of sydämistyä
sydän {n} :: heart
sydän {n} :: core
sydän {n} :: wick (of a candle)
sydänääni {n} :: heartbeat, pulse; sound of a heart (also figuratively)
sydänala {n} [anatomy] :: the area around one's heart, precordium
sydänalue {n} :: heart, central region
sydänambulanssi {n} :: ambulance dedicated to heart attack or heart disease patients
sydäneteinen {n} :: heart atrium
sydänfilmi {n} [colloquial] :: electrocardiogram
sydänhäiriö {n} :: cardiac disorder
sydänhalkeama {n} :: crack deep in wood
sydänhalvaus {n} :: cardiac arrest
sydänhermo {n} :: heart nerve
sydänhermovika {n} [pathology] :: Da Costa's syndrome
sydänhieronta {n} :: cardiac massage
sydäninfarkti {n} [pathology] :: Coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction, heart attack
sydäninsuffisienssi {n} :: heart insufficiency
sydäninvalidi {n} :: person with an incapacitating heart disease
sydäniskuri {n} [medicine] :: defibrillator (electronic device that delivers a controlled electric shock to a patient to correct ventricular fibrillation)
sydän- ja verisuonitauti {n} :: cardiovascular disease (class of diseases involving the heart or blood vessels); as a group name normally used in plural in Finnish
sydänjuuret {n} :: the bottom of one's heart; used especially in the idiomatic expression sydänjuuriaan myöten ("to the bottom of one's heart")
sydänkammio {n} [anatomy] :: heart chamber
sydänkäpy {n} :: sweet, sweetheart
sydänkäpynen {n} :: sweetheart
sydänkäyrä {n} :: cardiogram
sydänkesä {n} :: midsummer
sydän-keuhkokone {n} :: heart-lung machine
sydänkipu {n} :: angina, heart pain, chest pain
sydänkirurgi {n} :: cardiac surgeon, cardiologist
sydänkirurgia {n} :: cardiac surgery
sydänkohta {n} [heraldry] :: fess point
sydänkohtaus {n} [pathology] :: heart attack
sydänkorvake {n} [anatomy] :: auricle (ear-shaped appendage of the either atrium of the heart)
sydänkuolema {n} :: cardiac death
sydänkuolleisuus {n} :: cardiac mortality
sydän kurkussa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: one's heart in one's mouth (very scared)
sydänlääkäri {n} :: cardiologist
sydänlääke {n} :: heart medication
sydänlaho {n} :: heart rot
sydänlanka {n} :: wick (yarn in a candle that draws up melted stearine, wax etc.)
sydänläppä {n} [anatomy] :: heart valve
sydänleikkaus {n} :: heart surgery
sydänlihas {n} [anatomy] :: myocardium (the middle of the three layers forming the wall of the heart)
sydänlihassairaus {n} [pathology] :: cardiomyopathy (deterioration of the myocardium)
sydänlihastulehdus {n} [pathology] :: myocarditis
sydänmaa {n} :: heartland
sydänmuuri {n} :: fireplace side wall
sydänosa {n} :: core
sydänosa {n} :: heartwood
sydänpäivä {n} :: midday, high noon
sydänpotilas {n} :: heart patient
sydänpuolisko {n} :: half of a heart
sydänpussi {n} [anatomy] :: pericardium
sydänpuu {n} :: heartwood, duramen
sydänpysähdys {n} [pathology] :: cardiac arrest
sydänsähkökäyrä {n} :: electrocardiogram
sydänsairaus {n} :: heart disease, heart ailment, heart condition
sydänsärky {n} :: heartache, heartbreak
sydänsiirto {n} :: heart transplant
sydänsimpukka {n} :: cockle (European bivalve mollusk of the family Cardiidae, having heart-shaped shells)
sydänsuru {n} :: heartache
sydänsuvi {n} [literary, poetic] :: mid-summer
sydänsyöpä {n} :: heart cancer
sydäntalvi {n} :: midwinter (middle of the winter)
sydäntäsärkevä {adj} :: heartbreaking
sydäntauti {n} [pathology] :: heart disease
sydäntenmurskaaja {n} :: heartbreaker
sydäntoiminta {n} :: heart activity
sydäntulehdus {n} :: cardiac infection, heart infection
sydäntutkimus {n} :: heart examination
sydäntyä {v} [dialectal] :: to get angry
sydänvaiva {n} :: heart problem, heart condition
sydänvalvuri {n} :: heart monitor
sydänvarjo {n} :: umbra (of a shadow)
sydänvaurio {n} :: heart damage
sydänveri {n} :: heart blood
sydänveritulppa {n} :: congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction
sydänvika {n} :: heart disease
sydänvikainen {adj} :: who or that has a heart disease
sydänyö {n} :: midnight
sydänystävä {n} :: bosom friend
sydeemi {n} [slang] :: synonym of systeemi (metasyntactic term)
sydneyläinen {n} :: Sydneysider (inhabitant or native of Sydney, Australia)
sydneyläinen {n} :: Sydneyite (inhabitant or native of Sydney, Nova Scotia)
sydneyläinen {adj} :: Sydneyan (of or pertaining to Sydney, Australia)
sydneynsuppilohämähäkki {n} :: Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus (highly venomous funnel-web spider chiefly found in the area surrounding Sydney, Australia)
sydneyntunneliverkkohämähäkki {n} :: Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus (highly venomous funnel-web spider chiefly found in the area surrounding Sydney, Australia)
sydvesti {n} :: sou'wester (waterproof hat with a long brim at the back)
syeniitti {n} [mineral] :: syenite
syfilis {n} :: syphilis
syinen {adj} :: fibrous
sykähdellä {vi} :: to pulse or pulsate repeatedly
sykähdyttää {vt} :: to thrill
sykähtää {v} :: to jump (to react to sudden stimulus by jerking, said especially of heart)
sykäys {n} :: A single pulse
syke {n} :: pulse, heartbeat; heart rate
sykemittari {n} :: heart rate monitor
sykerö {n} [botany] :: glomerule
sykertää {vt} :: to curl up, to coil up
sykertyä {vi} :: to curl up
sykintä {n} :: throb
sykkää {v} [poetic] :: to throb
sykkiä {vi} :: to pulse, pulsate
sykkiä {vi} [of a heart] :: to beat, throb
sykkiä {vi} [Internet slang, impersonal, adessive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to be aroused (by)
sykkivä muuttuja {n} [astronomy] :: pulsating variable
sykkyrä {n} :: A kink (tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material)
sykkyräinen {adj} :: kinky (full of kinks; liable to kink or curl)
sykkyräsuoli {n} [anatomy] :: ileum (final section of the small intestine in most higher vertebrates)
syklaami {n} [plant] :: A cyclamen
syklaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: cyclase
syklamaatti {n} :: cyclamate
sykli {n} :: cycle
sykliini {n} :: cyclin
syklinen {adj} :: cyclic, cyclical
syklitsiini {n} :: cyclizine
syklo- {prefix} :: cyclo-
sykloalkaani {n} [chemistry] :: cycloalkane
syklobutaani {n} [chemistry] :: cyclobutane
syklobutadieeni {n} [organic chemistry] :: cyclobutadiene
sykloheksaani {n} [chemistry] :: cyclohexane
sykloheksaanitioli {n} :: cyclohexanethiol
sykloheksanoni {n} [chemistry] :: cyclohexanone
sykloheksyyliasetaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: cyclohexyl acetate
sykloidi {n} :: cycloid
sykloni {n} :: A cyclone
syklo-oksigenaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: cyclooxygenase
syklopentaani {n} [chemistry] :: cyclopentane
syklopropaani {n} [chemistry] :: cyclopropane
syklosilikaatti {n} [mineral] :: cyclosilicate (mineral)
syklotroni {n} [physics] :: cyclotron
sykomori {n} :: sycamore, Ficus sycomorus
syksy- {prefix} :: autumn, fall; autumnal
syksy {n} :: autumn, fall
syksyinen {adj} :: autumnal
syksyinen {adj} :: autumn
syksyisin {adv} :: in (the) autumn, in (the) fall
syksyisin {adj} :: superlative of syksyinen
syksymmällä {adv} :: later in autumn/fall
syksympänä {adv} :: later in the autumn/fall
syleillä {v} :: to embrace
syleily {n} :: hug, embrace
syli {n} :: arms (in reference to embracing or holding in both one's arms)
syli {n} :: lap (space over upper legs of a seated person)
syli {n} [figuratively] :: lap (place of rearing and fostering)
syli {n} :: alternative term for sylillinen (armful)
syli {n} :: fathom (traditional measure of length equal to three cubits; see usage notes below)
syli {n} [nautical] :: fathom
syli {n} [archaic] :: A measure for chopped firewood, about four cubic meters
sylikoira {n} :: lapdog
sylillinen {n} :: armful (amount of something (e.g., wood) that a person can hold or carry in both arms)
sylinteri {n} :: cylinder
sylinterilasi {n} :: cylinder glass
sylinterilohko {n} [automotive] :: cylinder block, engine block
sylinterimäinen {adj} :: cylinder-like, cylindrical
sylinteriryhmä {n} :: cylinder block
sylitanssi {n} :: lap dance
sylitanssija {n} :: lap dancer
syljeksiä {vi} :: to spit (repeatedly)
syljeksiä kattoon {v} [idiomatic] :: to stare at the wall (to be idle)
syljeneritys {n} :: salivation (process of producing saliva)
syljeskellä {vti} :: To spit in a continuous/indifferent manner
syljettää {vt} :: To cause one to spit
syljettää {vt} :: To disgust
sylkäistä {vt} :: To spit (once)
sylkeä {vti} :: To spit
sylki {n} :: saliva, spit
sylkikaskas {n} :: froghopper (insect of the superfamily Cercopoidea)
sylkikuoriainen {n} :: soldier beetle
sylkirauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: Salivary gland
sylky {n} :: spitting
sylky {n} :: spit
sylkykuppi {n} :: spittoon, cuspidor (receptacle for spit)
syllabinen {adj} [linguistics] :: syllabic
syllepsi {n} [rhetoric] :: syllepsis
syllogismi {n} [logic] :: syllogism
syllogistiikka {n} :: syllogistic logic
syllogistinen {adj} :: syllogistic
syltä {n} [obsolete] :: alternative term for syli (traditional measure of length equal to three cubits)
syltä {n} [obsolete, nautical] :: alternative term for syli (fathom)
syltty {n} :: brawn, head cheese
Sylvesteri {prop} :: given name
Sylvi {prop} :: given name
Sylvia {prop} :: given name
sylys {n} :: armful
symbiontti {n} :: symbiont, symbiote
symbioosi {n} :: symbiosis
symbiootti {n} :: symbiont, symbiote
symbioottinen {adj} :: symbiotic
symbioottisesti {adv} :: symbiotically
symboli {n} :: A symbol
symboliarvo {n} :: symbolic value
symboliikka {n} :: symbolics
symbolikieli {n} :: symbol language
symbolinen {adj} :: symbolic
symbolinen linkki {n} [computing] :: symbolic link
symbolisesti {adv} :: symbolically
symbolismi {n} :: symbolism
symbolisoida {vt} :: To symbolise/symbolize
symbolisuus {n} :: symbolicism
symboloida {vt} :: To symbolise/symbolize
symbooli {n} [archaic] :: symbol
symmetria {n} :: symmetry
symmetria-akseli {n} :: axis of symmetry
symmetriaryhmä {n} [math, geometry, algebra] :: symmetry group
symmetriataso {n} :: plane of symmetry
symmetrinen {adj} :: symmetric
symmetrisesti {adv} :: symmetrically
symmetrisyys {n} :: symmetry
symmetrointielin {n} :: balun
sympaattinen {adj} :: sympathetic
sympaattinen {adj} :: nice, sweet
sympaattisesti {adv} :: sympathetically
sympaattisuus {n} :: sympathy
sympatia {n} :: sympathy
sympatisoida {v} :: To sympathize
sympatrinen {adj} [biology, evolution] :: sympatric
symposio {n} :: symposium
symposiumi {n} :: symposium
symppis {adj} [colloquial] :: sympathetic, sweet
symptomaattinen {adj} :: symptomatic
symptomi {n} [medicine] :: symptom
syn- {prefix} :: -syn
synagoga {n} :: synagogue (place of worship)
synapsi {n} :: synapse
synapsirako {n} [bicohemistry] :: synaptic cleft
syndaktylia {n} :: syndactyly
syndaktylinen {adj} :: syndactylous
syndikaatti {n} :: syndicate
syndrooma {n} [pathology] :: syndrome
synekdokee {n} [rhetoric] :: A synecdoche
synergia {n} :: synergy
synerginen {adj} :: synergistic
synergismi {n} :: synergism
synergistinen {adj} :: synergistic
synestesia {n} :: synaesthesia
synkästi {adv} :: grimly, gloomily, somberly
synkata {v} [colloquial + adessive] :: to click, to match, to synch, to go together (of people)
synkeä {adj} :: grim
synkempi {adj} :: comparative of synkkä
synkentää {vt} :: To darken, make gloomier
synkentyä {v} :: synonym of synketä
synketä {vi} :: To darken
synketä {vi} :: To become gloomy
synkin {adj} :: superlative of synkkä
synkinemaattinen {adj} :: synkinematic
synkistää {vt} :: To make gloomier
synkistelijä {n} :: miserabilist
synkistellä {v} :: to think, say or act gloomily
synkistellä {v} :: to scowl (look gloomy)
synkistyä {v} :: synonym of synketä
synkkä {adj} :: gloomy
synkkä {adj} :: dismal, bleak
synkkä {adj} :: grim
synkkäilmeinen {adj} :: long-faced (displaying sadness)
synkkyys {n} :: gloominess, darkness
synkliini {n} [geology] :: syncline
synkooppi {n} [music] :: syncope (missed beat or off-beat stress in music)
synkopaatio {n} [music] :: syncopation (rhythm quality resulting of the use of syncope)
synkopee {n} [pathology] :: syncope (sudden and temporary loss of consciousness)
synkopee {n} [phonology] :: syncope (loss of sounds in the middle of a word)
synkopoida {v} [music] :: to syncopate (to stress or accentuate the weak beat of a rhythm)
synkopoida {v} [phonology] :: to syncopate (to omit a sound or a letter from a word)
synkopointi {n} [music, phonology] :: syncopation (use of syncope)
synkretistinen {adj} :: syncretic, syncretistic
synkroninen {adj} :: synchronic
synkronisoida {vt} :: To synchronise/synchronize
synkronoida {vt} :: To synchronise/synchronize
synkronointi {n} :: synchronization
synkrotroni {n} [physics] :: synchrotron
synkrotronisäteily {n} [physics] :: synchrotron radiation
synnillisesti {adv} :: sinfully
synninpäästö {n} [Christianity] :: Absolution (christian forgiveness of a sin, in general; in Roman Catholic Church, the exercise of priestly jurisdiction in the sacrament of penance, by which the sins of the truly penitent are believed to be forgiven)
synninpäästö {n} [figuratively] :: Forgiveness of an offense
synnitön {n} :: sinless
synnitön {n} :: righteous
synnittömyys {n} :: sinlessness
synnyinmaa {n} :: native country (the country where one was born)
synnyinpaikka {n} :: birthplace
synnyinpäivä {n} :: date of birth, birthdate (the date and year something was born)
synnyinseutu {n} :: birthplace, the area or region one was born in
synnyinvuosi {n} :: The year of one's birth
synnynnäinen {adj} :: innate
synnynnäinen {adj} :: congenital
synnynnäinen jättisuoli {n} [pathology] :: synonym of Hirschsprungin tauti
synnynnäinen sairaus {n} [medicine] :: birth defect, congenital disorder (any of several medical disorders that are present at birth)
synnynnäisesti {adv} :: innately, congenitally
synnytinelimet {n} :: synonym of synnyttimet
synnyttää {vt} [of women] :: To deliver, bear, give birth to; (of female animals) to drop, calve, foal, kid
synnyttää {vt} [figuratively] :: To engender, breed, develop
synnyttäjä {n} :: person who is in labour / giving birth; birther
synnyttäminen {n} :: birth (process of giving birth)
synnyttimet {n} :: female reproductive organs collectively
synnytyksen jälkeinen masennus {n} :: postpartum depression, postnatal depression
synnytys {n} :: The act of giving birth; childbirth, parturition
synnytyskanava {n} [anatomy] :: birth canal
synnytyslaitos {n} :: maternity ward
synnytysoppi {n} [medicine] :: obstetrics
synnytysosasto {n} :: maternity ward
synnytyspihdit {n} :: obstetric forceps
synnytyssairaala {n} :: maternity hospital
synnytyssupistus {n} [medicine] :: contraction of labour, contraction (strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth)
synnytystuska {n} :: birth pang
synodi {n} [religion] :: synod (ecclesiastic council or meeting)
synodi {n} :: (religion) synod (administrative division of church)
synodinen {adj} :: synodic
synonymia {n} :: synonymy [quality of being synonymous]
synonyymi {n} :: synonym, as a word meaning the same as another word
synonyymisanakirja {n} :: thesaurus (publication that provides synonyms, and often antonyms)
synoptinen {adj} [meteorology] :: synoptic (of data, obtained simultaneously over a wide area)
synoptinen {adj} [Christianity] :: synoptic (pertaining to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke)
synorogeeninen {adj} :: synorogenic
synoviaalinivel {n} [anatomy] :: synovial joint
synoviitti {n} :: synovitis
synt. {adv} :: abbreviation of syntyään
synt. {abbr} :: syntynyt (born, indicating birthdate)
syntaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: synthase
syntaksi {n} :: syntax
syntaktinen {adj} :: syntactic
synteesi {n} :: A synthesis
synteettinen {adj} :: synthetic
synteettinen kuitu {n} :: synthetic fiber
synteettisesti {adv} :: synthetically
syntesoida {v} :: alternative form of syntetisoida
syntesoitua {v} :: synonym of syntetisoitua
syntetaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: synthetase
syntetisaattori {n} [musical instruments] :: synthesizer
syntetisaattori {n} [electronics] :: synthesizer
syntetisoida {vt} :: To synthesise/synthesize
syntetisoitua {vi} :: To be synthesized
synti {n} :: sin
syntiinlankeemus {n} [biblical] :: the Fall (fall of humanity into the state of sin)
syntikka {n} [colloquial, musical instrument] :: synth, synthesizer
syntinen {adj} :: Sinful (charecterized by sin)
syntinen {adj} :: Sinful (of or relating to sin)
syntinen {n} :: A sinner (person who has committed sin)
syntipukki {n} :: scapegoat (one held responsible for something negative)
syntisempi {adj} :: comparative of syntinen
syntisesti {adv} :: sinfully
synttärit {n} [colloquial] :: birthday party
synty {n} :: birth
synty {n} :: origin, genesis, beginning
synty {n} :: short for syntyminen, the establishment, formation, passing, production, creation, building, emergence, etc. of a right, contract, resolution, work, town, industry, etc
syntyä {vi} :: To be born
syntyä {vi} :: To arise, develop, spring up, break out, originate, come into being/existence
syntyä {vi} :: To be made, produced, generated (to be produced as a result of a chemical or physical process)
syntyään {adv} :: by birth
syntyaika {n} :: The time of building, birth, etc
syntyinen {adj} :: -born, of birth; used only as headword of compound terms
syntyisin {adv} :: born, by birth (used to indicate some qualifier related to the origins of a person, idea or thing)
syntyjään {adv} :: alternative form of syntyään
syntymä {n} :: birth
syntymäaika {n} :: time of birth, date of birth
syntymäaika {n} :: birthday
syntymäajankohta {n} :: birth date or time
syntymäasu {n} :: birthday suit (nakedness)
syntymähetki {n} :: the moment at which someone was born
syntymäkuukausi {n} :: the month in which one was born
syntymälahja {n} :: accident of birth (desirable fact, situation, or personal characteristic resulting from the circumstances into which a person was born)
syntymämaa {n} :: country of birth
syntymämerkki {n} :: A birthmark
syntymänimi {n} :: birth name (name chosen for a child after their birth)
syntymäpaikka {n} :: birthplace
syntymäpaino {n} :: birth weight
syntymäpäivä {n} :: birthday
syntymäpäivä {n} :: birthdate, date of birth
syntymäpäiväjuhla {n} :: birthday party
syntymäpäiväkutsu {n} :: invitation to a birthday party
syntymäpäiväkutsu {n} [in plural] :: birthday party
syntymäpäiväkutsut {n} :: birthday party
syntymäpäivälahja {n} :: birthday gift, birthday present
syntymäpäiväongelma {n} :: birthday problem
syntymäpäiväparadoksi {n} :: birthday paradox
syntymäpäiväsankari {n} :: a person whose birthday it is; birthday boy or birthday girl
syntymäpuku {n} [euphemistic] :: birthday suit (nakedness)
syntymätodistus {n} :: birth certificate
syntymätön {adj} :: unborn
syntymävamma {n} :: accident of birth (undesirable fact, situation, or personal characteristic resulting from the circumstances into which a person was born)
syntymävika {n} :: birth defect
syntymävuosi {n} :: birth year (the year when one was born)
syntyminen {n} :: birth
syntyminen {n} :: (Often left untranslated) The establishment, formation, passing, production, creation, building, emergence, incurrence, etc. of a right, contract, resolution, work, town, industry, debt, etc
syntyperä {n} :: birth, origin
syntyperäinen {adj} :: native (born in a given place)
syntysanat {n} :: origin myth
syntyvuosi {n} :: year of birth
syntyvyys {n} :: birthrate, natality (ratio of live births to population)
syödä {vt} :: to eat
syödä {v} [chess] :: to capture
syödä kädestä {v} :: to be in someone's pocket (receiving money from, and under the influence of, a person or group of people)
syödä kuin hevonen {v} [simile, idiomatic] :: eat like a horse (same meaning)
syödä niin, että napa naukuu {v} [idiomatic] :: to overeat, stuff one's face (to eat excessively)
syöjä {n} :: eater
syöjäsolu {n} [cytology] :: phagocyte (cell of the immune system that engulfs and destroys viruses, bacteria and waste materials)
syöjätär {n} :: man-eater (woman)
syöksähdellä {vi} :: to rush, dash or dart around repeatedly
syöksähtää {vi} :: to rush, to dash, to dart
syöksy {n} :: rush, swoop
syöksy {n} :: dive
syöksy {n} :: ejection
syöksyä {vi} :: to rush, fall
syöksyä {vi} [nautical] :: to surge (move back and forth along the longitudinal axis)
syöksyhammas {n} :: A tusk (elongated pointed tooth)
syöksyillä {vi} :: to rush around
syöksykierre {n} [aeronautics] :: spin (abnormal flight state)
syöksylasku {n} :: downhill (fastest of the disciplines of alpine skiing)
syöksypommittaja {n} [aviation] :: dive bomber
syöksypommituskone {n} :: dive bomber aircraft
syöksyputki {n} :: downpipe, drain pipe
syöksytorvi {n} :: downspout, drainpipe, leader (pipe that leads rainwater from the roof to a drain or to the ground)
syöksytulva {n} [rare] :: synonym of äkkitulva (sudden, rapid flood)
syöksyvirtaus {n} [meteorology] :: downburst
syömäkelpoinen {adj} :: edible, comestible (fit to eat but not very inviting, i.e. not poisonous, rotten or overly bad-tasting)
syömäkelvoton {adj} :: inedible
syömäomena {n} :: eating apple (apple eaten fresh as opposed to one that is used as ingredient for a dish)
syömäpuikko {n} :: [usually plural] chopstick
syömäri {n} :: glutton (excessive eater)
syömätön {adj} :: uneaten
syömävilja {n} :: grist (grain that is to be ground in a mill)
syöminen {n} :: eating
syöminen {n} :: food
syömingit {n} :: feast, blowout
syömishäiriö {n} :: eating disorder
syön {n} [dialectal, poetic] :: heart
syönti {n} :: eating
syöntiaika {n} :: feeding time
syöpä {n} [pathology] :: cancer
syöpägeeni {n} [oncology, genetics] :: oncogene
syöpäkääryle {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: cancer stick (cigarette)
syöpäkasvain {n} :: tumour/tumor (cancer)
syöpäkudos {n} :: cancer tissue, cancerous tissue (tissue consisting of cancer cells)
syöpäkuolleisuus {n} :: cancer mortality
syöpälääke {n} :: antineoplastic
syöpäläinen {n} :: Any parasitic insect, especially an ectoparasite of humans or animals; a vermin
syöpälapsi {n} :: child with cancer
syöpäpesäke {n} [pathology] :: cancerous growth, cancerous focus (occurrence of cancerous tissue, the total amount of cancerous tissue in one spot)
syöpäpotilas {n} :: cancer patient
syöpäsairas {adj} :: that suffers from cancer
syöpäsairaus {n} :: malignancy, cancer
syöpäsolu {n} :: cancer cell
syöpätauti {n} :: cancer, cancer disease
syöpätutkimus {n} :: cancer research
syöpävaara {n} :: cancer risk
syöpävirus {n} :: cancer virus
syöpötellä {v} :: to binge, to overindulge
syöppö {n} :: glutton (excessive eater)
syöppö {n} :: guzzler, gas guzzler (vehicle that consumes a lot of fuel)
syöppöys {n} :: gluttony
syöppöys {n} :: excessive consumption (of fuel etc.)
syöpyä {vi} [+ illative] :: To eat into, erode (soil), corrode (metal)
syöstä {vt} :: to throw, plunge
syötävä {adj} :: edible, comestible (suitable to be eaten)
syötävä {adj} :: used as fortifier with some adjectives, e.g. syötävän hyvä, syötävän kaunis
syötävä {n} :: food
syöte {n} :: input
syöte {n} :: feed
syötellä {vt} :: to feed repeatedly
syötellä {vt} [sports] :: to pass repeatedly
syötin {n} :: feeder (device that feeds something, typically raw material to a process)
syötittää {vt} :: to bait (affix or attach a bait)
syöttää {vt} :: to feed
syöttää {vt} [computing] :: to input, enter (to type into a computer)
syöttää {v} [tennis] :: to serve
syöttää {v} [baseball] :: to pitch
syöttää {v} [soccer, football, ice hockey, etc.] :: to pass
syöttää pajunköyttä {v} [idiomatic + allative] :: To lie to (literally: "to feed (someone) with willow rope")
syöttäjä {n} :: feeder
syöttäjä {n} [sports] :: passer, one who passes
syöttäjä {n} [baseball] :: pitcher
syöttäjä {n} [cricket] :: bowler
syöttäjä {n} [shuttlecock] :: server
syöttely {n} :: passing (act of passing a ball, puck etc. to another person back and forth for fun)
syöttely {n} :: passing (form of joggling)
syötti {n} :: bait
syöttimato {n} :: baitworm
syöttö {n} :: feeding
syöttö {n} [sports] :: assist (statistical recognition of making a pass that leads directly towards scoring)
syöttö {n} [sports] :: pass
syöttö {n} [sports] :: serve, service (act of putting the ball in play in various games. The choice of word depends on game in question.)
syöttö {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: pitch
syöttö {n} [computing] :: input (the act of inputting)
syöttökumpu {n} [baseball] :: pitcher's mound
syöttölaatta {n} [baseball] :: pitcher's plate, pitcher's rubber; rubber
syöttölautanen {n} [pesäpallo] :: a disc or plate used for pitches (the pitcher throws the ball vertically up in the air so that the ball is above the plate)
syöttölinja {n} :: feeder line, supply line, service line
syöttönäppäin {n} :: Enter (computer key)
syöttöpallo {n} [tennis] :: serve hit
syöttörahasto {n} [finance] :: feeder fund
syöttösolu {n} [cytology] :: mast cell
syöttötariffi {n} :: feed-in tariff
syöttötuoli {n} :: highchair
syöväntutkimus {n} :: cancer research
syövätön {adj} :: cancerless (not possessing cancer)
syöveri {n} [usually, in plural] :: abyss, depths
syövyte {n} :: corroding agent
syövyttää {v} :: to corrode (to cause to corrode by acid or alkali)
syövyttää {v} :: to erode, wear away
sypressi {n} :: A cypress (any of the coniferous trees in the genus Cupressus), especially the Mediterranean species Cupressus sempervirens, also known as aitosypressi, in English, graveyard cypress, Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, pencil pine, Spanish cypress, or Tuscan cypress
Syrakusa {prop} :: Syracuse (province and city in Sicily)
syreeni {n} :: lilac (flower)
syrinks {n} [rare, music] :: panpipes (instrument)
syrinx {n} [rare] :: alternative spelling of syrinks
syrjä- {prefix} :: back (far from the main area)
syrjä {n} :: edge
syrjä {n} :: border
syrjä {n} :: side
syrjä {n} :: shoulder of a road
syrjään {adv} :: aside
syrjääni {n} [dated] :: Komi, Zyrian (language)
syrjääni {n} :: (dated) Komi (person)
syrjäänvetäytyvä {adj} :: reclusive (of, characterized by, or preferring privacy and isolation)
syrjähyppy {n} :: betrayal, act of infidelity (in a relationship)
syrjäinen {adj} :: remote, back (far from the main area)
syrjäisyys {n} :: remoteness
syrjäpolku {n} [figurative] :: detour, digression
syrjäseutu {n} :: periphery, backcountry (remote area)
syrjäsilmällä {adv} :: out of the corner of one's eye, askance ((looking at or seeing) sideways, obliquely, unnoticed)
syrjässä {adv} :: apart, away, aloof (at a distance, but within view, or at a small distance)
syrjätie {n} :: back road, remote road
syrjäyttää {v} :: to supplant, replace, displace
syrjäyttää {v} :: to supersede
syrjäyttää {v} :: to marginalize (to relegate, especially a group of people, to the margins)
syrjäyttää {v} :: to usurp
syrjäytyä {vi} :: to become marginalized or alienated; to suffer from social exclusion
syrjäytyminen {n} :: marginalization, alienation, social exclusion
syrjiä {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To discriminate against
syrjintä {n} :: discrimination (e.g. racial or against foreigners)
syrjivä {adj} :: discriminatory
sysäri {n} [military slang] :: blank firing adaptor: when shooting wood bullets (blank), it makes them explode and thus harmless
sysätä {v} :: to push, thrust
sysätä {v} :: ~ syy: to scapegoat (to blame someone for an error of someone else)
sysäyksittäin {adv} :: by fits and starts
sysäys {n} :: impetus
sysäysputkimoottori {n} :: pulsejet
sysi {n} :: piece of charcoal
sysi {n} [usually in plural] :: charcoal (material)
sysiä {vt} [frequentative] :: to thrust or push with something repeatedly or continuously
sysimusta {adj} :: pitch black
sysipaska {adj} [vulgar] :: really shitty
sysisara {n} :: Carex atrofusca
sysiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius anthracinus
syslinki {n} [dialectal] :: third cousin
Sysmä {prop} :: Sysmä
systeemi {n} :: system
systeemi {n} [colloquial] :: A metasyntactic term that can be used instead of almost any noun
systeemianalyysi {n} :: systems analysis
systeemianalyytikko {n} :: systems analyst
systeemibiologia {n} :: systems biology
systeeminen {adj} :: systemic
systeeminen skleroosi {n} [pathology] :: scleroderma, systemic sclerosis (chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterised by hardening of the skin)
systeemisesti {adv} :: systemically
systeemisuunnittelu {n} :: systems design
systeemitekniikka {n} :: systems engineering
systeemiteoria {n} [engineering, math] :: systems theory
systemaatikko {n} :: systematist
systemaattinen {adj} :: systematic
systemaattisesti {adv} :: systematically
systematiikka {n} :: systematics
systematisoida {v} :: To organize
systemoida {vt} :: To systematize
systeri {n} [colloquial] :: sister, sissy
systiserkoosi {n} [pathology] :: cysticercosis (parasitic infestation caused by the ingestion of eggs of the pork tapeworm Taenia solium)
systolinen {adj} :: systolic
syt {n} :: initialism of suurin yhteinen tekijä (greatest common divisor)
syteä {v} [obsolete] :: to strike fast, especially of striking two things together
syteä {v} [dialectal] ::  to scrape or hack off, especially of ice
syteen tai saveen {adv} :: boom or bust, win or lose
sytkäri {n} [colloquial] :: lighter (cigarette lighter)
sytkyttää {vi} :: to chug (make dull and somewhat sharp explosive sounds)
syto- {prefix} :: cyto-
sytokiini {n} [protein, immunology] :: cytokine
sytologia {n} :: cytology
sytoplasma {n} [cytology] :: cytoplasm
sytosiini {n} :: cytosine
sytosoli {n} [cytology] :: cytosol
sytostaatti {n} :: cytostatic
sytostaattihoito {n} :: cytostatic treatment
syttöpuu {n} [often in plural] ::  kindling (small piece of wood or twig used to start a fire)
syttyä {v} [of fire] :: to ignite, be ignited, catch fire (to commence burning)
syttyä {v} [of lights] :: to be turned on
syttyä {v} :: to break out (to begin suddenly, especially of war or other unrest)
syttyä {v} [figuratively] :: to become interested, enthuse
syttyminen {n} :: ignition (instance of catching fire)
syttymislämpötila {n} :: ignition temperature
syttymispiste {n} :: ignition temperature
syttyvä {adj} :: combustible (capable of burning)
sytyke {n} :: tinder (small dry sticks and finely-divided fibrous matter etc., used to help light a fire)
sytytin {n} :: lighter, cigarette lighter
sytytin {n} :: primer, detonator (substance or device used to detonate a main explosive)
sytyttää {vt} :: To light, kindle, ignite, set on fire, set fire to, burn, inflame, set ablaze, torch
sytyttää {vt} :: To ignite (to activate a spark plug in an internal combustion engine)
sytyttää {vt} :: To switch on, turn on (the lights)
sytyttää {vt} :: To turn on (to attract, give pleasure, or encourage)
sytyttää {vt} :: To detonate, to trigger
sytyttää {vt} [colloquial] :: To grasp, comprehend, get it
sytyttäminen {n} :: ignition
sytytys {n} :: ignition
sytytysaine {n} :: lighter, accelerant, ignition substance
sytytysennakko {n} [automotive] :: ignition advance
sytytyslanka {n} :: A fuse (a cord that conveys fire to an explosive device)
sytytyspuola {n} :: An ignition coil; a part in the ignition system of an internal combustion engine that produces the high voltage required by the spark plugs
sytytystulppa {n} :: A spark plug
syvä {adj} :: deep
syvä {adj} :: deep-water
syvään {adv} :: deeply
syväkairaus {n} :: deep boring, deep drilling
syväkivi {n} [geology] :: abyssal rock, plutonic rock
syväkivilaji {n} :: abyssal rock, plutonic rock (specific type of abyssal or plutonic rock)
syväkurkku {n} :: Deep Throat (secret informant)
syvällä {adv} :: (located at) deep
syvällinen {adj} :: profound (intellectually deep)
syvällisesti {adv} :: profoundly, deeply (in an intellectually deep manner)
syvämeri {n} :: deep sea
syvämietteinen {adj} :: deep-thinking
syvänkö {n} [geography] :: A depression that is below the sea level
syvänmerenkala {n} :: abyssal fish
syvänne {n} :: deep (relatively small deep area in the bottom of a sea or lake)
syvänne {n} [rare] :: trench (long, narrow and steep depression in the bottom of the sea)
syväoppiminen {n} [computing] :: deep learning
syväpaino {n} :: rotogravure, gravure
syväsatama {n} :: A deep-water harbour
syvästi {adv} :: deeply
syvätä {vt} :: to cut out an image by making a clipping path
syvä verkko {n} [internet] :: Deep Web
syväveto {n} :: deep drawing
syväys {n} [nautical] :: draft (depth of water required by a ship)
syväys {n} :: image clipping
syväyspolku {n} :: clipping path
syvempi {adj} :: comparative of syvä
syvennys {n} :: inset, recess
syventää {vt} :: To deepen; to make deeper
syventyä {v} :: to immerse oneself in (to involve deeply)
syventyä {v} :: alternative term for syvetä
syvetä {vi} :: to deepen (to become deeper)
syvin {adj} :: superlative of syvä
syvyinen {adj} :: having a depth of
syvyys {n} :: depth
syvyyshaku {n} [graph theory] :: depth-first search
syvyysmittari {n} :: depth gauge, depth meter
syvyysnäkö {n} :: depth perception
syvyyspommi {n} :: depth charge
syvyyspuskuri {n} [computer graphics] :: depth buffer
syvyysvaikutelma {n} :: perspective, effect of depth
syvyyttää {vt} :: to lower to a depth
syy {n} :: fibre
syy {n} :: filament
syy {n} :: grain (linear texture of a material or surface); used in plural (syyt)
syy {n} :: reason
syy {n} :: fault
syyhy {n} [pathology] :: scabies (human skin condition caused by parasitic mites)
syyhy {n} [pathology, rare] :: mange, scab (animal disease similar to scabies)
syyhy {n} :: A heavy and/or persistent itch, as a physical sensation on the skin, whatever the cause may be
syyhyä {vi} :: alternative form of syyhytä
syyhyinen {adj} :: scabby (infested with scabies)
syyhypunkki {n} :: itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, the species of mite that causes scabies
syyhytä {vi} :: To itch
syyhyttää {v} :: to itch
syylä {n} :: wart
syyläjuuri {n} :: figwort, common figwort (Scrophularia nodosa)
syyläjuuri {n} :: figwort (any plant of genus Scrophularia)
syyläjuuri {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Scrophularia
syyllinen {adj} :: guilty
syyllinen {n} [legal] :: guilty party, offender, culprit
syyllinen {n} :: perpetrator
syyllisempi {adj} :: comparative of syyllinen
syyllisin {adj} :: superlative of syyllinen
syyllistää {vt} :: To accuse, claim (sb) guilty, blame, put the blame on
syyllistyä {vi} [+ illative] :: To perpetrate, commit, be guilty of
syyllisyys {n} :: guilt (both in legal contexts and elsewhere)
syynätä {v} [colloquial] :: to sweep, to go over, to check
syyni {n} [dialectal] :: inspection
syyntakeeton {adj} [legal] :: not criminally responsible,The first is the act in Finnish, the second is the unofficial translation used by the Ministry of Justice of Finland:
syyntakeinen {adj} [legal] :: criminally responsible,The first reference is Finland's Criminal Code in Finnish, the second is a legally non-binding translation:
syyoppi {n} [pathology, science] :: aetiology
syypää {n} :: A guilty one, culprit
syyperäinen {adj} :: causal
Syyria {prop} :: Syria
syyrialainen {adj} :: Syrian
syyrialainen {n} :: A Syrian person
syyriankarhu {n} :: Syrian brown bear, Ursus arctos syriacus
syyrusto {n} [anatomy] :: fibrocartilage
syys- {prefix} :: autumn, fall; autumnal
syys {n} [archaic] :: autumn, fall
syys {n} :: abbreviation of syyskuu
syysaamu {n} :: autumn morning, fall morning
syysaurinko {n} :: autumn sun, fall sun
syysilma {n} :: autumnal air, fall air
syyskausi {n} :: fall season
syyskuinen {adj} :: Pertaining to September
syyskuu {n} :: September
syysmaitiainen {n} :: autumn hawkbit (Scorzoneroides autumnalis)
syysmyrsky {n} :: autumn storm, fall storm
syysomena {n} :: any apple tree that produces its fruit in the fall or autumn
syysomena {n} :: fruit of such trees
syyspäivänhattu {n} :: cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata)
syyspäiväntasaus {n} [Calendar terms] :: autumnal equinox
syysruis {n} :: winter rye (any breed of rye planted in the fall and harvested the next year)
syyssää {n} :: autumn weather, fall weather
syyssade {n} :: autumn, fall rain
syyssiivous {n} :: autumn cleaning, fall cleaning
syystasauspiste {n} [astronomy] :: first point of Libra
syysvehnä {n} :: winter wheat
syysvilja {n} :: winter cereal, winter grain, fall cereal, autumn-sown cereal (any breed of cereals sown in the fall and harvested the next year)
syytää {v} :: to throw
syytää {v} :: to use resources (often money) in an excessive manner
syyte {n} [legal] :: Accusation, charge, indictment
syyteaineisto {n} :: prosecution material, prosecutable material
syyteharkinta {n} [legal] :: consideration of charges (step in the judicial process in which the prosecutor assesses whether there is sufficient cause for bringing a charge for a suspected offence)
syytekysymys {n} [rare] :: question or matter of a (legal) charge
syytellä {v} :: To accuse someone repeatedly or continuously
syyteoikeus {n} [legal] :: cause of action
syytetty {n} [legal] :: The accused, defendant
syytinki {n} :: A pension-like arrangement in which a former owner of a property retains the right to dwell in some part of the property and often receive a regular payment or in-kind settlement for a fixed period of time or lifetime; this type of arrangement is typically agreed on in connection with selling a farm
syytön {adj} :: innocent (bearing no responsibility for a crime)
syytön {adj} :: clear (free of guilt, or suspicion)
syytön {adj} [legal] :: not guilty
syytös {n} :: Accusation, charge, allegation, crimination, recrimination
syyttää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To blame (for something = elative), blame (something) on, accuse (of something = elative)
syyttää {vt} [legal + partitive] :: To accuse, charge, indict, prosecute, try, arraign (of/with/for something = elative)
syyttää {v} [dialectal] :: To itch
syyttäjä {n} [legal] :: prosecutor
syyttäjäorganisaatio {n} :: prosecutor organization
syyttäjäviranomainen {n} :: prosecutor; Crown prosecutor [Commonwealth] (legal party responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of breaking the law)
syyttämättäjättämispäätös {n} [legal] :: dismissal, motion to dismiss (in the judicial process, prosecutor's decision not to prosecute the suspect)
syyttäminen {n} :: accusation (act of accusing)
syyttämisjärjestelmä {n} [common law] :: adversarial system
syyttävä {adj} :: accusatory
syytteenluku {n} [legal] :: arraignment
syyttelevä {adj} :: accusatory, accusative
syyttely {n} :: Repeated or continuing crimination
syyttely {n} :: Mutual crimination, recrimination
-syytti {suffix} :: -cyte
syyttömästi {adv} :: innocently
syyttömyys {n} :: innocence, guiltlessness, inculpability
syyttömyysolettama {n} [legal] :: presumption of innocence