Lesb Son Bonet Aerodromo Info
Lesb Son Bonet Aerodromo Info
Lesb Son Bonet Aerodromo Info
AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL DATA AND ADMINISTRATION ARP: 393556N 0024210E. See AD 2-LESB ADC. Distance and direction to the city: 4 km SW. Elevation: 46 m / 149 ft. Geoid undulation: 48.98 m 0.03 (1). Reference temperature: 28C. Magnetic variation: 0 E/W (2010). Annual change: 6.2E AD administration: Aena. Address: Aeropuerto de Son Bonet. 07141 Marratx. Mallorca. TEL: +34-971 449 861 FAX: +34-971 449 862 AFTN: LESB E-mail: pmi_tepos_sb@aena.es Approved traffic: VFR Remarks: (1) For all AD points. HOURS OF OPERATION Airport: 1 NOV - 31 MAR: 0815-1545;1 APR - 31 OCT: 0615-1645 (1). Customs and Immigration: No. Health and Sanitation: No. AIS/ARO: HR AD (2). MET briefing: HR AD. ATS: No. Fuelling: HR announced by NOTAM. Handling: No. Security: H24. De-icing: No. Remarks: (1) For other operational hours, prior request, consult NOTAM in force. (2) COM/AIS system terminal or by telephone or fax to Palma de Mallorca ARO. TEL: +34-971 789 286 FAX: +34-971 789 011 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES Cargo facilities: No. Fuel types: 100LL, JET A-1. Oil types: No. Refuelling capacity: 100LL: 1 tank 20,000 L, 3.34 L/s. JET A-1: 1 tank 20,000 L, 8.34 L/s. De-Icing facilities: No. Hangar space: No. Repair facilities: By the companies. Remarks: None. PASSENGER FACILITIES Hotels: No. Restaurant: Yes. Transportation: Taxies, train and buses. Medical facilities: No. Bank/Post Office: No. Tourist information: No. Remarks: None. RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICE Fire category: V/I: 3 (1). Rescue equipment: In accordance with the fire category published. Removal of disabled aircraft: Up to 1000 kg. Remarks: (1) For other fire categories, prior request, consult NOTAM in force.
Taxiing guidance system: Runway holding positions. RWY markings: Designators, threshold, displaced threshold, centre line and side stripe. TWY markings: Centre line and edge. Remarks: None.
11. SERVICIO METEOROLGICO PRESTADO Oficina MET: No. HR: No. METAR: No. TAF: No. TREND: No. Informacin: No. Documentacin de vuelo/Idioma: No. Cartas: No. Equipo suplementario: No. Dependencia ATS atendida: No. Informacin adicional: No. Observaciones: Servicio prestado por la OMPA de Palma de Mallorca; H24; TEL: +34-971 700 377. Se encuentra dentro del recinto del aerdromo una estacin meteorolgica en 3937N 00242E, que lanza diariamente globosondas entre las 1115 y 1130 y entre las 2315 y las 2330. Ver ENR 5.3. 12. CARACTERSTICAS FSICAS DE LA PISTA
METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE PROVIDED MET office: No. HR: No. METAR: No. TAF: No. TREND: No. Information: No. Flight documentation/Language: No. Charts: No. Supplementary equipment: No. ATS unit served: No. Additional information: No. Remarks: Service provided by Palma de Mallorca MAMO; H24; TEL: +34-971 700 377. There is a meteorlogical station sited in the AD area, 3937N 00242W. This station accomplishes observation balloons launching daily from 1115 to 1130, and from 2315 to 2330. See ENR 5.3.
THR ELEV TDZ ELEV THR: 35 m / 114 ft TDZ: No THR: 44 m / 146 ft TDZ: No
SWY (m) No
RESA (m) No
RWY/SWY SFC PCN RWY: Asfalto/Asphalt 3675 kg / 0.60 MPa SWY: INFO NO AVBL RWY: Asfalto/Asphalt 3675 kg / 0.60 MPa SWY: INFO NO AVBL
60 x 150
1320 x 80
Observaciones: (1) THR 05 desplazado 120 m. Coordenadas extremo RWY 05: 393607.93N 0024228.52E. (2) ltimos 166 m despus extremo RWY no utilizables para despegues ni aterrizajes. (3) THR 23 desplazado 84 m. Coordenadas extremo RWY 23: 393543.55N 0024149.35E. (4) ltimos 133 m despus extremo RWY no utilizables para despegues ni aterrizajes.
Remarks: (1) THR 05 displaced 120 m. RWY 05 end coordinates: 393607.93N 0024228.52E. (2) The last 166 m after end RWY are not usable for take-off and landing. (3) THR 23 displaced 84 m. RWY 23 end coordinates: 393543.55N 0024149.35E. (4) The last 133 m after end RWY are not usable for take-off and landing.
Perfil: Si. Profile: Yes. 42.16 m 44.47 m
40.61 m
36.90 m
33.85 m
34.80 m
120 m
246 m
341 m 1200 m
198 m
212 m
84 m
996 m
13. DISTANCIAS DECLARADAS RWY 05 23 TORA (m) 1200 (2) 1200 (4) TODA (m) 1280 1280
DECLARED DISTANCES ASDA (m) 1200 (2) 1200 (4) LDA (m) 1080 (1) 1116 (3)
Observaciones: (1) THR 05 desplazado 120 m. (2) RWY 05: los ltimos 166 m despus extremo RWY no son utilizables ni para aterrizajes ni despegues. (3) THR 23 desplazado 84 m. (4) RWY 23: los ltimos 133 m despus extremo RWY no son utilizables ni para aterrizajes ni despegues.
Remarks: (1) THR 05 displaced 253 m. (2) RWY 05: the last 166 m after end RWY are not usable for take-off and landing. (3) THR 23 displaced 84 m. (4) RWY 23: the last 133 m after end RWY are not usable for take-off and landing.
14. ILUMINACIN DE APROXIMACIN Y DE PISTA Pista: 05 Aproximacin: No. VASIS/PAPI: No. Umbral: No. Zona de toma de contacto: No. Eje pista: No. Borde de pista: No. Extremo de pista: No. Zona de parada: No. Observaciones: Ninguna. Pista: 23 Aproximacin: No. VASIS/PAPI: No. Umbral: No. Zona de toma de contacto: No. Eje pista: No. Borde de pista: No. Extremo de pista: No. Zona de parada: No. Observaciones: Ninguna.
APPROACH AND RUNWAY LIGHTING Runway: 05 Approach: No. VASIS/PAPI: No. Threshold: No. Touch-down zone: No. Runway centreline: No. Runway edge: No. Runway end: No. Stopway: No. Remarks: None. Runway: 23 Approach: No. VASIS/PAPI: No. Threshold: No. Touch-down zone: No. Runway centreline: No. Runway edge: No. Runway end: No. Stopway: No. Remarks: None.
15. OTRA ILUMINACIN, FUENTE SECUNDARIA DE ENERGA ABN/IBN: No. WDI: 1 cerca THR 05 no LGTD, 1 cerca THR 23 no LGTD. Iluminacin de TWY: No. Iluminacin de Plataforma: No. Fuente secundaria de energa: No. Observaciones: Ninguna.
OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY ABN/IBN: No. WDI: 1 near THR 05 not LGTD, 1 near THR 23 not LGTD. TWY lighting: No. Apron lighting: No. Secondary power supply: No. Remarks: None.
45.50 m
No. Observaciones: Ninguna. 18. INSTALACIONES DE COMUNICACIN ATS Servicio Service No. Distintivo llamada Call sign Son Bonet Radio FREQ (MHz) 123.500 HR Remarks: None. ATS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Observaciones Remarks Frecuencia asignada a las necesidades de la Aviacin General. No puede utilizarse con propsitos ATS. / Frequency assigned for General Aviation needs. Frequency must not be used for ATS purposes. RADIO NAVIGATION & LANDING FACILITIES Coordenadas Coordinates ELEV DME Observaciones Remarks
20. REGLAMENTACIN LOCAL Los despegues y arribadas de/a Mallorca/Son Bonet AD debern notificarse a Palma de Mallorca AD en la frecuencia Palma Operaciones 130.250 MHz. Es obligatorio presentar plan de vuelo a toda aeronave desde/hacia AD Son Bonet. 21. PROCEDIMIENTOS DE ATENUACIN DE RUIDOS No.
LOCAL REGULATIONS Departures and arrivals from/to Mallorca/Son Bonet AD will be reported to Palma de Mallorca AD in 130.250 MHz Palma Operaciones frequency. Any aircraft from/to Son Bonet AD must submit a flight plan.
22. PROCEDIMIENTOS DE VUELO PROCEDIMIENTOS DE VISIBILIDAD REDUCIDA (LVP) El aeropuerto de Mallorca/Son Bonet no dispone de Procedimientos de Visibilidad Reducida (LVP) CIRCUITO DE TRNSITO DE AD.
FLIGHT PROCEDURES LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) are not available at Mallorca/Son Bonet airport. AD TRAFFIC CIRCUIT.
CIRCUITO DE AERDROMO PARA ULTRALIGEROS (ULM) ENTRADA AL CIRCUITO: - Norte: Manteniendo 1000 ft AGL o inferior, el trfico ULM proceder a entrar en circuito a mitad de viento en cola, siempre en circuito norte y en un circuito ms corto que el utilizado por el resto del trfico. - Sur: Procediendo en paralelo a la pista a 1000 ft AGL o inferior, dentro del permetro exterior del aerdromo y manteniendo dicha altitud hasta entrar a mitad de viento en cola para integrarse al circuito. SALIDA DEL CIRCUITO Tras el despegue, el trfico ULM deber volar a posicin de viento en cola norte, antes de abandonar el circuito de ultraligeros. EN CUALQUIER CASO, SE EVITAR ENTRAR EN EL CTR DE PALMA (Espacio areo controlado).
AERODROME CIRCUIT FOR MICROLIGHT (ULM) ENTRANCE TO CIRCUIT - North: Maintaining 1000 ft AGL or below, ULM traffic will proceed to enter in circuit at half tail wind, in North circuit always and in a shorter circuit that the one used by the other traffic. - South: Proceeding in parallel to the runway at 1000 ft AGL or below, within the external aerodrome perimeter and maintaining this altitude till entering at half tail wing to integrate into the circuit. EXIT FROM CIRCUIT After take-off, ULM traffic must fly to North tail wind position, before leaving the microlight circuit. IN ANY CASE, ENTERING PALMA CTR (Controlled airspace) SHALL BE AVOIDED.