Barajas y Garra PDF
Barajas y Garra PDF
Barajas y Garra PDF
ISSN: 1130-5274
Clnica y Salud
Investigacin Emprica en Psicologa
Manuscript received: 16/06/2013 This study is an adaptation in a Spanish sample of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) (Brown &
Revision received: 20/11/2013 Ryan, 2003). The study was conducted with a clinical sample of patients with anxiety disorders, depressive
Accepted: 22/11/2013 disorders and borderline personality disorder (N = 100), a sample of the general population (N = 100), and a
sample of university students (N = 54). The criterion validity was verified using correlations with CBAS,
BDI-II, BAI, and AAQ-II. The results indicate a high degree of internal consistency ( = .88), equivalent to
those obtained in studies conducted in other countries with samples consisting primarily of students.
Scale adaptation
Spanish Significant statistical differences were found between the scores of the sample groups. The general
Psychometric properties population sample demonstrated a higher degree of mindfulness as measured by the MAAS than the
Anxiety student sample, which in turn demonstrated a higher degree of mindfulness than the clinical sample.
Depression 2014 Colegio Oficial de Psiclogos de Madrid. All rights reserved.
Palabras clave:
Mindfulness Se presenta una adaptacin al espaol de la Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) (Brown y Ryan,
Adaptacin de escala 2003). El trabajo se realiz con una muestra clnica de pacientes (N = 100) con trastornos de ansiedad, de-
Espaol presivos y trastorno lmite de la personalidad, una muestra de poblacin general (N = 100), y una muestra
Propiedades psicomtricas de estudiantes universitarios (N = 54). La validez de criterio se contrast mediante correlaciones con CBAS,
Ansiedad BDI-II, BAI y AAQ-II. Los resultados demuestran una elevada consistencia interna ( = .88), equivalente a la
encontrada hasta ahora en otros trabajos con muestras fundamentalmente de estudiantes de otros pases.
Se encontraron diferencias estadsticamente significativas en la puntuacin entre las tres muestras. Los su-
jetos normales muestran un mayor nivel de mindfulness, al menos tal y como este es medido por la MAAS,
que los estudiantes y estos ltimos mayor que los pacientes con sintomatologa clnica de ansiedad y/o de-
2014 Colegio Oficial de Psiclogos de Madrid. Todos los derechos reservados.
Mindfulness is a complex construct that does not yet have a acceptance of that experience, with the two components being
generally accepted operational definition in the field of psychology. conceptually and empirically different. Based on convergent,
Mindfulness can be understood as the ability to pay attention on discriminant, and criterion validity studies conducted using large
purpose, in the present moment, in a nonjudgmental manner (Kabat- samples, Brown and Ryan (2004) proposed that, although the concepts
Zinn, 1990). Bishop et al. (2004) contend that acceptance is another are related, acceptance does not provide a qualitative advantage over
essential component of mindfulness in addition to attention and the single factor of attention and awareness of the present.
awareness of the present. Cardaciotto, Herbert, Forman, Moitra, and The different ways of measuring mindfulness also reflect the
Farrow (2008) view mindfulness as a two-dimensional construct diversity of definitions, with scales that vary in complexity from the
composed of awareness of ones experience and the concomitant use of a single factor, attention to the present moment (Brown &
Ryan, 2003), to the use of five factors: observe, describe, act with
awareness, nonjudging and nonreactivity. (Baer, Smith, Hopkins,
*Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Santiago Barajas.
Krietemeyer, & Toney, 2006). This terminological and conceptual
Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara. C/ Donante de Sangre s/n. 19002 Guadalajara. confusion is the result of researchers approaching the subject from
Spain. E-mail address: different perspectives.
1130-5274/$ - see front matter 2014 Colegio Oficial de Psiclogos de Madrid. Todos los derechos reservados.
50 S. Barajas and L. Garra / Clnica y Salud 25 (2014) 49-56
Mindfulness has been widely studied in recent decades, with the Affective Mindfulness Scale (CAMS) (Hayes & Feldman, 2004), a scale
number of scholarly articles increasing from 80 in 1990 to more than that assesses attention, awareness, acceptance and present-focus, i.e.,
600 in 2006 (Brown, Ryan, & Creswell, 2007). There is now even a it is not exactly a mindfulness scale. 5) Toronto Mindfulness Scale
scientific journal devoted to the subject. The topics popularity (TMS) (Lau et al., 2006), a short one-factor scale, but that was designed
among researchers and clinicians is all the more noteworthy given to be used in conjunction with meditation. The instructions ask
that mindfulness is a quality of consciousness and that, except participants to reflect on what they experienced during a preceding
among cognitive scientists and those psychologists with a meditation session. 6) Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)
philosophical orientation, consciousness has received relatively little (Baer et al., 2006), a scale developed by some of the authors who
attention in psychological scholarship, research, and clinical practice. created the KIMS scale, stemming from a factorial analysis of five
Equally noteworthy is the fact that mindfulness represents a other scales that measure mindfulness: FMI, MAAS, KIMS, CAMS, and
challenge to western thinking and to the established paradigms in MQ. After conducting the analysis, the authors concluded that five
psychology, where the superiority of the self is considered the distinct factors exist behind the mindfulness construct. It is thus not
appropriate guide for human behavior (Brown et al., 2007). a one-factor structure, and in addition includes disparate factors such
With evidence mounting regarding the beneficial effects of as describing/labeling with words. 7) Southampton Mindfulness
mindfulness, researchers have begun to take an interest in the Questionnaire (SMQ) (Chardwick et al., 2008), a scale that measures
processes that might explain such effects. Until now, it has been mindful awareness of distressing thoughts and images. The authors
suggested that these processes involve changes in the use of designed the scale specifically for use with patients with psychosis. 8)
attention, cognition, and emotion. However, another significant Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale (PHMLS) (Cardaciotto et al., 2008), a
process to consider is exposure. Given that mindfulness requires two-dimensional measure that assesses present-moment awareness
contact with external and internal phenomena as they occur, and acceptance as components of mindfulness that would not
mindfulness may lessen sensitivity and emotional overreaction and necessarily go together. Although the scale was conceived for both
result in quicker recovery, greater tolerance and more effective general and clinical populations, the authors used exclusively
acceptance of unpleasant emotional states (Borkovec, 2002). psychology students as subjects of the general population group
Voluntary exposure to unpleasant or challenging events and when developing and applying the scale. The PHMLS contemplates
experiences may thus lessen emotional distress and facilitate more two constructs, which in the present study are assessed separately
adaptive behavioral responses (Sloan, 2004). Conversely, strategies with independent measures. For their part, Sauer et al. (2013), upon
such as experiential avoidance, which lead to distracted states and their review of the state of mindfulness assessment, proposed
the suppression of unpleasant events and experiences, can make the alternative methods to self-report inventories. These methods consist
extinction of emotional responses more difficult. As a result, a body of: language-based measures, qualitative data gathered from semi-
of experimental research has emerged suggesting that voluntary structured interviews, assessment by others and biological and
exposure is a component of mindfulness (Arch & Craske, 2006). neuropsychological measures. Although it would be more convenient
Mindfulness has also been related to behavioral regulation. After to utilize more objective methods to validate the self-report
reviewing a series of studies, Brown et al. (2007) proposed that measurements of mindfulness, unfortunately such methods are still
mindfulness not only facilitates behavioral control with adaptive ends, in early stages of development and are not yet standardized.
but also promotes behavioral regulation that optimizes well-being.
According to the authors, the awareness brought about by mindfulness Method
facilitates more flexible and adaptive responses and helps to minimize
automatic or impulsive reactions. In this regard, mindfulness can Participants
strengthen the ability to respond according to values, objectives, or
personal needs rather than responding out of habit or reacting to Clinical group: patients with diagnoses characterized by the
components of a situation. Mindfulness may also work by inhibiting DSM-IV-TR criteria (APA, 2001). This group was composed of three
intrusive thoughts and allowing for a deeper processing of those subgroups: anxiety (N = 50), depression (N = 39), and borderline
stimuli relevant to the task at hand (Brown et al., 2007). personality disorder (BPD; N = 11). The first subgroup included panic
Measuring mindfulness has garnered a great deal of interest in the disorder with agoraphobia, agoraphobia without history of panic
last decade. The principal self-report measures that have been disorder, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and
developed to measure mindfulness are listed in chronological order, generalized anxiety disorder. The second group included major
as follows. 1) Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI) (Buchheld, depressive disorder, dysthymia, and unspecified mood disorder. The
Grossman, & Walach, 2001) focusing more on beliefs than on BPD subgroup, although not part of the previous categories, is
behavioral aspects, as the inventory poses questions about the included because the symptomatology of anxiety and depression is
frequency of feelings or beliefs. Although it is a one-factor measure, it markedly present. All subjects in the clinical group were outpatients
was developed with meditation practitioners and was designed to be at the Clinical Psychology Center at the University Hospital of
used on those individuals who were experienced in meditation, Guadalajara.
which could make it complex for those subjects who did not practice Control group: subjects from the general population with no prior
meditation. 2) Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) (Brown & history of mental disorders, who were not taking psychoactive drugs
Ryan, 2003), a detailed description of which is included in the and had not seen a psychologist or psychiatrist for any reason in the
instruments section of this article which explains why it was chosen last two years. These subjects were recruited through advertising
for this research. 3) Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) and through the snowball method by the researchers and other
(Baer, Smith, & Allen, 2004) consisting of three subscales that measure participants.
different mindfulness skills: observe, describe and act with awareness. Student group: university students across different academic
This structure was not considered to be the best choice for this study, years and areas of study (Nursing, Speech Therapy, Occupational
given that a one-factor structure was deemed to be more useful in Therapy) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
order to detect more sharply defined relationships with other Subjects age was between 18 and 60. The average age of each group,
variables. Baer et al. (2004) suggest a strong relationship between the with its standard deviation, is as follows: control group (M = 36, SD =
MAAS and the act with awareness subscale. For their part, the authors 12), student group (M = 20, SD = 2), depressed subgroup (M = 36, SD =
proposed the KIMS as a useful measure for those professionals 9), anxiety subgroup (M = 36, SD = 12), and BPD subgroup (M = 31, SD =
teaching mindfulness skills to their patients. 4) Cognitive and 6). Additional sociodemographic characteristics can be found in Table 1.
S. Barajas and L. Garra / Clnica y Salud 25 (2014) 49-56 51
Procedure for use in clinical settings, was used for this study. The objective of
this semi-structured interview is to establish the most important
Authorization for the study was requested and subsequently diagnoses for Axis I disorders of the DSM-IV. The Spanish adaptation
granted by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the University of the clinician version (SCID-CV) (a later adaptation that was fine-
Hospital of Guadalajara. All subjects signed an informed consent tuned for use in clinical settings) was used for this study (First et al.,
release before participating in the study. After collecting 1999). The reliability studies of diagnostic instruments are typically
sociodemographic data, the SCID-I (First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, based on the consistency between independent assessments made
1999) was conducted in order to confirm the appropriate diagnosis by two or more evaluators. The results are typically expressed as the
for the clinical sample and in order to screen for mental disorders in kappa coefficient. A large number of studies using the SCID to focus
the control group. Next, the evaluation instruments were applied on specific diagnostic groups have obtained kappa coefficients
according to the random order established. Sampling methods ranging from .70 to 1.00 (First et al., 1999). There is no published data
precluded counterbalancing, so the order of scales was constant. for the validity index of the SCID-VC. The decision to use the SCID-CV
The MAAS was translated into Spanish using the technique of back is based on its widespread use in those publications that seek to add
translation. One translation team translates the scale into the target rigor when establishing diagnoses.
language, and then the second team translates it back into the original
language. The fidelity of the translation is judged by how closely it Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (Brown & Ryan, 2003)
matches the original version. As Muiz and Hambleton (1996) point The MAAS is used to evaluate individual differences in the
out, this popular method is not without its flaws. They suggest that frequency of mindfulness over a period of time. It consists of 15
the translators not only know both languages, but also be familiar items, each of which is an affirmation expressed as a declarative
with both cultures. Accordingly, two translators were contracted to sentence. Subjects gauge how frequently they have experienced a
help with the study: a North American woman, with experience given situation using a 6-point Likert scale. Higher scores indicate
translating journalism articles, who lived for years in Spain and a greater mindfulness. This scale focusses on the presence or absence
Spanish man who also holds a U.S. passport. The translators worked of attention and awareness of what is occurring in the present
independently of one another, and no relevant differences were found moment, rather than seeking to measure such attributes as
in the way the items were expressed. The authors subsequently acceptance, confidence, empathy, gratitude, or others that have been
reached a consensus on both versions with the translators. Lastly, an related to mindfulness. From a scientific perspective, it is interesting
English studies professor and other psychologists tweaked several to note how this component of the mindfulness construct relates to
items in order to make them more understandable to the general other psychopathological aspects. The MAAS was chosen because it
population. Efforts were made to ensure that the length of the items is brief, can be applied to both clinical and general populations, and
was equivalent to the original scale. does not require subjects who are familiar with meditation, which is
a requirement of other instruments. All of the studies that analyze
Instruments the psychometric properties of the MAAS, including the original,
share a single-factor structure.
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (First et al., The MAAS is likely the most widely used mindfulness evaluation
1999) scale of recent years, due to the fact that in addition to appearing in
The objective of this semi-structured interview is to establish the numerous publications it has been translated to numerous languages:
most important diagnoses for Axis I disorders of the DSM-IV. The Spanish (Araya-Vargas, Gapper-Morrow, Moncada-Jimnez, &
clinician version (SCID-CV), a later adaptation that was fine-tuned Buckworth, 2009; Cebolla, 2009), Dutch (Schoevers, Nyklicek, &
Table 1
Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
Control group N = 100 College students N = 54 Depression patients N = 39 Anxiety patients N = 50 BPD patients N = 11
Topman, 2008), German (Michalak, Heidenreich, Strohle, & Nachtigal, instrument in both clinical practice and research (Sanz, Navarro, &
2008), French (Jermann et al. 2009), Swedish (Hansen, Lundh, Vzquez, 2003), and also because of its outstanding psychometric
Homman, & Wangby-Lundh, 2009), Hungarian (Simor, Koteles, properties. Sanz et al.s (2003) version of the instrument was used in
Sandor, Petke, & Bodizs, 2011), Turkish (Catak, 2012a) and Chinese this study. The results of the factorial analysis performed with the
(Deng et al. 2012). It should be noted that the aforementioned studies Spanish version of the BDI-II suggest that this instrument measures
were carried out exclusively with university students, in some cases a dimension of general depression consisting of two highly related
only psychology students, with the exception of Cebollas (2009) symptomatic dimensions: cognitive-affective and somatic-
study, which was conducted using only patients suffering from motivational. These findings replicate the results obtained by the
anxiety or depression. Cataks (2012a) study used elementary school original authors, who found a high degree of internal consistency
teachers and white collar municipal employees, while Jermann et ( = .89). In our study, the mean score of the clinical group was 21.37
al.s (2009) study used a sample of high school students and and the mean score of the control group was 4.50.
community participants.
Although Araya-Vargas et al. (2009) published a Spanish Beck Anxiety Inventory (Beck & Steer, 1993)
translation and validation, it was conducted with university The BAI is one of the most widely used self-report inventories for
students from Costa Rica, resulting in a number of cultural evaluating anxiety symptomatology in both patients with mental
differences. Cebollas doctoral thesis (2009) also included a Spanish disorders and the general population. It is widely used in both clinical
translation of the MAAS, which was quite well-done, although the settings and in research. This study used the BAI version developed by
9th item was somewhat complicated (me centro tanto en la meta Sanz and Navarro (2003). Over the last two decades, various Spanish
que quiero conseguir que pierdo contacto con lo que hago en ese translations of the BAI have been published, but the first to analyze the
momento para estar ah versus the item proposed in this study: psychometric properties in a Spanish general population were Magn,
me centro tanto en el objetivo que quiero alcanzar que pierdo la Sanz, and Garca-Vera (2008). That study found a high degree of
nocin de lo que estoy haciendo para conseguirlo). In addition, the internal consistency of the BAI ( = .93), as well as a correlation with
12th item varied from the original meaning in English: (Voy a the BDI-II of .63. The mean score and the range of scores recorded
sitios con el piloto automtico y luego me pregunto por qu fui were similar to those found in populations in other countries. In the
ah, vs. I drive places on automatic pilot and then wonder why I present study, the mean score for the clinical group was 21.41, while
went there). We consider that the items in this study are easier to the mean score for the control group was 4.19.
understand, particularly for those subjects with fewer years of
formal education and mental disorders (see appendix). This was Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (Bond et al., 2011)
important given that, within the clinical sample of this study, only The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II evaluates the
28.2% of the subjects in the depression subgroup, 42% in the anxiety constructs of acceptance, experiential avoidance, and psychological
subgroup, and 54.5% in the BPD subgroup had completed the inflexibility. A 7-point Likert scale is used to measure responses.
equivalent of compulsory education. For this reason, and because Higher scores indicate greater psychological inflexibility, and lower
at the outset of this study (2009) no other publications had scores indicate psychological acceptance. Bond et al. (2011) found
extended the use of the MAAS in Spanish, an independent that high scores on the AAQ-II reflect greater emotional dysfunction,
translation of the scale was developed. such as poor general mental health, higher levels of anxiety,
depression and stress, as well as less overall ability to cope with life.
Cognitive Behavioral Avoidance Scale (Ottenbreit & Dobson, 2004) The authors contended that high levels of psychological inflexibility
The CBAS is a multidimensional measure of avoidance. It consists could even be a risk factor for mental illness. Bond et al. (2011)
of 31 items, which are evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale. The published results obtained from 2816 subjects divided into six
higher the score on the scale, the higher the level of avoidance. The samples and three studies on two versions of the AAQ-II, one
factorial analysis of the CBAS completed by the original authors consisting of 7 items and the other consisting of 10.
revealed that four factors account for 44.95% of the variance: We used the 10-item version for our study. For that version, Bond
Behavioral Social (27.54%), Cognitive Non-Social (7.87%), Cognitive et al. (2011) reported a bifactorial structure, where one factor
Social (5.30%), and Behavioral Non-Social (4.24%). Ottenbreit and accounted for 41.47% of the variance, and the other accounted for
Dobson (2004) conducted their study of the CBAS construction with 4.94%. The average score of the 206 university students of the sample
391 university students. They found correlations between the four was 30.69 (SD = 9.91). The Cronbachs alpha was .87. With respect to
subscales ranging from .39 to .57, suggesting that they were convergent validity, there was a correlation of .91 with the AAQ-I,
measuring related constructs. They also found elevated correlations between .69 and .71 with the BDI-II, and .58 with the BAI, all of them
between the scores of the subscales and the total score: .78-.80. The significant.
Cronbachs alpha for the total scale was .91, indicating a high degree Bond et al. (2011) affirm that the translations and empirical
of internal consistency. Between the four subscales, the Cronbachs studies conducted using the 10-item version are not invalid, given
alpha ranged from .75 to .86. that they found a correlation of .96 between the versions of 7 and 10
In an adaptation applied to a Spanish population, Barajas and items. The 7-item version was found to be slightly psychometrically
Garra (in press) found a high degree of internal consistency using superior, and is thus considered to be the final version of the AAQ-II.
Cronbachs alpha (.95). This study appears to be the only one to date Ruiz, Langer, Luciano, Cangas, and Beltrn (2013) have recently
to have applied the CBAS to a sample consisting of patients with published the Spanish version of the 7-item AAQ-II. These authors
mental disorders, controls, and students. The internal consistency have also underscored the fact that the 10-item version, of which 3
was also high for each of the subscales: CBAS-BS (.93), CBAS-BN (.79), items are scored inversely, has been widely used in previous studies,
CBAS-CS (.77), CBAS-CN (.88). Barajas and Garra also found significant although the 3 items in question were eventually eliminated from
correlations between the four subscales (from .33 to .67), as well as the scale. The authors concurred with Bond et al. (2011) that the 10-
between these and the total scale (from .62 to .83). item version is not significantly weaker than the 7-item version, and
thus it should not be assumed that studies carried out with the 10-
Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) item version are invalid. Ruiz et al. (2013) found that the data that
The BDI-II is a highly regarded self-report inventory used to they gathered are similar to that of Bond et al. (2011). In our study,
detect and measure the severity of depression. It was included in this the mean score was 44.65 for the clinical group and 24.08 for the
study because it is the most widely used self-report depression control group.
S. Barajas and L. Garra / Clnica y Salud 25 (2014) 49-56 53
Results To assess the goodness of fit of the analyzed data to the proposed
one-factor model, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling
As seen in Table 1, the sociodemographic characteristics of the adequacy was used (KMO = .899) as well as Bartletts test of
groups differed significantly, which could have resulted in potential sphericity, (105) = 1374.17, p < .001. The KMO coefficient ranges
confounding factors. It was necessary to assess the potential between 0 and 1, and indicates that the factorial analysis is more
confounding factors using the following analyses: Spearmans rho adequate as the value increases. With regard to Bartletts test, the
for age, the Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon W tests for gender, and significance level is perfect. Both results indicate that the goodness
the chi-squared and Kruskal-Wallis tests for marital status, education, of fit is satisfactory, and that the performance of the factorial analysis
socioeconomic status, and occupation. We determined that, for all is adequate.
groups, education, socioeconomic status, and occupation are
potential confounding factors. We thus provided the raw p-values Discriminant validity
(without adjustment) as well as the adjusted p-values for the
potential confounding factors where necessary. Bivariate analysis The mean MAAS score for the control group (M = 4.64) was higher
confirmed the normality and symmetry of the MAAS scores, which than that of the clinical group (M = 3.57), resulting in a significant
allowed for the use of ANOVA tests to examine the associations and difference (p < .001). The difference between the clinical group and
differences among the groups. SPSS version 17 was used to do the the student group (M = 4.08) was also statistically significant (p <
statistical analyses. .001 raw p-value and p = .004 adjusted p-value), as was the difference
in the mean MAAS score between the control group and the student
Reliability group (p < .001 with and without adjustment).
The distribution of the MAAS scores for all groups can be found in
Cronbachs alpha was used to evaluate the internal consistency of Table 3. As was to be expected, in the clinical sample the subjects
the MAAS for the total sample (N = 254) composed of patients, with BPD scored lower (M = 3.25) than those with depression
controls, and students. A high degree of internal consistency was (M = 3.42), who in turn scored lower than those subjects with anxiety
found ( = .88). These reliability results closely match those found in disorders (M = 3.76); those subjects with more severe symptomatology
previous studies conducted in different countries using different showed a lower level of mindfulness. However, although this
adaptations of the scale: .89, Mackillop and Anderson (2007); .88, difference was significant as a raw p-value (p = .04), it did not remain
Araya-Vargas et al. (2009); .86, Baer et al. (2006); .85, Deng et al. so after making the necessary adjustments for confounding factors
(2012); .83, Michalak et al. (2008); .82, Brown and Ryan (2003); and (p = .073), and thus could not be considered statistically significant
.78, Simor et al (2011). All were carried out using student samples.
Carlson and Brown (2005) found an alpha of .87 in both a student Table 3
sample and a sample of cancer patients. Distribution of MAAS scores across study groups
The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results for a single-factor
Students Patients Controls Patients Group
structure, such as the one reported by the authors cited above, can
be found in Table 2. These results are quite satisfactory, given that Depression Anxiety BPD
the factor loadings for all items are above .36; in fact, with the
N 100 100 54 39 50 11
exception of items 2, 6 and 15, the factor loadings exceed .5. For the
corrected item-total correlations, only one item was below .4 (item M 3.57 4.64 4.08 3.42 3.76 3.25
6). All alpha values remained above .86 if any one item was deleted. SD .77 .61 .68 .66 .79 .90
ITEM 3 4.25 1.316 .708 57.23 136.99 .643 .867 These results can be compared to those obtained by other
ITEM 4 3.43 1.485 .660 58.06 135.98 .587 .869
researchers using samples in other countries (see Table 4), though
most of those studies were conducted on university students. Those
ITEM 5 4.01 1.514 .538 57.48 139.48 .468 .875
scores range from 3.72 to 4.45. In addition, Kirk Warren Brown (n.d.),
ITEM 6 3.61 1.645 .363 57.88 144.06 .297 .884 the first author of the original scale, provides on the resources page
ITEM 7 3.87 1.376 .745 57.61 135.11 .673 .865 of his website at Virginia Commonwealth University the following
ITEM 8 4.11 1.291 .803 57.37 135.00 .728 .863 results obtained by applying the English version of the scale to four
independent samples of community adults: N = 436, MAAS M = 4.20,
ITEM 9 4.00 1.296 .557 57.49 141.95 .482 .874
SD = 0.69. For 14 independent samples of college students, he
ITEM 10 4.08 1.304 .776 57.41 135.48 .702 .864 provides the following results: N = 2,277, MAAS M = 3.83, SD = 0.70.
ITEM 11 3.66 1.338 .583 57.82 140.72 .504 .873 Researchers who have conducted studies on clinical samples have
ITEM 12 5.00 1.251 .549 56.48 142.89 .470 .874 limited themselves to studying cancer patients or pain clinic patients,
not patients with mental disorders.
ITEM 13 3.16 1.517 .667 58.32 135.55 .585 .869
No significant gender differences were found in the clinical,
ITEM 14 4.24 1.296 .779 57.24 135.30 .714 .864 control, or student groups. These results are consistent with those
ITEM 15 5.04 1.361 .459 56.44 143.73 .396 .877 reported by Catak (2012a), Deng et al. (2012), and Mackillop and
Anderson (2007), who found that MAAS is not gender-related. No
Note. M = mean, SD = standard deviation, FL = factor loadings,
Mean s = scale mean if item deleted, V = scale variance if item deleted, significant correlation was observed between the MAAS score and
I.T. = corrected item-total correlations, C.D. = Chronbachs alpha if item deleted. age, which is consistent with Catak (2012a).
54 S. Barajas and L. Garra / Clnica y Salud 25 (2014) 49-56
or psychopathology (Baer et al., 2006; Brown et al., 2007; Hayes & Carlson, L. E., & Brown, K. W. (2005). Validation of the Mindful Attention Awareness
Scale in a cancer population. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 58, 29-33.
Feldman, 2004; Roemer et al., 2009), this study found an inverse
Catak, P. D. (2012a). The Turkish version of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale:
relationship between mindfulness and: cognitive-behavioral Preliminary findings. Mindfulness, 3, 1-9.
avoidance, experiential avoidance, anxiety and depression. Catak, P. D. (2012b). The Turkish version of the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness
Scale-Revised. Europes Journal of Psychology, 8, 603-619.
Nevertheless, because the relationship between mindfulness and
Cebolla, A. (2009). Eficacia de la terapia cognitiva basada en la atencin plena en el
depression was not found to be significant in the control group, more tratamiento de la ansiedad y la depresin (tesis doctoral). Facultad de Psicologa.
research is needed to analyze that relationship using clinical samples Servicio Publicaciones de Universidad de Valencia. WebCite: www.webcitation.
and samples of the general population. org/6FSjdS5rm
Chadwick, P. Hember, M., Symes, J., Peters, E., Kuipers, E., & Dagnan, D. (2008).
Finally, we should note that the student sample used in this study Responding mindfully to unpleasant thoughts and images: reliability and validity
is small, and thus the comparison of results to the sample should be of the Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire (SMQ). British Journal of Clinical
interpreted with caution. Psychology, 47, 451-455.
Deng, Y., Li, S., Tang, Y., Zhu, L., Ryan, R., & Brown, K. (2012). Psychometric properties
of the Chinese translation of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. Mindfulness,
Conflicts of interest 3(1), 10-14.
First, M. B., Spitzer, R. L., Gibbon, M., & Williams, J. B. (1999). Entrevista clnica
estructurada para los trastornos del eje I del DSM-IV. Versin clnica. Gua del Usuario.
The authors of this article declare no conflicts of interest. Barcelona: Masson.
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56 S. Barajas and L. Garra / Clnica y Salud 25 (2014) 49-56
Barajas and Garras Spanish adaptation of the MAAS (Mindful Attention Awareness Scale; Brown y Ryan, 2003)
Instrucciones. A continuacin aparece un conjunto de afirmaciones sobre su experiencia diaria. Utilizando la escala del 1 al 6 mostrada ms abajo, indique con qu frecuencia
tiene usted dichas experiencias. Por favor, responda segn su experiencia real, en vez de lo que usted cree que su experiencia debera ser. Por favor, considere por separado
cada una de las cuestiones.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Casi Con mucha Con cierta Con poca Con muy poca Casi
siempre frecuencia frecuencia frecuencia frecuencia nunca
1. Puedo estar experimentando una emocin y no ser consciente de ello hasta algo ms tarde. 1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Rompo o derramo cosas por descuido, por no prestar atencin o por estar pensando en otra cosa. 1 2 3 4 5 6
4. Tiendo a caminar deprisa hacia donde me dirijo sin prestar atencin a lo que voy experimentando por el camino. 1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Tiendo a no darme cuenta de las sensaciones de tensin fsica o malestar hasta que realmente me llaman la atencin. 1 2 3 4 5 6
6. Se me olvida el nombre de una persona casi tan pronto como me lo dicen por primera vez. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7. Parece que voy con el piloto automtico puesto, sin ser muy consciente de lo que estoy haciendo. 1 2 3 4 5 6
8. Hago las cosas deprisa y corriendo sin estar muy atento a lo que hago. 1 2 3 4 5 6
9. Me centro tanto en el objetivo que quiero alcanzar que pierdo la nocin de lo que estoy haciendo para conseguirlo. 1 2 3 4 5 6
10. Hago trabajos o tareas de forma automtica, sin ser consciente de lo que estoy haciendo. 1 2 3 4 5 6
11. Me sorprendo escuchando a medias a alguien, mientras hago otra cosa al mismo tiempo. 1 2 3 4 5 6
12. Voy conduciendo a los sitios con el piloto automtico puesto y despus me pregunto qu hago all. 1 2 3 4 5 6
15. Pico cosas de comer sin darme cuenta de que estoy comiendo. 1 2 3 4 5 6