Diseño Geométrico de Carreteras o Viales
Diseño Geométrico de Carreteras o Viales
Diseño Geométrico de Carreteras o Viales
nuestros profesionales saben que una medición errónea podría arrojar resultados
desfavorables, por eso en cada medición centra su atención para evitar cada uno de los
problemas que estos puedan conllevar. Por que son necesarios para el diseño geométrico de
carreteras debido a que los datos topográficos son esenciales en su proceso de diseño para un
mayor desarrollo del proyecto estos datos son procesados en el AutoCAD o civil 3D esto lo
maneja un especializado en cadista de software, en donde se da los planos perimétricos para la
ejecución del proyecto
The geometric design of a road represents the most crucial aspect of its conception and
planning, as it enables the establishment of the most suitable spatial layout on the terrain,
considering its characteristics and constraints. The goal is to ensure safe, comfortable,
sustainable accessibility and mobility for both people and goods, within reasonable time
frames that align with the magnitude of mobility demands. In other words, the design should
be functional and efficient at a reasonable cost. The topography in road construction is also a
significant factor, considering detailed elements such as slopes, rivers, vegetation, houses,
roads, and other reference points in the construction area.
Topographical work in road projects is essential, ensuring that the construction aligns precisely
with the original plans and poses no danger to those using the road. Professionals in this field
play a critical role in reviewing and approving the project. Therefore, it is imperative to hire
experts in the area. Topographical surveys are crucial in various stages of the project: before
construction to verify the feasibility on the chosen terrain, during construction to ensure that
progress aligns with the plans, and after construction to confirm the expected results.