Disillusioned white boys will literally cut off their own fingers before they even try attending therapy…
Disillusioned white boys will literally cut off their own fingers before they even try attending therapy…
The most terrifying part of this 3 hour odyssey on the self-destruction of the human race was being jumpscared by the appearance of that cretin Casey Affleck. The scream I scrumpt!
Reynolds Woodcock is the final boss of male manipulators. I bet he would have fucking loved podcasts.
Sometimes I second-guess giving something five stars simply because I do it so often, but then I remember that movies fucking rip and after that I don’t care.
I still remember my mom taking me to see the midnight premiere of this for my twelfth birthday and I doubt I’ll ever forget it. For my money this has the best performances of any Bond film — Dench, Bardem and Craig are all truly superb. Deakins’ cinematography was such a good addition to the series.
Idiosyncratic as hell as far as film structure goes, doesn’t really have a central plot arc or a focus on any character or group of characters in particular. Instead, Nashville is a broad stroke portrait of a city, a country and a people. So impressive that someone could stuff such an effective summary of Americana and the American cultural machine into a less than 3 hour package. Masterpieceee.