

a historian, pursuing films about the past and extremes of experience

Favorite films

  • The Color of Pomegranates
  • November
  • The Pillow Book
  • The Mad Fox

Recent activity

  • Perfect Boy Next Door

  • Don't Talk to Strangers

  • Die Bully Die

  • Saint Maud

Recent reviews

  • Hopepunk


    The only one of the 'Karma's a B*tch!' shorts that wanted to be a bit longer, even if I might not've enjoyed the long film: the living car and the red-eyed zombies aren't my thing, but the setting's tensions deserved to be tugged at more. I appreciate a use of the term 'hopepunk' that means killing fascists. Too earnest at the end for my tastes, though.

  • Perfect Boy Next Door

    Perfect Boy Next Door

    The reveal at the end entirely disintegrates his reason for appearing on the true crime show. If the film wants to pick at the exploitation of these shows – yes, I agree, but what are we to think he says after the credits roll? Surely not the truth.

Popular reviews

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    The People's Joker

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