

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • Brazil
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • A Clockwork Orange

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  • Hard Boiled


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Recent reviews

  • The Rock

    The Rock


    Birth Year Challenge: Part 1:

    A movie that I think I saw only the second half when I was less than 9 years old on a TV showing but remembered so little and was not a full watch of the movie that I pretty much consider this an actual real first-time watch.

    You can absolutely feel how much the Bay-isms would become much more prominent in the future to the point of feeling obnoxious. The camera work sometimes…

  • Kids Return

    Kids Return


    Birth Year Challenge: Part 1:

    Very charming, funny and even heartbreaking coming-of-age tale from Takeshi Kitano.

    Maybe not quite the best from him, but for what it is, it's still top-notch and has all the nice editing and direction choices common in his movies.
    The very last act broke my heart so much.

Popular reviews

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens


    Do I really need to say anything? The hype is real!

    That said without spoiling anything, there were a few nitpicks and smaller issues which prevent this movie from being a total favorite, mostly having to do with the fact that things would get expanded and fleshed in the up-coming sequels, so we didn’t get that much in terms of backstory of characters and world, and though also a strength, the movie seems to own a lot from the very…

  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


    Just like last year, I went and watched at the theater a new Star Wars film and had a blast of a time. Now, The Force Awakens was excellent in many ways and until I finally get to some movies of that year, it's my favorite of 2015. Not only Rogue One is also so far my favorite of this year and turned out to be even better than The Force Awakens, but now it's among my favorites of all-time.…