Dudes rock 🤘 Men 💪 Sports ⚾️
Saw karsten at the music box watttt!!!
A lynchian/good burgian Lovecraftian plane of reality where the Elder Lords of the universe hide in the shadows and make their existence aware to lowly humans by protracted uses of Cyndi laupers time after time
Needed to watch this as someone who has recently spent a lot of time with pigs in the city, and I couldn’t believe that there was a movie with that exact very specific and strange subject matter/concept.
This movie should not exist in its current state. George Millers team went full on monkey with the production design, editing, blocking, cinematography etc. There were truly breathtaking sequences and certain shots that were framed so elegantly and precisely that I couldn’t believe…
Coppola’s Revenge of the Sith? I swear Missandei said one of Padmes exact lines. Mother of dragons this man is either old man yells at cloud senile or he’s transcended into another realm and either way he’s pleading from some real or imagined higher seat in an extremely incomprehensible and hammy but never boring sermon. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and see the light that he sold his 120 million wine collection for.