April Braun

April Braun Pro

cinedork supreme.

Favorite films

  • Fallen Angels
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Godzilla
  • Escape from New York

Recent activity

  • Black Bag


  • Magic Mike XXL


  • The Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung


  • Resident Evil


Pinned reviews

  • Happy Together

    Happy Together


    push and pull, give and take, comforter and comforted, breaking and healing reenacted over and over and over again. erratic and abrupt cuts show a movie less interested in its timeline than its timing.

    hollowed out and dirty buildings are occupied by lonely husks of people, but they also afford some respite from the freezing outdoors. discordant relationships still have moments of harmony. queerness is not defined by suffering.

    what does it mean to be a traveler and come home changed? how do we open our hearts to Life without being lost in the deluge of the human experience?

  • Fallen Angels

    Fallen Angels


    people like ghosts like automatons like grooves on a record like getting your fingers caught in a slamming door like a rowboat in a massive swell like clouds in a mighty wind like a dream like a mirage like an image like an earthquake. decisions are made by someone else until they aren't until they are again until they aren't again. resigning to your fate until your fate suddenly decides to go out for smokes and never return. walking to…

Recent reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    a solid little character drama disguised as a spy movie, Black Bag features healthy amounts of vulgarity and meticulousness with a hint of sentimentality. I wish it had brought juuust a bit more ennui to the party.

  • The Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung

    The Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung


    watched master with cracked fingers but letterboxd doesn't have a page for that?? so here I am. mostly got me interested in watching the movie that was hacked up to make it. my English dub DVD completely started falling apart during the final two fights, eventually only leaving me with a few notes of sunrise from also sprach zarathustra and a mangled image of jackie chan holding a flag. fine enough to chat with a friend overtop of and not much else.

Popular reviews

  • Satan Wants You

    Satan Wants You

    so flustered and flabbergasted at what this really is saying other than creating more content for the content machine. why did you have a podcaster as a source? why did you uncritically present the view of a guy who worked at the FBI in the 80's without talking about what the FBI was up to in the 80's? why do we not deep dive into why the satanic panic was a convenient crisis for evangelicals and Catholics and how this…

  • Kokomo City

    Kokomo City

    rest in peace koko da doll. protect trans people. please. black trans people especially.