It may not have enough content to fill its runtime but here is a story that is actually worth telling.
And almost all the stylistics (and that heavy-handed soundtrack) work
出哂字幕先加句Tolstoy 既quote 係咩事lol
It may not have enough content to fill its runtime but here is a story that is actually worth telling.
And almost all the stylistics (and that heavy-handed soundtrack) work
出哂字幕先加句Tolstoy 既quote 係咩事lol
Every credit of this film go to these wonderful actresses of our time.
Decent cinematography and misc-en-scene don't mean you can inflict excruciating sluggishness to your viewers, not when your characters are strolling , and sometimes philosophising but only at the level of a high schooler, for over 2 hours. Not even by the standard of 1980.
Just watch Solaris.
That ending doesn't change the fact that it's a drab, lifeless and repetitive feature film which could have been a short. Calling these conversations profound is a generous hyperbole, almost an insult to the long list of powerful, complex discussion on the subject of suicide.
"Yes, there is a humanistic feeling underlying the action. Yes, an Iranian director making a film on the forbidden subject of suicide must have courage. Yes, we applaud the stirrings of artistic independence in…