Such a dark film, although the film pulled some of the punches that the book almost broke my jaw with.
I was disappointed that Fincher went a different way with the ending than the book did, it made the world of the story a bit smaller.
Such a dark film, although the film pulled some of the punches that the book almost broke my jaw with.
I was disappointed that Fincher went a different way with the ending than the book did, it made the world of the story a bit smaller.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I’ve missed this. This was fun, but ultimately disappointing. Fury Road was so good, wasn’t it?
The Good
Overall, it was a fun movie. The two major fight scenes definitely whetted my appetite for fiendish spray-painted war boys on an everlasting quest for Valhalla. I loved the machines, and I missed the rock and roll. But I had a good time and would definitely watch it again.
The Bad
A heavy-handed plot and overdeveloped characters pulled me out of the…
Adieu monsieur Bond.
Well, this wasn’t quite jumping the shark but I wouldn’t call this the tightest of this past decades’ Bond series.
To be fair, this film brought back a lot of the tropes, and narrative bits from the classic Bond films which inevitably made it a bit more fanciful.
But I’ll still like this movie. Aston Martins, Land Rovers jumping over each other, the coolest travel ad for Europe/Scandinavia.
Honestly? Daniel Craig may be my favorite Bond. Casino…
Expected to like it more. But, Jeff Bridges is great, and I loved John Goodman. Wasn’t expecting to see Tara Reid?!