i am probably watching a movie right now as you’re reading this
don’t take my reviews seriously i’m just having fun
-1/2 star for not having a challengers-esque threesome between nasha, mickey 17, and mickey 18… bong joon ho did this because the academy snubbed challengers so we, the audience, have to suffer immensely and simply use our imagination to visualize the 2 robert pattinsons kissing!!!
and oh man, when the mama creeper said “secret”, i started laughing so hard that i had several tears stream down my face!! i think i was the only one who found it hilarious!!!
anyway, give robert pattinson two oscars right now idc!!
now for me personally, if i was ellen, i would challengers the fuck out of thomas and count orlok so i can have the best of both worlds!!
obviously, everyone was absolutely phenomenal in this but i really got to say that bill skarsgard is just truly unreal in this!! i never would’ve known it was him with that voice and appearance. i know bitches hate to see him walk in for a weird creature audition!!!
(sidenote: this was my 900th film of the year!!🎉)
your honor, toothless can do no wrong!! he’s innocent!!!!
toothless is exactly what my tuxedo cat thinks she looks like and you know what… she’s right!!!!
roz, fink, and brightbill are my best friends forever!!! this movie is so very special to me <333 and yes i was still sobbing by the end :’))))