Benjamin Skorov

Benjamin Skorov

Favorite films

  • Dead Man
  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Tale of Tales
  • A Serious Man

Recent activity

  • Suck Me Shakespeer 2


  • Suck Me Shakespeer


  • Hit Man


  • Read My Lips


Recent reviews

  • Suck Me Shakespeer 2

    Suck Me Shakespeer 2


    As mentioned in the other review, I've watched the first film and its sequel back to back on a whim, having never seen either. This one's definitely much worse, just in regards to its originality, but the rest of it still stands: it's not very funny, and very offensive, but we get more barely-dressed M'Barek and one or two good laughs.
    I've had worse times with better films.

  • Suck Me Shakespeer

    Suck Me Shakespeer


    I want to clearly separate the film from the viewing experience: this is among the ugliest German productions I've ever seen, full of offensive, unfunny riffs and problematic stereotypes, yada yada, etc. etc. — none of this is news to anyone familiar with the movie. It really is quintessentially bad, a perfect representation of the modern German film industry.
    That being said, it absolutely does have a small handful of honest laughs in it still, M'Barek is still inappropriately hot,…

Popular reviews

  • Paterson



    I tried to find an appropriate response to what I saw and decided to stick with what went on in my mind minutes after leaving the cinema:

    Watching another Jarmusch is like
    coming home.
    But every time you reach the house,
    a new window appears where there
    used to be a wall.
    First it seems great.
    The sunrays dance through the rooms
    and you get a beautiful new perspective, no matter
    which side of the wall you're on.
    But as…

  • Parade of the Planets

    Parade of the Planets


    Honestly, I didn't expect to enjoy it half as much as I did. Almost forgotten, but by pure luck one of my parents' favourite films, Parade of the Planets is one of those unusual Soviet gems that somehow breaks out of the norm. Lively filmed, well-staged and supported by a classical selection of pieces, for the most part, it reminds me of many different things in retrospect. There's Dürrenmatt and Pelevin as writers whose tone seems to echo in the…
