blzs sps

blzs sps

Favorite films

  • 'Til Madness Do Us Part
  • From the Clouds to the Resistance
  • Histoire(s) du cinéma
  • In Vanda's Room

Recent activity

  • Clair de Lune

  • After Yang


  • Columbus


  • Performance


Recent reviews

  • Clair de Lune

    Clair de Lune

    Az öcsém filmje, és (de) nem ezért gondolom, h. szép és tiszta film, világos megmutatás paradox, rejtett módon, azaz titokzatosan vminek, ami testi-lelki összetettségében rendkívül sérülékeny, így közvetlenül nem is ábrázolható, mert banális lesz, széttörik; itt viszont ép marad, és óvatos, gyöngéd nézésre tanít.

  • Los Angeles Plays Itself

    Los Angeles Plays Itself


    "Without a car – you will die.” (Re. Sunset Blvrd.)

Popular reviews

  • Caught by the Tides

    Caught by the Tides


    Saddest, purest, dreamiest, most haunting socialist-realist (crypto-Stalinist) movie I've ever seen.

  • Café Müller

    Café Müller


    Nth viewing. Firmly believe this performance has been one of the most beautifully disturbing aesthetic event of Western art after the second war. Beckett's Le Dépeupleur comes to mind. Rothko's paintings in Tate. Later Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis. Note that most of the dancers – unbelievably – does what (s)he does with their eyes closed. Think about the amount of trust in your partners this must require. Think about their self-confidence. Think about Pina Bausch's gesture she repeats, the way…
