

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Moonstruck
  • The Bourne Supremacy
  • Melancholia

Recent activity

  • Conclave


  • Saturday Night Fever


  • Thelma & Louise


  • The Holdovers


Recent reviews

  • Conclave



    oddly was totally fine with this being dumb and fun until the end, when it somehow felt too dumb. my initial reaction was that the twist was really funny, for whatever reason it's sorta curdled in my brain. the actors are great though and a papal conclave is such a nice setting for a pulpy thriller

  • Saturday Night Fever

    Saturday Night Fever


    Extremely grim, which is apparent from the first scene, but also totally surprising given what I thought this movie was before having seen it. The disco scenes are as good as expected, but mostly fun in a dark way. Travolta is a beautiful dancer though, man.

    It’s really a picture of Brooklyn immigrant society in the 70s, where disco is an escape that ultimately goes nowhere. Life is hopeless and abusive. The only escape for the men is abusing those…

Popular reviews

  • May December

    May December


    Got a lot out of reading others’ reviews on this, particularly max Fisher’s. I think he’s entirely right that [paraphrased] this is about true crime and how voyeuristic it is. Natalie Portman’s eventual prestige movie is total schlock and her time spent in Savannah is basically useless; Julianne Moore is a pedophile, the length of their marriage doesn’t mean anything at all. 

    So: what’s the Todd Haynes approved amount of time to read Mary Kay Letourneau’s Wikipedia page after watching…

  • Pig



    The first of many retrospectives on who held cultural power during the millennial era, but i think this is as good as it's gonna get.

    it starts with a familiar feel - john wick, or don draper, is a chef in the woods and someone steals his pig. he's in the woods of portland OR and everyone in the only city that mattered for 20 years of american culture defers to and worships him, even though he's been gone for…
