
Crampsam Pro

Staunch defender of Freddy Got Fingered

Favorite films

  • The Blues Brothers
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • The Thing
  • Inside Llewyn Davis

Recent activity

  • The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle

  • Wayne's World


  • Die Hard 2


  • Chef


Recent reviews

  • The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle

    The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle

    Less the experimental masterpiece some have made it to be. More so a collection of unrelated scenes jumbled together by people who clearly had no idea how to make a film. It’s not chaotic because it’s meant to match the music. It’s just shite.

    Malcolm McLaren’s lines sound like they were recorded in the world’s most echoey bathroom. I have genuinely no idea why Steve Jones is a hard boiled detective or what exactly he’s investigating. The cinema usher who…

  • Wayne's World

    Wayne's World


    I gave this a really catty review five years ago and I have no idea why because this movie fucking rules. It’s got such a lovably weird sense of humour with the fourth wall breaks and willingness to let awkward dialogue moments just hang there. Really dug this a lot on a rewatch

Popular reviews

  • Tenet



    A movie where the central concept is so needlessly complicated and self important that a character literally tells us “don’t try to understand it.”

    So much time is spent explaining the convoluted story and rules of the universe that barely any time is spent on the characters who are all totally boring.

    Lacked a lot of style and felt way too clean if that makes sense. There’s only so many times I can watch a shot in reverse before it…

  • MH370: The Plane That Disappeared

    MH370: The Plane That Disappeared

    Literally just three straight hours of baseless speculation. A bunch of boring journalists who think they know what happened better than entire teams of rescuers and oceanographers.

    One woman says that she analysed satellite images and says she saw the planes nose in the South China Sea. How does she know it’s the nose cone? She doesn’t explain. What are her credentials? She’s a hobbyist photographer, so apparently that makes her qualified to identify pieces of broken up airplane in…