

I wish I could quit work and watch movies all day.

Favorite films

  • The Godfather
  • Taxi Driver
  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  • Amélie

Recent activity

  • Little Women


  • Taxi Driver


  • Interstellar


  • 1917


Recent reviews

  • Little Women

    Little Women


    Love, heartbreak, comfort and warmth wrapped delightfully in a movie. Following the lives of the March sisters, Little Women simply yet poignantly portrays what it means to be a woman having to operate within the “societal rules” and the constant struggles with self doubt & fears. 
Greta Gerwig’s direction and the stellar performances by an ensemble cast truly elevate the movie, with Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh and Laura Dern shining through. 
The heartwarming depiction of sisterhood & the overall joyous and vibrant feel of the film makes it one of my comfort watches.

  • Taxi Driver

    Taxi Driver


    Loneliness, alienation, isolation. New York streets at night. Spiraling mental illness, ultimate descent into violence. All blend into a great character study of an unstable and flawed yet fascinating and humanised protagonist.

Popular reviews

  • Call Me by Your Name

    Call Me by Your Name


    An Italian summer romance, first love, the hesitation, trepidation, the “wanting to react but not knowing how to”, the “making up things in your head”, the unbearable longing, the misery of not being noticed, the envy, the acting out, the pretence of indifference... The feeling when love is accepted without any judgment, without any external or even to an extent, an internal conflict; and the emotions are more than reciprocated for, the desire, the sensuality, the sincerity, the vulnerability and…

  • 1917



    Visually stunning, intensely gripping right from the beginning; and keeps you emotionally invested throughout. Brilliant filmmaking, simply yet effectively portraying the brutality & futility of war.
