
edojyo_ji Patron

Reviews are often for notes.

Favorite films

  • Paris, Texas
  • The Third Man
  • Blade Runner
  • Hana & Alice

Recent activity

  • The Mad Love Life of a Hot Vampire


  • Friday the 13th


  • Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome

  • The Return of the Whistler

Recent reviews

  • The Mad Love Life of a Hot Vampire

    The Mad Love Life of a Hot Vampire


    Unfortunately doesn’t do too much with the vampire concept. Following a short set-up, the majority of the 60-odd minute runtime is taken up with a trio intercut sex scenes climaxing in slightly gruesome ‘bites’. The (comparatively) plot-heavy beginning and end have some fun moments and cute dialogue (“Run, Dracula, Run!”) but most of the runtime is your typical Steckler ugly sex. 

    Might actually be a good candidate for an AGFA “smut without smut” cut.

  • Friday the 13th

    Friday the 13th


    Remains a bit of a slog; uninteresting characters getting killed in unimaginative ways by an unusually dull Jason.
    Swol-Michael-Cera-meets-Clamp-from-Gremlins-2 Chad still annoys the crap out of me, but looking-for-my-sister-like-the-guy-from-F13:P4 soft-boy is almost as bland.
    The ladies are similarly largely interchangeable and underdeveloped and anything ‘new’ brought to the film is worse than anything in the initial Paramount run. (Tunnels, anyone?) 
    While it should perhaps be praised for retaining the use of physical effects rather than digital and featuring more nudity…

Popular reviews

  • Crazy Desires of a Murderer

    Crazy Desires of a Murderer


    Possibly the least sexy giallo-sexy you’ll ever see but gets a extra half star for Italian Colombo meets Tony Soprano who manages to steal the show. The mystery is no great shakes either. C+

  • Pandora's Box

    Pandora's Box


    Louise Brooks is incredible. 
    This may’ve made her one of my favourite silent actresses. 
    The story itself is no great shakes (divine punishment for the floozie) but Pabst infuses every shot with such beauty, Brooks’ and others, it’s hard to even think much about the plot.