#horror yikes!
My four favorites are ranked by the most recent 5-star film I watched.
An absurd action plot, the usual dose of dim-witted comedy, one of the most stacked cast I've seen in a while (Bad Bunny and a Fiji water bottle???) and complete disregard for the culture it abuses...
Pure fucking entertainment.
Side note: more persuasive communication-- "It's all about framing." really??
The acting is fantastic, on par with the existentialist narrative.
The movie acts as a masterclass in interviewing.
Having gone out of our way to watch this movie in 70mm in the only cinema in the country that offered it, I ended up not entirely sure whether we had just watched a monumental piece of art or something simply too pretentious. After thinking about it way too much (as I tend to do), I realized that’s exactly why I couldn’t help but admire it. It was tough to digest—partially because I came in with too many expectations, and…
Brilliant photographer and brilliant film. Emotive and Rhythmic, Libuše Jarcovjákova's world of infinite film rolls is shown on the big screen and it puts forth distinct messages:
Go out. Document your life. No one else will do it for you. (and, directly to me) stop with your obsession with perfect photos. Enjoy your craft.
"Don't look for the extraordinary otherwise you will jump over your shadow."