Pardon me sir, but what the fuck is this
Pardon me sir, but what the fuck is this
I am disappointed.
I am disappointed in myself.
I am disappointed in the fact that I could not see this grand, revolutionary, explosive, manic, triumphant, joyful, strange and beautiful film in the way it was meant to be seen, up on the screen, in a cinema where it's glory could be given the right treatment.
What a film!
Eureka still floors me every time I see it, with a powerhouse performance from Gene Hackman, a manic story criticizing unrestricted capitalism, and with some of the most batshit insane material I have ever seen from Roeg, an already batshit insane director.
Almost serving as a proto-There Will Be Blood, Eureka stands up with some of Roeg's finest work.
Who knew the guy from Blue Ruin could ruin movies