The story of Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke.
Three and a half years of Jesus' ministry, as told in the Gospel of Luke.
Three and a half years of Jesus' ministry, as told in the Gospel of Luke.
Gesù, Jesus - Segundo o Evangelho de Lucas, The Jesus Film, Aufregung um Jesus, Der Jesusfilm, Jesus der Film, Iso Mahis, Jezus, 耶稣传, Jesús (La vida pública de Jesús), Isus, Jézus élete, La vida pública de Jesús, Iso, Иисус, Исус, Ježíš, 예수, Ιησούς, พระเยซู, Mesih İsa'nın Yaşamı
"the 'JESUS' film has been translated into more than 1,400 languages since its 1979 release. It remains the most translated and viewed film in history."
A remarkable film that, even with some 70s cheesiness, is still entertaining and interesting to watch to this day.
watching this with my parents is great because it means hearing “that’s not how it happened” or “they skipped the part where - “ every five minutes
very comforting film, full of lesson, still the perfect and greatest story evertold imo. and prob for most of the people in this world.
the film could've been better
Technically it lacks any of the spicy camera shots and heart grabbing sound design. But the meat of its message and how well it captures the culture is spot on for anyone looking to celebrate Easter, or just satisfy a curious heart.
Contrary to the small amount of people that have this logged on Letterboxd, globally this is the definitive Jesus film. It is the most translated film ever with a count of 1,977 languages it has been translated to. It was a film that was produced by Campus Crusade as an effort to use Billy Graham revival methods to sway people into following Jesus.
It follows closely to the Gospel of Luke account and had a production crew that is unnamed because they saw themselves simply as "translators of the Bible" in a cinematic language. Its evangelizing bent is evident and this telling of the Gospel story is a bit middle of the road because of it. It feels…
If 8B people saw this then why do only 1.5K of them have letterboxd
I can’t stop laughing why does Jesus look like a poodle
Behold, the root of my religious trauma.
I love Jesus
this happened to me once
"Judas, with a kiss you betray the Son of Man?"
I recently found out that this German Christian tv channel called Bibel TV has a website with streaming service. I wanted to watch a movie from their library so I went for The Jesus Film because I sure as hell am not gonna sit through God's Not Dead instead.
Even though I'm not religious at all I like me a good religious movie sometimes because that bible has a lot of crazy stories in it. This one just retells the life of Jesus for the most part, so it's nothing new, but it sounded like it is the quintessential Jesus movie from what I read about it. Produced by some…
Man y’all weren’t there like i was. RIP.
5 stars