couple of radgies nicking alan shearer’s jaguar? multiple children named after alan shearer? a slow mo shot of prime daddy shearer when he was still clinging onto his glorious yet disappearing locks?
yeah this is for me
couple of radgies nicking alan shearer’s jaguar? multiple children named after alan shearer? a slow mo shot of prime daddy shearer when he was still clinging onto his glorious yet disappearing locks?
yeah this is for me
not a perfect film by any means - thematically convoluted, it touches too lightly on too many issues which muddies the moral waters somewhat.
but there is just so much to love here. the production design is visceral, physical, tactile - you can almost smell this movie. the score is exactly the right level of playful to avoid falling into pastiche, but to retain a terrifying innocence. the iconography is genuinely disturbing, and feels unique within the genre. the bees…