Me: Can we hava a Friday Nights at Freddy's film?
Mom: No, we already have a Friday Nights at Freddy's film at home
Friday Nights at Freddy's film at home:
Me: Can we hava a Friday Nights at Freddy's film?
Mom: No, we already have a Friday Nights at Freddy's film at home
Friday Nights at Freddy's film at home:
This has been on my watchlist for years now due to my fear that it would be "just another zombie flick". But it's not, it's so much more and I now regret putting off watching this for all these years.
Dellamorte Dellamore is by no doubt unique, and it's not hard to see why it's grown to somewhat of a cult classic. With a surreal mix of horror, dark campy comedy, hints of necrophilia, and a plot that makes no sense what so ever. Soavi sets the film apart from numerous other mindless zombie flicks and allows it to standing out as something truly different.
An interesting take on buddhism occult, which is something I can’t recall ever having seen before.
The film starts off promising as a compelling mystery thriller with the two first acts focusing on building an eerie atmosphere centered around the buddhist “Deer Cult”. The plot throughout is convoluted and at times hard to follow, despite this the first two acts are quite interesting and tense at times. Unfortunately all this potential is thrown away in the third act which if anything felt rushed and very anticlimactic, much like this review.
If it weren’t for that fool of a screaming woman in the pub, this film would almost have been perfect.
I’ve always dismissed the Invisible Man as a fairly boring story and never bothered watching it, but I were pleasantly surprised by this. The film plays out like a monty python comedy with a pleasant mix of horror and drama about a madman going on his jolly way killing just for the sake of it.
While the film is entertaining…