

”He’s my real brother!”

A movie so sweaty and kinetic it would make Jake Gyllenhaal take a shower.

Im not kidding. The camera movements and editing were so fast paced I felt nauseous. Whoever gave Michael Bay a drone for Christmas can rest assured he loved it, because there were about 734 drone shots in this movie.

I have no idea where to begin with this film. It’s bonkers. I can’t in good conscience say this movie works because it doesn’t, but it falls squarely into the ‘it’s so bad it’s good’ category. I laughed the whole way through. It’s ludicrously fun.

Some personal highlights for me included:
-Jake Gyllenhaal hamming it up and having the time of his life.
-Watching disgusting and improbable surgery in the back of a stolen ambulance going 100mph while being chased by police officers.
-Watching an ambulance undergo a quick camouflage paint job that was the equivalent of a vehicular Groucho Marx mask.
-The one liners. So many one liners.

Watch this with a group of friends and you’ll have a great time.

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