horror, animation, romance, world cinema. ti west apologist. i change my favs often. objectivity is not real.
(he | 21)
(for both 'seasons', idk why only one is on lb)
i was convinced during episode 1 i was gonna rate this a 10 because of how hard and how often it was making me laugh but it got progressively less funny as it went on until the last episode. the white guy stock photo nearly made me cry. still got at least one laugh per episode from me and dokuro is basically the best character in anything ever
i was tempted to give an extra half a star for the deeply erotic scenes of deadpool getting stabbed repeatedly, which is hot not only because its another man doing it but also because i hate deadpool and his suffering makes my dick hard. however its not worth it even as a half hearted joke because i think i would rather shove sand in my urethra than watch this