

Favorite films

  • Seven Samurai
  • Sanjuro
  • Throne of Blood
  • Harakiri

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  • Last Breath


  • The Wild Robot


  • Black Bag


  • Super Mario Bros.


Recent reviews

  • Last Breath

    Last Breath


    An intriguing and tense watch, but one that I felt could have improved on its character work. With it being a true story I would have liked to have seen more of the characters lives outside of this job. Nonetheless, it was very gripping and had excellent cinematography, sound and production design. The cast all give good performances too.

    However, as much as I did enjoy this, and would recommend it, I think the next time I revisit this story will be through the documentary instead.

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    I really enjoyed the character dynamics in this and most of the cast give good performances. In terms of story however, I was expecting a bit more. I enjoyed it for what it was but I found it very slow and that made me lose track in places. Its shot and edited really well though. I'd recommend giving it a watch but I wouldn't expect anything amazing coming from my personal viewing experience.

Popular reviews

  • Lee



    I really think the first fifty or so minutes of this could've been cut. Everything up until Lee going to the war in Europe felt unnecessary to actually show, and probably could've been summed up in a couple of sentences before the film began. The performances weren't great either with the exception of Kate Winslet.

    There were a few really good and powerful scenes when it focused on the effects these events had on Lee. However, it felt like the director Ellen Kuras didn't actually know what she wanted to do with Lee's story.

  • Presence




    My new least favourite film of all time. This has the worst written dialogue and pacing I've ever seen. Some of the most dreadful performances I have ever witnessed and headache inducing camera work. The premise is interesting but the execution is abysmal. Only thing the film has going for it was probably the production design. So glad this was only 85 minutes because it was embarrassing and painful to watch.
