Coppola really takes a bite, doesn’t he.
Beautiful theatrical presentation.
(That shiner under Michaels eye takes what, nine months to fade?)
Coppola really takes a bite, doesn’t he.
Beautiful theatrical presentation.
(That shiner under Michaels eye takes what, nine months to fade?)
“Why did you fall asleep?“
If one’s perception is reality then someone’s perception becomes a reality. Do individual realities devolve the quality of ones relationship?
How many reproductions before the value of all is diminished and we’re just rude assholes bitching about corked wine in Tuscany?
I don’t know, I’m clearly talking out of my ass but there is some accomplished camera work in here to be sure. That extended driving out of town scene shot through the windshield is…
“I find myself in strange situations and do inexplicable things.”
-I should put this on a bumper sticker.
Countess Nadine Carody, a lesbian vampire with a floor show in Istanbul infiltrates the dreams of pouty legal assistant, Linda (Ewa Strömberg)
When they meet on business at the Countess’s island retreat, formally owned by her Uncle Drak, Nadine seduces and begins the the process of turning Linda to the dark side, or in this case, the fun and sun beach retreat…
“I want you to go to each Ford agency and find Dr Fulton.”
“OK, which should I do first?”
Cary Grant is an industrial chemist who feels he is near a breakthrough on a youth formula.
One of his test chimpanzees escape and in one of the more incredible chimp scenes I think I’ve ever seen, the chimp sits at a lab table and mixes up his own concoction, disposing of it in the office water cooler.
It sounds dumb…