Joe Gola

Joe Gola Pro

Favorite films

  • Black Narcissus
  • Nights of Cabiria
  • M
  • Simon of the Desert

Recent activity

  • But the Flesh Is Weak


  • Mickey 17


  • Fantômas: The False Magistrate

  • Heretic


Pinned reviews

  • Summer School

    Summer School

    WOW. There is a lot to unpack here.

    Summer School a.k.a. Mag Wheels is a vansploitation movie, and if you don't know what that is, I recommend reading Jason Coffman's excellent Freedom, Fun and Fine Transportation: A Brief Guide to Vansploitation Cinema. Basically, these movies are generally about young, unambitious men having fun adventures in their custom vans. The adventures are typically van-competition-related, romantic/sexual, or both. The tone is always fun-loving, antiauthoritarian, and horny.

    This particular vansploitation film opens on…

  • The Birds

    The Birds


    Why The Birds is Hitchcock's Most Evil Film

    To fully understand the pure evilness of The Birds, we have to go back and put it in the context of the time period and of Hitchcock's career. Hitchcock is famously known as the Master of Suspense, and the films that he's most associated with today all have a slightly sinister character — Psycho is straight-up terrifying, of course, but Vertigo, Rebecca and even Rear Window all have a dark and unsettling…

Recent reviews

  • But the Flesh Is Weak

    But the Flesh Is Weak


    But My Patience Is Weak.

    Father-son duo Florian and Max Clement are a pair of jolly rascals out looking for wealthy women to wed. Max (Clement fils) happens upon the good-natured, eccentric and filthy rich Joan, whom he charms, but then shortly thereafter meets widow Rosine, who melts his mercenary heart into a romantic porridge. "Women like a direct attack, that's my experience," says pa Florian as the first line of the film, and Max apparently took this to heart,…

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    I'm seeing some reviews of this one calling it messy or unfocused, and, yes, it is messy … but I think in a good way. Certainly I've leveled that criticism myself against movies that never quite chose to be one thing or another and so ended up feeling like nothing at all, but to me Mickey 17 is more like a sci-fi smorgasbord. It's got clones, colony spaceships, space politics, tech ethics, new planets, alien encounters … far from being…

Popular reviews

  • Event Horizon

    Event Horizon


    Was hoping for cool, Alien-style science fiction, got trashy haunted house movie in space (complete with spooky lightning because they're in Neptune's atmosphere). It's dorky and clichéd, and at heart it has the sensibilities of a 1980s straight-to-VHS body horror movie. So, basically, it's Hellraiser 2047: Shadow of Uranus.

    That may all sound pretty harsh, but I have a particular grudge against this movie because back in 1997 I stupidly suggested going to see it on a double date at…

  • The Endless Summer

    The Endless Summer


    The atomic bomb of relaxation, and the last glimpse of peace before Vietnam.