Josh Ferrara

Josh Ferrara Patron

Favorite films

  • Dune: Part Two
  • The Godfather
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Casino Royale

Recent activity

  • Doctor Strange


  • Captain America: Civil War


  • Mickey's Christmas Carol


  • The Muppet Christmas Carol


Pinned reviews

  • TRON: Legacy

    TRON: Legacy


    One of those rare occasions where the follow-up movie surpasses the original in basically every way. What Tron lacked in clear story arc and character development, Tron: Legacy makes up for in spades. 

    Full context: I rode the Tron: Lightcycle / Run ride at Walt Disney World last month and it reignited my love of Tron. I watched the original again at Disney, and I’m finally getting around to rewatching Legacy. 

    This is one of the strongest examples for me…

  • Muppets Haunted Mansion

    Muppets Haunted Mansion


    I could write an entire review about a Muppets rendition of Dancing In The Moonlight, but I'll refrain. 

    I don't know why I’m surprised, but this one is significantly better than the 2003 Eddie Murphy Haunted Mansion movie. It's not a feature length film, and obviously it's a Muppets special... but I’m telling you it's fun. 

    So many great references to the original ride, characters portraying original Haunted Mansion roles, and a storyline that actually fit in the theme.

    It's possible that this becomes a new Halloween tradition with my kids. They had me at "welcome foolish muppets". Watch this and enjoy.

Recent reviews

  • Doctor Strange

    Doctor Strange


    Ohhhh man, now we're getting somewhere!

    Short and sweet: I think it's my favorite from the MCU so far.

    The introduction to the multiverse concept is definitely cool, but I really appreciated the time manipulation aspects in particular.

    I need to rewatch soon just to pick up on more of it, but I love it. The casting, the mood, and the concept. Very fun.

  • Captain America: Civil War

    Captain America: Civil War


    Now we're getting into the Marvel films I have not watched before. Exciting!

    This one was heavy, friends fighting against friends, getting into some of the bigger moral questions. I like it, but I'm also glad the entire series isn't exactly like this.

    Overall I liked this one (and all of the Captain America entries), but it did leave me a little uneasy seeing our friends fight against each other, which is ultimately why it wasn't a full 4 stars.

Popular reviews

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

    The Grand Budapest Hotel


    I’m a fan of Mr. Anderson’s work, so it’s no surprise that I love this film. I guess I’m just surprised that it still brings me enjoyment with each successive watch. So much interesting character, European charm, and of course, symmetry. One of my favorites.

  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie

    The Super Mario Bros. Movie


    I’m not a deeply devoted Mario fan, and I wouldn't consider myself a video game connoisseur. The only game console we had in our childhood home was my dad’s old Atari. The large majority of my pre-adult gaming experience came from playing on consoles at the homes of friends and cousins, or exploring PC games and emulators at home. 

    And yet, this movie was deeply nostalgic for me.

    The Music
    I can't go any further without mentioning the score. Oh my…