

Favorite films

  • My Own Private Idaho
  • Phantom Thread
  • The Handmaiden
  • Wild Strawberries

Recent activity

  • James Acaster: Repertoire

  • James Acaster: Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999

  • Mitch Hedberg: Mitch All Together

  • Paddington 2

Recent reviews

  • Paddington 2

    Paddington 2

    I’m no stranger to contempt and the corrosive ways in which it can paralyze; overwhelming you in fear and shame and turning even the happiest child into a jaded and stunted shell of their previous self.

    What I thought was just the core of my own personal hell has somehow managed to sink its putrid teeth into our entire societal fabric spreading across every interaction and art form.

    Truthfully, it feels more and more like we live in a world…

  • Dados


    mama’s first time at the cinema. She laughed, she was a bit nervous and she said she felt weird being there since most other people were “young”. She was so happy to see some older women there too though. She loved it and I will never forget this day as long as i live. I love you, Mina. you deserve so much more

Popular reviews

  • Lady Bird

    Lady Bird

    One day I'll be outside a mosque somewhere where there's culture and I'll call my mom and tell her I love her and I'll be free.Maybe that's where the real challenge starts but I'll just have to keep going.
    Remember; you're worthy of love.

  • Paddington


    I hope one day i can be as brave and gentle as Paddington.He truly is heartwarming.
