Lev Berkman

Lev Berkman

Favorite films

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  • The Thin Red Line
  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
  • The Martian

Recent activity

  • Men


  • Devs


  • Annihilation


  • Ex Machina


Recent reviews

  • Barbie



    Only Greta Gerwig could pull this off.

  • Tenet



    Sure, it was complicated, but I didn't really care enough about the characters to try figuring it out.

Popular reviews

  • Citizen Kane

    Citizen Kane


    Truly a masterpiece. First-time director Orson Welles somehow managed to perfect all the filmmaking techniques classic Hollywood had developed to that point, while collaborating with cinematographer Gregg Toland to push the bounds of what film cameras could do, setting the tone for both the film noir and nouvelle vague styles.

  • Broken Blossoms

    Broken Blossoms


    It's absolutely wild a film so controversially anti-racist at the time of its release can still be so unbelievably racist. While Broken Blossoms or The Yellow Man and the Girl features a sympathetic Chinese title character and cinema's first interracial romance at the height of the "Yellow Peril", it features yellowface and just about every Orientalist trope and cliché you can think of.

    But the racism isn't malicious in intent, and the film is technically brilliant. Director D. W. Griffith applies…
